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Monday 12 November 2007

comic relief

Had spent a great day out with my bbf (that's how r8ch termed it.. haha best friend forever.. ).. started out cuz both of us were hungry.. hence after taking a glimpse at the booksale at expo (too blah.. and too many pple..), we ended up at T2.. ate the yummy popype.. sinfully delicious... chatted with her for hours... then the impromptu idea of mOvie popped up when we were window-shopping at the coldstorage for nimble food on our supposedly way home.. cuz we spotted popcorn.. and thank goodness that we chose Bee the movie... We were rather amused and tickled aloud by the movie.. seriously... or perhaps we were in the crappy mood...the jokes cracked in the movie seriously got us giggling almost thru'out the movie.. even to the last scene.. (clever to draw comparison of the mosquitoes with lawyers.. HAHA!!) :) I like.. :) Jokes aside.. what I caught from the movie was this - never depise the mundane minute tasks that you are doing.. It might not seemed much to you, yet it all adds to the big picture...

Yes.. I know my birthday is coming... yet.. i guessed I would still be working that day.. and yes.. i will still be attending choir prac that night... but that's not dragging the mood down... anyway.. the consolation.. it will not be as bad as last year..

i wish to see a rainbow soon...

well.. somewhere over the rainbow... bluebirds fly...birds fly over the rainbow.. why then oh why can't i...

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