click me!!

Friday 29 December 2006

deliberating... which one?

hmmm spent the last hour deliberating whether to place the order for this....
my mini is going crazy cuz the battery can last a few hours and the top part falling apart... this this nano is for a good cause... US$10 will go to the global fund to fight aids in Africa .. see JoinRed

12 hours..

had been working 12 hours for the past two days... hmmm well.. well.. it's stretching ..

certainly... leaving otd is not that easily achievable (unlike some.. )

guess it's human nature for man to love to compare... is it such a surprise that some are more busy than others? Or does it boost one's ego that one seemed to be perceived more laden with work than others.. comparing grapes and strawberries aren't exactly appropriate.. but grape would love to perceived grapes and strawberries are on par... (even though strawberries at times can't help to think of squeezing the juice out of the grapes... cuz grapes seems to have the idea that strawberries cannot survive without grapes...) Hello?? well well.. in parables again.. BUT strawberries would emerge victorious... (*wink*)

Just did the two "Thank You" cards for my leaders.. well. well.. the last ever ba... no time to indulge in this hobby of mine... while i was making them - just finished them an hour ago... was reminded not to be like "martha"...

it's 3:38am.. I need to seek Him.. tata... and yes.. i'm starting work in 5 hrs!

Tuesday 26 December 2006

Charlotte's Web

hmmm read this book quite some time ago, caught the movie too... (should have teared buckets too... )

caught the movie version with joyce after the spending the carnival coupons (once again.. i played the vertical wheel thingy... which the feeling can be described as being in the aircon vent!).

despite knowing the storyline, it was a captivating movie.. well.. the animals diagloues can be hilarious at times (i like the scarecrow & crow part.. ahha; as well as the sheep responding in the "follower" mentality...), yet still revelations came while watching the movie... (well.. God moves in interesting ways.. He likes to speak to me via certain things that the character said and acted... ) and yes.. I teared a lot (if not for the "tap" that restrained the gushing "waterfalls") partly of the story and partly of what God was trying to tell me thru' the conversions between wilbur & charlotte..

certainly.. God is a not One that lies.. His words are YES and amen.. And like what charlotte promised wilbur that he would be the first spring piglet to see winter... and inspite of everything and herself, she selflessly places herelf on the tightrope to see thru her promise to wilbur.. Indeed, wilbur because of Charlotte's help and effort, he did won the governor's prize and yes.. escaped the fate of being cured ham... She literally laid down her life for him, cuz of the bond between them...

It's a great Christmas movie cuz in a way, what charlotte did, does in a way depicts what Jesus has done for us, the mankind.. laying down His life, sacrificing Himself for the wrongs not what He has done, but for what we have done...

And yes.. whatever dreams/ visions given... it will come to pass.. wait for the kairos time.. Just like how a spider catches its meal.. it spin the web .. and wait....

rating : 5 out of 5.. - biased opinion.. :)

p.s. Can't bear to eat ham.. pig fo next few weeks...

a good race

well.. matter of fact... it wasb't really a great day as i thought it should be.. cuz (a) I woke up late.. (b) i was sat with unresponsive pple ... (c) the person in front of me decided to be a BIG block to block my view .. but as the drama progressed... the mood gets better... ANd... what really brighten my day was the little tap on the back while i was walking back to my seat after the altar call.. the familar face of my dear cgl.. Ryan... :) really miss him... so glad that he's back for good (very sooon...).

felt bad... didn't have time to really get a christmas gifts for my cgls.. cuz too many things on hand... will make it good for thanksgiving...

hmmm.. really thank my dear members who made it happen for the fulfilling the goal of 40K! hmmm at least we make it high for christmas.. not really 1+1 but nearing there... Thanks my dear bro eUgene! You really make things happen!

hmmm it may not haven started well but at least it's gonna end good.. one more week... can't afford to lose steam... :)

Monday 25 December 2006

merry Christmas! the candlelight service...

The snapshot of the candelight service taken with my K610i, using the panaroma setting. hmmm a broadview of the hall...

The candle...
Time flies.. Just seemed that we've came expo not too long ago.. and we've been a year there! Hmmm very different feeling all together this year.. cuz last year... I was happily busy serving in the expo choir... (on duty every week...), this year round... well.. taken a step back and hmmm still served in a couple services, gotta pull out of the vivo caroling cuz of cg.. ( the irony is that i went to support two out of the 3 VIVO gigs... haha... well ... things happen for a reason.. If I'd been in the caroling gig, i would not be able to answer vic's call and... ya.. not sure how things will flow then... well well....)

Appreciation Nite for choir is mid Jan... well.. i hope it's not my last yet... hmm... though the chance is high...

It has been a loooong weekend... hard work.. bUt wOrth it...
Many thoughts and feelings ... let me sort and blog it when I'm more up to it... Yeah... the final lap for Sun!

Another thing to pOnder and pray.. the dateline is 28 Feb 07.. DO i have to go thru' it again? or... just wait?

Saturday 23 December 2006

a "happening" day!

  1. bought the brown and orange kitty cubes.. from MAc happy meal...(left the green one to complete my collection) - don't really fancy helly kitty but this is cute... :)
  2. received a phone call regarding a real-life crisis situation...
  3. breakthru' no. for my cg!
  4. handling the many facets of emotions.. anger, frustration, joy, panic, excitement ... all in a few hours...
  5. and my headache is onsetting again...

Christmas services happening this weekend @ EXPO hall 8.. call me if you wanna come.. there will be candlelight services :)

Friday 22 December 2006

trying to catch winks...up for 22 hrs

yups.. cuz haven't got time to warp present/ make& write cards.. cuz it's been a crazy period...

i need to zzzz a while before heading to wOrk.. cuz it's quarterly closing..

AND miracle can happen.. from 0 to 5 to 10 to 15!! thanks for those who are running with me... esp... my brother eugene... :)
Believing for MORE... :)

and i received an sms from missy down Under.. why must u always spring no surprise surprise return on me... miss ya gal.. FINALLY u are back!!


got my long awaited pay (okie, not that much..YET.. it will soon be...) and gave myself a lil pat on the back... haha..

worked till 8 (cuz clOsing bks), met vic, my x-colleague for dinner... popped to Marina Sq for a late shopping..saw this very sparkly crystals laid jeans @ skin BUT alas.. it was tooooo big for me.. actually most of the smaller sizes had ran out...cuz the sales had started for quite sometime.. (well.. i know but i didn't have the time for me to pop by when the 50% promo started... ) well. well... still i bought this more subtle pair.. design is rather toned down compared to those that caught my eye initially... (now how i wished...i was fatter... ??) but still its not bad... it was a steal @ 50% less... still more ex than my esprit ones... and tried on another coral dress top... it was great bUt too hawaiian.. so settled for another coral short sleeve tee... ahha...

won't be buying clothes till 2007.... keke

Thursday 14 December 2006

attack in the invisible realm...


let just say that it's battle after battle.. I've already taken the lowly step to ack. something which i wasn't aware of... well.. no response.. the blood is now not in my hand.. whether he like it or not.. I will continue to do per normal.. if he choose to abide in whatever he hear... God bless the source that is tainting the name... well.. doing things in the light.. else i won't be doing what ive been doing rite? hmmm.. well.. if he choose to hang on and cling and clive.. I've no choice either.. don't worry.. this will not stop me.. if he chooses to influence his sphere of influence to his mis-interpreted view of me.. well.. what goes around come around.. REST assured.. your words and actions HAVE ZERO impact on me.. so i've moved on since i tried to make peace despite your irresponsiveness.. cuz the world doesn't stop revolving b'cos you rejected the plea...

battle two.. the warfare in the east... ya.. once again.. it's full blast attack.. on many fronts.. i've tried my best to return home as early as i can.. CAN't I do what I want and need to do? p.o @ 27? ya... not to the knife extent.. but close to threats of need not return home... and ya.. do you think i'm partying out? nah... i wish... Latest offensive.. minutes ago.. (cuz reached mrt station @ 12. went to shopNsave for AL foil.. cuz 7-11 doesn't sell AND it was POURING when i reached pasir ris.. AND ya.. took a cab home when i'm two busstop away cUZ i was without brolly..)

challenge... 23 in 05.. became 21 in 06.. to reach 30 by 17 Dec.. I need a miracle... and really appreciate those who stood by... and thanks for those helping mr SA to try to pit my fall by being his coy... i hope u wake up soon.. revelation: repeated reminder from my cgl not to be affected by wat man thinks..

BIGGEST Challenge today (ok.. not the biggest... BIGGEST is the above...) churn out 200 perfect candles by daylight.. ya.. with help from.. princess & Holy Spirit.. Lord.. no DARK RINGS later pls!

Tuesday 12 December 2006

Monday 11 December 2006

catching up..

hmm met up with shu'en..
funny that despite not seeing each other for 11 years... and she can't really recognise me @ 1st glance.. guess i shed some unnecessary weight since... >.<

despite the gap in communication, we warmed up very fast and kept talking (and talking )from 730 to 1130... hmmmm... it was great time catching up.. and yes... naturally came to the "A" question.. nope.. not.. attached.. (funny that Michelle was asking me to help her advisor-to-be or perhaps now her advisor to get attached... ha.. )hmmm.. hmmm... well.. i guess this topic stops here.. tsk tsk...

hey v, you were in cityhall ard 7? saw a lady that resembles you wearing red top... is that you?


Hmm.. it's a much easier task than my orginal "portfolio".. At least 50 % responded within 15 minutes (unlike the sheep i usually dealt with..) Well, i wonder why? All are sheeps.. but sheep of different nature... Ah.. not that challenging.. but ah.. more fulfilling...

Hmm buttercup, ya, I'm kinda "provoked" by certain martians.. cuz they are not protraying the characteristics of a Martian.. Well.. just irritated that why 'their "Yes" can't be a "yes"? Instead, they are like being tossed ard by wind! well.. E

Was chatting with cuiqi after the caroling pract @ SMU last nite.. hmm, i wished I've "kan po" le.. then i can do what it's fun to do... cuz less headaches, less heartaches.. But there's still a part of me ( a HUGE part) that still clings on.. Hmm am stopping the indulgence of pity parties... and ya... stop the subtle mini-protest...

It's time to focus.. have a draining talk with someone earlier.. am provoked that despite the info and impartation.. she still didn't get it! It's time to eliminate the "martha" nature!

Dislike the fact of in the known and yet info is still private.. ha..

Rain down...
all around the world we're singing...
Rain down...
my heart is dry but still i'm singing...

Eph 4:1 " I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called,"

Sunday 10 December 2006

big heart

indeed.. else how can one endure and focus and run the race.. thanks mr "italy". you might think that by saying "no", i might not be to detect but nope... i did... I'm not dense... really not

Saturday 9 December 2006


Indeed.. December is a month of thanksgiving.. A festive month.. And Yes.. Each December seemed to get busier and busier... (yeah.. caroling @ vivocity. hippobus & chjimes.. ! =)

2006 is ONE of the MOST colorful year in my 20+ years of existence on this planet and on this ISland state called Singapore...

this is a year of utmost transitions... and ups and downs.. and ups and downs... and downs... and ups.. interesting encounters with the various speices of martians... the mcps ones...

yet... there are two mentors/leaders God has place directly over me that i truly truly am very greatful of, who guided me thru 2006 thru' the chastening.. the challenges posed... thanks alvin and steven! Esp Steven, whom i really appreciate your time and efforts in shaping this mule from within...I appreciate the personal time he sacrificed to impart to me.. the meals u blessed the cg with.. and thanks for having the faith in me despite of the numerous mistakes in this few months... who encouraged me when @ the pit and who spur me on again... thanks steven! It's my privilege to be able to help u in this half a year... thanks for the impartation.. the discipleship that many don't get to receive... felt bad that I didn't make it happen but.. you will be able to witness the revival in w110... amen!

And alvin... thanks for the faith u had in me.. for your encouragement in my worst pit...

Restoration... MORe than what you can think or imagine of...

It's really by divine arrangement that I ended up attending thur's cg instead of Fri... hmmm.. frankly.. when I heard the arrangements that will about to take place.. I was nonchalant.. (hmm like the disbandment of n181.. nah, no history AIN't gonna repeat itself... ) Yet.. by 745pm.. reality sank in.. and I just felt" 舍不得"... yet I know if it ain't public info yet, it will remain private.... well.. yet.. God is good and HE is real.. YES.. you may not be able to see Him, but you can sense His Presence..

For the very first time.. I was totally & throughly touched by His love and presence right from praise to worship.. (thank God the mascara is Very waterproof.. !) well.. i can really sense the breakthru' upon my life towards the 2nd worship... by tear duct had overworked.. I don't supposed I'd felt this way for a very long time...

my cgl prophesized over me... And truly...the words he spoke is a confirmation (upon confirmation) of what God has spoken to me.. these few days... but just didn't seemed to register in my mind.. I claimed the prophesys by faith.. I was reminded of what He has spoken to me @ the Anglican Retreat Centre approximately 4 years+ ago.. my first couple of zone meeting.. Indeed, His timing is the best timing... it's coming to pass.. if only i spring up and get back on my feet... Yes... what's been devoured by the locusts will be restored.. not one fold.. two folds.. but manifolds... And truly... He hears the desires of my heart.. And It will come to pass... if I don't lose heart and really seize this moment... And i will.

change is the only constant in life... Embrace change.. you might not understand it .. but just trust in the Creator God.. He who creates All things that came into existence... His way may be higher than our way.. you may not comprehend @ the present moment.. YEt.. revelation will come according to His best timing for us...

I love You.. my Heavenly Father.. :)

Wednesday 6 December 2006

Strength & Courage...

What's "strength"?
It is the ability to rebounce in the midst of failure when you fail. The speed at which one bounces back determine how strong one is...

What is "courage"?
Courage is not found in the absence of fear.. Courage is the boldness and willingness to confront your fear...
Courage is defined as the ability to step out into the unknown...


Somethings just cannot slipped past certain people.. esp the anointed ones.. Or rather.. one maybe too transparent in certain aspects.. too transparent to yet another fellow earthing to note one's presence two days back, to the extent that that fellow earthing.. or rather MArtian... waved byeee to fellow MArtian.. and ignored the presence of earthing... (Earthing decided not hold it against the martian..)

enuff of space speech...

it's gonna be a BUSY week.. gee.. no time to meet up with shu'en.. sigh.. gotta squeeze time out... And.. ya.. in the silly attempt to show childish response to what's beyond my understanding.. I over-committed myself.... sigh.. yet.. I know it can be done... (i can anticipate greater long suffering - sigh.. cuiqi.. think only you know what I'm talkin abt.. Thanks for having happy meal with me just now... :))

over is over... look forward... move forward... can't turn.. cuz the back is not shielded.....

Monday 4 December 2006


yup.. that's how i'm feeling right now...

i guess today ain't exactly the best SUNday that princess has been thru...

yet.. she pressed on... cuz there's more to's not time to thrOw tantrums.. not to throw in the towel...

Friday 1 December 2006

CLouds and Rainbow

yup.. that's what i saw earlier... during cg...

a big white fluffy white cloud ... that's abt to sink & POUR over our lives... and from the rainbow.. I was reminded of how Abraham was reminded by God on the convenant HE has with him via this covenant....

physically tired... nation wise... we see how...

the heavy G4

borrowed my bro's iBook cuz I don't have internet access @ work (cUz contract staff ~ well.. limited access to all things.. felt like 2nd class citizen @ times... ) and the notes were not uploaded last midnight when i checked, hence lugged the iBook to work.. lugged it to MacDonalds... cuz free wireless access ... Not complaining.. but I just do what I could to help..

checked my email.. and saw the new Vaio in dec issue of Sony emag... and they have it in different shades... Needless to say which is my fave.. obviously the PINK one!! (so me rite?)

Pretty rite? hmmm... very tempted..