Time just wheeze by... Just one week ago, was preparing for the AC..
In the short span of one week.. Experienced the good, the bad and the ugly...
In short, no man is perfect. And even for myself.. it's not just a period of stretching but testing... Privileged to serve for the 9 out of the 10 sessions on the choir stand.. The only session* Fri Nite session* that I didn't cuz I wanted to rest and *hopefully* be "ministered" to in the main Hall (dimly sat in the last few rows of max pavillion on first nite and couldn't see the screen!! BAD experience... )- and actually went queuing.. BUT due to some hiccups in the communications in the crowd flow control.. the last to come became the first to enter main hall... Nah, I didn't kick a big FUSS like the couple that Tris & JY illustrated - i put on my 包公 face.. *me comprised of flesh & blood and clocking only that no. of hours of snooze time and having a pair of rabbit eyes with eyelids that refuse the fake parapets to be reinforced above for extra vavavoom glam (translate: swollen eyelid with non-stop tearing right-eye that melted the waterproof upmarket lash glue which result in self-peeling eyelash).. and guessed that the bo-chupness was ultra evident...(cuz cgl tried to downplay the miscom..- which I'd already know but refused to acknowledge... but by then it's more 钟无艳 than 包公 face: Translate: from full-fledge black to half-black) so just forced a smile at him... which I know I ought not to.. but the carnal side presided for the short 30 minutes... [oh well.. I get to see the talentime segment... and saw my friends' performance. :) ] Felt bad to do a singalong Praise and was gently-chastened during the new song we sang for worship.. Texted cgl an apology msg for my bad attitude earlier.. haha..
That's the imperfect part - for me...
But the uglier sights were the complaints.. the booking of seats.. the sleeping @ table during the lunches when guest speakers were sharing - and yup, these are delegates wearing blue landyard - translate : own members..
Thankfully the foreign delegates that I met were.. wow !.. Shared the table with a couple of New Life Church members during the lunch with Dr AR Bernard. Was with Jiajia & Yvonne.. we were wondering if that was Wing sitting at our table.. until he introduced his profession to another foreign delegate that he was a 创作歌手! I was ….!! ... As it seemed rude just to interrupt their conversation, we just chatted among ourselves until he left for practice.. (Apparently for the segment in the evening..) Chatted with the brother, (not a full time worker, but from his manner of speech, should be a lay leader) from New Life Church.. in pure mandarin (almost, except a few words which I couldn’t translate in time)! Thank goodness for my 10 years of (primary & secondary) education in cheena schools, I could pass for a native Mandarin speaker! >.< They are ever appreciative of our church, of Pastor Kong's teachings.. and ever humble to learn from us (despite them being so creative!! ) Just brought to mind how the members have taken the pastors for granted.. tsktsk... and we not catching what’s in Pastor’s vision but the members of the affiliated churches are…
And the fear instilling prophecies and the machaim monastery-typesy calling (放下世俗万物) and the order of priority - and kinda contradictory to the Word of God and what we, as a church believed in - which left some of us uneasy that Sat evening.. No doubt on his healing gifting. Then again, evangelists are often controversial and peculiar. No matter what, one can just be ignorant ad just take everything @ surface level and word for word. (Same goes for what you read on the papers..) Have to test the prophesies with word of God. Like how Pastor gently “refuted” the interesting few points that was preached in the preceding morning session – with verses in the Bible!
Was educated, encouraged, empowered by the sessions.. especially those by Dr AR Benard and Dr Phil Pringle.. as well as Pastor Kong's .. :)
And what I took away from this five days is not just the superficials [like the make-up or dressing – which in actual fact, I did not revamp my wardrobe or makeup (save for the parapets!) hence to say- QC passed!] But the hair.. yup.. i like the styling BUT the removing of hairspray is torturous!! But what left a more lasting impression was how He sees me in spite of..
As reflected in the last chorus of “The God I know”
The Church He knows, righteous and holy
The Church He knows, faithful and true
The Church He knows, a tower of refuge
Hearts are healed, Christ revealed.
The Church He knows, light of this city
The Church He knows, strengthens the weak
The Church He know, is strong and mighty...
As He is, so are we.
Who comprise of His Church? We.. Need to up the faith level..
As for 2009, I wonder if … (Felt that it’s time but … I lack the faith & the BIG push) And I want further studies.. Definitely not in taxation/ accountancy.. but perhaps another degree in another discipline – like creative arts?
And yes..was glad to catch-up/fellowship with Xiaorong (haven't talked to her for long time.. cuz serving different locations).. whom I got to spend loads of time with throughout the 5 days.. :) *haha, think I attended most of my electives with her! Thanks dear for helping me with my lashes and your endurance of my nonsense at times.. and haha squeezing me with ur cg during the sesssions.. *hugs* .
And kei.. thanks for bearing with my haha nonsense too.. especially on the 钟无艳 nite... [so happy for you.. the ng appointment! yay! I can pop by ur shop during lunch... :)]
And thanks for Joyce & Joy.. I have pretty glam glam hair for two nite sessions.. :)
Nah, not gonna post up AC-related pix ...Afterall, there are enuff of them on Facebook... Or maybe if I feel like it .. haha..