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Saturday, 12 April 2008


Truly amazed... Either that I'm a scribe by nature.. or perhaps. the Word has yet taken root yet.. cuz last nite cg sermon was a recap on last week's svc sermon.. Pretty amazed to see all except moi busily scribbling down the points all over again... Eh? Double scribbling = double portion? Cuz being the scribe.. I think I'd jotted down the whole sermon... HAHA... think if I go sOt.. my notes will be highly sought after.. haha.. *but i love the Word* haha.. maybe cuz..

internalising the Word.. am trying to do that.. a bit more day by day..

my 30G iPod is bursting.. sigh.. have crammed too much sermons within.. someone felt led to get me one new one..?

sigh.. aching now.. went doc after cabbing to work this morning cuz the nose started its marathon again.. actually since thur nite while I was making the April 13 babies...

lovely val send me the new song that we're singing tmw... wooo.. :) i love the song...

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