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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

new pickup line?

I wonder should I be flattered by this uhm, unsolicited message from someone I don't know or I think have no mutual friends connection with.. (so i wonder how he came across my profile..)
in case the picture is too tiny, i cropped out of the notification email from fb (can't access fb @ work). This was what mr ALH has written..
" Hey Hermione, was just browsing around while taking a meeting break when I came across your profile, and I had to say.. It's one of the more sincere profiles I've read in awhile. Let's rant =)

Let's start simple. So what are 3 qualities abt yourself that you admire?"
Uhm, this sounds like an interview question.. what are the three qualities about myself that I admire?
For the fun of it, let me attempt answering that question... (in a non-work related manner)
  1. I have high tolerance level for pain (but I can't stand the sight of bloody or those ER scenes but I like hospital dramas - my fave gotta be 妙手仁心 (old canto drama.. but somehow, I have a penchant towards tvb canto dramas.. selectively.. depending on who's acting..). High tolerance for pain - i've attempted to self-disinfect deep cuts, uhm removing the legendary "龙" in some of the wounds that is causing the infection and pouring 青草油 after the mini-op I've (until I read in horror in "mind your body" that 青草油 is toxic  and should not be poured over open wounds! (which now I learn just to wash the wounds with dettol concentrated and yeah cover the spot with guaze and visit the gp should it get infected).. And yeah, pain in terms of enduring muscle aches.. thanks to my hardworking pt whom i guess found how to motiviate me to go the extra mile (literally) and yeah.. rewarded with ability to make clothes look nice on me.. (gosh I think I've thick skin thin heart - though yeah, this is an appropriate use of this phrase.) Maybe this will come in handy like uhm, childbirth? lol.
  2. I have a quest for excellence (towards what I like). Which explains why I've signed up for the crazy 25km run this May, thinking of signing up for the SBR again (cuz priority disc for past year participant and i get to save $10 but the running tee is darn ugly every year..) and certainly the full marathon this year end (I wanna have a finisher tee!!). Since I can't swim for dear life and cycling ain't my forte - i don't think I can do a bi-/tri-laton.. though I do wish I could at least attempt.. Perhaps I should learn swimming after getting the finisher tee.. then i can attempt being an irongirl! :o As for work ah.. I am trying to like what I am doing.. hopefully not sporadic surge in energy? But having breathe tax for most of my working career, if I don't want to suffer paycut, I can only specialise in TAX.. [unless the better half that came along can support me, than I will do what I want.. which I think I want to learn drawing.. :)]
  3. I guess the third is uhm, being artistic/ having good dress sense. At least, I don't dress like a fashion victim and I'm certainly not the type that will attempt to follow the trend blindly (unless the trend flatters me).. And I don't like leh-long stuff that looks uhm al-cheapo. Neither will I purchase the AA货 (or the lower categories), as i believe, support originals.  If you can't afford, then don't get it. Having said that, I have yet own those expensive IT bag yet.. until i reach the extent whereby the contents of the bag is like 100times more than the bag, I will consider getting one. What's the point of having a bag costing a few grands whereby you only have like uhm.. a few tens and maybe a fitfy dollars within. Having said that, I <3 my patent agnes b huge tote which I think is a year old plus but it's had withstand the daily loads of at least 3-4 kgs ( esp on gym day.. that's without the shoes (they are in locker), i think the 700ml water bottle is one of the culprit, followed by makeup pouch, a paperback, bible, and some other clutter..). Uhm, it's not too pricey (cuz at least it's not the signature ba-chang design that the pushcarts are selling at a fraction of the cost which they, to my opinion, looks fake.) [Okay, some peeps think I'm crazy to spend on a pvc bag..(but it's made in japan!- maybe that explains its durability, and how much cheaper it is sold there..) but hey, it still looks good despite the daily abuse and I think there's a couple of years left in its useful life..] I'm pro-jap. lol (yeah, I look for items in Daiso that are made in japan before I'm willing to part with my purple Yusof Ishak note. cuz made in japan equates to quality ensured..) Fortunately, I'm not living in the 1940s else, it'll be like 汉奸! Digressed - having said that, I believe in paying for quality and uniqueness (like my friend kelly's label iwantthat).
If I go on further, it will sound like an advert.  Nah. Don't think I will cut and paste this reply to this mr ALH though. And certainly, this will not be my standard reply for a job interview question.
But uhm, wonder what really sparks off interest in this chap to bother dropping me a message. At least, this person doesn't type in broken english, which is rare. ( For example, 'you' is not replaced by 'u'..Alright, I'm observant in the non-essential stuff like this.. (another good quality, right?)

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