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Monday 21 July 2008


Smith... ah... my 偶像!! Alright, I know he ain't the drop dead gorgeous type.. but i can really swoon over him.. charmed by his goofy kinda jokes from fresh prince of bel-air era (okie.. youngersters will be thinking generation-gap.., but not really, i was pretty young while that was showing on air... .)but hey, think his acting improved lotsa over the years..

Alright, I admit that I will myself to catch hancock not having the slightest idea of the storyline (except it's a superhero typesy show) but main attraction is obv the male lead... And not being bias.. I usually enjoyed the shows with will in it.. really...and this is no exception...

but it was really entertaining.. and hilarious at times.. and yet.. thought provoking too..  to choose between love and heeding your calling.. woo.. like flesh vs spirit.. T_T" [enuff said]

Next movie looking forward to Wall-e (like the way wall-e pronouces his name..)

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