I <3 my zone pastor. He is really a very genuine and relational person. Really no aires about him at all! I really didn't expect pastor Aries to actually tap me on my hand on his way out (think to indo church) after the fop announcement (I was fiddling with phone to open the app)! I was seated row 2 at the corner seat by the alpha aisle, but with my head down, he could have just hurried out cuz I didn't see him, but he tap me on the hand to acknowledge me, making me feel like VIP of some sort. And I'm totally amazed how he remembers so many names and things associated with us. Obviously I'm the one that's always running ... Lol.
Role-model, definitely. ;)
click me!!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Divine timing
I love fb..
Cuz what my friend v commented cuz it echoes my sentiments towards the superlong crap the angst chap ranted again.. [though I'm sure it's totally unrelated]

If mr 'amazing grace' really believes in the amazing grace that he posted in his fb, shouldn't he use extend grace to others, whether what he perceived is true or not.
Oh yes, I have a hunch who he is talking about.. But nah, my comments to him.. 'chill and judge not. For no one coerce you to do what is contradictory to your wishes. And when people give, they give unto the Lord. The steward(s) of the moneys are accountable to God. If there is any wrong-doing, won't God see to it? If you start the name calling and judging, aren't you playing God?
Just checked fb.. Mr holy one had deleted his rant an hour later! Holy one no more.. See now it turned into xx's cute hello kitty!! Lol! Too late! I captured it on screen!

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Cuz what my friend v commented cuz it echoes my sentiments towards the superlong crap the angst chap ranted again.. [though I'm sure it's totally unrelated]

If mr 'amazing grace' really believes in the amazing grace that he posted in his fb, shouldn't he use extend grace to others, whether what he perceived is true or not.
Oh yes, I have a hunch who he is talking about.. But nah, my comments to him.. 'chill and judge not. For no one coerce you to do what is contradictory to your wishes. And when people give, they give unto the Lord. The steward(s) of the moneys are accountable to God. If there is any wrong-doing, won't God see to it? If you start the name calling and judging, aren't you playing God?
Just checked fb.. Mr holy one had deleted his rant an hour later! Holy one no more.. See now it turned into xx's cute hello kitty!! Lol! Too late! I captured it on screen!

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Saturday, 30 July 2011
Wrong fit
If others found it snuggle-happy..
Perhaps I'm femur trying to fit into the carpal socket.
The Word still remains but it may not be for now...
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Perhaps I'm femur trying to fit into the carpal socket.
The Word still remains but it may not be for now...
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Friday, 29 July 2011
Finish the cause
These three words I guess is the answer.
Echo-ed what j told me last Sunday.. Except his was more layman - 'finish what you need to do'. It's a double confirmation I guessed. ;)
And thanks to my dear friend jac who prayed for moi.. No runnercare for me but crab buddy yes! ;) it was a very friendly cg no doubt.. But gotta do what I have to do - though yeah..
Glad that WL is kinda happy with the cg.. ;)
And I didn't know people in the zone recognizes me - as the top female runner in AZ zone.. >.<"
It's really Omigosh..
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Echo-ed what j told me last Sunday.. Except his was more layman - 'finish what you need to do'. It's a double confirmation I guessed. ;)
And thanks to my dear friend jac who prayed for moi.. No runnercare for me but crab buddy yes! ;) it was a very friendly cg no doubt.. But gotta do what I have to do - though yeah..
Glad that WL is kinda happy with the cg.. ;)
And I didn't know people in the zone recognizes me - as the top female runner in AZ zone.. >.<"
It's really Omigosh..
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Thursday, 28 July 2011
Paper cards
Once a upon a time, I pride myself to create a card for my friends' birthday..and yes, that goes for my members in the cg. Henceforth, the birth of 'herMionE's creation' (Not registered with ACRA.. Yet). Before people started to scrapbook.. It's not at all torture, it's my pleasure ...
Since the 'dissolve' of my previous cg- and hence the discharge of my 'duties' as the birthday coordinator, I'd stopped churning out cards... Seemed to me in this paperless society, tangible cards are passé.. And people who wrote on the cards just scribbled the same old 'happy birthday' and sign off.. Or perhaps, it's a thankless task which I guess appreciated by the recipient only..
But this message from an old friend whom I was in the cg for briefly a year really blessed / touched me..
I didn't expect that lil personal gesture means much to people..
I guess not all's in vain..

Man, being flesh & blood, prefers personal touch than mass-produced 'love'.
So if you still receive something handmade from me, yeah, you are so fortunate! Limited edition! And yeah, you've place in my heart.. My new signature style - recycling the Starbucks' paper cup holder.. (which meant I do quite a no. of takeaways).. As seen below:

So be faithful in doing the little things... I'm more blessed to be able to be a blessing to others. ;)
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Since the 'dissolve' of my previous cg- and hence the discharge of my 'duties' as the birthday coordinator, I'd stopped churning out cards... Seemed to me in this paperless society, tangible cards are passé.. And people who wrote on the cards just scribbled the same old 'happy birthday' and sign off.. Or perhaps, it's a thankless task which I guess appreciated by the recipient only..
But this message from an old friend whom I was in the cg for briefly a year really blessed / touched me..
I didn't expect that lil personal gesture means much to people..
I guess not all's in vain..

Man, being flesh & blood, prefers personal touch than mass-produced 'love'.
So if you still receive something handmade from me, yeah, you are so fortunate! Limited edition! And yeah, you've place in my heart.. My new signature style - recycling the Starbucks' paper cup holder.. (which meant I do quite a no. of takeaways).. As seen below:

So be faithful in doing the little things... I'm more blessed to be able to be a blessing to others. ;)
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Wednesday, 27 July 2011
In <3 ?
Monday, 25 July 2011
Random part 2
So sweet of you to pass me a book that you think I'll be blessed by it as well.. Wow, it had been a really long while since someone passed me a book that he thinks I'll oughta read..
Incidentally, I'd many half read book on shelf.. Better start reading.. It's a really old book.. But I guessed it's really in the season.. ;0 thanks for letting me occupying a small byte of your internal storage.
One Beatles' oldie stuck in my head re: earlier random post instalment..
I wanna hold .... .... ;0
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Incidentally, I'd many half read book on shelf.. Better start reading.. It's a really old book.. But I guessed it's really in the season.. ;0 thanks for letting me occupying a small byte of your internal storage.
One Beatles' oldie stuck in my head re: earlier random post instalment..
I wanna hold .... .... ;0
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Sunday, 24 July 2011
the running weekend
Alright, I wasn't exactly a running manic but it was a genuine oversight that I signed up for the marina 21 (half marathon) to realised that the Shape run was the morning after..
Glad that I didn't missed the Cgc session cuz the half mara was in the evening.. But was 20min late due to miscommunication.. ;( nonetheless it was good!!
Met j thereafter for the run - the 'culprit' that asked me along for the run.. Had my caffeine dose at old town while j grabbed a bite - I'd a blueberry muffin earlier prior to the Cgc session.. It was still way too early when we reached the garden by the bay via the shuttlebus..
Ended up enjoying part of Ndp action ..

Quite an pleasant experience while waiting for time to pass and learn a bitsy more abt j. Impressed.. Black belt wo! ;p

My bib!

Coincidentally, both our shoes were both red! So in line with the Ndp theme! ;)
Should have ran with j, perhaps my timing will be better..but I guessed subconsciously, I may be conserving energy for the shape run the next morning..
Route was boring but glad to catch a glimpse of the firework somewhere along the winding loops..

Night view.. ;)
Headed to the old airport market after the run for dinner but I'd not much of an appetite so I merely had a honeydew milkshake.. No cab in sight hence was unable to get home earlier..
To get up for the shape run, I set multiple alarms since I only got to bed at ard 2, after reading about the demise of Amy Winehouse.

So.. In short, woke up in zombie state after 2+ hrs..

Seas of blue!
Thanks to the lack of portable pottie... Started the run at the end of the pack - so took me extra effort to squeeze thru the walkers. Happy to finish in 57:06 (actual time, gun time was 59++ .. Took us 2 min to head to start point)

Headed to shower at true fitness at suntec for shower but alas, I lost my house keys (think cheapo club member there took my keys cuz it was a old n battered Agnes b keychain) called the club but noone returned ;(

Freshened n ready for service but certainly not at the hall below but at the other far end. ;)
Officially tired now.. Amazingly I ate not much today.. So healthy! Aiming towards the 50 mark which seemed so tough to attain.. 4+ more to cut!
Still all glory to God, that I managed to run two races back to back, without much training & with the splash attack and all.. I'm not that distracted and accomplished a faster 10k record- though my fastest was 56:30ish..
Bumped into pastor Aries after service.. He must have thought I'm a running machine.. Lol ;)
Yay USS day tmrw!!!
Glad that I didn't missed the Cgc session cuz the half mara was in the evening.. But was 20min late due to miscommunication.. ;( nonetheless it was good!!
Met j thereafter for the run - the 'culprit' that asked me along for the run.. Had my caffeine dose at old town while j grabbed a bite - I'd a blueberry muffin earlier prior to the Cgc session.. It was still way too early when we reached the garden by the bay via the shuttlebus..
Ended up enjoying part of Ndp action ..

Quite an pleasant experience while waiting for time to pass and learn a bitsy more abt j. Impressed.. Black belt wo! ;p

My bib!

Coincidentally, both our shoes were both red! So in line with the Ndp theme! ;)
Should have ran with j, perhaps my timing will be better..but I guessed subconsciously, I may be conserving energy for the shape run the next morning..
Route was boring but glad to catch a glimpse of the firework somewhere along the winding loops..

Night view.. ;)
Headed to the old airport market after the run for dinner but I'd not much of an appetite so I merely had a honeydew milkshake.. No cab in sight hence was unable to get home earlier..
To get up for the shape run, I set multiple alarms since I only got to bed at ard 2, after reading about the demise of Amy Winehouse.

So.. In short, woke up in zombie state after 2+ hrs..

Seas of blue!
Thanks to the lack of portable pottie... Started the run at the end of the pack - so took me extra effort to squeeze thru the walkers. Happy to finish in 57:06 (actual time, gun time was 59++ .. Took us 2 min to head to start point)

Headed to shower at true fitness at suntec for shower but alas, I lost my house keys (think cheapo club member there took my keys cuz it was a old n battered Agnes b keychain) called the club but noone returned ;(

Freshened n ready for service but certainly not at the hall below but at the other far end. ;)
Officially tired now.. Amazingly I ate not much today.. So healthy! Aiming towards the 50 mark which seemed so tough to attain.. 4+ more to cut!
Still all glory to God, that I managed to run two races back to back, without much training & with the splash attack and all.. I'm not that distracted and accomplished a faster 10k record- though my fastest was 56:30ish..
Bumped into pastor Aries after service.. He must have thought I'm a running machine.. Lol ;)
Yay USS day tmrw!!!
Why did you shift when you could remain where you are ? hmm.. But I'm ;) that you did. Else, I'll be so disturbed by the person next to you...
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Friday, 22 July 2011
He is in control
Not sounding religious here but it was certainly a whirlwind of events today (ok yesterday). Without God & Holy Spirit's guidance, I would have oredi freaked out.. And thankfully for close friends n Cgl - who was still the first person I contacted whom I didn't know why but good thing i did..
But frankly i was petrified when I saw my bro's text.. Then he told me that it was not our unit no. Nah, it was actually ours (when I went home and saw the scribble.) oh well.. Dun think I will post the pix since uhm it's lodged with the police and don't undermine sharkies - they even deploy the kids nowadays..what if they goggled pix..
Oh well..I'd the peace of God and no doubt I was indeed sorta semi out of wits initially, I prayed continuously while working the last one hour.. Which gave me the peace and the strength ..
God is indeed in control. Uhm.. At least, I'd used this incident to yay talk openly to my bro on his conveniently leaving God out of his life in the name of busyness. And got him back on track again - and yah, shared with Him how I got to know God.. thru his KJV. Woo encouraged him lo.. (and yay, credited the wisdom to Him & Him !)
And mom too, who even asked me to pray for protection from God.
Nothing conclusive but I got the assurance from God, not just the police, that all's well..
And oh yeah, I know this stemmed from the unseen principalities.
This verse came to mind:
Rom 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and to those who are the called according to His purpose. 'the called...' no wonder..
So I tweeted it.. And surprising it blessed another friend who favorited it. ( not that he knows the drama behind this.)

And friends in FB like it too.. (nah they didn't know what happen too...)

Do keep my family in prayer ok? Even though we don't know who the culprit was..but My Sovereign God is in control.
Tired. Sleeping...
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But frankly i was petrified when I saw my bro's text.. Then he told me that it was not our unit no. Nah, it was actually ours (when I went home and saw the scribble.) oh well.. Dun think I will post the pix since uhm it's lodged with the police and don't undermine sharkies - they even deploy the kids nowadays..what if they goggled pix..
Oh well..I'd the peace of God and no doubt I was indeed sorta semi out of wits initially, I prayed continuously while working the last one hour.. Which gave me the peace and the strength ..
God is indeed in control. Uhm.. At least, I'd used this incident to yay talk openly to my bro on his conveniently leaving God out of his life in the name of busyness. And got him back on track again - and yah, shared with Him how I got to know God.. thru his KJV. Woo encouraged him lo.. (and yay, credited the wisdom to Him & Him !)
And mom too, who even asked me to pray for protection from God.
Nothing conclusive but I got the assurance from God, not just the police, that all's well..
And oh yeah, I know this stemmed from the unseen principalities.
This verse came to mind:
Rom 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and to those who are the called according to His purpose. 'the called...' no wonder..
So I tweeted it.. And surprising it blessed another friend who favorited it. ( not that he knows the drama behind this.)

And friends in FB like it too.. (nah they didn't know what happen too...)

Do keep my family in prayer ok? Even though we don't know who the culprit was..but My Sovereign God is in control.
Tired. Sleeping...
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Thursday, 21 July 2011
What the ?
Oh yeah. I received a text from my brother informing me that the sotong illiterate sharkies had splattered black paint at our door!? For the debt owning by our next door neighbor apparently! Darned.. Work of the devil I suspect.. Thwarted my plan of evening run later.. $&@££ sharkies.. Can't differentiate between 2 & 0. What the..
Hope my brother had lodged the police report by now. And he's scheduled to leave for Seoul later tonight! Hence the early discovery of the sharkie 'artwork', else chaotic if it's my parents who uncover the mess! Hope the splash is not that serious.
God, pray for your protection over my family. And for the darn culprit to be apprehended!
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Hope my brother had lodged the police report by now. And he's scheduled to leave for Seoul later tonight! Hence the early discovery of the sharkie 'artwork', else chaotic if it's my parents who uncover the mess! Hope the splash is not that serious.
God, pray for your protection over my family. And for the darn culprit to be apprehended!
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Wednesday, 20 July 2011
I'm not done with you...
Oh well, last weekend service was supposedly to be the weekend for the youths (read: under 25) but nonetheless i was not just blessed but refreshed.. ;)
And I was so very proud of my friend Eileen who led worship before the Word and moment she sang.. I felt the tangible presence of God. And it was when I hear 'audibly in my head' - I'm gonna use your mouth (to speak forth My Words)...
blown away? Surely, I was.. So what I thought it was merely my wishful thinking 10 years ago that nite at the first ever combined meeting that I attended wasn't really just my own wish (thought I thought everyone will have want to do that then.. )
So... What's the next step?
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And I was so very proud of my friend Eileen who led worship before the Word and moment she sang.. I felt the tangible presence of God. And it was when I hear 'audibly in my head' - I'm gonna use your mouth (to speak forth My Words)...
blown away? Surely, I was.. So what I thought it was merely my wishful thinking 10 years ago that nite at the first ever combined meeting that I attended wasn't really just my own wish (thought I thought everyone will have want to do that then.. )
So... What's the next step?
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Ask and you shall receive...
Uhm.. I think I should have asked more specifically...
Cuz of the two back to back runs this weekend.. I prayed that the monthly womanly affairs won't coincide with the runs cuz having done my 25km under the sweltering afternoon sun a couple months back when it was day 2. Think it was bad cuz to the point I was unable to differentiate it was stomach cramp triggered by what. (chances are the hormonal cycle.. Cuz I'd not cramped while running). Not a pleasant experience but I chose not to have a nil timing just because it was menses day..
Anyway, my prayer was answered but alas, forgot that the 'side-effects' that may come along - cramps! And sobs, I can't head home straight after work today.. And the practice's location was changed from suntec to JW.. A big push to use my cramp to say no prac tonite so I could go home to curl..
Good idea i'd this morning to text rongz to head to prac together.. Both of us had the idea of missing cuz we were tired.. Yet by evening, we felt led to overcome our flesh..so heading to JW in the evening.. Good to have friends working in same vicinity.. ;)
Anyway, to overcome the crampy feeling., I made myself a HOT bottle..

I filled my mini glass Choya bottle with a mixture of 80% boiling water & 20% cold water.. Uhm.. Instant comfort.. ;)
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Cuz of the two back to back runs this weekend.. I prayed that the monthly womanly affairs won't coincide with the runs cuz having done my 25km under the sweltering afternoon sun a couple months back when it was day 2. Think it was bad cuz to the point I was unable to differentiate it was stomach cramp triggered by what. (chances are the hormonal cycle.. Cuz I'd not cramped while running). Not a pleasant experience but I chose not to have a nil timing just because it was menses day..
Anyway, my prayer was answered but alas, forgot that the 'side-effects' that may come along - cramps! And sobs, I can't head home straight after work today.. And the practice's location was changed from suntec to JW.. A big push to use my cramp to say no prac tonite so I could go home to curl..
Good idea i'd this morning to text rongz to head to prac together.. Both of us had the idea of missing cuz we were tired.. Yet by evening, we felt led to overcome our flesh..so heading to JW in the evening.. Good to have friends working in same vicinity.. ;)
Anyway, to overcome the crampy feeling., I made myself a HOT bottle..

I filled my mini glass Choya bottle with a mixture of 80% boiling water & 20% cold water.. Uhm.. Instant comfort.. ;)
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Trip down memory lane
Last Saturday, met Jadyn to head down to the dingy coffeeshop behind the what used to be called hollywood theatre (now it's SSS) but all will be gone after 31 August this year.
Not that I'd many weekends spent in that area prior to our shift to jw back in 2001. (but that area used to be my playground cuz my sec sch was a stone throw away till it was relocated to Fort Rd).

The duck rice stall was cleaning up by the time we reached, so we settled for the 板面.

The last time I was there was in 2006 cuz at the point in time, I was at 'studying' at the Pru academy - was at the singpost building.. Hmm wonder how life would have been it I'd stuck it out then instead of saying Tata the day I got the license! Na.. I avoid them like plague during their roadshows so I believe that it will likely be a case of sowing & reaping.. ;p
Anyway the lunch brought back memories.. Of school.. Of when I first step foot into my second home.. (though I distinctively remembered passing by the Hollywood theatre one of the Sundays after breakfast many eons ago.. I wonder why so many teens congregating in the old defunct theatre.. Didn't occur to me that a few years later, I too contributed to that backdrop.)
The sad thing is that quite a number of those who were there then aren't ... Wish them well.. ;)
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Not that I'd many weekends spent in that area prior to our shift to jw back in 2001. (but that area used to be my playground cuz my sec sch was a stone throw away till it was relocated to Fort Rd).

The duck rice stall was cleaning up by the time we reached, so we settled for the 板面.

The last time I was there was in 2006 cuz at the point in time, I was at 'studying' at the Pru academy - was at the singpost building.. Hmm wonder how life would have been it I'd stuck it out then instead of saying Tata the day I got the license! Na.. I avoid them like plague during their roadshows so I believe that it will likely be a case of sowing & reaping.. ;p
Anyway the lunch brought back memories.. Of school.. Of when I first step foot into my second home.. (though I distinctively remembered passing by the Hollywood theatre one of the Sundays after breakfast many eons ago.. I wonder why so many teens congregating in the old defunct theatre.. Didn't occur to me that a few years later, I too contributed to that backdrop.)
The sad thing is that quite a number of those who were there then aren't ... Wish them well.. ;)
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Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Happy birthday Ziv
My crab buddies are born in the month of July. The hubby on the 9th, the wifey on the 31st..
So our routine for past few years was crabbing on the hatch days.
This time round.. We decided east coast..
Creative vibes arose whilst in office.. So with my starbucks cup holder, few treasury tags I made this.. And after chatting with the missus on the msn, decided to prank him n give a fake pressie.. But celery was too huge a bundle so I settle with banana..

We reached venue 1 of the nite.. Seafood centre!!

We were fascinated by the gigantic seafood.. But no snow crab or alaska king crab or the geoducks cuz too pricey..

So no prize for guessing what wr ordered - gigantic affordable Sri Lanka crabs.

Jac n I prefer the black peppered ones.. ;) the chili crab were more tangy, perhaps with the addition of assam?
Too bad we didn't get the outdoor seating cuz fully booked but our table was not too bad.. ;)

Afterwhich we adjourned a few km on foot to the Playground's brussels sprouts..
Not this ...

But this...

Like the wall mural.. Tintin characters! My fave snowy too !!

My cocktail - illusion

Cake for the birthday boy.. ;)

Birthday boy n his gifts.. Bought him a nice running tee... ;)
And closer to stroke of 12.. A green friend came by to send his well wishes too! Our flash must have frightened it that the hairs flared up!! Were so prominently elongated! Eeek!

And we played with it for a while!

Birthday boy playing with green friend!
Had a great evening out with my two great pals.. :)
Better quality pix are in my canon digital .. Shall post up if I feel like it. ;)
So our routine for past few years was crabbing on the hatch days.
This time round.. We decided east coast..
Creative vibes arose whilst in office.. So with my starbucks cup holder, few treasury tags I made this.. And after chatting with the missus on the msn, decided to prank him n give a fake pressie.. But celery was too huge a bundle so I settle with banana..

We reached venue 1 of the nite.. Seafood centre!!

We were fascinated by the gigantic seafood.. But no snow crab or alaska king crab or the geoducks cuz too pricey..

So no prize for guessing what wr ordered - gigantic affordable Sri Lanka crabs.

Jac n I prefer the black peppered ones.. ;) the chili crab were more tangy, perhaps with the addition of assam?
Too bad we didn't get the outdoor seating cuz fully booked but our table was not too bad.. ;)

Afterwhich we adjourned a few km on foot to the Playground's brussels sprouts..
Not this ...

But this...

Like the wall mural.. Tintin characters! My fave snowy too !!

My cocktail - illusion

Cake for the birthday boy.. ;)

Birthday boy n his gifts.. Bought him a nice running tee... ;)
And closer to stroke of 12.. A green friend came by to send his well wishes too! Our flash must have frightened it that the hairs flared up!! Were so prominently elongated! Eeek!

And we played with it for a while!

Birthday boy playing with green friend!
Had a great evening out with my two great pals.. :)
Better quality pix are in my canon digital .. Shall post up if I feel like it. ;)
The apple generation .. iPad is the keyboard, iPhone doubled up as the tile rack..

Me? I'm blogging.. ;)
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Me? I'm blogging.. ;)
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Location:Stamford Rd,,Singapore
All it take was a simple dinner to make me smile. :) Nah, it was not a treat. I guess it's the company.
Thanks for listening.. Anyway was surprised that our conversation changed ur mind.. Hope u make the right decision & not be swayed by what I said.
get well soon.. ;)
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Thanks for listening.. Anyway was surprised that our conversation changed ur mind.. Hope u make the right decision & not be swayed by what I said.
get well soon.. ;)
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I'm not a ball, don't throw me around, please. Kindly provide me a path and simply steer the direction. Don't tell me.. You are free to choose . if I know how, won't I have already decided? So should I just 得过且过?
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Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Uber upclose
Thanks to my friend's friend, got a very good seat at the second row just behind the psts, despite us being not very early!!
And good thing I'd a cup of tea before that.. Didn't expect to be up so front, hence sans make-up.. But z said the video man zoomed into my big face during worship.. Uber clear over iPhone.. Urgh..
But I love sitting up front.. ;) see Pst Kong so clearly and not thru the LED TV. ;)

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And good thing I'd a cup of tea before that.. Didn't expect to be up so front, hence sans make-up.. But z said the video man zoomed into my big face during worship.. Uber clear over iPhone.. Urgh..
But I love sitting up front.. ;) see Pst Kong so clearly and not thru the LED TV. ;)

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Monday, 4 July 2011
Not bias
Alright, this is just my personal view.. Stemmed from a few friends asking me recently. Have you heard what was being shared? Or simply just hearsay topdown?
Didn't want to comment without even listening/ viewing upfront personally. Hence, I went to YouTube and check out a couple of the recent clips (which was posted on the official page in feb & june this year ). I chose the shorter clip of 11+min and incidentally one of which was also a more interesting topic.
I'm not a biblical scholar but I guessed my intelligence quotient is of a standard high enough NOT to miss out the essence behind Rom 7 that leads to Rom 8:1.. Else why use 'therefore' in Rom 8:1.
True, Rom 7 illustrated on the man's struggles with sin.. But the essence in that chapter- 'heart of repentance' after sinning was not mentioned by the pst but he placed emphasis on 'no condemnation of the one who did an incorrect act. Yes, He is love and ever willing to overlook and accept us for our weakness on that we genuinely repent.. And refrain from doing it again ( and no chance to sing along to Britney spears' ops I did I again!)
Hence really an surface (easy) interpretation of rom 8:1 that translate to 'it's okay to err, just cuz of who you believe in'. But to lead to the ' therefore, there is no condemnation'. The condition is to genuinely repent from the wrong act (and not do it again) and if you repent, no condemnation applies.
Applying to even the courts of laws- leniency granted by the jury/ judge if the defendant is found to be remorseful & repent from his actions.. But repeat offenders face harsher verdicts.. So as to deter them from doing wrong again...
So, believing in Christ is not a shield for one to do immoral stuff over & over again .. If you have the heart to change, why will u keep tripping over & over again? But the pst said guilt is the very reason to the sin vicious cycle.. Huh? So if we feel guilty of the wrong act, we will go back to do it again and again .. Cuz we feel condemn.. Huh!!?! This I certainly cannot see eye to eye. I mean say if one cheated in a common test but not caught in the act. If he feels guilty, will he continue to cheat again??!! One in the right frame of mind will not affirm this. Or if he feels condemned in cheating, he continues cheating??
Okay, maybe I'm being brought up morally upright by my parents & the normal schools I went to. The above guilt trip theory to induce more wrong act make no sense to me.. The guilt inflicted by devil instead torments us la.. Not that guilty so do the act that makes us guilty...
God is love and He loves us even when we fall but we must also really feel sorry about what we have done. If so, we'll have stop doing right? Cuz we will try to cease doing that wrong act..It's not just a one sided thing..
Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking thru tinted lens at those who falls at times (all of us, me included, imperfect earthlings do err). But just trying to illustrate that the purported hearsay of the imbalance skewed easy doctrine stands. Not that I'm just one of those who SIMPLY BELIEVE what the human authority said and don't check with the source of my belief - the Word itself..
I rest my case.. Anyway I'm glad I'd not stepped foot in there .. Actually hearing the two short clips alone was rather disturbing to me... Though I see why en-mass seek solace there.. 'friendly indeed'...
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Didn't want to comment without even listening/ viewing upfront personally. Hence, I went to YouTube and check out a couple of the recent clips (which was posted on the official page in feb & june this year ). I chose the shorter clip of 11+min and incidentally one of which was also a more interesting topic.
I'm not a biblical scholar but I guessed my intelligence quotient is of a standard high enough NOT to miss out the essence behind Rom 7 that leads to Rom 8:1.. Else why use 'therefore' in Rom 8:1.
True, Rom 7 illustrated on the man's struggles with sin.. But the essence in that chapter- 'heart of repentance' after sinning was not mentioned by the pst but he placed emphasis on 'no condemnation of the one who did an incorrect act. Yes, He is love and ever willing to overlook and accept us for our weakness on that we genuinely repent.. And refrain from doing it again ( and no chance to sing along to Britney spears' ops I did I again!)
Hence really an surface (easy) interpretation of rom 8:1 that translate to 'it's okay to err, just cuz of who you believe in'. But to lead to the ' therefore, there is no condemnation'. The condition is to genuinely repent from the wrong act (and not do it again) and if you repent, no condemnation applies.
Applying to even the courts of laws- leniency granted by the jury/ judge if the defendant is found to be remorseful & repent from his actions.. But repeat offenders face harsher verdicts.. So as to deter them from doing wrong again...
So, believing in Christ is not a shield for one to do immoral stuff over & over again .. If you have the heart to change, why will u keep tripping over & over again? But the pst said guilt is the very reason to the sin vicious cycle.. Huh? So if we feel guilty of the wrong act, we will go back to do it again and again .. Cuz we feel condemn.. Huh!!?! This I certainly cannot see eye to eye. I mean say if one cheated in a common test but not caught in the act. If he feels guilty, will he continue to cheat again??!! One in the right frame of mind will not affirm this. Or if he feels condemned in cheating, he continues cheating??
Okay, maybe I'm being brought up morally upright by my parents & the normal schools I went to. The above guilt trip theory to induce more wrong act make no sense to me.. The guilt inflicted by devil instead torments us la.. Not that guilty so do the act that makes us guilty...
God is love and He loves us even when we fall but we must also really feel sorry about what we have done. If so, we'll have stop doing right? Cuz we will try to cease doing that wrong act..It's not just a one sided thing..
Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking thru tinted lens at those who falls at times (all of us, me included, imperfect earthlings do err). But just trying to illustrate that the purported hearsay of the imbalance skewed easy doctrine stands. Not that I'm just one of those who SIMPLY BELIEVE what the human authority said and don't check with the source of my belief - the Word itself..
I rest my case.. Anyway I'm glad I'd not stepped foot in there .. Actually hearing the two short clips alone was rather disturbing to me... Though I see why en-mass seek solace there.. 'friendly indeed'...
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Sunday, 3 July 2011
GE 10K 2011
For the first time, cross the starting line with company.. Okay, not the first time, but the point is not often I find friends that run.. ;)

It was a very gloomy morning.. Fortunately, rain went back to slumberland.

At the starting line.. It was darned packed. Sea of red..
The route was alright, but too many human 'roadblocks'/ barricades at the starting point..
But it was not too bad, no pb timing but a 58min is not too shabby a timing.. ;) considering I've not been really seriously training..

At the finish line, waiting for jus..

The banana n me...

I strike gold! Like the finisher medal.. Modeled like a gold chain! Oh well, it's a female race. Don't think guys appreciate that..
While waiting for jus, got myself a ballon flower!

The sweet ballon sculpture gal who made me the flower. ;)
After which, adjourned to coffee club cuz cedele restaurant was closed and the cafe at b1 was packed. However the coffee club was running only with one floor staff & one kitchen staff.. We waited for 30+ minutes for the food to arrive .. ( would be longer but thanks to those tables who left cuz their tummies can't wait!)

Spoilt for choice ... But I choose

American breakfast.. Over the frittatas .. Cuz i've a craving for tomato.. ;)

Jus & Debbie's sausage n asparagus frittatas - looks good but not very satisfying according to the gals.
Was a good fellowship session with perhaps my new cg members? Lol.. Dunno .. Shall see.. ;)
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It was a very gloomy morning.. Fortunately, rain went back to slumberland.

At the starting line.. It was darned packed. Sea of red..
The route was alright, but too many human 'roadblocks'/ barricades at the starting point..
But it was not too bad, no pb timing but a 58min is not too shabby a timing.. ;) considering I've not been really seriously training..

At the finish line, waiting for jus..

The banana n me...

I strike gold! Like the finisher medal.. Modeled like a gold chain! Oh well, it's a female race. Don't think guys appreciate that..
While waiting for jus, got myself a ballon flower!

The sweet ballon sculpture gal who made me the flower. ;)
After which, adjourned to coffee club cuz cedele restaurant was closed and the cafe at b1 was packed. However the coffee club was running only with one floor staff & one kitchen staff.. We waited for 30+ minutes for the food to arrive .. ( would be longer but thanks to those tables who left cuz their tummies can't wait!)

Spoilt for choice ... But I choose

American breakfast.. Over the frittatas .. Cuz i've a craving for tomato.. ;)

Jus & Debbie's sausage n asparagus frittatas - looks good but not very satisfying according to the gals.
Was a good fellowship session with perhaps my new cg members? Lol.. Dunno .. Shall see.. ;)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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