So I thought, maybe file structure is clogged up... why don't I clear the temp files and defragmentised...
Yeah, that was the suicidal plan of my ibm thinkcentre.. (Yes, it was that antique.. before IBM stopped dealing with pc/ laptops and passed them all over to lenovo..)
So i started my innocent plan to clear the mess.. that probably kill the processing speed and the defrag process is like only 50% completed after 4 hours (@ 3am) so I thought, by the time I arose @ 6+.. it should be done...
Biological alarm rang @ 6..
PC screen blacked.. Processing noise still whizz from the cpu..
Attempted to rouse it from deep slumber... Feeble attempt to revive it...
Tried laying hands... This time.. it is really DEAD. (I'd previously tried to resusiate the presuccessor -a HP CPU.. it works for a brief moment.. then it prolly died.. which was how max helped me to get this thinkcentre.. haha)
Did the worst case option - Power Off.. (that proves to be the fatal move - I should think)
Power on it again - System can't start up cuz a system file extension can't be located.. (Half expected it cuz I cut off power suddenly while it was defragmentising... )
Tried the "rescue & recovery" option within - rescusing it will involve resetting to factory setting.. and my last backup was done in 2007/8. Drats.. and I can't find those disk..
PC won't start in safe mode either..
So.. I certified it gone.. (the mj tune came to mind.. gone too soon...)
Not really, the warranty expired eons ago..... it survived for at least 3 years? Think it arrived @ home in dec 2005... so it's prolly close to 4 years old... Pointless to revive it .. shall attempt to salvage the hard disk drive perhaps...
Plan now is to lug my 2kg+ work thinkpad home.. (yeah, not the small notebook.. but it's the bigger t61..).. Until I get a new laptop..
thinking of getting a vaio - even though it's like paying more for the same specs.. Kinda like this new CW series (OS is the new Windows 7)
Or the W series
Or.. the cheaper hp netbook.. HP-mini 311
Or the lenovo
The apple Macbook looks good too..
I gathered I valued the aesthetic aspect of the note/netbook more.. so.. mostly likely.. it will either be the Sony w or Hp mini... or the CW? .
November is approaching.. anyone felt led to contribute to "mione's laptop fund" is most welcome to do so.. :) or even better.. get me the laptop...