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Saturday, 6 June 2009

I remember, i remember

I may not have a photographic memory but there are certain things/ events that seems to be eternally inscribed within.

It was a Great session tonite. Glad that I wasn't on stage. Love it always when Pastor Tan preaches. Divine word in season for me. Winter must have been my middle name since January 2008... and winter has never really left cuz i was too comfortable with the cold. (maybe that's why I went to a cg with summer in it. Since, I should look for one with spring first. Okie, this is lame if u understand the literal meaning of what I'd just described. LOL)

I should not have worn mascara or eye makeup today. The comforting thing is that Shishedo's mascara have yet sccumbled to my tears yet.

Before the (second) altar call, I was reminded of certain promise I've made, certain things I've desired ( though I was rather stunned at the exchange of conversation between two that taking place in front of me after service commenting on "don't dare to" despite them being more "trained" than I - by virtue of courses they have taken or currently pursuing.) I guessed some of the desires that I thought all should/ would have aren't applicable to all, it's just unique in my blueprint. I was just debating within if this is all just a wishful thought of mine. Certainly, I was stunned that I bingo-ed.  Needless to say what my response was. :) I love the infilling... :) but it's not just for me to contain and feel good.

Oh yes, taking long (much longer) route due to sheer obstinate nature.. too late to regret, but still, winter is over (it's just me holding back spring from happening cuz I have grown accustomed to the cold harsh wind in solitude) All things work for good for those who love Him and are called.

Rediscovered the scribe that I once was, the obed edom-ness I used to have, before the slight elevation of .... (Slight digress - I  really love taking down the notes and going thru them. I love my handwritting!!)

Anyway , the "cca" will have to go. soon.. meanwhile enjoy.

Truly, I understand why I understand. Confused? Never mind. I must have caught "confusions".

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