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Saturday 2 July 2011

The ice-cream man

Learnt from Tristan the abridged version of the ice-cream man story. I didn't ask for the details when that happened there and then since we were subtly informed of the changes - which was perhaps the politically correct explanation that could be accepted by the mass.

Hmm if I chanced upon the perceived truth that bank ulu ulu may be operationally unsound & the funds could have been channeled to money laundering activities.. What will I do? Then again, you trusted the board, the senior management to be of integrity so perceived truth = absolute truth?

Blow the whistle and leave the bank? Blow the whistle and stick around (since it's perceived truth)? Blow the whistle, leave the bank, bring the clients with you? Do nothing?

Oh well, leave the judgment to Him. If I'm in that position, guess I would be in dilemma too.. But would probably blow the whistle too..

Grey areas are aplenty.. Depending which side of the fence you are on, the gaps that's not patched by legislation exist. No organization is perfect right? Tell me, you know jay-walking is against the law but how many would patently wait for the green man to be lit up before crossing or use the overhead bridge instead of jaywalking under the bridge?

Oh well, i ain't the judge and neither are you. Leave it to Him and him on earth who is authorized to pass judgement.

The ice-cream & supporters, I wish you well; I prefer the healthier alternative - froyo. ;)

Gosh, now I've craving for yigloo!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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