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Tuesday 2 June 2009

Hamster Generation

Keep me in the cage, feed me with food & drink, let me play with my toy (or do what I wanna do). At times, take me out of my cage and let me see a bit of the world out there.. then put me back into the cage.. Oh yeah, I'll be happy. - life of a hamster..

Was chatting with a friend over msn. haha.. guess wat.. we are talking politics.. oh well..I guess for my generation... most are quite apathetic over this, either they don't care or they are informed but don't feel the need to do anything about it.

I was rather surprised that the locals that were with me during the dinner didn't look like have a clue who the person speaking on stage was. (ok, maybe they have an inking but the person next to me was totally, huh?)Btw, I was sitting with table of eh.. working professionals? Okay, I admit, I don't recognized him by face, but the surname struck a chord immediately when he explained his circumstances. *went home to google, and yay, I'm correct.* at least,I ain't no bimbo. :)

But hey, the informal strawpoll seems rather representative of the younger generation of s'porean. (Though I wonder why they seem to be more excited on the US election than ours.. perhaps, the local campaigns aren't that glamorous/hip? Ask them who Obama is, they can tell you proudly who he is (*hopefully*). Ask them to name some of the sg cabinet ministers, i'm sure they will fumble and huh? (Okie, I'm not exactly an expert @ this.. but at least i recognise some of them!)

I guess we are either ill-informed, or well-informed but apathetic to do anything about it. DOn't wanna get into trouble.. so haha i will keep my two-cents worth offline. But as a person who adores comfortable living environment, great amenities, nice facade to my hdb estate (or private estate which ideally will be east coast - okie, I'm not a nonya, but i like that area.. I grew up in marine parade okie.. and would love to stay there when old.. if i'm still in sg) - I'm hands up for white.. Superficial as my thinking maybe.. (at least for now).
I think I belong to the second-category. Okie, just be happy like a hamster.. feed me.. keep me active. Afterall, the whites have been keep sg a great place. And I certainly don'thave the guts or drive to be the alternative voice.

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