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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

2 hours of snooze time

Sleeping two hours daily ain't enough but I can't seemed to be able to get to sleep ... mind is spinning...

Rushing out rose-carpet for fish's angpow box.. oh yes, I'm recreating ming's ang pow box cover for fish.. cuz she likes it. :) The carpet is 75% completed now.. pretty amazed that I could actually knit in the dark..Alright, in not well lit place - cuz I only had the night lights on (the pretty red hearts from iKea) :)

Was pretty amazed that I "convinced" my flesh to things that I don't want to.. like using my larynx to create conversations when I don't wish to.  and prying my tired body from the bed every morning.... and smiling when I don't feel like it...

And I wonder how to convince myself that it's gonna be worth it. Cuz that's the LAST thing I want to do now.  but I don't have much of an alternative.. drats.

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