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Wednesday, 31 October 2007

another post @ 3am

I'm tired... I'm having diarrhea .. wonder if it's the coffeeshake i'd earlier... gee...

Had been Ot-ing for past few days... And think my #1fan buttercup was hooked on facebook... haha.. facebook.. thru' it, i re-linked with a couple of my JC's classmates/ eca mates.. fun... read some posts in the dhs group... wa.. memories... :) found memories of the old school building @ dunman road.. (sadly, it had been replaced by architecturely not so aesthetic tkss.) Remembered that 12 years ago, my class turned our classroom into a cave for CNY deco (it's the year of pig then..) And we were featured on 联合早报的头版 (sillie me still keep the newspaper article cuz not often you get to appear in the papers and front page too!! )

had a very good time with Vory earlier.... hehe... Thank God that we (r8ch, vory & me) are in the same cg.. (haha... best if claire is ard too.. then.. hehe.. but hpl willl diao us if we ever suggest that.. haha!) Frankly, if not for vory and r8ch, i won't make it to w110... and stayed there that long cuz i remembered how emo i was when i learnt of the BIG migration to w110... eh 4 years ago... (haha... was seriously in state of distress n very depressed - i guessed partly cuz leaving the comfort zone and into the unknown...) Well God is good.. and yeah.. reunion for us.. and glad to see us more matured... i guessed vory must be glad that r8ch and i have grown more matured.. hehe... and vory and i sorta reversed role in cg now.. haha..

think i'm crapping.. Fighting another day of war tomorrow... FAST & PRAY ah.. (literally doing that...later...thru'out the day!) I really appreciate the RESPONSIBLE members in the cg who bothered to reply to an sms that request "pls reply".. as for those who didn't sigh.. God help them to be more accountable.. (p.s. it's not as if i always have unutilised sms - in fact... it ain't enuff...!) Sigh sigh..

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