What drives one with expectation?
I reckon it's the past experiences accumulated to associate the assumed right learned response to that particular actions.
(A) Expecting an answer to a question asked
This is a reasonable expectation? Right. For every question asked, there oughta be an answer. If you don't know the reply, at least acknowledge the person asking the question. Basic courtesy right?
For example, when the telephone rings, the appropriate response a normal person would have will be picking up the phone call. Before the time whereby caller IDs are available, we won't know who the caller is until we hear the voice on the other end. Technology has since advanced leaps and bounds and thanks to that, we now have the option to choose whether or not to reject certain calls cuz we can know the caller even before answering the phone (provider the caller is not dialing from a private no.)
Anyway, assuming the person is contactable, one would assume that it is basic courtesy to return his/her reply to question posed. I suppose one of the most used form of communication by the young and the younger is likely text messaging, be it via sms/ or bb pin or iphone thingy.. So, it is expected that a person with reasonable level of courtesy will be kind enough answer a reply to a question, even it is in the form of a mass sending?
Oh well, apparently not. Though some can relentlessly comment/ (lament rather) to walls, perhaps they enjoy one-way communication with the wall, even through web surfing via their mobile phone, surely they have see the message that requires a reply on the very mobile phone they are using? Logic: since they are using the mobile phone to web surf, surely it is reasonable to assume they have saw the message on the same phone right?? Nope, i think it's filtered by the mobile phone user as 'junk mail', perhaps. or else how do one explain that there's no reply till now..) And oh if I'm not mistaken, their profession are of the role of a service provider (and as well as their voluntarily activity outside 9-5).....so non-reply is the code of ethnics of that profession? (Which I don't think so.) or it is just plain irony?
(B) Expectation of behaviour
As the saying goes, lead by example. Even if you don't feel like doing certain things, because of the position you are assuming/ carrying, you will still end up doing what you should be doing because that's what the mass expects you to do. Is this responsibility or is this conforming to the society's perceptions? I think it's the formal. You can always choose not to do what you don't want to do, but doing what you want to do wilfully might result in consequences that affect the others that may lead to other repercussions, which you certainly do not want to bear responsibility of.
I think the hormonal changes are making me writing non-cohesively.. best that I stop here. But I'm rather pleased with the fact the the proposed technical advice that went directly to the GM without the reviewer's (i.e. the SM) review came back technically unchanged with only minimal formatting changes. Either she didn't really read ( which perhaps i translate, she trust my judgements).. or it is really technically sound. or it is of both nature.. :)