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Tuesday, 18 August 2009


i woke up on Monday morning with 3 scratches on my right cheek under the eye and two shorter ones on my right eyelid. Nah, I am definitely NOT into self-mutlilation ( not on my limbs, and certainly not my face!) but i wonder how did those awful markings were left on my face.. Darned.. I reckon the damage was done while wiping the perspiration off my face during the run on Sunday - can't find my wrist band, so used the 2007 emerge one instead. Perhaps, that could be one of the attributing factors as well.  Tried concealing them this morning but failed. Oh well.. :( praying for healing without scarring..

Time to snip off the nice long nails that took me months to attain that length.. either that - wear a pair of mittens to bed. ;o

Eyes are tired now cuz was awaken in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep.. sigh.. wonder what triggered that in the middle of night.. and it is exactly what someone prayed for me last week - *gosh, it's really spot on and nope, that's one aspect that I didn't reveal to anyone breathing..* God is real and omniscience!

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