If I'd not promised to give xj morning call this morning..i would have probably hit the snooze button on the alarm and contiune sleeping....
Somehow, i always manage to wake up despite limited hours of snooze for big events as such.. the races (cuz the categories I'd signed up usually flag off early... ), exams, and big days... But my feeble attempts to wake up for am gym materialise only a few times... but slightly better for am pm..
Time for brekkie and start of another awesome day.. spending time @ expo for the next 5 days.. not the shanghai expo.. but sg expo.. (my colleagues were asking me , going away for holiday? - cuz taking leave during the long vesak day weekend - i should have replied that i'm going to the expo.. lol)
click me!!
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
silence is the best policy
If you have nothing better to say, silence is the best policy.
There is a reason WHY I don't bother to apply much dough on the face sans the basic foundation and sunblock - cuz it is A RARE thing for people in the office to even don mascara (alright, maybe my department - cuz they are ahem, not that particular, maybe except for my GM - whose hair is always properly set!). I've heard them commenting on gals putting on falsies when they spot them during lunch time. And commenting that gals should not apply THICK makeup - which to my opinion isn't.
That irritating dept secretary ( okay, she is of aunty age) decided to put her foot in her mouth when she commented this morning (moments ago) that "哇!你的 makeup 今天这么厚/红!" I was like - UH?? Thick makeup - U can even see my tneey weeny spots/ freckles - and you claimed it is Thick?? (I reckon she would faint when she spot me during the weekend in the makeup that cleared QC for choir. )
This is how i looked today.. ANd I'm not even wearing any lip balm.. The only makeup I'd on was the natural looking falsies (which is no where near the voomvoom ones for stage..) some masacra and neutral (spelled - browns..) eye color and natural blush - (okie.. it's from the lancome travel set that I bought recently from duty free - hence it is a no-nonsense (i.e. not party-like colours) paltte! Imagine I decided to do a smokey eye - think she will faint! In fact, I thought I looked pale.. >.<" ( And the picture wasn't edited)
Madness.. 少见多怪。
There is a reason WHY I don't bother to apply much dough on the face sans the basic foundation and sunblock - cuz it is A RARE thing for people in the office to even don mascara (alright, maybe my department - cuz they are ahem, not that particular, maybe except for my GM - whose hair is always properly set!). I've heard them commenting on gals putting on falsies when they spot them during lunch time. And commenting that gals should not apply THICK makeup - which to my opinion isn't.
That irritating dept secretary ( okay, she is of aunty age) decided to put her foot in her mouth when she commented this morning (moments ago) that "哇!你的 makeup 今天这么厚/红!" I was like - UH?? Thick makeup - U can even see my tneey weeny spots/ freckles - and you claimed it is Thick?? (I reckon she would faint when she spot me during the weekend in the makeup that cleared QC for choir. )
This is how i looked today.. ANd I'm not even wearing any lip balm.. The only makeup I'd on was the natural looking falsies (which is no where near the voomvoom ones for stage..) some masacra and neutral (spelled - browns..) eye color and natural blush - (okie.. it's from the lancome travel set that I bought recently from duty free - hence it is a no-nonsense (i.e. not party-like colours) paltte! Imagine I decided to do a smokey eye - think she will faint! In fact, I thought I looked pale.. >.<" ( And the picture wasn't edited)
Madness.. 少见多怪。
pic source
it's addictive...
the shopaholic strikes (again)... :)
Alright, I'd promised myself not to buy anymore new togs.. but saw this pretty item on lilypirates that was newly launched and lo and behold, I've laid claims on it!! love the name - bowdalicious dress :) was tempted to get both the vanilla pink & classic creme.. but settled for the creme.. :) bliss!!
And i'm collecting my parcel from japan tomorrow.. it was delivered last Friday but unfortunately, no one was at home.. [And it reached SG just 2 days after placment of order. Apparently, it was sent by speed post..:),which I didn't opt for, but just paid additional US$7 for insurance..]
Pure joy!!
And this probably ends the start of gss cuz I had asked my bro to get some items for me from europe (he is there to attend some event..if only i could write as well as him..;p). Saw one of the items on my request list on the reebonz site this afternoon - it was about 75% of the retail price.. but it's selling slightly lower at the brand's online portal.. so it's still cheaper to get it there, nett.. :)
Alright, I'd promised myself not to buy anymore new togs.. but saw this pretty item on lilypirates that was newly launched and lo and behold, I've laid claims on it!! love the name - bowdalicious dress :) was tempted to get both the vanilla pink & classic creme.. but settled for the creme.. :) bliss!!
And i'm collecting my parcel from japan tomorrow.. it was delivered last Friday but unfortunately, no one was at home.. [And it reached SG just 2 days after placment of order. Apparently, it was sent by speed post..:),which I didn't opt for, but just paid additional US$7 for insurance..]
Pure joy!!
And this probably ends the start of gss cuz I had asked my bro to get some items for me from europe (he is there to attend some event..if only i could write as well as him..;p). Saw one of the items on my request list on the reebonz site this afternoon - it was about 75% of the retail price.. but it's selling slightly lower at the brand's online portal.. so it's still cheaper to get it there, nett.. :)
pretty right ?<3
Don't think plan to europe will materialise now.. cuz uhm.. limited resources.. moolah & vl. it's alrite.. maybe next spring!! :)
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Given a choice (I definitely can choose to make that choice, but didn't feel right to do that), I would like to choose what I feel like doing. But looking at the circumstances, and weighing what's in my heart, I can only do what the circumstance warrants me to do..nah.. nothing to do with the ricebowl issue. :)
more than you can imagine
In the name of training for the longer distance for a full marathon, I signed up for the passion run again this year as this year, they have a 25km category. ( Friend who asked me to join didn't run today cuz she'd a wedding dinner to attend to...but then again, we were doing different categories..)
Didn't really train much for it, except for the weekly routines that was set by e. Not to mention the bad knee pain that's bothering me for weeks due to just one full day in that pair of heels.. :(
Fact that I'd the runs (tummy runs, not the legs), a couple of hours before the race at 4pm didn't help.. fortunately, i did the preparation for things to be brought the night before..else helter skelter...:o
I sort of regreted my heroine act of signing up for the max distance instead of 10km after passing by the 10km marker, and realising there was yet another 15km to go.. Nonetheless, I managed to finish the whole leg, admist nagging knee pain at 20km mark.. Thanks to the hyper cheering students who were edging all on.. one group of them even did a 'kallang wave' - like cheerleaders... lol and at the last 500m.. there were two toddlers at the side shouting.. 'jia you' in their cutie voice.. (aw.. )
Was on my way to the baggage counter after collecting the finisher's tee when I saw a couple of queues forming outside some of the booths.. Games - not interested.. saw another queue outside a photo-taking booth, with a photographer taking pix of you next to a board stating your targeted vs actual timing. then they will print out the pix on the spot using the canon selphy photo printer. Thought was something memorable. Since i was alone, no harm done.. realised it was not polariod but sticker (somewhat like neoprints).
The finisher tee's design is not too bad.. kinda like the caption.. 25km done.. :)
the tee is from bodnits, and is actually rather roomy..hence, glad that i'd opted for the smallest size (which is still very roomy) cuz the guys in queue for the satay beehoon were wearing the tees and it was rather snug for one of them - uhm..but not in the bad way :) Alright, satay beehoon ain't exactly a healthy choice, but since dad was picking me up from the food centre and i'd not eaten this in ages, decided on this indulgence for dinner (afterall, i'd just ran uber long distance...) Queued for approx 35min but then it's rather typical, and it's worth the wait. <3 its satay sauce.. :)
that was before being informed that the training for next week would be determined by this week's foodlog.. gosh oh well..whatever. :)
Didn't really train much for it, except for the weekly routines that was set by e. Not to mention the bad knee pain that's bothering me for weeks due to just one full day in that pair of heels.. :(
Fact that I'd the runs (tummy runs, not the legs), a couple of hours before the race at 4pm didn't help.. fortunately, i did the preparation for things to be brought the night before..else helter skelter...:o
Was on my way to the baggage counter after collecting the finisher's tee when I saw a couple of queues forming outside some of the booths.. Games - not interested.. saw another queue outside a photo-taking booth, with a photographer taking pix of you next to a board stating your targeted vs actual timing. then they will print out the pix on the spot using the canon selphy photo printer. Thought was something memorable. Since i was alone, no harm done.. realised it was not polariod but sticker (somewhat like neoprints).
The finisher tee's design is not too bad.. kinda like the caption.. 25km done.. :)
the tee is from bodnits, and is actually rather roomy..hence, glad that i'd opted for the smallest size (which is still very roomy) cuz the guys in queue for the satay beehoon were wearing the tees and it was rather snug for one of them - uhm..but not in the bad way :) Alright, satay beehoon ain't exactly a healthy choice, but since dad was picking me up from the food centre and i'd not eaten this in ages, decided on this indulgence for dinner (afterall, i'd just ran uber long distance...) Queued for approx 35min but then it's rather typical, and it's worth the wait. <3 its satay sauce.. :)
that was before being informed that the training for next week would be determined by this week's foodlog.. gosh oh well..whatever. :)
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Pictorial view of a non-typical typical wednesday
Pictures speak a thousand words (and i've yet sorted the 1000+ pictures taken in the japan trip...). Here are some randome picures taken today.. with my mobile phone, which has great resolution (8mpixel) for a handphone.. which is a mean reason why i ain't going apple yet.. (but mainly because i've to wait till end may for the current contract to reach its 12th month...)
1. Sunbathing kitty-chan :)
3. Versatile Pink Agnes b tote <3
One of my fave purchase from Osaka.. (effiel tower bag charm excluded - it was bought in sg.. with the pinky tote earlier this year..) Was waiting for e after training to head home (bag was packed to brim cuz I brought my shoes home for the run this sat - my existing pair is dying after all the long runs since its debute a couple weeks before the '09 standard run'). bored.. and randomly took this picture while waiting.. :)
1. Sunbathing kitty-chan :)
This was taken minutes after exiting the cab (prior to realising the coin pouch was gone..) and caught sight of bikini-cladded, tanned hello kitties in the showcase of the build-a-bear workshop. For a brief moment, I deliberated whether I should head to the shop during lunch time and create one! Nah, overcrowding of stuffies at home.. maybe as a reward after completing the 25km run this saturday... :)
2. lunch on the go - tuna onigiri
After rushing to & fro workplace to home, in my feeble attempt of finding the lost pouch home.. This was lunch from the sushi deli @ cold storage. I figured since it's training day - rice won't kill. And it's more healthy than the next best alternative - the golden arch few doors down.. 3. Versatile Pink Agnes b tote <3
One of my fave purchase from Osaka.. (effiel tower bag charm excluded - it was bought in sg.. with the pinky tote earlier this year..) Was waiting for e after training to head home (bag was packed to brim cuz I brought my shoes home for the run this sat - my existing pair is dying after all the long runs since its debute a couple weeks before the '09 standard run'). bored.. and randomly took this picture while waiting.. :)
4. Dinner @ 1am
Alright, to those dieting, carbs are no-no especially late at night.. but it was 12:15 when i finally reached home..and only ate an energy bar just before the run/ training which would have been fully utilised by then..Dinner was one poached egg with one mini portion of jap instant noodles (one tiny serving of the noodles is only 130kcal.) and a small serving of barley beancurd ginko dessert..(barley is a good grain and gingko is a health food for the grey matter.)
Alright, food has sorta digested.. time to sleep.. :)
dinner time!!
yup at close to 1am .. just reached home not long ago..famished after the long run (thanks to the aching knee and the kind-hearted e, it reduced by 30min to 1.5 hrs) and training thereafter.. and detour on way home a bitsy cuz was helping e with the atm thingy ... (as if i know.. but really i am of help...lol)
darn.. online registration for the standard chartered run not up and running yet despite today is the 20th.. i guess gotta wait till it's officially launched at raffles place at 10am then..nah, won't be that crazy to take half day leave to fight to be the 1st 80 or the subsequent 800. ( cuz first 80 will receive exclusive $300+ worth goodie bag while the next 800 will get a $30+ goodie bag..) dun think the goodie bag is worth my half day VL..
okie.. to be contined... need food... :)
darn.. online registration for the standard chartered run not up and running yet despite today is the 20th.. i guess gotta wait till it's officially launched at raffles place at 10am then..nah, won't be that crazy to take half day leave to fight to be the 1st 80 or the subsequent 800. ( cuz first 80 will receive exclusive $300+ worth goodie bag while the next 800 will get a $30+ goodie bag..) dun think the goodie bag is worth my half day VL..
okie.. to be contined... need food... :)
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Something lost, something gained :)
It's not this lovely crustacean I'm referring to.
It's yours truly. :(
大头虾 is used (in Cantonese) to describe absent-mindedness..
In mad furry this morning, I've misplaced my well-loved handmade lovely green coin pouch that I bought online on esty a couple of years back. [I chanced upon seabreeze studio on the stumble application on firefox.. :)]
I must have dropped it in the cab or else, in downtown east, where I went to withdraw cash for the cab ride.. On hindsight, should I have NOT taken the cab, I would have NOT lost this..
Not that there anything of much value in it. Content of the pouch was : probably less than $5 of loose change, an ezlink card of value less than $20 and my old and beaten gym membership card. [gosh.. it's an antique card since 2001? sentimental value.. :( ] (after note: i spent $20 on replacing the card only to realise I could have replaced it foc.. darn.. should have ask e first..:( )
Was determined it was truly missing and not left at home - I cabbed home to check during lunch.. but to no avail. :( Made a lost report to the Comfort Cab. No news yet. I wonder who on earth want to take the pouch.. it's so well-seasoned.. :(
Still feeling pretty sore over the missing pouch, I went online to 'reminisce' the lost possession.. and in an attempt to get a replacement. But nope, hope was dashed.. However, after much (not really) deliberation, I soothed the disgruntled spirit by ordering the following :
After taking into consideration of the exchange rate and shipping costs and insurance.. it still not too pricey.. just perhaps no cab indulgence to work for the rest of this week [cuz I've been waking up late and hence.. cabbed.. :( ] but its handmade and not found in SG. :)
And I'm uber impressed by the speediness of the processing of the order. (with the additional insurance request processed within an hour - had to contact the seller separately as the shipping charges quoted on the esty site exclude insurance - it's something additional for the risk-adverse like me) . Yippie!!! My purchases should be on its way to SG from japan.. :)
And now.. i've to head down to the gym to report loss of the membership card and fulfill all righteousness of that MAD e-ritating schedule.. and the torture which follows... at 22:00?
It's not this lovely crustacean I'm referring to.
It's yours truly. :(
大头虾 is used (in Cantonese) to describe absent-mindedness..
In mad furry this morning, I've misplaced my well-loved handmade lovely green coin pouch that I bought online on esty a couple of years back. [I chanced upon seabreeze studio on the stumble application on firefox.. :)]
Sobs.. I really like this coin pouch a lot... so whimsical!
I must have dropped it in the cab or else, in downtown east, where I went to withdraw cash for the cab ride.. On hindsight, should I have NOT taken the cab, I would have NOT lost this..
Not that there anything of much value in it. Content of the pouch was : probably less than $5 of loose change, an ezlink card of value less than $20 and my old and beaten gym membership card. [gosh.. it's an antique card since 2001? sentimental value.. :( ] (after note: i spent $20 on replacing the card only to realise I could have replaced it foc.. darn.. should have ask e first..:( )
Was determined it was truly missing and not left at home - I cabbed home to check during lunch.. but to no avail. :( Made a lost report to the Comfort Cab. No news yet. I wonder who on earth want to take the pouch.. it's so well-seasoned.. :(
Still feeling pretty sore over the missing pouch, I went online to 'reminisce' the lost possession.. and in an attempt to get a replacement. But nope, hope was dashed.. However, after much (not really) deliberation, I soothed the disgruntled spirit by ordering the following :
After taking into consideration of the exchange rate and shipping costs and insurance.. it still not too pricey.. just perhaps no cab indulgence to work for the rest of this week [cuz I've been waking up late and hence.. cabbed.. :( ] but its handmade and not found in SG. :)
And I'm uber impressed by the speediness of the processing of the order. (with the additional insurance request processed within an hour - had to contact the seller separately as the shipping charges quoted on the esty site exclude insurance - it's something additional for the risk-adverse like me) . Yippie!!! My purchases should be on its way to SG from japan.. :)
And now.. i've to head down to the gym to report loss of the membership card and fulfill all righteousness of that MAD e-ritating schedule.. and the torture which follows... at 22:00?
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Some of the meanings.usage of the word - iron: (quoted from answers.com)
A. noun:
(Symbol Fe) A silvery-white, lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable, metallic element occurring abundantly in combined forms, notably in hematite, limonite, magnetite, and taconite, and used alloyed in a wide range of important structural materials. Atomic number 26; atomic weight 55.845; melting point 1,535°C; boiling point 2,750°C; specific gravity 7.874 (at 20°C); valence 2, 3, 4, 6.
B. adjective:
Strong, healthy, and capable of great endurance: an iron constitution.
C. verb
To press and smooth with a heated iron: iron clothes. OR To remove (creases) by pressing.
It has been a really long while since I did any ironing.. (Ooo.. i think I did attempted to iron a couple of xj's pointy jackets a mth back while at her place..). My mom did not inculcate the notion that clothes need to be ironed, i.e. with the exception of school uniforms - which is now not applicable in the household.. so.. I fathom when friends complained that they have to do ironing.. (They even iron their tees that's to be worn @ home..)
Uhm.. perhaps, my clothes are mostly hand-laundered.. - the machine is saved for massive/heavy items like bed linen, denim. or the togs u don at home...- they appeared to be rather ceaseless after their shower... As such, ironing does not appear as a task in my things to do list.. (though hanging and sorting the cleaned laundry is much dreaded task!)
As there is no strict dress code at work (except that one cannot BEAR too much skin!?), the hanging shirts were left forlorn in the wardrobe for ages.. the last shirt I wore was I think to the "navyblue" event - * cuz that the only navy blue item found then was a zara shirt bought specially for that event... . the rev BH event at sis.. lol.
I guess one can conclude that i dislike ironing (I could never get the pencil straight lines right on the darts/ folds .. and nice flat sleeves.) I remembered my nighmarish BOX-pleated DHS skirt.. It took me half an hour just to iron that one skirt . (randomly, i dislike BOX-pleated skirts- they enhanced the size of one's hip!!) Not to mention there is the shirt to be ironed..

Thus, one main criteria for clothes is that it should not require ironing. I've been wearing more dresses than pants.. cuz uhm.. the pants need to be ironed.. and that's not very convenient for one who doesn't really wake up that early. which explains why I owe many pairs of shorts.. haha cuz lesser material, hence, even when crumpled, it's not that obvious from afar.. lol. but I can only wear them.. on weekends...
Woke up late this morning and was clueless what to wear... Randomly tugged this out from the wardrobe. I had not worn it since its arrival in mail a month ago.. :) It was supposed to be a lucy liu inspired chiffon dress. I'm no fan of the actress (and I've not seen her in the dress which inspired this design) but I fancied the back details.. and looks great on the model (obv!) .. and it was during the cny period when I purchased that item (together with some other pieces) online...
And it look not too bad on me and no ironing required.. :) Great for lazy bones like me who prefer to consume iron (as in the mineral) than to do ironing..
On the topic of iron, oh yes, I've preferred iron man 2 to iron man 1. :) [totally digressed!]
A. noun:
(Symbol Fe) A silvery-white, lustrous, malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable, metallic element occurring abundantly in combined forms, notably in hematite, limonite, magnetite, and taconite, and used alloyed in a wide range of important structural materials. Atomic number 26; atomic weight 55.845; melting point 1,535°C; boiling point 2,750°C; specific gravity 7.874 (at 20°C); valence 2, 3, 4, 6.
B. adjective:
Strong, healthy, and capable of great endurance: an iron constitution.
C. verb
To press and smooth with a heated iron: iron clothes. OR To remove (creases) by pressing.
It has been a really long while since I did any ironing.. (Ooo.. i think I did attempted to iron a couple of xj's pointy jackets a mth back while at her place..). My mom did not inculcate the notion that clothes need to be ironed, i.e. with the exception of school uniforms - which is now not applicable in the household.. so.. I fathom when friends complained that they have to do ironing.. (They even iron their tees that's to be worn @ home..)
Uhm.. perhaps, my clothes are mostly hand-laundered.. - the machine is saved for massive/heavy items like bed linen, denim. or the togs u don at home...- they appeared to be rather ceaseless after their shower... As such, ironing does not appear as a task in my things to do list.. (though hanging and sorting the cleaned laundry is much dreaded task!)
As there is no strict dress code at work (except that one cannot BEAR too much skin!?), the hanging shirts were left forlorn in the wardrobe for ages.. the last shirt I wore was I think to the "navyblue" event - * cuz that the only navy blue item found then was a zara shirt bought specially for that event... . the rev BH event at sis.. lol.
I guess one can conclude that i dislike ironing (I could never get the pencil straight lines right on the darts/ folds .. and nice flat sleeves.) I remembered my nighmarish BOX-pleated DHS skirt.. It took me half an hour just to iron that one skirt . (randomly, i dislike BOX-pleated skirts- they enhanced the size of one's hip!!) Not to mention there is the shirt to be ironed..

Thus, one main criteria for clothes is that it should not require ironing. I've been wearing more dresses than pants.. cuz uhm.. the pants need to be ironed.. and that's not very convenient for one who doesn't really wake up that early. which explains why I owe many pairs of shorts.. haha cuz lesser material, hence, even when crumpled, it's not that obvious from afar.. lol. but I can only wear them.. on weekends...
Woke up late this morning and was clueless what to wear... Randomly tugged this out from the wardrobe. I had not worn it since its arrival in mail a month ago.. :) It was supposed to be a lucy liu inspired chiffon dress. I'm no fan of the actress (and I've not seen her in the dress which inspired this design) but I fancied the back details.. and looks great on the model (obv!) .. and it was during the cny period when I purchased that item (together with some other pieces) online...

camwhored in the toilet.. :) [which explains the "OK" sticker in the background!]
And it look not too bad on me and no ironing required.. :) Great for lazy bones like me who prefer to consume iron (as in the mineral) than to do ironing..
On the topic of iron, oh yes, I've preferred iron man 2 to iron man 1. :) [totally digressed!]
Monday, 17 May 2010
最近,周围有许多领导级的人事更动。续某某甲卸职的消息公布 (他的内人也跟随离职, 但各有他们的各别理由),某某乙 也公布类似的宣告。昨日,又获知某某丙也即将卸职。是非精或许会猜疑突然间这么多人离职,一定有内文。我的反应依然保持 -"哦,卸职啊?嗯。。。"麻木了。。。
Thursday, 13 May 2010
I do not considered myself as a systematic person. Perhaps that is one of the main reasons why I don't really see myself sustaining that long in the accounting profession (as such, to date, I've yet to register myself with the icpas even though I have met both the academic and working requirement.)
I don't like routines/ regime. Which explains why I kept complaining about the CRAZY-ever-increasing running schedule thought up by e. Suggested (translate: regardless of situation – timing/distance HAS to be met) training for this week : 10km below 57min and THREE 2hrs run (min distance to be covered = 22km). I nearly killed myself last evening by attempting to do the part 1 of 3 but punctured at 1hr mark but discovered that I did 10km under 55min. Alright, for certain matters, system is good. And he ain't that rigid to make me do it if he knows I'm conditioned for it and on weeks whereby it's not possible to do, there is still flexibility. :) unlike some system.
Inflexible system is infuriating.
Economics 101 teaches me that decision making of mankind is governed by opportunity cost.

Time is a priceless and limited commodity, as such, a (normal) person will effectively make use of it by using time that will yield the greatest satisfaction.
If you are aware that the four hours spent will likely translate to wasted efforts (cuz what you learnt would probably not be handy in many instances unless you are selected) and since the higher authorities already have in mind what/who they have wanted in advance and you know that you are not in the invisible 'priority queue' ( those who met some not transparent criteria and has already knew they were in) – would a reasonable person spent that four hours (with half the time spent in commuting) than to do other things (even resting after a day of work or spending time with family will yield more fruits than mere lip service (pun intended)? Nah, I doubt so.
Politics is at play everywhere. Just that you do see it at work in the open doesn't mean it does not exist. Just because it is not of the world doesn't mean it is not there. Yup, everywhere means EVERYWHERE, regardless. Cause all of us are just human, w.i.p, which explains why we are still here.
Played 'truant' on one or more occasions, thanks to the timely womanly issues which was a legitimate reason but the pain was not exactly more than I could bear, because of my frustration with the system (frustration probably induced by the hormonal changes), the pain self-magnified to the extent it made me sick (our brain is more powerful than we know).
The reason cited for the precious attendance was that you have to be there because you are supposed to be there and you need to discharge the responsibility of being part of that. Regardless of the fact that you might not need to be there but due to the rules and regulations you have to be there. If not, the uncompliant will have to face disciplinary actions. [Sounds like being forced to attend tutorials that you wanted to skip simply because you have to be there else, you face the possibility of flunking the attendance portion of that module…] In my ntu days, I'd skipped less than 5 lectures/tutorials despite how boring the lecture/tutorials were. Explained – I was "kia-su" and "kia-si". Guessed the knocks of life have taught me to apply truancy in redundant situations and functions.
Revelation from the "staircase prep talk": What matters (to them) is now. Old gaps that sealed were not important. Past glory is no glory. Let's give it up to those who are going and still going. No wonder those who were the gap sealers have decided to move on. Longevity is an uphill attribute to attain. Unless you are in the politics? Or you are not aware of the politics.
I don't like routines/ regime. Which explains why I kept complaining about the CRAZY-ever-increasing running schedule thought up by e. Suggested (translate: regardless of situation – timing/distance HAS to be met) training for this week : 10km below 57min and THREE 2hrs run (min distance to be covered = 22km). I nearly killed myself last evening by attempting to do the part 1 of 3 but punctured at 1hr mark but discovered that I did 10km under 55min. Alright, for certain matters, system is good. And he ain't that rigid to make me do it if he knows I'm conditioned for it and on weeks whereby it's not possible to do, there is still flexibility. :) unlike some system.
Inflexible system is infuriating.
Economics 101 teaches me that decision making of mankind is governed by opportunity cost.

Time is a priceless and limited commodity, as such, a (normal) person will effectively make use of it by using time that will yield the greatest satisfaction.
If you are aware that the four hours spent will likely translate to wasted efforts (cuz what you learnt would probably not be handy in many instances unless you are selected) and since the higher authorities already have in mind what/who they have wanted in advance and you know that you are not in the invisible 'priority queue' ( those who met some not transparent criteria and has already knew they were in) – would a reasonable person spent that four hours (with half the time spent in commuting) than to do other things (even resting after a day of work or spending time with family will yield more fruits than mere lip service (pun intended)? Nah, I doubt so.
Politics is at play everywhere. Just that you do see it at work in the open doesn't mean it does not exist. Just because it is not of the world doesn't mean it is not there. Yup, everywhere means EVERYWHERE, regardless. Cause all of us are just human, w.i.p, which explains why we are still here.
Played 'truant' on one or more occasions, thanks to the timely womanly issues which was a legitimate reason but the pain was not exactly more than I could bear, because of my frustration with the system (frustration probably induced by the hormonal changes), the pain self-magnified to the extent it made me sick (our brain is more powerful than we know).
The reason cited for the precious attendance was that you have to be there because you are supposed to be there and you need to discharge the responsibility of being part of that. Regardless of the fact that you might not need to be there but due to the rules and regulations you have to be there. If not, the uncompliant will have to face disciplinary actions. [Sounds like being forced to attend tutorials that you wanted to skip simply because you have to be there else, you face the possibility of flunking the attendance portion of that module…] In my ntu days, I'd skipped less than 5 lectures/tutorials despite how boring the lecture/tutorials were. Explained – I was "kia-su" and "kia-si". Guessed the knocks of life have taught me to apply truancy in redundant situations and functions.
Revelation from the "staircase prep talk": What matters (to them) is now. Old gaps that sealed were not important. Past glory is no glory. Let's give it up to those who are going and still going. No wonder those who were the gap sealers have decided to move on. Longevity is an uphill attribute to attain. Unless you are in the politics? Or you are not aware of the politics.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Model? me..? Nope..but..
One great way to start a day.. Words of edification.
dear friend ivory wrote me a text early in the morning...
"Hey saw you on migale blog. :) woo nice :)"
The mass opinion of models are that - they are either uber skinny or voluptuous; and usually drop-dead gorgeous looking... so obviously, it is not a everybody's job.. :) definitely not mine.. but I'd the chance to be a model for a day.. lol..
Out of goodwill, I've helped out my friend estelle to wear her togs (from her entrepreneur startup - a blogshop) a few weeks back. Since, I do enjoy trying on clothes.. :) and she needed to find her model replacement urgently (her original model was unable to make it and it has been a while since the stock has came in. So in a bid to launch them soon before they become dated, she needed to models ... ), I agreed.
I'd tried convincing her to don the clothes herself since she is rather photogenic and certainly more than okay to model (as compared to yours truly). Apparently, she did buy the idea as she was the main model for most of her second collection, as she did a re-shoot of most of the items the day after the original shoot cuz the outcome of the initial shoot was not satisfactory. Which is alright with me since, I don't really relish the fact that I do have that layer of mid-section insulation... Frankly, i was more than happy .. since I definitely do not have that killer bod... (yet).
And so.. I wasn't expecting to see myself on her blogshop.. until..
I'd tried convincing her to don the clothes herself since she is rather photogenic and certainly more than okay to model (as compared to yours truly). Apparently, she did buy the idea as she was the main model for most of her second collection, as she did a re-shoot of most of the items the day after the original shoot cuz the outcome of the initial shoot was not satisfactory. Which is alright with me since, I don't really relish the fact that I do have that layer of mid-section insulation... Frankly, i was more than happy .. since I definitely do not have that killer bod... (yet).
And so.. I wasn't expecting to see myself on her blogshop.. until..

oh my gosh.. can you spot that bump in the middle!?? eeeks! (okay, probably because I was wearing the size S instead but the size M would be too loose definitely..)
okay, it's a surreal feeling to be a 'model'. lol.. but at my shortie height and uhm less than perfect body shape.. nah, model nope..
But it is indeed a great way to start a day with compliment.. :) at least my "changing" efforts that day didn't completely went down the drain as the boss decided to use the cropped pants shot.. (And that features probably the leanest part of me - the thighs/ calves.. thanks to the (MAD) running routine enforced - which incidentally, evil e has decided to up it by loads this week (cuz I missed like a couple runs due to the self-inflicted knee pain) - which is a total different story altogether... )
Meanwhile, do drop by migale for a view.. you may find something that you like... :)
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Cabbage.. One of my favourite vegetables..
While rummaging the fridge for edible stuff after gym, saw a head of Chinese cabbage lying in the fridge for days and surprising.. still fresh..
Hence, made this for today's lunch last night. Nothing fanciful, it was just cutting up the few leaves of cabbages, soaking one portion of vermicelli and some dried shrimps.. and blanching them in water and seasoned with a wee bit of salt and a wee bit of the concentrated scallop sauce i located in the fridge. And it took less than 10minutes.. :) Surprisingly, it turned out rather flavourful despite it was oil-less (think the usual thing to do was to stir-fry the dried shrimps.. Think it was the shrimp's umami fragrance that oozed from the microwave while I was re-heating it up that garnered some comments from some of the ladies passing by the pantry [cuz of the whiff of fragrance!! :)]
While rummaging the fridge for edible stuff after gym, saw a head of Chinese cabbage lying in the fridge for days and surprising.. still fresh..
Hence, made this for today's lunch last night. Nothing fanciful, it was just cutting up the few leaves of cabbages, soaking one portion of vermicelli and some dried shrimps.. and blanching them in water and seasoned with a wee bit of salt and a wee bit of the concentrated scallop sauce i located in the fridge. And it took less than 10minutes.. :) Surprisingly, it turned out rather flavourful despite it was oil-less (think the usual thing to do was to stir-fry the dried shrimps.. Think it was the shrimp's umami fragrance that oozed from the microwave while I was re-heating it up that garnered some comments from some of the ladies passing by the pantry [cuz of the whiff of fragrance!! :)]
it's more yummy than it looks.. :)
Anyway, it saves me the hassle of thinking where and what to have for lunch.. :) And not forgetting it'll save me from potential nagging from e who remembered that I've not been sending my foodlog since the Jap trip.. :P
But then, it sustained me only till now.. and I am now grabbing some unwholesome coated green peas to satisfy the hunger pangs..
But then, it sustained me only till now.. and I am now grabbing some unwholesome coated green peas to satisfy the hunger pangs..
The easy way out is not always the best way out
I got what I bargained for - instead of running after pt last evening, e had kindly granted me to do an hour on the cross-trainer instead - cuz of my self-inflicted knee pain.. (the torturous aftermath of the extended wear of heels..)
Usually, I will use the cross-trainer for warmup/ cooling down purposes, hence the longest stint would be say 30 minutes..
Being use to perspiring loads during a run, the relatively cooling one hour of cardio seemed like a breeze. The highest heart rate level hit was approximately 120 bpm [which was relatively easy on the heart - think this should just hit my lower limit of the fat-burning zone... translate: it was not at all challenging... ] and which (the screen showed that ) I have blasted 500+ kcal. [ Usually, my heart rate would be like 150+ to 160+ after an hour run.. with a hundred + kcal more burnt..] Frankly, if not for the TV show that distracted me for the hour, I would have been bored to tears and probably doze off.. Weird but true, I would rather run cuz it's less mundane... still the fat burns.. [Campfire is burning.. campfire is burning... ]
Unfortunately, I undermined the power of the efx.. The lower limbs protested big time when I woke up this morning.. :o On hindsight, I should have just opted to run instead of doing the efx.. :(
Moral of the story: the easier way out is NOT necessary the best way out. Next time, don't bargain..
Usually, I will use the cross-trainer for warmup/ cooling down purposes, hence the longest stint would be say 30 minutes..
Being use to perspiring loads during a run, the relatively cooling one hour of cardio seemed like a breeze. The highest heart rate level hit was approximately 120 bpm [which was relatively easy on the heart - think this should just hit my lower limit of the fat-burning zone... translate: it was not at all challenging... ] and which (the screen showed that ) I have blasted 500+ kcal. [ Usually, my heart rate would be like 150+ to 160+ after an hour run.. with a hundred + kcal more burnt..] Frankly, if not for the TV show that distracted me for the hour, I would have been bored to tears and probably doze off.. Weird but true, I would rather run cuz it's less mundane... still the fat burns.. [Campfire is burning.. campfire is burning... ]
Being less taxing on the body, I presumed there will be nil aching effects the next day, since usually I suffer no aches after my runs, long or short. Perhaps, it was a combination of e's 'evil doing' - (for example: imagine lifting weights heavier than ur own weight? And he insisted that it was me that's heavy & not the weights ...!!?!! ) And me increasing the resistance level of the efx machine. Due to some weird reason - the knee hurted a wee bit at the low resistance. As such, I've decided to increase the resistance level and the pain miraculously went away!
Unfortunately, I undermined the power of the efx.. The lower limbs protested big time when I woke up this morning.. :o On hindsight, I should have just opted to run instead of doing the efx.. :(
我藐视了它的‘威力‘. but it really work those muscle groups the screen promised to target..
Moral of the story: the easier way out is NOT necessary the best way out. Next time, don't bargain..
Bane - shoes with height
Thanks to the sudden crave for height...I decided to don the rv heels last tues- which was a BAD decision.. cuz prolonged hours in them meant arched calves for >12 hours. And my body reacted adversely = knees joint pain and plus I've sorta landed side-way on my left foot last Saturday in the mist of my morning run... As such, I've added this (un-glam) accessory nightly since Monday...
Which is rather effective considering that the pain has now almost subsided.. :) and that knee pain earned me some 'immunity' from the runs this week .. :) but that has also resulted in a ban on shoes with height for a really long time... :(
Which is rather effective considering that the pain has now almost subsided.. :) and that knee pain earned me some 'immunity' from the runs this week .. :) but that has also resulted in a ban on shoes with height for a really long time... :(
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Contrary to my fellow citizens who have their meals without chilli sauce (be it the bottled kind, the samba type or cut chilli..), should I require a sauce for enhancing the fries or those unhealthy fried finger food (or even fried bee hoon)... this is what I like...
And yes, Heinz over other commonly available brand in the supermarket.. and uhm, bottled in the US.. (cuz the glass bottled version in the supermarket is bottled in neighbouring countries and somehow the flavour ain't the same as the US version..)
Ketchup (catch -up) time could be used to describe what happened last Sunday, at a friend's wedding reception, held in the b4 auditorium (which uhm, requires a whole lot more of guests than the Chinese or children church's hall). Some of pals who were invited had gave it a missed cuz of some reason or another and if I didn't happen to see wl after service, I would have too pass my ang pow to someone instead of loitering in the ultimate western part of SG . Another person at the lunch table who was invited to the wedding too, decided to head home first prior to attending the wedding.. Some 'well-intentioned' person, not invited cuz not acquainted to neither bride nor groom, commented that I should too head home first then return for the wedding!!??!! and this chap was aware of the fact that I reside on the other end of the island (nearer to where the newly enlisted ns chaps will report every Sunday evening.. ) And the fact that I don't drive.. And he could chirp in to say.. it's just an mrt ride away.. Dude.. the to & fro ride is 3.5 to 4 hours.. Do your maths. At the point in time when the words were spoken, it was 1500+.. The dinner reception commence around 1815+ and a person in the right frame of mind will not do that .. AND it's not as if I don't have the 'luxury' to commute via the mass rapid transit .. in fact, 'bmw' (the green version) is my the main form of transport.. why do i need to travel up and down the east-west line just to kill time? I'll be an oxy-moron to do that.. Nah.. I did not voice this chunk of thought out. Instead - my one liner response 'No, I won't do that."
Anyway, it was ketchup time cuz met a few friends whom i've not seen in years.. managed to chat quite a bit with wanling...cuz we were trying to kill time..
Finally met maybelline after so many eons.... (sobs.. i didn't get to see her after the makan.. wonder where she went.. ) and also robin (thanks to him.. I got a free ride home..!) and juslin (and it's the first time I saw her in heels and dress!! she lost a lot of weight woah... ). It was a beautiful wedding.. and i like adeline's gown.. apparently, the pretty bride has custom made it.. with her design inputs..
To sum it all, glad that I did not fly a kite on Sunday.. hence I got ketchup in return.. :)
And yes, Heinz over other commonly available brand in the supermarket.. and uhm, bottled in the US.. (cuz the glass bottled version in the supermarket is bottled in neighbouring countries and somehow the flavour ain't the same as the US version..)
Ketchup (catch -up) time could be used to describe what happened last Sunday, at a friend's wedding reception, held in the b4 auditorium (which uhm, requires a whole lot more of guests than the Chinese or children church's hall). Some of pals who were invited had gave it a missed cuz of some reason or another and if I didn't happen to see wl after service, I would have too pass my ang pow to someone instead of loitering in the ultimate western part of SG . Another person at the lunch table who was invited to the wedding too, decided to head home first prior to attending the wedding.. Some 'well-intentioned' person, not invited cuz not acquainted to neither bride nor groom, commented that I should too head home first then return for the wedding!!??!! and this chap was aware of the fact that I reside on the other end of the island (nearer to where the newly enlisted ns chaps will report every Sunday evening.. ) And the fact that I don't drive.. And he could chirp in to say.. it's just an mrt ride away.. Dude.. the to & fro ride is 3.5 to 4 hours.. Do your maths. At the point in time when the words were spoken, it was 1500+.. The dinner reception commence around 1815+ and a person in the right frame of mind will not do that .. AND it's not as if I don't have the 'luxury' to commute via the mass rapid transit .. in fact, 'bmw' (the green version) is my the main form of transport.. why do i need to travel up and down the east-west line just to kill time? I'll be an oxy-moron to do that.. Nah.. I did not voice this chunk of thought out. Instead - my one liner response 'No, I won't do that."
Anyway, it was ketchup time cuz met a few friends whom i've not seen in years.. managed to chat quite a bit with wanling...cuz we were trying to kill time..
Finally met maybelline after so many eons.... (sobs.. i didn't get to see her after the makan.. wonder where she went.. ) and also robin (thanks to him.. I got a free ride home..!) and juslin (and it's the first time I saw her in heels and dress!! she lost a lot of weight woah... ). It was a beautiful wedding.. and i like adeline's gown.. apparently, the pretty bride has custom made it.. with her design inputs..
To sum it all, glad that I did not fly a kite on Sunday.. hence I got ketchup in return.. :)
the inner voice
Alright, I've noone to blame for missing out something whereby I oughta be there but due to reluctance for some reason, sought clarification from an indirect source who obviously is clueless of what's going on. Ended up with some miscommunication and missed out the whole thing.. Okay, my gut feelings is correct.. outta be there but relied on the indirect source and ended up not..
Moral of the story, when in doubt, raise the query yourself. The inner voice is usually right...
Moral of the story, when in doubt, raise the query yourself. The inner voice is usually right...
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