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Sunday, 6 April 2008

if only i...

If only I'd heed the advice seriously last Jun.. it will not be that torturous now..
If only I'd been more serious and diligent... there will not be that much of heartaches in these few months...
If only I know...

Yet if I know.. how would I act?

Today, in the midst of worship... I was once reminded that this period of "doing nothing" is not really for me to simply doing nothing... Sigh... I hate my os.. can't it just be reprogrammed once and for all.. yet God won't force us.. so.. it's still up to me...

Why can't he just treat me as a kid and tell me what to do next? yet i know, he doesn't want to and sees no need to.. cuz he knows that i know.. but hey.. a word from him will fuel much energy... cuz.. Sigh.. I'm being irrational now.. *think no one know what i'm blabbering abt*

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