Finally bought the bridge pins (silly me thought it was nuts.. haha) and yep.. the low E string is finally pinned down ( I broke one of pins many months ago while trying to change the strings.. think the heavy duty pilers I’d used had killed it.. ). With the limited chords that I know… there was only one song that haha I could play with ease… woo.. it was good.. Dug out a no. of old old songs.. strangely.. though they looked foreign to me at first glance, the melody just came on play mode (within me) after attempting to start the 1st line. *impressed* think my brain capacity for musical notes is rather huge..
Caught an overwhelming vision during sun service. It is certainly way beyond what I could imagine.. but it’s not gonna happen if I stay rooted here…
click me!!
Monday, 28 April 2008
Freaked out - the aftermath..
I guessed it was partly my fault too.. it takes two hands to clap right? Just that I didn’t expect it evolved so rapidly… to the extent I got freaked out! Anyway, thanks to the nice things said.. truly hope that he’ll find his special half – while my bro-cal lookalike will emerge in due season.. T_T”
Since this is not item no. 1 on the To-do-list, so let me settle what needs to be settled first.. which is almost done…
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Thank God... it's over..
*amazing encounter with God as the cab cruise thru the expressway.. from TPE to ECP ... * caught an SIA plane taking off - [makes me reconsider whether should i apply to SIA - there is a fresh opening for tax accountant - but haha am rather contented with kep so far.. great colleagues.. :) great neighbour.. just that it's a $20 cab ride sans peak hours compared to 10 min drive to Changi Airport!!] wanna zip off to HK!! .. cab cruised passed East Coast park.. captivated by the scenery outside .. the blending of the skyline of gloomy clouds and bright clear sky with a tinge of *dawn-like-scenery*... and wooo presence of God just hit me .. in the back seat of cab.. *so loved* :) but was trying to hold back the tears.. still some rolled down.. :)
hmmm received another sms.. panick.. contacted long..
Thanks long for *everything*
The drama is over in less than 24 hours.. !
don't think long has expected i'll would 'trouble' him in this area... T_T"
Was brought to mind this passage Issiah 43. (Amplified)
Isaiah 43
1BUT NOW [in spite of past judgments for Israel's sins], thus says the Lord, He Who created you, O Jacob, and He Who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you [ransomed you by paying a price instead of leaving you captives]; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.2When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.
3For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt [to the Babylonians] for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba [a province of Ethiopia] in exchange [for your release].
4Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and because I love you, I will give men in return for you and peoples in exchange for your life.
5Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east [where they are dispersed] and gather you from the west.
6I will say to the north, Give up! and to the south, Keep not back. Bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the ends of the earth--
7Even everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, whom I have made.
8Bring forth the blind people who have eyes and the deaf who have ears.
9Let all the nations be gathered together and let the peoples be assembled. Who among [the idolaters] could predict this [that Cyrus would be the deliverer of Israel] and show us the former things? Let them bring their witnesses, that they may be justified, or let them hear and acknowledge, It is the truth.
10You are My witnesses, says the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know Me, believe Me and remain steadfast to Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after Me.
11I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior.
12I have declared [the future] and have saved [the nation in times of danger], and I have shown [that I am God]--when there was no strange and alien god among you; therefore you are My witnesses, says the Lord, that I am God.
13Yes, from the time of the first existence of day and from this day forth I am He; and there is no one who can deliver out of My hand. I will work, and who can hinder or reverse it?
14Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake I have sent [one] to Babylon, and I will bring down all of them as fugitives, [with] all their nobles, even the Chaldeans, into the ships over which they rejoiced.
15I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.
16Thus says the Lord, Who makes a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters,
17Who brings forth chariot and horse, army and mighty warrior. They lie down together, they cannot rise; they are extinguished, they are quenched like a lampwick:
18Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.
19Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
20The beasts of the field honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen,
21The people I formed for Myself, that they may set forth My praise [and they shall do it].
22Yet you have not called upon Me [much less toiled for Me], O Jacob; but you have been weary of Me, O Israel!
23You have not brought Me your sheep and goats for burnt offerings, or honored Me with your sacrifices. I have not required you to serve with an offering or treated you as a slave by demanding tribute or wearied you with offering incense.
24You have not bought Me sweet cane with money, or satiated Me with the fat of your sacrifices. But you have only burdened Me with your sins; you have wearied Me with your iniquities.
25I, even I, am He Who blots out and cancels your transgressions, for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins.
26Put Me in remembrance [remind Me of your merits]; let us plead and argue together. Set forth your case, that you may be justified (proved right).
27Your first father [Jacob, in particular] sinned, and your teachers [the priests and the prophets--your mediators] transgressed against Me.
28And so I will profane the chief ones of the sanctuary and will deliver Jacob to the curse (the ban, a solemn anathema or excommunication) and [will subject] Israel to reproaches and reviling.
piano fest 2008
Here's the promo material found on the Piano fest website.
freaked out...
yep.. wisdom, i need wisdom.. the words that ros prayed for me on Tues nite rang in my ear upon the receipt of the smses (i lost count) this evening.. "one step at a time", and what sis belle prayed for me resonated as well..
yee, don't be distracted... FOCUS...
indeed, i was distracted. for a few hours... BUT hey gal, the pertinent area HAS YET been resolved....*the very reason why He sent me on this 6 month vacation.*
And being the responsible gal.. and out of sheer bewilderment of the apparent bizarre events happening to me (like an episode of drama on Channel 8) and loss of recourse of the chain effects of things..... I talked to mr cgl Elliot while queuing to get into Marche (which didn't really cross my mind cuz i thought it's just a harmless friendship). His expression when i relate the event to him.. Classic... Ya, his one word summarised reply on the whole matter.. "FAILED". So ya, this is the verdict.. i.e. "it's not gonna happen". peace. hallelujah!
I like this english saying "Fools rush in".
Let me consecrate another 6 months to Him and Him alone.
I was too distracted - partly of the *startling* wed nite experience.. no offense to the party BUT nope.
all i have to say.. thank God for wise leaders he has placed in my life.
gee.. what a week!
Friday, 25 April 2008
Matter of fact is that I was appearing offline for the wholeweek on msn to avoid the slightest chance of that msn window from popping out from someone i want to avoid (read: wed dinner post.)
somehow, i decided to appear online *cuz the source of avoidance is offline* aha! And certainly it is a move of God! *smile*
And I certainly can't believe that I was actually chatting non-stop since 1pm.. (and my pc hanged on me while i was just abt to start the conversation earlier...)getting good vibes actually... and i am totally amazed at the the thoughts in common... now recalling what i read in June's blog on writing down the specifics.. God's ways are higher than ours!
i better get back to work cuz i was totally distracted since until now...
anyway.. haha i kinda enjoy listening to my own voice (u know, u sound different when u listen to ya self, compared to your recorded voice.. the difference lies with resonance). anyway eileen is so sweet.. offered to lend her ears if i need help haha.. should try croaking/blasting her ear this weekend.. * songs.. haha.. contemplated to sing those schchoirday songs.. - easy to sing (cuz the lyrics remind embedded within no need to memorise ma- can sing u the parts too.. haha).. haha.. but so choral like... T_T"
oh well.. those contemporary songs that i like are usually unsingable OR tough ones.. HAHA... shall see how... T_T"
Thursday, 24 April 2008
I've heard this sermon quite a no. of times (it's in my iPod - one of the many emerge sermons crammed in poddie.. that came to play during shuffle mode), yet it never fails to touch me..
And yes... Pray... yee pray... like never before.... seek Me like never before... Consecrate yourself..
be like a Jabez, be like an Obed Edom...
Attended the sun expo service.. it was mind blowing.. simple message.. yet wow!! It's not in the delivery... it's the spirit.. Emulate that..
And yes... 2/3 of six months is over.. and the purpose of it all has not been much achieved.. Yet the flaws just seemed much more clearer & evident.. just don't understand why many just choose to adopt the "i see the gap, but it's not my problem/not within my control. Someone else will do it." mentality, when they are given the task to fill the gap....
I'm tired of voicing it out. Those who have ears, let him hear..
I realised that I could have dissipated over the weekend and the spiritual kazuku won't even realised it! It has been tested out a fortnight ago.. when i was down with the viral thingy.... T_T"
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Beautiful in His eyes..
was very blessed by choir prac on tues nite... especially by ros who prayed a very long prayer for me.. And wa.. it was really power and yes.. i believed that the love of God was soooooo strong that she was soo moved while praying for me.. no chance for me to pray for her though... Wa.. very blessed indeed... simple but powerful words: *one step at a time*
Once again.. choir prac became ministry time.... ^.^ Was so blown away by His presence that ya.. took me sometime to get up on my feet.. Now i know why those words were spoken to me.. haha.. to reinforce that the timely Dr Ulf's podcast i was listening to this morning on my way to work - which already sorta foretell how i would react this evening.. yet i dismissed.. next time, trust in the still small voice..
oh yes, princess will always be princess.. *not just daughter to Him.. but a princess in His eyes*
blue eyes...
Oh well, at least I could say... yay!! I know that's been ruled out cuz the VERY first criteria FAILED! which is spiritual depth /maturity.. (so need NOT go thru the rest cuz many of which cmi..T_T" .should have trust xinyi's assessment... oh well.. HAHA) Oh well.. looking forward to meet blue eyes.. (at least that's what i saw in one of the vision. sad only saw the eyes.. ) haha.. but ya.. being political correct.. assessment was that it was a nice meet up.. and it was a nice gesture that he picked the bill... just that.. nah, not happening.. oh well.. yay.. the blue-eye dream is still alive!! *c'est tout!*
aniwae.. still wanna go SOT.. * i think i shocked him by indicating the possibility of sot soon.. HAHa ( and i haven't mention SCA ...) small world.. he knows carmen too.. haha small world indeed.. HAHa.. speaking of which.. i miss her cutesy laugh... (and her "manifestation")... shall pop by skin to surprise her .. :)
incidentally, someone actually requested friend's request from friendster.. hmmm interesting.. wonder how he chanced upon my page - must be from mutual group.. cuz he's in chc too.. ah ha.. didn't know friendster still has its fanfare.. oh well.. i'd not gone in there for a while...
I'll never miss BS again.. NEVER.. ya i know it's just expanded lesson.. but.. i like! (unless there's choir prac... ) oh yesh.. BV audition.. jolene asked if i wanna go for it.. Hmmm I was hesitant.. bad bad previous two auditions. went to both UNPREPARED.. sad ah.. i think i didn't want it that bad.. Oh well.. think my vocals are weak still (i'm a lazy bum that ya... not consistent at all with her vocal warmups... BAD..) it's two more weeks.. so ya.. i shall see...
And i realised that I am in choir for close to 5 years le.. cuz eileen was asking for the date that i joined choir and i could not recall.. gotta go website see the archived photos to search for the 1st easter production i was involved in soon after joining to deduce that i joined the choir after 03 emerge (then further confirmed via my archived emailed cuz don't have the habit of deleting my yahoo email - unless forwarded crap.. found my 1st choir ic - minmin's email.. HAHA.. ) yesh, i have ST memory at times... WA 5 years in a few month time.. :) *yet still ... ... *T_T"
Monday, 21 April 2008
frankly, don't think it's easy for to send out that sms lo.. what if i reject? hmm maybe he prayed before sending.. >.<
so ya, i'll be missing lesson 3. *unless i chiong and finish by 730..* unlikely..
Friday, 18 April 2008
time to do more?
haha she's so cute in her sms.. the gist is that *she feels that it's time that i do more in choir.. *& haha assign me something to do.. with jimmy... to assist her with the jw sop gals well-being.. * especially the newbies.. or *the lost*
was kinda surprised.. but nevertheless .. agreed... will make them each into little princesses like me..
think I'm going cranky.. cuz I'd only slept 2 hours earlier cuz spent hours deleting the mess created while trying to use the multiply blog as a back up.. Poor manndy-yun received 2000+ msgs in her multiply inbox..
tomorrow's tien's wedding.. the only uni friend that I keep in contact - and haha work alongside with.. Technically speaking, she's my JC -vnr mate.. :), but was on closer terms with her in ntu cuz we happened to be in the same faculty and shared quite a number of classes too.. :)
Attending the holy matrimony too.. it's gonna be at the small but historical monument in Singapore - Armenian Church. (it's the oldest church in Singapore!) haven't been there before... :)
Due to some mis-communication, I will still attend jw svc at 330 followed by the wedding dinner @ Marriott in the evening. Shall not elaborate further on the miscommunication but it was a actually quite +_+" (not on my side though...)
bumped into ming yesterday at sillyhall.. she almost thought i was this road-block trying to block her way... :)
met an ex-colleague for dinner .. and i really enjoyed the Unagi Hotstone Rice @ mof (marina sq).. It's yummy.. (with the burnt-bit that resembles the guo-ba of claypot rice!)
and yesh, I'd told xinyi that i wanted rain as a gift when she asked me what she could get me from korea.. *.*" haha!
randomly... random blogged..
The 5-Factor IPIP Personality Test

Wednesday, 16 April 2008
cocktails of pills...
woo.. more missions trips coming up... i wanna sign up for at least one..
spent rest of sunday resting... *dilemma.. wanted to rest more cuz muscles don't seem to respond to brain orders... but don't feel like taking more MCs.. but come monday morning, the burning throat sensation returns.. still feverish *my silly thermometer is out of order.. it registers 35.5 degree when I feel sauna-ish. went doc again.. given more medicine.. (which has now numbed my sensory ability of my tongue which totally reduced appetite.. GOOD! haha) and was told to expect a blood test if the high-spike fever persist on tues.. and red dotties appear on skin ( DENGUE suspected.. ) thank God the fever went down.. by monday evening..
*rest more on tues.. headed down to the revenue house with dad cuz he didn't realised that his income exceeds the threshold.. sigh.. no singpass/no ef pin and yesterday was the filing deadline.. Looong snaking queue outside the RH at ard 12. Anyway all was done.. zipped off home.. rest a while.. then headed out for choir prac..
There was an awesome presence of God. Many hearts rekindled/dry bones revived/ holy laughter and partial deliverance (partial cuz sighed, the gal not fully delivered la.. still better than not at all). For me.. it was wOw already before the impromptus ministry time ... *even your slightest desires matters!* and once again.. the reassurance and re-reassurance of whatever i was having some wavering thoughts in* God is omnipotence , omniscience & omnipresence. :)
aniwae.. thankful for those who prayed for me.. :) Am almost ok now.. save for the lingering running nose..
Saturday, 12 April 2008
internalising the Word.. am trying to do that.. a bit more day by day..
my 30G iPod is bursting.. sigh.. have crammed too much sermons within.. someone felt led to get me one new one..?
sigh.. aching now.. went doc after cabbing to work this morning cuz the nose started its marathon again.. actually since thur nite while I was making the April 13 babies...
lovely val send me the new song that we're singing tmw... wooo.. :) i love the song...
Thursday, 10 April 2008
What are u staring at!!

Wednesday …
Enjoyed the bs.. Always enjoyed the Word of God. Alright, I’ve went through the whole 5-fold BS last year (the first batch when it was launched.)I know it’s repeated lessons but more meat now (cuz extended version).. BUT nevertheless, I adore it.. * Seriously considering to take the Part 1 after that..
Last evening during the BS, felt that the wOrds that bro kim hock was preaching was like *haha* directed for me.. frankly, for the past few weeks… the still small voice has been talking to me… but the pampered-strong-willed princess just can’t find the strength/reverence to internalise.. But what brother kim hock spoke last night hammered that in me. Hmm prophetic utterance? (Truly in the flow of the bs topic – prophetic ministry), Strangely, quite a lot of things that he spoke last night were what Holy Spirit has been revealing to me lately.. And revelation was that was: not all will be moved by the prophetic utterances during meetings/ services.. Only those which the words were meant for would be moved.. and the prophecies stay with you for life! Wow.. I was in awe… I was reminded of the instances that cgls has prophesised over me in the past..
Yet, at the end of the day, the decision is till up to me. Question (which I have sorta procrastinate in replying):.. how much do I want it.. how hungry am i.. (not literally)…
And yesh.. also.. be forward looking.. down with “retro”.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
music genre
anyway... like imeem... loads of songs on their db.. :)
currently chose smashing pumpkins' 1979.. think i've a thing for the rock-typesy tunes.. like electric guitar!
glad that choir practice gonna be on Tues (for the time being...) SO I need not miss bible study (ya, i know it's repeated.. but hey.. its more indepth.. think i'll take the 5-fold (part 1) after I finished part 2).. cuz no more levels to advance further... (ya.. I know.. bible school is the next level lo...)
Gotta balance extremism and perfection... some of the choir members who is in sot shared their 1ast two days of experience... tsk tsk tsk.. make me wonder what would happen if I'd taken the step of faith in 05/07 .. AIz... I don't want to pull back AGAIN.. Anyway.. I know if i go. I will not wanna miss a day of the lessons.. ( think i very seldom CUT classes one lo.. even in ntu.. despite how hopeless the lecturer is... ) Hopefully, it will revert back to the 10mths long..
think sot is more likely to happen than sca... cuz at least it's still in singapore... one at a time..
Like what Idy shared today during last segment of prac tonite... On friendship within choir... found concurrence on some of the things that she shared... Cuz indeed... thru' choir, i've got to know some great friends who really influenced me a lot.. and people that I really cherished.. Especially in these few months... thankful for great gals like cuiqi (gal i miss U!) and kelly.. who really encouraged me loads.. and many more... like jolene.. maybelline, mel, mandy, jieyim (haha), eileen, jimmy.... and many others as well.. who ya.. I'll miss in the event I've to leave.. *don't know when, hopefully never..* very blessed that all my helpers/ics are all wow wow! And ya.. usually i become good palies with the helpers too like *cuz haha I'm princess ma!* everyone adore.. hahaha* like jolene, cuiqi, carmen (haha brief brief but i miss U too..!), eileen..
hmm very blessed lor.. HAHA..
And yesh... I've gotta stOP travelling via cab.. SPent 60 on cabs to day.. to work and back from from church.. SIGH ... and oh yesh.. the cab that drove me home tonite.. I suspect he's training for F1 race... he was travelling at such fast speed * and yesh.. rather bumpy ride too...never knew PIE to have that much terrains.. * I was home within 20+mins! WOO! (but bleah.. thank God I didn't puke..!)
think this year is one in which i attended many weddings... March was guiping's, next sat's tien's, ex-sgx-colleague- janice in May, lovely cuiqi's in June.. (think more to come oso...) Mickey Mouse year a good year for marriage... Or rather.. tis the age to settle down... princess wants to find her prince too.. >.<
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Monday, 7 April 2008
i woke up.. finally...
And yes, regarding the silly smirk thingy... I realised it's just a silly smirk.. HAHA.. watching too much drama recently i guessed..
Read a recent post in june's blog.. and that sets me thinking.. yup, I've to ask in specific.. *hmmm* tonite... :)
Time to be serious...
saw someone's nick on msn titled - my left eye.. hope his eye is fine... :o
****** Present scouting...
had a great time with Ivory scouting for the long's present after visiting ming's princess.. (think princess sophie would make a very pretty princess.. and we have so much in common.. she loves pink.. or at least... her mommy does.. so sweet!) hmmm think it will not be a surprise though.. hope he not disappointed.. cuz no boss.. * think he has too high regards for the cg as a whole.. * oh well.. i think i'd caused him quite a headache these few months.. so ya.. make it up via the gift bah... ;o
but haha.. the shopaholic is satisfied even if buying the gift for others.. plus it was a fun thing to do cuz we tried visualising the recipient in the chosen items.. haha..
enjoyed the evening out wif vory..
****** Skin care!- Sunscreen!
Attempted to protect my outer dermis by slapping of sunscreen on exposed dermis.. after catching a rerun of the beauty tips show hosted by Fann Wong last sat (before scooting off to jw).. Hmm.. it's not too troublesome actually.. Shall also persist in removing or at least lighten the ugly scars left by my outbreak of rash on my calves.. ( Doc said that it was a case of post-eczema, would take some time to lighten the scars.. cuz i'm kinda fair..) sigh..
****** Zara!
Latest acquisition... Bought a lovely baby blue strippie dress from Zara.. Feeling kinda low then when i stepped foot into Vivo.. Retail therapy strikes again.. Sigh.. my wardrobe is BURSTING.. literally bursting.. so gotta curb that... ;P
Sunday, 6 April 2008
if only i...
If only I'd been more serious and diligent... there will not be that much of heartaches in these few months...
If only I know...
Yet if I know.. how would I act?
Today, in the midst of worship... I was once reminded that this period of "doing nothing" is not really for me to simply doing nothing... Sigh... I hate my os.. can't it just be reprogrammed once and for all.. yet God won't force us.. so.. it's still up to me...
Why can't he just treat me as a kid and tell me what to do next? yet i know, he doesn't want to and sees no need to.. cuz he knows that i know.. but hey.. a word from him will fuel much energy... cuz.. Sigh.. I'm being irrational now.. *think no one know what i'm blabbering abt*
interesting saturday...
fish: "Mione, yesterday I dreamt of u going SOT, u going this year? :) "
princess: "Wa.. I want too.. But nope.. :( not this year.. sonn ba.."
fish:" Not to worry. God will wait for you. :)
princess:" Amen! ;p But I know what you dreamt will sure come to pass... :)"
fish:"Its very clear in my mind. Me still can remember. You are wearing a spaghetti floral print skirt. In d dream, u r going to rush off to work in d afternoon :D"
princess:" Woo! I'll hold on to that! Let you know when that day comes to pass.. ;p"
Boy oh boy.. I was shocked!! Deep down in me.. yup.. i hope to say... Yup.. to her initial questions.. but sigh.. no... BUT this year nope.. too many things going on at the same time.. *still harbour the sca thought though... *
hmmm went jw.. was SURPISED that there are no sop helpers ard today.. was taken aback when jocelyn asked me to take the sop ( only 8 of us with majority newbies.. in short.. I was the "longest" ard ) gals to run thru the songs.. tsk tsk tsk.. i was not ready lo.. but still it went ok..
Sweet kel gave me a lift to holland area after serving.. silly me took a wrong bus that terminate at pan pacific (Cuz I thought it will pass by orchard area before reaching marina square.. ) fortuately.. I was early still, took a train down to meet tien..
hmmm it was raining rather heavily.. instead of heading to goodwood park, went to this cozy little jap resturant at 5th floor of far east plaza - Nanbantei .. it was yummy. love the grilled food.. and especially the succulent corn.. and the tomato that was wrapped with thin slices of pork and grated cheese.. the tomato just ooozed out once you sink your teeth into them.. Yummy.. Had a good time catching up with Tien.. Haha.. I should think she's the only one Uni friend that I still keep in touch with.. (Ruth not counted.. cuz i only got to know her @ keppel last year..) though strictly speaking, if we weren't in vnr haha, dun think we'll be that close... haha... the two years of PT and "torture" really bond us (and the rest of the troupe" closer)
Went hunting ard for ming's pressie after dinner cuz ivory and i decided to pamper the mom instead of the dotter - since the mommy said the dotter has almost everything... hehe..
Went with tien to the lobby lounge @ Marriott to meet liyun after getting the gift.. hmm seemed like quite a no. of the vnr peeps & my sec classmates attend ncc .. Hmmm no comments... that aside.. it was quite a good catching up session.. and didn't know that joanna from ngo was liyun's cousin! small world... it was great.. relaxing.. and filling each other with updates on friends in our group.. Sigh i miss the times we had while in school.. And woo.. I was indeed surprised to learn that yibin & peishi are still not married.. they were together since sec 2!
hmmm now having a sorta headache.. must be the lychee martini..
Friday, 4 April 2008
frankly.. i don't have very fond memories of the starbucks @ Bugis.. cuz.. it bring back bad memories of that day that started this chain of events... Yet, for some strange reason, last nite wasn't too bad afterall... so ya, it's not the place.. it's just the memories that I associated the place with... *is that how our brain work?*
oh well.. I was pretty surprised that i actually confessed it aloud last nite... sigh ... believe me.. I tried but it just stuck on in spite of it all... I never stopped... yes ... oh well... i repent of the white lie that i told you then ... just to get on with our lives ...
what that made me smile today.. the cutesy kitten pix that ivory has posted on her blog.. i like cats!
The story of the chicken wings and (non-poultry) thigh...
Silly but true story.. but when I relate this little tale of mine to creamcream-mimi’s owner – she gasped and her jaw was ajar. Classic look.. should have captured it on film.. Sigh.. Didn’t… I would have to thank you for giving me the opportunity for that to happen.. Sigh.. *a-silly-smirk-on-my-face* .. I think I might have an imaginative mind but is that as a sign? That happened like less than 24 hours after I prayed that if it’s not meant to be.. then let me never think of it again..
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
To my bff
Strangely, by not doing anything, I was being penalized. Sigh.. I’m a person of few (audible) words and I speak with my fingers more fluently… And I choose not to confide in you because you were part of what I wanna run away from…
Sigh.. this the second time the cold war started… Sigh.. Is this gonna be cold forever?
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
What's the world coming to?
Also.. I wonder if the basic courtesy level of Singaporeans have generally degenerated.. I detest walking the connecting path from the East-West line of SMRT to the SBS' Transit NEL . It's like making your way through a moving human wall whereby the THRONG of commuters from the NEL side would occupy 80% of the walkway, leaving the poor guys from the east west side to shuffle in between them and the cold rough walls of the tunnels.. And they relentlessly made their way through, expecting the human traffic from the other direction to give way to them... -.-"
AND this uncouth behaviour is not peculiar to the morning crowd but also during evening hours.. SIgh, I hate alighting at outram to transfer to the east west line.. There will always be A CROWD of human beings stationed in front of the doors. And they are eagerly waiting for the doors to open, to "chiong" in, to grab the coveted seat.. WHEN the alighting passengers have yet alighted... Common sense tells you that "in order for one to get in the crowded cabins, you have to let those who are alighting to alight first before boarding.." And these being all dressed in working attire , i presume, is literate and hence could understand the signs that say "please give way to alighting passengers" that were on the train doors.. Nope.. like what the saying goes 'FOOLS RUSH IN'. Sigh...
Sigh.. I would love to make this BIAS conclusion that commuters from the NEL side = UNCIVILIZED, but it's unfair to those who aren't. But there are more uncivilized ones ...
Uh huh, the common sight of YOUNG AND ABLE not giving up their seats for pregnant ladies & the elderly. They will either pretend to be asleep, genuinely sleeping, engrossed in their PSP, or simply wore the oblivious look that "I pay for the fare too, so I've the right to sit". The latest incident being last night on the train whereby a 30+ years strong and stout looking man dashing for the seat once vacated by the passenger before him and turned a blind eye (by closing his droopy eyes instantly his butt hit the seat) to the elderly man before him. - which by the way.. i was ya..on my feet.. standing.....
And yesh.. educated people cannot read! The ladies at my floor was choked again.. To quote what my HR sent in the "warning email" -
This is to inform that the handicap washroom (female executive toilet) at level 17 is closed for urgent repair works until further notice.This is due to a choke in the pipe caused by handtowels disposed into the toilet bowl of the handicap toilet. As this choke has occurred on several occasions, the most recent in Dec 2007, causing a serious leakage in the other tenant's office space at level 16 & 15, we urge all employees to dispose your handtowels into the bins and not into the toilet bowls.In view of the seriousness of the situation, should the same problem re-occurs, we will have no choice but to remove the handtowels from the handicap washroom (female executive washroom) on level 17.
Note.. all the ladies working on this floor, all having at least went through secondary or tertiary education, should at least understand the phase "Please dispose the handtowels into the bins". surely one could differentiate between a bin & toilet bowl? -.-" *faint*
And this choking thing happen again DESPITE the previous warnings.. I reckon that it's not that they can't read.. they just don't care..
Sigh.. what's this world coming to...