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Thursday, 16 July 2009


Okie, received this message earlier in the day from jimmy. Alright, I fulfill the criteria - I am confident of learning that performance song - I learnt it last Tues. (Pretty easy song); I'd missed only 2 of the prac when the song was taught. Yet, the catch of the day - attendance is compulsory for next tues & wed.. (wed is no prob, the issue is tues)* The added clause - there would be a combined meeting next tues. *cgl said its up to me if I wanna attend when I informed her regarding the performance thingy.* And we are encouraged to be asked to be excused from the meeting.

Hmm, there lies dilemma, I wanted to be part of history - I don't foresee myself being in choir still come another 20 years... but on the other hand.. I don't wanna miss the meeting.. haha.. there's only one me and hence, I guess I know my priority. :)

But I've yet replied her.. 

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