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Tuesday, 10 October 2006

All cleared... Praise the Lord!

God's words will not return to Him void!

DEspite of the "encouraging" comments from the tutor and some others on the past results of the candidates.. (such as "50+%" passing rate.. , you definitely HAVE to study/ memorise A LOT to pass...), i only managed to squeeze oUt 6 -7 hours to cram the 1 inch thick A4 size book... (cuz sat whole day gone, Sun half a day... and morning going to office...). ALmost contemplated NOT to go to morning devotion when i still have 8 chapters (half an inch thick of the text) to digest at 330am.. (translate: 4 more hours to go...) YEt, just felt that I HAVE to go to the devotion and Praise the Lord I did.. (cUz word in season.. and word of encouragement to me.. perhaps to share another time...) so thought that i would still have 3 hrs to revise after AM devotion

Yet, i didn't know there's weekly meeting.. the time it ended.. it was 215.++ so.. no more time to revise.. went to exam with estella and sis catherine.. well.. we made use of the remaining 45 min to comb thru as much as possible.. well.. the text seemd like GREEK to me by then...

exam time.. well.. there are 50 questions in all.. frankly i was only confident in perhaps 20+ of them (and passing % is 70%.. ie. i can afford at most 15 incorrect answers...) finished 1 round of checking and there's 2 minutes to go.. Didn't have the faith to click on the "finished" button.. so watch the clock counting down.. yet i have the assurance that I will pass.. clock was ticking.. 5...... 4 ....... 3 ....... 2 .... 1

the computer screen flashed the word "PASS".. I was esctatic... And.. God began to remind me once again what His promise.. Cuz I told God.. if really that's where He wanted me to head... let me to clear ALL the entry exams at the 1st sitting.. well.. GOd never lies.. and really, i won't know how to do it without God.. cuz I was pressed for time to revise... never have the luxury to revise after lessons.. cuz the course was structured in such a manner that you will take the exam on the next day or so after the LAST lesson of the module... Well.. I could have trust in my flesh and do everything that a typcial person will do.. (ie.. to pass my exam ... I will have to just only STUDY and push other things away...) but I choose to do it God's way.. so.. I didn't change my typical schedule and still go meeting, cgm, choir prac, served when it's my team is on... Well.. what you sow you will reap.. was enlightened by one of Joyce Meyer's podcast recently.. many people neglect their time with God.. Well.. principle of sowing and reaping.. if you need finances, you sow finances... hence, if you need time, sow time to the Lord..

hmmm think huiling must have come by here once in a while.. (gal, do tag me leh.. I love WORDs of affirmation... ) cuz lian was telling me .. :)

char siew gal... your rolly polly will come soon.. maybe after i close my 1st deal okay... glad u like the greeny.. turtle/ tortorise..

okok.. time to get ready for work...

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