The 15km route - from the lagoon hawker center carpark (angsana green) to the macDonald area (1st turning point) then all the way to the country club area - think was the NRSCC golf course- then back to the angsana green.
Nah, have never ran a 15km at one shot.. The furthest was 10km. (Standard Chartered Run 2008). And I didn't really train for this.. just ran a bit more than usual, which was like at most 10km a week.. haha!).
Slept for at most 5 hours. ( was watching a silly Taiwanese variety on the mio taiwan channel 71 - the programme involved getting viewers who volunteered to get "灵异"experience . so think the episode was at a hunated hotel.. apparently many killed themselves there... and ya.. so they filmed their encounteres with the wandering spirits haunting the deserted hotels - ya.. u can see the ghostly shadows/ mist hovering ard them.. think the purpose was to experience how the departed felt just before their suicide (as in why they did that), how they died, and the feeling after.. Very crappy. And ya, dangerous lo.. cuz some of them passed out after the spirit possessed their bodies.. - Ya, total crap show but I was waiting for hair to dry, hence watching the crap stuff.. haha)
Reached the Angsana green ard 710 ( the cab uncle didn't know where the east coast lagoon hawker center is!? btw it's a mercedes cab ( thought will be of a higher calibre!) he wanted to bring me to Bedok market near changi camp?East coast Mac? then big Splash... then i told him to take the ecp and exit before the bedok exit. Then he mentioned that there was a running event at east coast that morning, place was very jammed. one of his earlier customer dropped off at mac cuz crowded. TO walk all the way from Mac to the hawker centre is like 3km?! Told him politely "Yea, and I'm heading there and the starting point is at carpark E2 not Mac."
Started the race at the first wave of my category (15km non-competitive). It was starting to get hot when we started running... It helped that I am familar with the east coast area (cuz I grew up there!) So see the visible landmarks like the Bayshore , Mandarin gardens, Marine Terrace to Marine Cresent.. haha.. Can literally countdown to the turning point. :)
Must be due to the hot weather, it seemed to me like eternity for the 1st km. happy to trun back.. And it doesn't seemed like running from hawker centre to mac and back to to the hawker centre was only 6km?
Frankly, I thought I was NOT able to finish the run cuz at the 7km mark, my left foot hurt.. ( the old injury from prolong wear of high (i mean high) heel shoes/wedges.. and ya, running in them to chase after bus - cuz feet in prolonged tip-toe position.. think now the left side is kinda pissed with me... ).
Yet, I was determined to finish it no matter what.. so i pushed on and hehee.. grabbing a drink at almost every water point (which is like 12 out of 14 and ya, i walked for like 15- 30 seconds every time lo.. so i can rest a bit ma.. and based on previous experience did not overdrink hence to prevent the bladder from getting too full - the portable tiolets are a huge no-no to visit! - it's GROSS!).. Was pretty happy to see the turning point which was like beyond the countryclub (and its like desert out there... no trees.. no shades... and boring..).
The sight of the Bayshore condo from afar was an encouraging sign to me, cuz that meant that the finishing point was approaching. But the irritating pain in my left foot was deterring me from going faster, attempted to walk but didn’t – afterall I was supposed to finish within 90 minutes. Oh well.. I didn’t. Sprinted for the last maybe 200 metres.. According to my nike sports band, I ran (and walked perhaps a couple of minutes) the 15km in 1hr 41min & 42 sec.
And.. haha.. I wasn’t that tired after the run. Just that I was very thirsty and hot. (Sun has risen and true to my “prayer” it was bright & sunny from Friday to Sunday!) I figured, the half marathon shouldn’t be that bad. Didn't really take pictures though I saw throngs of people doing that. (cUz (a) i was alone, trying to get either tristan or my colleagues.. but no response (b) cuz think my hair was messy ) so no pictures...
Think I'll put vaseline the next time i run long distance.. Abrasion marks on my arm - cuz of the armband I was wearing to put my phone. Think probably last time round, I carried the phone in my arm and i applied sunblock.. hence there's protection/ lubrication.
All in all.. happy that i finish that run.. lalala