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Monday 4 July 2011

Not bias

Alright, this is just my personal view.. Stemmed from a few friends asking me recently. Have you heard what was being shared? Or simply just hearsay topdown?

Didn't want to comment without even listening/ viewing upfront personally. Hence, I went to YouTube and check out a couple of the recent clips (which was posted on the official page in feb & june this year ). I chose the shorter clip of 11+min and incidentally one of which was also a more interesting topic.

I'm not a biblical scholar but I guessed my intelligence quotient is of a standard high enough NOT to miss out the essence behind Rom 7 that leads to Rom 8:1.. Else why use 'therefore' in Rom 8:1.

True, Rom 7 illustrated on the man's struggles with sin.. But the essence in that chapter- 'heart of repentance' after sinning was not mentioned by the pst but he placed emphasis on 'no condemnation of the one who did an incorrect act. Yes, He is love and ever willing to overlook and accept us for our weakness on that we genuinely repent.. And refrain from doing it again ( and no chance to sing along to Britney spears' ops I did I again!)

Hence really an surface (easy) interpretation of rom 8:1 that translate to 'it's okay to err, just cuz of who you believe in'. But to lead to the ' therefore, there is no condemnation'. The condition is to genuinely repent from the wrong act (and not do it again) and if you repent, no condemnation applies.

Applying to even the courts of laws- leniency granted by the jury/ judge if the defendant is found to be remorseful & repent from his actions.. But repeat offenders face harsher verdicts.. So as to deter them from doing wrong again...

So, believing in Christ is not a shield for one to do immoral stuff over & over again .. If you have the heart to change, why will u keep tripping over & over again? But the pst said guilt is the very reason to the sin vicious cycle.. Huh? So if we feel guilty of the wrong act, we will go back to do it again and again .. Cuz we feel condemn.. Huh!!?! This I certainly cannot see eye to eye. I mean say if one cheated in a common test but not caught in the act. If he feels guilty, will he continue to cheat again??!! One in the right frame of mind will not affirm this. Or if he feels condemned in cheating, he continues cheating??

Okay, maybe I'm being brought up morally upright by my parents & the normal schools I went to. The above guilt trip theory to induce more wrong act make no sense to me.. The guilt inflicted by devil instead torments us la.. Not that guilty so do the act that makes us guilty...

God is love and He loves us even when we fall but we must also really feel sorry about what we have done. If so, we'll have stop doing right? Cuz we will try to cease doing that wrong act..It's not just a one sided thing..

Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking thru tinted lens at those who falls at times (all of us, me included, imperfect earthlings do err). But just trying to illustrate that the purported hearsay of the imbalance skewed easy doctrine stands. Not that I'm just one of those who SIMPLY BELIEVE what the human authority said and don't check with the source of my belief - the Word itself..

I rest my case.. Anyway I'm glad I'd not stepped foot in there .. Actually hearing the two short clips alone was rather disturbing to me... Though I see why en-mass seek solace there.. 'friendly indeed'...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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