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Friday 11 December 2009

everyone is getting it and that irks me..

iPhone.. everyone is talking about it..  and queuing for it...

And since so many people are getting it.. that makes me NOT wanna possess it.. (at least for now...) cuz it's so common... * anyway, i've no intention to change a phone before May 2010 - cuz that's the earliest I can change my phone without incurring penalty for breach of contract.. ;p

but if iPhone comes in  PINK colour.. I might consider.. *since the nano are in rainbow hues, why not the iPhone? I think the cameras embedded in SE phone take better pix.. ;p

Perhaps i'll get a iPod touch instead cuz my old iPod, winterberry, of 30G is kinda getting on its age.. but then again... winterberry is still functioning.. *okie, my gadgets are all *berries* (cuz i like berries, which explains my msn login).. my first iPod mini is- blueberry i think.. (cuz it's blue!) and haha.. my phone - is appleberry (cuz it's red!) But I've no intention of buying a blackberry phone... cuz I don't need a biz phone! :)

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