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Tuesday 10 March 2009


A quote from the wisest book ever written - "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."

perhaps this is the onset of a mid-life crisis. I wonder why am i doing things for whatsoever? It just don't matter anymore..Maybe I should just waste time away.... or live just for the temporal? 

yep, the human usually disappoint...  and this brings me to a sad truth i learnt on sunday...

I realized that one of  the peeps that I thought was a friend was merely professed to be . i.e. he/she is sadly JUST A pseudo acquaintance. Yep, pseudo. (Yep, it has relegated to "pseudo".). Respect needs to be earned, not given.. Attending the weekly meetings meant for the "elites who went the extra mile as lay ministers (or soon-to-be) " is not the passport to judge or pass nasty remarks behind others' back.  (If you have guts, tell me upfront, rather than through the grapevines.)

Oh well.. as a common saying goes.. "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" Certainly, I can't control your feelings but rest assured, the past association is HISTORY.  Though the details of the nasty stuff said was not revealed (i guessed it is really mean and nasty to the extent it was not "revealable"? ), I guess our future conversations (if there has to be any) will be purely operational/ functional basis?

So much so for the "honoring" prefix you have addressed me by in the initial few of years whereby I known you...  thanks so much for the harsh revelation..

Seriously, I would think TWICE and discern quadruple the next time he speaks.  And perhaps, him and the likes of "him" are the reason why I choose to the "shun" option. Or simply just eat the meat and throw away the bone... I seriously doubt I could ever see him in the same light again...

Oh yes, pure emo.  I doubt the subject of this post will read this... but that doesn't matter... :)

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