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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Better than expected..

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... I think my zone cgl knows of my anxiety (cuz I emailed him) and kindly met up with me for dinner before the meeting.. :) (So I need not pop into the meeting alone.. ) I guessed one of the reason he wanted me to assist him with the pastoral aspect of admin was.. get me to open up to him (open up meaning.. communicate face-to-face instead of emailing/sms him - in this aspect, i'm a bit 宅rite haha...)?

Felt good to see summer ministered to after i prayed for her.. (but it's not me, it's God.)

Pastor shared a simple but thought-provoking message.. - tree of life vs the tree of knowledge of good & evil... - which was something along the line which I has been questioning myself for a really long time...  having the ability to process thoughts/ to perceive/reason many a times result in a dilema whether to do the perceived right or against the norm (but seemingly alright with God).. at times like this, i wish i was more bimbotic and less intelligient...then, u won't think so much, reason so much, and simply obey.. :) but nah, i like how God has wired me up.. and thank goodness, i'm no bimbo.. I'll try to rely less on my reasoning and more on His leading..

Uhm.. so.. it turned out better than what I'd expected... I've a feeling things are going to progress @ a much faster pace...

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