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Thursday, 19 February 2009

The next generation...

Did not atttend choir prac this week.. Cuz cgl texted to attend the combined meeting instead. I was eh.. surprised. (me title-less in current cg .. haha. but i don't need the title to do things though... )

Was apprehensive in attending that in the first place.. cuz not too sure if the old wounds have healed. Didn't want to risk bleeding again. Alright the adverse did not happen. :) *glad*

Anyway, met a couple of choir gals who were too in choir and were deliberating to attend the combined meeting or attend practice.. Told them : " Not everyone can be here.. it's up to you to choose!"

 Pastor Tan shared what was closed to his heart. The next generation.

Interestingly how  he linked the gist of message behind "An Inconvenient Truth" to the mission behind Citycare. [Disgress: Was sort :( when I didn't get to catch that a year back cuz my coy giving free tix for the screening @ gv vivo - cuz my coy quite supportive of environmental issues! ).

No doubt the movie/documentary was about global warming and the impact of it if we choose to disregard it in view of the selfish-self-promoting/ self-benefiting profit motive - it will have an adverse impact on the lives of our next generation and yep, us if we are still alive and kicking..; there draws a parallel with the society at large too. Our actions will have an impact on the next generation, though you might think, you are only one person, but hey on a collective basis (of all the individuals)- the impact can be great!

I agree that mankind tends to be more self-consuming.. as if what's works best for me, i'll do it.  There is a chinese saying "自扫门前雪".  Yeap, that is the trend of attitude of that mankind seemed to adopt. (As in, what's in for me?) Indeed, I'm too flesh and flood and i don't deny the fact that given a choice (that will not result in adversity to others, I'll too like to do things that benefit myself too..) But to do it at the expense of others, it's just not me.. (unless he/she triggered the "danger" button - so far.. no activation yet.. phew!)

Anyway, i advocate the green movement. I love bringing down bottles to the recycling bin, using my own shopping bags (cuz (a) the plastic bag is unnecessary, (b) it does not look glam (c) it adds clutter!) during grocery shopping with mom. (haha me not aunty one.. dun shop for grocery, but have inculcate the use your own bag mantra to my mom! haha!)

And I really admire Al Gore's passion towards the cause of global warming. :)

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