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Thursday, 24 April 2008


For two consecutive weeks... the sermon was on Jabez... (which meant: pain), who was singled out of the many names... cuz of his spiritual hunger... (attended the jw svc on sat in between tien's matrimony & wedding dinner...)

I've heard this sermon quite a no. of times (it's in my iPod - one of the many emerge sermons crammed in poddie.. that came to play during shuffle mode), yet it never fails to touch me..
And yes... Pray... yee pray... like never before.... seek Me like never before... Consecrate yourself..

be like a Jabez, be like an Obed Edom...
Attended the sun expo service.. it was mind blowing.. simple message.. yet wow!! It's not in the delivery... it's the spirit.. Emulate that..

And yes... 2/3 of six months is over.. and the purpose of it all has not been much achieved.. Yet the flaws just seemed much more clearer & evident.. just don't understand why many just choose to adopt the "i see the gap, but it's not my problem/not within my control. Someone else will do it." mentality, when they are given the task to fill the gap....
I'm tired of voicing it out. Those who have ears, let him hear..
I realised that I could have dissipated over the weekend and the spiritual kazuku won't even realised it! It has been tested out a fortnight ago.. when i was down with the viral thingy.... T_T"

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