click me!!
Friday, 21 December 2007
Stretched beyond imagination...
The neurons within being overworked..
The temple within neglected, the temple without falling apart...
The unexpected happened at the VERY last minute, the least expect occurrence..
Friday, 14 December 2007
You Are a Creative Gift Giver |
![]() Your gifts are one of a kind, special, and well chosen. Whether you've made it yourself or searched all over town... There's really no one who has more of a personal touch than you. |
You Are a Snowflake |
![]() You live for the winter - blizzards, cold nights, snowball fights! The holidays are just a bonus! |
You Are Rudolph |
![]() Sweet and shy, you tend to be happiest when you're making someone else happy. Why You're Naughty: You sometimes stick that nose where it doesn't belong Why You're Nice: Christmas would be a sad affair without you! |
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
the rain is falling... (no snow in S'pore)
Had been freezing cold recently.. This is Singapore's style of christmas/ winter! Wet and cOld.
It has been two weeks @ jurong west le. Despite of the journey,I prefer the JW to Expo.
hmm compared to a year ago.. this is much more pleasant... hehee.. I get to do what I like.. (*yet I don't feel that much fulfilled, cuz ya...* perhaps i procrastinate a little more*)
yay! finally can go carolling! * last year only did the ard bishan one..the adult zone thingy...* yay!
read in Vory's blog that they have a blast of a time last Sat.. hmm cuz of the time, it was already 8 when service ended, decided to go fellowship with kei & her member, jessica.. HAHA! realised that I've not chatted witb her for a long while! ( we used to be bUs kaki- on way home from JW after service.. hehehe!)
Hmm oh yay, really happy that the non-youths from w80 came over.. haha, maybe it's the "common blood" that flow among us.. (that was my 1st cg ma! kekeke) I really enjoyed their company... We caught the movie "mr. magorium's wonder emporium" with the cutesy gals in the cg- ivory, estelle, janet,june and r8ch oh.. and the always ard guy - sam.. all of the gals * except for janet* was packed into the back of sam's car.. aNd it was fUn.. & nOisy.. Like the show.. touching.. and yes.. aUdible reminder of things I oughta be doing...
And the aftermath of the movie *it was a midnite show* was the HIGHLIGHT OF THE NITE.. cuz the ever sotong me couldn't find my keys... Frantically searched my bag but nah... henceforth, I made many desparate calls back home to no avail. almost resorted to bunking in with estelle when my mom called me and yup.. the decibel level WAS HIGH!. Interestingly, i couldn't find my keys@ home so thought that it would be in office.. Oh well.. on Monday, i searched my cabinets in office and nOpe.. Then, a thought struck me, it may be in that riverIsland mini clutch that i stuff my earphones.. Lo and behold... it was in it.. MAN... I faced the music for no apparent reason... Sigh.. if only i did not freak out then.. haha
Going JW later for carol prac.. YAY... :)
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Fairyland... dreamland..
and yes.. had a Great time with dear palie R8ch and yes.. Yummy galare waffles... :)
and yes ... thank goodness that my bro agreed to wait till i return to open the gates for moi cuz i forgotten my keys...
waiting... for my prince edward too.. hehe >.<
What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For? | |
![]() | You would fall for the gentleman. Keep an eye out for your love at your next formal or field trip to the opera. Watch out for bad boys who walk on the inside of the curb and don't hold the door for you, and you'll end up with the guy who's suave, sophisticated, and classy through-and-through. |
Find Your Character @ |
Which College Major Should You Be? | |
![]() | Your major should be part Biology. You work hard, and you're gonna keep working hard for many years to come. That's why you keep your work organized and your health in good shape. |
![]() | Your major should be part Art. You are sensitive, creative, and you don't follow established rules. Unfortunately, you'll have to follow some rules if you ever want that promotion at Starbucks. |
Find Your Character @ |
Which Friends Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are part Rachel. You're very selfish and pay great attention to image. Spoiled when you were young, you were always the popular and snobbish kid. Although you hang on to your adolescent attributes, you grow more responsible every year. |
![]() | You are part Chandler. You're funny and that's why people like to have you around. You're also a great friend, and when someone you care about is in trouble, they know to come to you for some level-headed advice followed by some sharp sarcasm. |
Find Your Character @ |
mione says: hehe.. guEss it.. haha.. my two fave characters off the show... not sure if there's a hint of me within them.. hehe
Which Sesame Street Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are Count von Count. You are down-to-earth (mentally, not physically), mature, and precocious. You have many talents, and many friends that appreciate your quiet level-headedness. |
Find Your Character @ |
Which Peanuts Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are Sally Brown. You may not be the most ambitious person, but life isn't supposed to be hard! You are relaxed and easy-going, but you can hold your ground when you want, too. |
Find Your Character @ |
mione's take on the result... hehe.. my Fave character out of Peanuts!! Aside from wOodStock!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
when i grow up...
to me.. it was Special.. in a way.. FIRE! rekindling... it's not just another inspiring message - and walk away and do nothing about it... i can't say that I'd stopped dreaming.. to a point.. the dreams seemed to come to a standstill.. yet throughout the whole sermon... the phrase that His words shall not return to Him void brought to recollection of some of the promises/prophecies that have yet come to pass came into autoplay mode.. not yet is not not equivalent to never...
the dinner with the usual few in the cg was great.. haha seemed that r8ch and i found our match - in the goh sisters.. (well.. it's gals talk... hence not meant to air openly...) went to siglap.. (one of my fave places in the east...) the food at coffeeclub was alrite... but really like the ambiance/ service/ cheesecake at the cheesecake shop.. it was a great chill out place - despite being in the al fresco area...
it was fruitful too.. we managed to get one to open up... yet the tightly-guarded one still remain elusively mysterious. well i guess u unravel on a NEED to basis ONLY... well.. the truth shall set him free (in time i hope...)
--- the 1st musical by the CCH children... "When I grow up"
Makes me wanna stay in dreamland too.... dream and keep dreaming...
i like the script... :) not to mention the talented cast.. there.. it reminded me how similar i was/ felt like the lead gal - julia - at times...
yet... i'm supposed to have GROWN up... hmmm still keeping that dream alive!
Friday, 16 November 2007
NOvember 14... has past and gone
And yes how i celebrated my birthday was a simple affair.. started on tue (cuz took VL that day expecting to return to work on wed cuz of a deadline at work but unfortunately MC on wed cuz of conjunctivitis) spent the morning & noon with my mom, went dim sum with mom and shopped with her.. (at least spent quality time with her. didn't have the luxury to do that for long...)
yummy spread.. my pre-hatchieday celebration began with this dim sum spread at the 红星 restaurant.. near Chinatown..
Am rather amazed at this huge 包called 凤皇包.. see the humongous giant...
then met my bbf .. haha... not bf but bbf.. for a quickie bite @ gelare - it's Tuesday.. Waffle @ 50% for dine in!! yummy...
. whom we had a great time on tues nite before catching the HERO gala premier... (woo... Takuya Kimura is soooo.... can't find the suitable adjective to describe the oozing charm.. Recalled how I crazy i was over the drama serial when my bro brought it home.. approx 5-6 years ago...) well.. i wanna catch it again - cuz missed the first few minutes cuz rach and i were held up at the snack queue... and we continued the movie marathon the next noon (before prac) cuz yeah, got another day off cuz of my dear left eye... (mC on birthday,, memorable.. seemed that I always have memorable events on this day.. had my CL2 'O' exam in sec 3 -the only 'O' level paper taken that year; english paper in Sec 4; my Econs essay for 'A' levels - and I was LATE for exam that day.. thank God I got the 1st "A" ever for Econs - i got an E for prelim; let me not repeat the not so fond memories.. esp the very recent one.. BAD.) oh, we caught the lust, caution.. which was a rather alrite.. a bit dragging and ya, storyline predictable, and yeah, bad experience with the plot discussion going around rach & i to the point whereby our patience was really tested... guessed that they forgotten that they are not watching DVD at home??
seriously was rather touched by the overflowing sms-es beeping in my phones... with the fastest finger award goes to miss Stelle.. one with the nimble fingers to be the first thru... (ha, sound like some crappy commercial ad.. ) but really thank U to all the cg members who remembered and took effort to sms.. and yes, my leaders... elliot and ryan.. thanks for believing in me in spite of... yeah.. one.half month to end of 07, the dear choir palies, like mabel, eileen, jimmy, wanling, zann.. whom i spent the remaining evening with (yeah, went in spite of my recovering eye and ya.. no -celebration-) loved the carols medley we would be doing.. i hope i won't be taken out again last minute due to.. (though there is a deja vu kinda feeling to this... shall see how things go...)
oh well in short it was alrite.. at least i learn the precious lesson of genuineness ...
haha and yeah.. no monetary blessings but blessings in kind...
the lovely charm-a dangling earrings from rach..
the lovely mr-men tee from zara which i'd been eyeing on - from cg.. .. and
the very pricey diamond pendant cum necklace from mom.. it's priced over 1K(before using my birthday voucher)!! the stone is not that big. but due to the workmanship on crafting and cutting the stone... and yes..
the lunch treat from my first cgl whom i met for lunch today - well it's policy review time as well..
oh well.. TO be contunued...
Thursday, 15 November 2007
silence speaks a thousand word..
Monday, 12 November 2007
bigger than i can imagine
Exciting.. yet daunting.. cuz the next piece of ad hoc advisory work would involve o'seas JV.. Going home now.. everyone has left... and it's rather quiet.. and i can hear the ships at the nearby cruise center... :)
Yeah! On leave tomorrow.. someone flew my plan when i thought of her for the gala premier cuz she mentioned she wanted to watch the show.. yet cuz of the precious first date she flew my kite - actually i asked her to fly my kite - cuz she intended to spend the afternoon with the special one then meet me for dinner * Frankly if i know she has such a hot date earlier, i won't even ask her.. cuz it's rather common sense that likely you would want to spend the whole day together rite, since it's the official FIRST date.. maybe she should get some pointers from Romeo Muaks.. haha.. or fondly termed as "KOM" - which was what buttercup said SC coined for Mr Romeo.
10 minutes to 10pm. time to leave office...
comic relief
Yes.. I know my birthday is coming... yet.. i guessed I would still be working that day.. and yes.. i will still be attending choir prac that night... but that's not dragging the mood down... anyway.. the consolation.. it will not be as bad as last year..
i wish to see a rainbow soon...
well.. somewhere over the rainbow... bluebirds fly...birds fly over the rainbow.. why then oh why can't i...
Gift ideas...
Like their stuff.. and yelp.. support local designers... one of the designer is my dear friend!!
btw i saw some stuff i really like... here's the top 3:
this lovely tote bag..

and this as well...

and this clutch is lovely too...

From the Leadership Files: MOTIVATIONS
What we act on we strengthen.
If we are angry and we act on it we strengthen anger.
If we are proud and act on it we strengthen presumption and arrogance.
If we are tempted to sin and we act on it, we strengthen our weakness to resist temptation.
If we are anxious and we allow it to drive us to action, we strengthen worry.
However, if we resist temptation we strengthen our will.
Our will is like a muscle.
Every time we make a decision it is like lifting a weight.
We strengthen the muscle of our will.
When we control our temper we strengthen self-control.
When we refuse anxiety and rather trust God speaking out His promises, we strengthen faith instead of doubt.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
the night of "bimbotic" good natured fun
Well, the Minds cafe appeared to look subdue - and not happening - in the midst of hustle and bustle of boat quay (with the heavy beats of the music emerging from the many pubs, lounges along the stretch facing the Singapore River. Like what June said, we will make it "happening" when we entered - cuz I commented that it looks rather bOring.. compared to its more "colourful" neighbouring units...
oh well.. I thoroughly enjoyed the many games played... Without much competition, my table is the noisiest and most rowdy of the three occupied tables at level 1 of the cafe .. HAHA.. with the wacky combination of xinjun, rachel, ivory, joyce, yours truly and the cutesy couple... june and damien (wa.. he can be super "lame"n crappy... ) and the last addition of simon towards the last half hour... oh well.. brainless games can be FUN... guessed the noisy games are the most fun.. like the taboo, the slamawich, the janga.. and ya.. the last game that gets everyone (almost) VIOLENT... the ugly ugly game... AHAHHA...
oh well... as usual, we ended up being ferried by the most unassuming "bus captain" home *that's his childhood ambition - i learnt that last night* assisted by the blurblur r8ch...
AND yes.. the silly me cannot resist the temptation to watch the Naked Chef on TV that I decided to subscribe to the Sony Entertainment channel on Mio (let me try for a month and will further assess...).. Matter of fact.. not many interesting programmes on that channel.. and get to see jamie oliver only over the weekend.. but Woo.. am so motivated by the yummilious chocolate cake he whipped up in one of the episodes last nite.. (actually only caught two.. back to 1am!!) .. hmmm...
which explains why I woke up late at 750am i shock (cuz I'm working today!) Phew! I'm still earlier than my SM.. haha.. :)
wearing my nice pinky tee today.. expensive piece of cotton from a relatively unheard of brand in Singapore.. aha... :)
Finally can resume on the other stuff in my portfolio.. wooo... :)
Friday, 9 November 2007
the feeble attempt....
Frankly, what's the point?? I shall not attempt to answer this question... Interesting fact.. Today is Nov 9. Exactly a year ago... I stepped foot to work in the Shenton way... A year later, I'm already out of there... I wonder what would happened if i decided to fulfill that contract job.. Probably already diminished from this little dot and gone home? Maybe...
seriously... am horrifically wounded since Monday... and yes, I questioned on the reason for that. Maybe cuz that meant something.. and hence it hurt... Sigh.. Can't i change that which is within the cortex?? Time is seriously ticking every second that passes... yet that momentum which I oughta have gain ain't materialising.
boxed in and within and withdrew.
let's choose the mask for Friday. contemplating NOT to appear at all. Could i? Maybe it won't be detected... Oh gee.. why do i even entetain that thought. .
Monday, 5 November 2007
silence of the lamb
Marsians get annoyed when the words from planet venus doesn't sound melodic to their ears and lodge a complain - marsians won't feel that the directness of their words matter to any venusians. Venus has to be subjected to marsians? Is that the common understanding? Apology? nah, not in the marsians' dictionary. if that's the case, venusian to function like a sponge?? (perhaps)
Nah, it's always the fault of the venusian. Marsians are vulnerable verbally, marsians think that venusians aren't. Perhaps martians deem that venusian are encrypted with sound-proof material or with devices that filter the unmelodic .
What's the point then?? it's pointless. it's always venus' insenstivity towards mars (never the other way round) AND yes, marsians have the innate right to be puff up. yeah, just nod in agreement, wear shades that block out vision - and be oblivious , wear the earplugs and ebb along, and yes, be wishywashy and beat around the bush and always have a sandwich in hand to boost the inflatable marsians in the event that the venus inevitably has to communicate to the marsians.
oh well, why don't venus just stay in the second gear? perhaps?
venus should opt out and stay second fiddle. stay at the plateu.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
i think i need to sleep
.. to be continued... though i would love to share... insanely sane...
My other name?
Your Biblical Name Is... |
![]() You will live to see the end of times. |
HAHa... wonder how it is being derived at...
Joelliane = Jehova is God
Zoleen = God is my rock
Wa.. solid!
The It's Its There Their They're Quiz
You Scored an A |
![]() You got 10/10 questions correct. It's pretty obvious that you don't make basic grammatical errors. If anything, you're annoyed when people make simple mistakes on their blogs. As far as people with bad grammar go, you know they're only human. And it's humanity and its current condition that truly disturb you sometimes. |
What shall i be when i grow up...
You Should Be a Politician |
![]() Confident, assertive, and dedicated - you know what you want in life and how to get it. Stubborn and opinionated, you can stand your ground... even if it's unpopular. And while you have strong views, you never overwhelm people with your opinions. A true charmer, you subtly influence people into seeing things your way. You do best when you: - Work according to your own rules - Can change the world with what you do You would also be a good lawyer or talk show host. |
You Should Be a Manager |
![]() You're very organized, motivated, and methodical. Fair and objective, you can see all sides of a conflict. You are a good mediator. You are task oriented. You do well with deadlines and schedules. And while you can be a task master at times, you're good at managing people and listening to their input. You do best when you: - Must have attention to detail - Are in charge of people You would also be a good accountant or personal assistant. |
Thursday, 1 November 2007
down with Gastroenteritis
Wasn't really up for work this morning.. but no choice.. the workpile is building up... And i got a hot date with miss i later... wonder if miss stelle would turn up too.. hehe.. am glad that they have come to join us.. cuz... finally can have quality girly fellowship... keke...
and i know i shouldn't have bought that kopi- but i just can't help it... the smell of coffee beans is so alluring when i walked passed Spinelli... oh well.. back to work with the throbbing head and contracting abdominals...
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
another post @ 3am
Had been Ot-ing for past few days... And think my #1fan buttercup was hooked on facebook... haha.. facebook.. thru' it, i re-linked with a couple of my JC's classmates/ eca mates.. fun... read some posts in the dhs group... wa.. memories... :) found memories of the old school building @ dunman road.. (sadly, it had been replaced by architecturely not so aesthetic tkss.) Remembered that 12 years ago, my class turned our classroom into a cave for CNY deco (it's the year of pig then..) And we were featured on 联合早报的头版 (sillie me still keep the newspaper article cuz not often you get to appear in the papers and front page too!! )
had a very good time with Vory earlier.... hehe... Thank God that we (r8ch, vory & me) are in the same cg.. (haha... best if claire is ard too.. then.. hehe.. but hpl willl diao us if we ever suggest that.. haha!) Frankly, if not for vory and r8ch, i won't make it to w110... and stayed there that long cuz i remembered how emo i was when i learnt of the BIG migration to w110... eh 4 years ago... (haha... was seriously in state of distress n very depressed - i guessed partly cuz leaving the comfort zone and into the unknown...) Well God is good.. and yeah.. reunion for us.. and glad to see us more matured... i guessed vory must be glad that r8ch and i have grown more matured.. hehe... and vory and i sorta reversed role in cg now.. haha..
think i'm crapping.. Fighting another day of war tomorrow... FAST & PRAY ah.. (literally doing that...later...thru'out the day!) I really appreciate the RESPONSIBLE members in the cg who bothered to reply to an sms that request "pls reply".. as for those who didn't sigh.. God help them to be more accountable.. (p.s. it's not as if i always have unutilised sms - in fact... it ain't enuff...!) Sigh sigh..
Monday, 29 October 2007
:) a surprise sms
I was surprised to see a "how are you doing?" sms (followed by a wORd of encouragement) from my ex-cgl, steven - under whom i grew a lot.. (as well as rebel - and repented... ) earlier this afternoon... Genuinely surprised.. but very loved - by God.. apparently that chain of nonsensical stuff i'd spouted last nite out of my emo mood was heard... :)
it may be just a simple word of encouragement to the sender, but don't underestimate the impact of that one sms that cost only 5 cents. And if sent at divine timing... wow.. :)
thank U God! Thanks steven!
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Dimensions... the 4th Dimension...
First up, Sat morning... had dim sum with my cg mates.. & my cgl... & and princess found her match - in terms of timeliness.. a habit most princess won't cultivate - that is the spoilt- typesy which yours truly don't fall into this category. Nah, I will not emulate this behavior. cuz time translate into life... oh well..
Glad that I have the chance to chat with mS stelle.. jUne n jAnet.. haha.. i guess the "gila" element is being pried out when talking to these gals.. haha... *let her warm up to me first... then.. hehe... hopefully can bring the potential out in her... letting her in to the "wild" side that r8ch get to see.. guess that's my connecting point to her.. *
hmm i like the message that Pastor preached this weekend - despite of my tired temple.. attend s2 with thaddeus & jieyin - gal.. hope u are entertained by my posts.. keke..* Okay, "like" was an understatement to my sentiments on the message.. I should say.. it reminded me of my priorities.. and sudden revelation of the mini-obstacles that appeared to be major hindrances recently... Settle for the good instead of the best? Certainly NOT!
Despite having the vision/dream, when it ain't coming to pass the way you envisioned to me.. one will tend to draw back, or repaint the picture so that the likelihood of it materializing will be higher (and one will not be disappointed/ ashamed when it didn't come to pass..) well.. doing it your way would unlikely coincide the path that God wants you to take.. and yes, many a times, resulting in the self-inflicted "trials and tribulations" that you might not need to go thru', OR short-changing yourself of the destiny God has for you.
SO i decided, to abandon the silly thought of settling for the second-best.. and the best is definitely coming! And yes, delay doesn't equate to denial...
A&B cOming... excited!!
Felt so loved to hear the silent voice that echoes back "I love you too, princess.." this morning.. Never felt Him so close in my life.. * He knows my wishlist... esp item 1! the reason for them...
Security blanket... hmmm interesting toPic.. in different areas of life, each of us have our own security blanket.. Yet very often... cuz of this base line that we often miss out on the opportunity.. and after embarking on the SAFE-more sensible solution to the human mind, there are many "what-if?" questions/scenarios popping out... Placed in terms of decisions - having the security blanket will just leave you STUCK in the rut of your comfort zone. Putting this in perspective, this topic came up in the area of relationship... touchy topic.. Well, in a 3rd-person persona, it would be fair to both parties to start something on clean slate... I witness some real touchy situations cuz there's no clean break when one party doesn't have closure before the commencement of a new relationship and it can get pretty.. sticky... well.. it's not up to me.. but just wish that there will not be awkward situation should that inkling comes to pass..
anyway, what's not fitting for one may fit another.. so.. hehe... shall see how...
It has been a long week.. but great cuz... ya.. re-adjusted the lens...
thinking.. believing...dreaming... speaking!!
Friday, 26 October 2007
Lalang along stretches of ecp
Due to extreme fatigue, i cab-ed down to work. Thanks to the heavy traffic, i get to enjoy the scenery frm the backseat. And kudos to NP who add new breed of flowering plants by the road dividers. Instead of boring bougenvenas, i saw pretty lalang-type of plants that resemble lavender frm far, and pretty fluers of various shades of pink. And i'm still stuck at ecp aftr half hr. HEAVY traffic. Pretty blooms make up for the slow ride to work.
yet in contrast to what i was doing previously - i shall not elaborate, else it will be ... not very edifying.. there is at least ownership to this.. And my m is extremely patient with me.. & really help me along... Thank God for favour with man.. fitting in well.. just gotta up my confidence level .. and i need to read up... ya.. i gotta embrace my two work "bibles"- the ITA and GSTA. Alright.
hmmm heard the webcast earlier this evening on the 3Q results of my company.. Oooh.. doing well.. happie... esp since A&B is coming up. :)
interesting.. someone came up to me at pasir ris mrt on my way home (cuz the cab queue @ harbourfront was atrocious even at 2220.. so took the mrt instead).. so while i was happily plugged into my iPod, i was surprised to see someone waved at my direction.. didn't know lingkai stayed in pasir ris too.. haha interestingly, we hardly talked while we were in choir.. haha didn't know he recognize me.. haha.. tHank God i still look presentable at that hour.. (this week i'm doning black and gray...) well.. what a coincidence.. lovely way to end my hectic day..
and thank God for the sudden inspiration to spruce up the interior's of ellytUsk's card... and i guess i work by inspiration.. dug out the lovely pretty stuff that i'd bought last christmas @ pRints.. and it's yet another piece of art..
sorry miss stelle, gotta fly kite on our morning jog later.. cuz i need to finish up my work. Attempting to reach office by 730.. let me see it it can be done... okie.. time to rest...
Thursday, 25 October 2007
from the leadership files- DOING
But, if you start to do what you cannot do, you'll find you can do what you cannot do.
And what you absolutely cannot do, God will do, or a team of incredible poeple will, who are attracted to the person attempting to do what they cannot do.
Don't imagine God will ask you to do what you can do!
He asks you to do what you can't do.
Then you'll need Him to do it!
But you're the one who starts the impossible dream.
No-one, not even God, gets inpsired by the mediocre.
Attempt the impossible, ignore the critics, attract the best, accomplish the unbelievable!
yay! I'm trying to cultivate a new habit. Jogging@ pasir ris park @ 6plus AM.. Have made a date with pretty stelle this friday!!
it's been a HECTIC week.. I'm dOIng things in "new tOngues".. seriously i don't know how to go about doing the tasks.. and no precedent and yes.. rushing for TIME.. so intend to head to office EARLY later...
so zzzz sOon!
delay is not denial...
amanda(faith) .. indeed.. hope deferred is not denial.. Certainly, God knows what our every thought- spoken or unexpressed. Not to lose heart ya? hmm promotion/ increase - that's the two words that mandy said she heard.. Wow.. I claim that by faith - be it for my career OR... what seemed so out of reach... - which was totally in line to what the Inner Voice was telling me this morning.. - "If that was given to you now, can you handle it? Grow. keep growing.. Seek, keep seeking.. " Seriously i wonder what area(s) would the increase/promotion be??
as for what that's been "plaguing" my mind - it's getting kinda not too good - had been creating reality in my lala land... it's so vivid and sigh.. and seriously, i wonder did my sub-conscious activate my mobile to call while the phone is my bag - and the no was NOT in my previously called-nos.. Silly silly...
for ONCE, buttercup didn't have the chance to bet coke with me this week.. haha.. cuz i already know the answer... hehe.. still buttercup, i want my cherry coke and u get you vanilla coke this sat ok??
and HAppIe biRthdAe iVORy!! *muAks!*
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Monday, 22 October 2007
the instrument that i should play ...
You Should Play the Guitar |
![]() You're very independent - both in spirit and in the way you learn. You can teach yourself almost anything, even if it makes your fingers bleed. You're not really the type to sit patiently through a music lesson - or do things by the book. It's more your style to master the fundamentals and see where they take you. Highly creative and a bit eclectic, you need a wide range of music to play. You could emerge as a sensitive songwriter... or a manic rock star. Your dominant personality characteristic: being rebellious Your secondary personality characteristic: tenacity |
hmmm... time to get the missing pin? >.<
tortured genius?
You Are 48% Tortured Genius |
![]() You are very smart and a little bit tortured. Like a tortured genius in training. You're brilliant enough to see how screwed up the world is. Just don't let it screw you up! |
wedding invites
* my cgl - Ryan & lennie's
* my ex-colleague - naz's
* a dear friend - lein's
hmm.. seems like friend ard me are moving on to a new phase in life.... happy for them!
someday... :)
Sunday, 21 October 2007
i long to jet away... yet not for the right reason...
October is ending... november is approaching... will it come to pass??
had brekkie with kelly and charlene after singing today. Hmmm kel is really excited abt her new shopfront.. - think it will be cool.. her designs - i like. Dawn upon the conceptualising of my own label too.. hmmm... i want..
darn.. i'm blogging in bits and pieces... not good.. not good at all..
Sat after service events...
Gore factor: HIGH
Okie, after dinner at the kenny rogers@ marina with cg (the new friends were unable to join us as one of them were not feeling well), the pretty gals and the gentleman (yep. only ys went with the 7 gals - Interesting rite?) decided to watch a horror show titled - halloween. ya, rite - halloween nite for me.. thank goodness for the jacket from ys that shield janet and i from the digusting gruesome bloodshed - else.. frankly, i was regreting agreeing to this movie 15 minutes to the show cuz it was... pure gore.. and ya.. i guess if some of the gals knew it was r21 rating, they would unlikely be watching... oh well.. yet, ironically, felt kinda good after the show cuz get to release a couple of screams ... stress reliever..
Let me end this off with a pix of what the four beauties shared... not that well-taken but haha..
Saturday, 20 October 2007
silly blur sotong
zipping off to church now...
feeling happy cuz wearing the cutesy "pebbles rock" top from skin. :)
the weird thing to do in the middle of the nite
that's exactly what i did when i got home... Silly me.. bUt can't stand the "satay/ bbq" smell on the clothes that will linger ard in my laundry basket... so... all in the laundry basket went for a shower and moon-tanning on the bamboo poles...
in case u wnder how the satay smell came abt.. we took a detour to bedok nth market after cg and fellowship... cuz think either ys or damien was hungry? eh..anyway.. it was great fun to be with june, janet & xinjun... the four gals in the back of ys' car and happliy chatting.. hmmm happy that they came to join us... :) happy that vory and r8ch are in my cg too... :) yay... God answered my prayers :)
Ooooh... had a very fun conversation with claire over msn this afternoon.. keke miss her... not easy to catch her cuz she's always zapping ard... hehe...
oh welll ... it's 2am. and it's gonna be a loong weekend.. working.. then serving... . sunday serving too.. yay (though i wonder if i'm starting to distract myself again...)
Friday, 19 October 2007
change of playlist...
love the second song too (in fact all made it to the playlist for various reason). Sang this song for the old folks at Tampines Home - with the actions during a visit cum performance in sec 2 with dhs choir.. rather silly but it bring joys.. but I like this rendition.. from one of my fave album in sec 4 - the Help Compilation - in aid to children caught in war in former yugoslavia.
had added the two mass dance song in JC in the playlist too - found memories... :) - guess which were them?
well.. the rest.. are there for a reason... either purely for the music.. or else.. expresses bits and pieces of my emotions... a mixture of new and old fave... oh well.. it's 2:10.. offline time..
ya, neural network upheaval. .. (move ur cursor over the word and click on if still can't make sense.. though you will still have to infer from it..)
Ah... it's fast approaching 2am. I shall attempt to wake up at before 6. leave hone at 630 for gym. ambitious attempt. Yah, i lost the wager to buttercup again.. cuz SJ didn't appear at MC last nite. Sigh sigh... 2nd bottle of coke... i shall earn my 1st bottle - bet with buttercup next monday that the long awaited appt with mrs buttercup to the gym will materialise.. - the bet is harmless.. just wonder why the subject is ...
oh well.. Ohh... met the incredible fast moving max @ outram this morning.. with speed and poise comparable to ninja when he zipped up the escalator at harbourfront... interesting...
okie... as thoughts are getting rambled up... time to sleep!
Thursday, 18 October 2007
hopes unseen
here's the extract of the beautiful message from kelly ...
Romans 8:24-32 (Amplified)
24For in [this] hope we were saved. But hope [the object of] which is seen is not hope. For how can one hope for what he already sees?
25But if we hope for what is still unseen by us, we wait for it with patience and composure.
26So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.
27And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes and pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with God's will.
28We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.
29For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.
30And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].
31What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]
32He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?
Some many beautiful things in these verses.
This is for your hope unseen...
Guess we are all hoping and waiting upon an answer from God. Something we hope but not yet see. My prayer is that you will continue in this hope.
- God knows you and He is loving you.
- The Holy Spirit will help you.
- God know you are there. He is with you and He is a partner with you in what you are called.
- God will withhold no good things from those who love him
- God will be glorified in you [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being]. (vs.30)
Keeping hoping and trusting in His character, His faithfulness, His great love for you, His desire and destiny of good for you. It's going to be so very ok ... :)
late... working late...
Buttercup seemed to be having fun with having wagers with me with COKE as the price.. uh huh.. i should bUy him a carton of coca for christmas.. hehe.. :) * i suspect mrs buttercup will clobber me...
Urgh.. no. the neural system is still down.. in fact.. pounding and throbbing felt..
perhaps the neural system needs an overhaul?
cracking.. cracking up... specialist required.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
rude telemarketers
Anyway, if the silly Tweet calls again.. well.. i'll just caution the tweet to think twice of misusing my no. - or simply reply wrong no. - cuz that aint my name.
the princess is irritated!!
made another card.. looks like a wedding invite initially - maybe i could do my own next time.. haha...or design for others... (but it will be a HUGE project. not yet..)
It's less than a month to nov 14!!! and christmas is coming.. so it meant time is TICKING...
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
the monday...
Circumstances... Will not be stuck in them.. Dislodging from the reality (which is the circumstances). the gray matter needs an overhaul.
Taking a look at the calendar... it's October 16.. Yikes.. the short six months became 2.5 months now.. what have i done? No time to look the "i could have done better"... not the time to lament... not the time ask why.... or conjure the many what if scenarios...
God is in charge... yee why can you just let go...
Monday, 15 October 2007
nah.. don't think it's possible to sift a playlist that's radio-friendly... afterall.. this playlist reflect rather closely to the playlist that my iPod will shuffle out (except this imeem playlist has no sermons... and crappy podcasts - btw i'd ceased downloading happy tree friends.. else.. more sicko.. ) oh well.. whatever...
sigh... why??
nearly wanna clobber you 48 hours earlier... yet.. 46 hours later... contrasting feeling... 24 hours later... it's unexplainable... 9 hours ago ... the almost surreal dream...
hate that feeling... who are you to have such an effect over me??
Saturday, 13 October 2007
gee.. i think i'm ... help...
latest creation - Corinth's card
crap movie part two...
it was a hectic day today.. as my department secretary was on medical leave the whole week (she hurt herself.. had a bad fall..).. yours truly gotta double up as my boss' PA. And in the midst, my dear boss decided that my gst knowledge was sound enough to advise this guy from Belgium's business unit.. .. well thank God it went well.. And in the midst of it all.. I got to chat with buttercup over msn (we entertained one another while working thru' the pile of work..)
Dinner at the yipinguo was MORE than a disaster . Service: indescribable .. food spread: BAD... If not for the company of friends... it was erhmm... we celebrated Corinth's bday - :) *shiok rite - the whole cg celebrate ur birthday with u.. haha.. me: actually i prefer just to spend with my really good friends.. haha.. I'm rather private person still... wellwell.. hope it will NOt be as "memorable" as last year.. past is past.
Part 2? Part one was American Wedding that i "rented" via the mio tv last night.. Part two was the after cg fellowship meeting . Movie of the nite - Mr Woodcock . And the deja vu thing was that both starred seann william scott - a name so foreign to me until tonite.. well.. it was rather crappy happy fun show except for the lady sitting next to me talking audibly to her friend on the right (incidentally her friend was my friend too..) Alright.. Pet Peeve - DND others by discussing what just went on the show ( a couple of times.. alrite... many times in decibel level higher than a whisper... inconsiderate...) If she wasn't a new acquaintance I got to know recently... I would have told her off - i.e. "mdm, would you please refrain from talking during the movie.." at least i thought that was basic courtesy...
Friday, 12 October 2007
smell of the rain...
Was reading this email (yes.. i know it's a good & inspirational email - I just don't buy the last bit abt forwarding the email... that ur prayer will come to pass and someone will call u at 11am - scary man.. like a scene from the Jap horror movie - the Ring) yet.. it touches me.. and the goosebumps felt when i was reading it in the office..
i like walking home... i like walking thru the pasir ris park - the fishing pond part- not the beach - (despite being 8plus and rather ulu & dark) it always clears the clouded mind. Yah, the mind gotta stop spinning then you can hear clearly.. to sum up the revelation in the train ride and the walk home today.... Two words that starts with S. Slow (down) and Sanctification. I can't hear properly with the mind spinning - standalone from the heart. Sanctify - Sacrifice... giving something for things of the eternal..
okie. head feels light.. time to hit the z-monster... ie sleep... zzzzzzzzzzzz
sudden inspiration... out of desperation..
okie... rather pleased with the assemble I'd created - out of whatever material i'd at home... drawing block..paper... lace.. embroidery thread & needle... suede leather.. congregated cupboard.. etc... it looks great.. keke.. as usual, took a picture of the creation.. thank You for the inspiration.. from no where.. and managed to finished up just moments ago.. funny that I've not recycled the design.. - actually i can't remember what I'd done previously though... and i realised that my fave pieces are those for my closer palies.. haha.. like what cooks attribute as to what's the secret ingredient to their yummilious creation - from the heart... (incidentally, i like the song that was titled this name too.. by another level.. wooo bobak.. haha distracted...) so ya.. felt gulity now for the less than perfect pieces made.. still from my heart... yet extent different... (anyway only those who received the pretty pieces get to read this - some actually don't though.. haha) oh well.. whatever....
Thursday, 11 October 2007
leaving office now.. late...
I'm the only one left in my department...
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
man the sms flood is coming again...
Gee.. Can i feel less "ah-tas". Ah... interestingly the sms i sent out today came back to me from that person to counterask if I was interested to come along... hellos... okie.. ahtas acting up now... perhaps i should try putting on the bimbo hat... nah... it will never work... my gray matter can process thoughts intelligently.. well well.. whatever.. things will work out.. meanwhile. let me enjoy my wed and thur...
yay, logging off soon... meeting mabel 4 dinner... then pract... :)
crappy free mobvie
extending horizons..
went for a deferred tax seminar by pwc today at holiday inn - hmmm think i enjoyed studying.. :) it was a rather dry topic.. yet i didn't fall prey to the zzzz monster... then in the midst of the seminar two words popped into mind - see title... wonder why? hmmm can have various interpretations to them.. very diverse... but not adverse...
the technician will be here to fix my mio thingy... so I gotta pack my rooom.. AND I realised.. My wardrobe is bursting.. so.. no more new friends to the existing occupants in the wardrobe.. (OR i gotta get rid of those unworn and forlorn pieces inside... but these made up part of my tangible assets.. ) Intended to start ironing those pieces that require ironing before squeezing them back to their cramp quarters... figured out it will take at least few hours.. Procrastinate to another day.. :)
felt accomplished... fixed up my room (not the ideal stage yet.. Gee I wish i have a walk-in wardrobe) done up two cards.. inspired only come at wee hours in the night.. (else.. i don't time too... ) ... I'm on leave today - Ya, if not how to fix up the mio thingy.. (i figured that I will chop the plan off within 6 months.. nothing on mio tv sounds interesting except bbc lifestyle.. and the sony channels.. though i won't have time to watch the tv too.. haha... so the mio tv box will be white-ellytusk)
craving for hOtcakes.. :) walking up in few hours to them i hope....
* can u spot something hidden within? - else... too bad..
Hmmm attended my ex-colleague matrimony/ wedding dinner on Saturday... In between I managed to rush down to expo for service and met up with some of my cellgrp members after the wedding banquet.. WEdding... well.. it was more like a reunion with my ex-colleagues.. And hehe.. some couldn't recognise me cuz of my shorter tassles.. haha.. and points up the chio factor.. it was great catching up.. :) i guess the alcohol level must be deteriorating (oni drank two glasses of red wine), cuz i was rather crappy (thank God it only acted up while i went to meet up with June. joyce. susan and yansheng.. (wonder why he's the only chap left?) @ cineleisure.. think i was rather crappy and tipsy.. think the crap should be anointed crap.. haaha... at least janet is opening up to me.. :) cool.. though i think the mixture of alcohol & rich food made me nausea when i woke up the next morning.. hence couldn't serve... sigh..
Vision weekend.. yep.. oppty to sow again.. :) I hOpe this time, the reaping would not be just in kind ... :)
Saturday, 6 October 2007 talk
today... had a long chat with xinlian.. till her battery went flat.. mine went empty first hence, spoke to her via speaker mode while charging.. Prior to that , I was happily chatting with janet, june, xinjun while sitting comfortably in backseat of yansheng's car .. and ahah.. heard a rather lame joke abt the origins of tam-pines.. ahha... think damien & yansheng must be rather irritated by the noisy bunch of gals at the backseat... haha.. then chatted some more with yansheng while he made a final turn back to my place - where i started my 2 hr chat with lian.. ahha..
Hmmm.. was surprised at the sudden short burst of verbal diarrhea.. haha.. ahha...
okie.. gonna be a long SAT... attending my ex-colleagues' matrimony at yishun in am.. then to service.. (not sure if i could serve in my dress n heels but standby mode anyway...) than back to harbourfront for the wedding dinner.. ahah.. another day talk talk...
ahah... ooohh... gee.. i just realised I would be working on 20th.. was supposed to meet up with my jc - eca pals.. - hmm it was a great meeting up with them.. interesting array mix of profession: a master diver, an engineer, a psychiatrist in training, a full time staff at his church bookstore (eh.. ya ncc but still serving God ba..) and haha me the tax acc. haha.. Despite not meeting up with them like years.... I reckon the trials and tribulations we went thru 2 years together serve a strong bond .. :) kayating trip .. considering.. haha.. the last time i step foot into one.. was during the rd island expedition a decade ago!! haha - silently to myself.. I look younger than them.. ahha.. benefits of baby fats - and the "hallelujah cream" - foc.. that works wonder for me..
feeling hyper.. haha... think it's the dance music in my iTunes.. aha
Thursday, 4 October 2007
water.. walk on it...
Many a times, we asked God for open doors/ opportunities/breakthru'/ fulfillment of dreams & visions. We responded to that opportunity/dream. Yet, when we are in the midst of pursuing in, we caved in on the pressures. and we either are too tired of fighting the fire OR forgot to seek SOS. Yet, He is just at the end of the Helpline waiting for the distress call from you.
This seemed like the last hurdle that is always in the way... Jump over it.. O jump over it.... If my leaders believe in me, why can't i?
And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Mt14:31----------------
Was it divine timing? Was supposed to skip prac today and meet pastor at the Suntec office but ended up meeting was cancelled (due to unforeseen circumstances), i ended up having dinner with my cgl(to be) and heehee hitch a ride to JW church for prac.
In all... the ride to JW was eh - long ride. long cuz of the long talk (no pun intended.) I guessed good and bad about that now my cgl is one of the closer friend that i can say anything and everything... Shall say it's just perfect timing to the morning Word... it not easy to try walking on water again after the near submerged... re-bouncing is not as easy as it seemed (unless u're a ball, fully pumped up... )
when faith and fear collide...
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
handicapped with no phones
Monday, 1 October 2007
a long sunday! A catching up sunday
straight - aGain - I like
kinda pricey for the length of my hair.. but :) still preferred to let Jeanie my stylist of 5 years, though i was known as jasmine.. - an unknown middle name adopted cuz peeps can't pronouce hermione then.. haha! thanks to ivory for waiting half an hour with me for my hair to be ready... :)
came across this muffin stall @ Tangs basement called roll&roll.. they served delicious mini cup-type of flavoured egg tart at $1 each. The muffins tasted good too!
Serivce was great... I love the new worship song - though i personally feels that i like bel's rendition better.. :) I believe that vision/dream will come to pass...
Happy that vory is joining us for good (at least in the foreseable future..)think I enjoyed talkin to the w80 peeps better... like vory, june, janet, xinjun and damien.. ahah... perhaps 有代沟吧! But they are sure integrated into our cg. :)
Friday, 28 September 2007
Thursday, 27 September 2007
fake plastic tree
outer... time is ticking
at the moment, i wonder is this how one will feel if in the Outer Court? Perhaps.. Or worse...
i like to serve in the choir.. YeT felt like marching on the spot.. especially recently...and i don't like the feeling... felt like being stuck in a rut..
somehow the soul that was crying out... " hey ... listen to me.. " became.. "here, lend you a ear.... " i remembered what steven said... if you need encouragement. go encourage someone... in the span of 48 hours, had done that... glad i was enable to help my friends.. yet... some of the words said to the friend i was talking to was actually meant for myself tooo ....
Standing at the foot of the expectation... Going from level to next requires more than a small steps.. BUt either a huge leap Or many small steps next... the next course of action is obvious.. it sounds easy YET it's not.. Or perhaps, it's the fact that it's not evident to the natural, hence not that readily accepted by your natural processing ability as "attainable". Yet if I can do it via on my own efforts, would the fear factor remain? Certainly Not... cuz gotta factor God into the equation.......
Ah... 3 more months...
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Red prevails...

Hmm it so sleek and pretty and girly.. so moi! Love it ya... :)
Armed with the information on the RAM that max provided me and my DEAREST buddy, who braved her not so well body, I managed to get the IG RAM at one of the shops @ sim lim square... It was a MAZE and rach & i wondered why do they even bothered to put up the unit nos... imagine left to unit 03 is unit 24?? eh? And after assessing the lists of shops & the prices tabulated by max, we decided on one that doesn't looks like the fly-by-night type.. Strangely, most of the bosses of these hardware stores are indians... wondered why?
hmmm happy princess is happy cuz she has yet ANOTHER red item... incidentally, Red is one of my company's corporate colour... haha wonder if that's why i was there?
hmmm NEXt red item, the RED Vaio (though i like the pastel pink one, the red is HOT!!)

Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Faster RAM is dead BUT thank God I still have the 256!
a short recollection of sunday's event... ahha.. well, cuz it was a LONG day : served in the aM, stayed for svc, talked to newfriend, had a good lunch with jacelyn.... SAW this BRIGHT RED BIG BUTTON jacket from Esprit that would prolly be IN this season - hence not cost effective, so gotta convince myself that it's NOT worth it... went home to on my PC to hear this irritating BEeeping sound... without BLACK OUT SCreen, which was remotely familar to the previous near death experience of this ibm machine. that made me rather depressed cuz my thousand and one un-backup-ed stuff within my 50% filled hard disk.... sent panic sms to my IT experts pals : max, buttercups...
Well, with Max's advice on the possibly DEAD RAM and buttercup's warm response of "better fix it up soon cuz he subscribe to my blog", felt remotely happier that there was still hOpe.. in reviving the ailing machine. Prior to this, was wondering how ah? MY DATA, my photOs...
Well well.. thank God for the recollection of changing the RAM by myself that time the two pieces of RAM fought against one another and i took one out.. (the 256MB) and left the 512 MB to run the show.... -this was after the repair guy showed me how to do it...
hence with the "CAN DO" spirit - as reminded by the PREP talks given by the mgmt guys @ the Group Orientation today... decided to PRY open my CPU (no harm done.. if it's already RIP. at least i tried to resurrect it ma...) After minutes of aligning the SLOW RAM into the slot... YEAH... PC Started UP! Hallelujah!
Felt so accomplished... Should reward myself a bitsy... :) Thought of changing to the mio plan.. afterall.. i'm paying more than $100 for my voice plan & broadband.. and the phone i like is $0 on the promotion... Yet the choice is between the rosy RED W660i or the Nokia N73 Music Edition (only avaiable in BLACK but i like the camera though and more worth it.. ) Since my dear sony digicam's lifespan is coming to an end... i suppose the N73 is more worth it.. :)
wellwell.. see how.. at least need not pay a cent!! yay!