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Tuesday 4 May 2010


Contrary to my fellow citizens who have their meals without chilli sauce (be it the bottled kind, the samba type or cut chilli..), should I require a sauce for enhancing the fries or those unhealthy fried finger food (or even fried bee hoon)... this is what I like...

And yes, Heinz over other commonly available brand in the supermarket.. and uhm, bottled in the US.. (cuz the glass bottled version in the supermarket is bottled in neighbouring countries and somehow the flavour ain't the same as the US version..)

Ketchup (catch -up) time could be used to describe what happened last Sunday, at a friend's wedding reception, held in the b4 auditorium (which uhm, requires a whole lot more of guests than the Chinese or children church's hall). Some of pals who were invited had gave it a missed cuz  of some reason or another and if I didn't happen to see wl after service, I would have too pass my ang pow to someone instead of loitering in the ultimate western part of SG . Another person at the lunch table who was invited to the wedding too, decided to head home first prior to attending the wedding.. Some 'well-intentioned' person, not invited cuz not acquainted to neither bride nor groom, commented that I should too head home first then return for the wedding!!??!! and this chap was aware of the fact that I reside on the other end of the island (nearer to where the newly enlisted ns chaps will report every Sunday evening.. ) And the fact that I don't drive.. And he could chirp in to say.. it's just an mrt ride away.. Dude.. the to & fro ride is 3.5 to 4 hours.. Do your maths. At the point in time when the words were spoken, it was 1500+.. The dinner reception commence around 1815+  and a person in the right frame of mind will not do that .. AND it's not as if I don't have the 'luxury' to commute via the mass rapid transit .. in fact, 'bmw' (the green version) is my the main form of transport.. why do i need to travel up and down the east-west line just to kill time? I'll be an oxy-moron to do that.. Nah.. I did not voice this chunk of thought out. Instead - my one liner response 'No, I won't do that."

Anyway, it was ketchup time cuz met a few friends whom i've not seen in years.. managed to chat quite a bit with wanling...cuz we were trying to kill time..
Finally met maybelline after so many eons.... (sobs.. i didn't get to see her after the makan.. wonder where she went.. ) and also robin (thanks to him.. I got a free ride home..!) and juslin (and it's the first time I saw her in heels and dress!! she lost a lot of weight woah... ). It was a beautiful wedding.. and i like adeline's gown.. apparently, the pretty bride has custom made it.. with her design inputs..

To sum it all, glad that I did not fly a kite on Sunday.. hence I got ketchup in return.. :)

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