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Monday 19 October 2009


Despite attempts to keep to the dietary restrictions that e has imposed due to my runs - he sure set high expectations - i still fall short of it. Darned.  Or perhaps of the smart aleck excuses spunned for not adhering.. (such as Fastfood? no, it wasn't that fast. I waited a while for it. ) - haha that got him peeved .. ;p

And think he has enough of the smart/defensive excuses - so he had a deal with me -  he will not intervene with what I ate provided I can finish the ge run in 45 min. Obviously, that will not be possible. The very best I think I can manage will be a 55.  So I gave my word that I would adhere to the STRICT (sad) diet AND the 3 runs or else.. he get to chose the "punishment". Guess what..  should I fail to keep to the instructions - i get to stand on one of the machines and sing an e-original (likely super-sacarsm..). Sigh, since I can't outtalk him, obedient is the best policy..  and e stands for 'evil'. bleh. determined not to let e has the last laugh.

so.. bye bye junk food...

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