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Thursday, 21 July 2011

What the ?

Oh yeah. I received a text from my brother informing me that the sotong illiterate sharkies had splattered black paint at our door!? For the debt owning by our next door neighbor apparently! Darned.. Work of the devil I suspect.. Thwarted my plan of evening run later.. $&@££ sharkies.. Can't differentiate between 2 & 0. What the..

Hope my brother had lodged the police report by now. And he's scheduled to leave for Seoul later tonight! Hence the early discovery of the sharkie 'artwork', else chaotic if it's my parents who uncover the mess! Hope the splash is not that serious.

God, pray for your protection over my family. And for the darn culprit to be apprehended!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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