oozed out a tickle of blood.. And I've not done it for the last two years.. [Last test I remembered, the result was alright. Think it should be a 5+ mmol/l (towards the higher range of 5) reading.. within the norm spectrum.]
Decided to visit my GP to do the much dreaded blood test.. *Note: I've been consuming food as per peeps without my condition, just that I practice moderation and my tooth ain't particularly sweet.. Don't think peeps ard me know abt this little *sweet* condition of mine - hey, I think I'm much healthier than some of those without this sweet condition! Perhaps the regular runs and training help in blasting the fat cells, in turn keep the weight in check -
My GP was very pleased with the result.. - It read 5.3 or 93mg/l. Woot! In the healthy range and @ the lower spectrum of the healthy range. And he self-congratulate himself of my excellent condition - cuz it's still in check in spite of the 2 year lapse of check-up (haha..) - he was beaming with joy *Think I must be one of his best patient!* He was relating on how bad the condition of some patients he has encountered.. the blood glucose content of that patient was so high that the meter can't register a reading and could only show "high"..
So me being diagnosed with this nagging condition since 2001 and still healthy in check..I should say, it's not too bad.. And yes, having this condition doesn't make me less normal than peeps ard me.. Same diet really! (okie, not really.. I watch what I eat since I gotta document them down else risk tougher training!) I picked up running last July (at a rather "ripe-old-age" and completed my first 10km last Dec in 70min (which includes loo time & walking).. going for my 1st 15km in May and prolly half marathon for the standchart run in Dec (still deliberating should i join the safra thingy again - but the huge crowd is big turn-off!)
No doubt I didn't get the instant healing in the various healing conference, God heals through medication too..
Oh.. something ironic - the world commemorate/ "celebrate" (oh yes, this was the word used in the official website) on my birthday (ie. 14November).. haha.. ironic rite?
And for the record, unlikely i got this condition cuz of consuming large quantum of sweet stuff (i don't have a sweet tooth!) cuz it's in the genes (yep, it rUns in the family).. and if not for the detection during my pre-employment checkup (I was still in my last sem of final yr @ ntu) - I would not have that personal encounter with God in Mount Alvernia.. and haha.. i would not be in CHC.. (i'm digressing ...) And not too sure how my *sweet* situation will be like..
In short - cuz the result of the urine test detected abnormal glucose level - the missy (aka nurse) wanted me to do another blood test to confirm - and that made me more nervous.. - so while waiting for the blood test result (alone) - i was wandering in the garden, worrying about the confirming result when I heard this comforting voice that reassured me that everything's gonna be alright and HE is in control in spite of the situation.. Oh yeah, that's God. [Oh yes, I did say the sinner's prayer myself in my room after reading the green little booklet passed to me @ bedok interchange when I was Sec 2 but haha didn't tell anyone. Didn't attend church until my best pal Sandi (oh, we were in the same class from P6 to Sec 4!), who brought me to church (another long story but I wasn't regular .. not comfortable, i guessed) then was in States pursuing her music degree and haha i stopped going to service. - just tooo lazy to attend service on weekly basis and since sandi was away.. ahah.. no opportunty to go lo.. ya, I'm a U1. ]
That word & touch gave me the strength & faith to console my mom - she was devastated to learn of this and also to complete my final sem exam.. - wa.. else i'll be like fretting and worrying - haha.. but i know of this power prayer that I used to pray when in fear (cuz I don't know how to pray and that was the prayer that I found in the my bro's Bible - (it wad KJV and i haha.. memorise by heart !) and the Lord's prayer never fail to instil peace .. so in turn, this was what I told God - I'll attend & be rooted in the first church that my friend (anyone actually) that invites me to.. *so it was during one of the vnr (my jc eca) gatherings a few months later that huiming passed me an invite to her church anniversary celebration @ sis. So ya.. i went - haha.. no one pick me up at mrt station wo.. i "garangly" queued with the throngs of peeps, popped onto the shuttlebus (THat was the ONE and ONLY time I ever take shuttle bus to SIS) and miraculously was brought into SIS without queuing - haha- (don't remember how oso..) so.. i didn't remember wat the service was about.. just know that haha.. i was there to respond to the altar call... i think i was just waiting for the end of the service lo.. but I didn't raise up my hand..but haha.. the dear sister next to me, meiwen, asked, so i did. Actually if not for the follow-up call from sis evelyn, I would have ended up in sandi's mom church (but it was CHINESE church).. cuz she was just reaching out to me that evening (after showing me a real life-story video) when sis evelyn called me just after.)
And the rest is history...See all things work for good for those who love God!
I digressed!! but I fulfilled my daily quota of words. Yes, U1 does exist.. Now i want to find the like-minded U1.
click me!!
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
Nope, not the natural reflex that some chose to adopt when sticky situation arises. (i.e. hide/ sweep under the carpet/run away from resolving the situation.. you get the idea.)
Somehow, ever since failing to meet that “to make it or break it within the stipulated deadline of 6 months” posed to me some two years ago… [obviously I DIDN'T, hence I took flight last year after it became unbearable to hang on anymore.. ], it occurred to me that that kairos moment has passed and yup, I did not seize the moment.. and missed it. And perhaps, once gone.. always gone.. put on the mode of aiya, just take things as they come.. Like in the chorus of the song Que Sera, Sera ..
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Can’t say it has been fruitful since migrating to another cg, but at least, i’ve snapped out of the fugitive mode which I was in the first 3 quarters of 2008. I guessed I was too used in doing a lot of things in the past.. yet quantity does not always equates to quality. So having to do nothing suddenly paralysed me. And I began entertaining the negative thoughts of “how those peeps see me” - (think I sounded like a pyscho case now..) hence, refusing to rest.. as such, began trying to be contented with being a mere participant, and offering ad-hoc help in things that are NOT out of my comfort zone to me. Surface-wise, I seemed to be alright, sigh, deep down, it doesn’t gel with what I felt I have to do.. I seriously don’t want to remain mediocre and be contented with the ordinary.
However, as much as i know what I oughta do, I didn't . Then this verse came to mind : Heb 4:16 ( a verse that the bs teacher - think was pastor bobby "beseeched" us to memorise - think was the old version of “Going on to Perfection”? ) Perhaps, I was afraid of the reproach, or perhaps to hear things that my minute human brain that could not contain and perceive.. or the fear to meet up to His plans (again) overcame the desire to draw near.. Went through the motions of being a “good accountable” member in this period - attended cg, helped out when cgl asked to, encouraged others, served in choir, attended practice etc... . BUT didn’t dare to go into the HOH. Was loitering in the outer courts when I know that I oughta go behind the veil. Sigh - perils of knowing in the head and not doing it.
Yet, His ways are always higher than my ways. Since I refused/ dared not to commune with Him proper, during cg on Thurs, what Steven prayed for me was indeed the word in season.. cUz I’ve resigned to the fact that I’ve missed that kairos time and hence, finito with what plans/ desires I have. So I thought that God has given up on me and moved on.. Single-mindedly, i decided to “downgrade” my thinking too and yup to be in sync with the “que sera, sera” attitude. I have lost faith in fact that God still believe in the one who failed countless times.. yup, my disbelief inspite of His belief. *awww * *loved*
Didn’t dawn much on it (but felt encouraged by the touch of God). Attended both Service 2 & 4 over the weekend.. It was awesome. Not because Pastor Phil was my next fave pastor after Pst Kong (And I still want to go to SCA and i know it will come to pass… ) The Word that Pst Phil shared over the weekend just reinforced what was spoken to me during cg.( Thought it was different message for different services, but was glad I went both.. :) i missed expo.. and I got the chance to see Sophie & ming.. sophie is sooo cute!!!)
And simply love God’s very tangible presence in service 4 which literally left me trembling even after the last praise song. And like truly, you only discover your purpose in the presence of God. And I was that silly to entertain the lower-level thinking and actually thought of settling for less… And nope, He’s not done with me yet.
*Sigh, to think I oughta be @ the orientation today should I have greater faith (or perhaps, already graduated years ago...)* But then again, His timing will be the best timing..
Time for flight!
Somehow, ever since failing to meet that “to make it or break it within the stipulated deadline of 6 months” posed to me some two years ago… [obviously I DIDN'T, hence I took flight last year after it became unbearable to hang on anymore.. ], it occurred to me that that kairos moment has passed and yup, I did not seize the moment.. and missed it. And perhaps, once gone.. always gone.. put on the mode of aiya, just take things as they come.. Like in the chorus of the song Que Sera, Sera ..
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be
Can’t say it has been fruitful since migrating to another cg, but at least, i’ve snapped out of the fugitive mode which I was in the first 3 quarters of 2008. I guessed I was too used in doing a lot of things in the past.. yet quantity does not always equates to quality. So having to do nothing suddenly paralysed me. And I began entertaining the negative thoughts of “how those peeps see me” - (think I sounded like a pyscho case now..) hence, refusing to rest.. as such, began trying to be contented with being a mere participant, and offering ad-hoc help in things that are NOT out of my comfort zone to me. Surface-wise, I seemed to be alright, sigh, deep down, it doesn’t gel with what I felt I have to do.. I seriously don’t want to remain mediocre and be contented with the ordinary.
However, as much as i know what I oughta do, I didn't . Then this verse came to mind : Heb 4:16 ( a verse that the bs teacher - think was pastor bobby "beseeched" us to memorise - think was the old version of “Going on to Perfection”? ) Perhaps, I was afraid of the reproach, or perhaps to hear things that my minute human brain that could not contain and perceive.. or the fear to meet up to His plans (again) overcame the desire to draw near.. Went through the motions of being a “good accountable” member in this period - attended cg, helped out when cgl asked to, encouraged others, served in choir, attended practice etc... . BUT didn’t dare to go into the HOH. Was loitering in the outer courts when I know that I oughta go behind the veil. Sigh - perils of knowing in the head and not doing it.
Yet, His ways are always higher than my ways. Since I refused/ dared not to commune with Him proper, during cg on Thurs, what Steven prayed for me was indeed the word in season.. cUz I’ve resigned to the fact that I’ve missed that kairos time and hence, finito with what plans/ desires I have. So I thought that God has given up on me and moved on.. Single-mindedly, i decided to “downgrade” my thinking too and yup to be in sync with the “que sera, sera” attitude. I have lost faith in fact that God still believe in the one who failed countless times.. yup, my disbelief inspite of His belief. *awww * *loved*
Didn’t dawn much on it (but felt encouraged by the touch of God). Attended both Service 2 & 4 over the weekend.. It was awesome. Not because Pastor Phil was my next fave pastor after Pst Kong (And I still want to go to SCA and i know it will come to pass… ) The Word that Pst Phil shared over the weekend just reinforced what was spoken to me during cg.( Thought it was different message for different services, but was glad I went both.. :) i missed expo.. and I got the chance to see Sophie & ming.. sophie is sooo cute!!!)
And simply love God’s very tangible presence in service 4 which literally left me trembling even after the last praise song. And like truly, you only discover your purpose in the presence of God. And I was that silly to entertain the lower-level thinking and actually thought of settling for less… And nope, He’s not done with me yet.
*Sigh, to think I oughta be @ the orientation today should I have greater faith (or perhaps, already graduated years ago...)* But then again, His timing will be the best timing..
Time for flight!
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Quiz: Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. (yay!!)
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. (rOmantic.. wooot!)
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. (hmmm... dunno)
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. (Wa.. oii appear soon lei.. )
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. (Uhm, I've been very stagnant in this area since... graduating from ntu...depending on wat's on the table )
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. (in way, yes. And Still trying to find out what I love doing... Interestingly, I was thinking abt this while dragging my feet to work.. Practical side of me makes me stay where i am currently. )
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. (I gave up once before I started.. Not very courageous.. Saya not lion. )
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. ( perhaps more applicable in the past... haha)
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. (Yay! I can side-line as princess agony - (aunt agony sounds old..) haha..)
The quiz ~ http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. (yay!!)
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. (rOmantic.. wooot!)
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. (hmmm... dunno)
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love. (Wa.. oii appear soon lei.. )
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. (Uhm, I've been very stagnant in this area since... graduating from ntu...depending on wat's on the table )
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life. (in way, yes. And Still trying to find out what I love doing... Interestingly, I was thinking abt this while dragging my feet to work.. Practical side of me makes me stay where i am currently. )
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous. (I gave up once before I started.. Not very courageous.. Saya not lion. )
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear. ( perhaps more applicable in the past... haha)
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve. (Yay! I can side-line as princess agony - (aunt agony sounds old..) haha..)
The quiz ~ http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx
Monday, 23 March 2009
tired... and i want to sleep...
I miss my bed.
I am tired & sleepy
my left eye is swelling again...
I am reiminsing the script the drama I just caught on youtube.. (and looking forward to the next episode next sunday midnite) and letting the creative mind spinning...
I am listening to Utada's Final distance... (and in sync with point above..)
I am tired and the bed is just next to me..
yet i'm refusing to sleep... why??
I wish to uncover the reason too...
Gotta log off.. Left eye getting swollen to extent it opens with a mere slit. Mindless rambles in the middle of the night...
I am tired & sleepy
my left eye is swelling again...
I am reiminsing the script the drama I just caught on youtube.. (and looking forward to the next episode next sunday midnite) and letting the creative mind spinning...
I am listening to Utada's Final distance... (and in sync with point above..)
I am tired and the bed is just next to me..
yet i'm refusing to sleep... why??
I wish to uncover the reason too...
Gotta log off.. Left eye getting swollen to extent it opens with a mere slit. Mindless rambles in the middle of the night...
Saturday, 21 March 2009
the manic friday...
Once again, against my will, I've paid money to buy time.. (i.e. mode of transport of the day : taxi or cab).. was running late for work this morning cuz i over-snooze. cabbed down to & fro far east flora during lunch break to pick out the roses (and some lovely pale pink Gerberas - dirt cheap @ $2.50 for 10 stalks.. - for myself..). if i've more time. probably would have spent more.. [ya, the movie that I definitely will identify with is gonna be screening next thurs. - and i've read whole series except the shopaholic & baby.. ]
And due to unforeseen circumstance, a little accident occured towards the end (eh.. nothing to do with the deco), and there weren't enuff spare to replace, sean drove us to the 24-hr fairprice@ JP but couldn't find the same colour.. drove to imm BUT was told by the security that all shops, including Giant, was closed. (apparently the Giant opens till 1am only on Sat..) hence, cab home again (with midnite charge of course... t_t")
And spent an hour++ creating the "container" for the petals.. think mind is finally tired now.. need to wake up in 2 hours... Suddenly remembered the short MORTON msn conversation b4 i logged off .. makes me hungry... T_T"
And due to unforeseen circumstance, a little accident occured towards the end (eh.. nothing to do with the deco), and there weren't enuff spare to replace, sean drove us to the 24-hr fairprice@ JP but couldn't find the same colour.. drove to imm BUT was told by the security that all shops, including Giant, was closed. (apparently the Giant opens till 1am only on Sat..) hence, cab home again (with midnite charge of course... t_t")
And spent an hour++ creating the "container" for the petals.. think mind is finally tired now.. need to wake up in 2 hours... Suddenly remembered the short MORTON msn conversation b4 i logged off .. makes me hungry... T_T"
Friday, 20 March 2009
The Pink Eden
the making of Pink Eden
Was finishing up the box last night and yep, caught some TV.. fell asleep while watch the free espisode of "24" Season 7 on mio . Was too tired... :( (need to repay my sleep debt soon) perhaps was too tired from playing wii during cg.. (Cool rite, our second lifestyle cg - wii! And those who came for makeup cg were expecting this woah.. )
Oh well, gotta rush down to far east flora later during lunch and go get the roses... yep, mad rush to be accomplished within an hour... then it will be down to jw to doll up the place.. :) Gonna look like an aunty with two huge bags (didn't get the chance to change contents so lugging my huge tote (oh yeah, why everyone notice my new "ah-neh b" bag.. - i know it cool..:) so glam! and i heart the bag charm that i bought to accessorised it.. but yep, the last purchase on bags this year.. ) but it's definitely not as pricey than a katespade/lv/gucci/ lv/coach ... )

the completed product!
Pink Eden was what Jolene has termed it... Actually it was a remake of the green "grass" patch that i did for Huiming's angpow box two years ago.. Well, took about one day in total to churn it out (did it over three nites..) and the black box beneath is actually my nice pazzion shoe box (the only shoe boxes left in my shoe cabinet.. I've discarded most except the river island's - which exceeded the pink carpet). An unconventional angpow box rite? Heehee.. :)Was finishing up the box last night and yep, caught some TV.. fell asleep while watch the free espisode of "24" Season 7 on mio . Was too tired... :( (need to repay my sleep debt soon) perhaps was too tired from playing wii during cg.. (Cool rite, our second lifestyle cg - wii! And those who came for makeup cg were expecting this woah.. )
Oh well, gotta rush down to far east flora later during lunch and go get the roses... yep, mad rush to be accomplished within an hour... then it will be down to jw to doll up the place.. :) Gonna look like an aunty with two huge bags (didn't get the chance to change contents so lugging my huge tote (oh yeah, why everyone notice my new "ah-neh b" bag.. - i know it cool..:) so glam! and i heart the bag charm that i bought to accessorised it.. but yep, the last purchase on bags this year.. ) but it's definitely not as pricey than a katespade/lv/gucci/ lv/coach ... )
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Wedding.. weddings.. nOt mine
yep, it's the wedding week this week... but not mine.. (doh!)
Attended kel's matrimony @ her place on Tues.. Woot.. I realised I was in a room of unfamiliar faces (except for the pastors.. ) until I spot Jace.. (who dolled her up that day....). It was a lovely celebration.. very warm & cozy ( Warm for me literally cuz taxi uncle dropped me off @ bukit timah plaza and i have to walk across to beauty world.. Fortunately, I used to frequent that area during JC days (haha to bUy materials - and i remember the ice kacang @ the "foodcourt" area @ level 3 or 4 whereby they give us huge portions.. - students price i think, and the pratas @ late nite.. yummy.. ), hence still can navigate around by myself and get to Kel's place in time.. :) . Being in that area brought back fond memories of the JC days.. :)
Last evening, met up with cat @ cheenatown to get deco materials for fish's wedding this sat.. Aiyo.. Spent hours looking for the perfect tone.. but fun wo.. haha.. i find that sweet talking to the stall owners aids in haggling.. :) lol.
Think Friday & Sat will be gone in a whirlwind. Was roped in to be part-time ah-yee with cat on sat cuz haha think fish's original entourage all got various tasks to do during the matrimony.. so haha we just make her pretty pretty on that day ...
Think the next wedding helping out will be joyce's in june..(doing the venue deco/ bridesmaid...) (and ivory's will be next after that I think... nope, think cgl's wedding year end too..) Fun.. wedding planner sounds fun.. (more fulfilling than helping company save tax.. ).. haha.. reminds me of the movie 27 dresses .. :) Not that i done so many weddings though..
Attended kel's matrimony @ her place on Tues.. Woot.. I realised I was in a room of unfamiliar faces (except for the pastors.. ) until I spot Jace.. (who dolled her up that day....). It was a lovely celebration.. very warm & cozy ( Warm for me literally cuz taxi uncle dropped me off @ bukit timah plaza and i have to walk across to beauty world.. Fortunately, I used to frequent that area during JC days (haha to bUy materials - and i remember the ice kacang @ the "foodcourt" area @ level 3 or 4 whereby they give us huge portions.. - students price i think, and the pratas @ late nite.. yummy.. ), hence still can navigate around by myself and get to Kel's place in time.. :) . Being in that area brought back fond memories of the JC days.. :)
Last evening, met up with cat @ cheenatown to get deco materials for fish's wedding this sat.. Aiyo.. Spent hours looking for the perfect tone.. but fun wo.. haha.. i find that sweet talking to the stall owners aids in haggling.. :) lol.
Think Friday & Sat will be gone in a whirlwind. Was roped in to be part-time ah-yee with cat on sat cuz haha think fish's original entourage all got various tasks to do during the matrimony.. so haha we just make her pretty pretty on that day ...
Think the next wedding helping out will be joyce's in june..(doing the venue deco/ bridesmaid...) (and ivory's will be next after that I think... nope, think cgl's wedding year end too..) Fun.. wedding planner sounds fun.. (more fulfilling than helping company save tax.. ).. haha.. reminds me of the movie 27 dresses .. :) Not that i done so many weddings though..
Monday, 16 March 2009
Energy released...
Feels good after burning some calories.. just came back from a run with a few of my colleagues... :)
oh well... Not too sure why I still have excess energy after one round around mt faber.. I guessed cuz it's the cheesecake I ate this afternoon... and the cuppa i had ( Read on one website that drinking coffee (or caffeinated drink an hour or so before working out is an energy booster...) Haha... so I was still game for a round around Keppel Island @ the cross -junction of Keppel Bay & Harbourfront Avenue. My colleague, wy, is cute lor.. try to just let me and the cute guy to run - cuz oh well, both of us are single.. T_T" and no need to spell out the obvious.. (but he is still game for a run, think the speed we were running was kinda too easy for him, cuz he's the jock typesy... not hunk, but well built, nice height too... ) but haha in the end.. all four of us went for another round... Frankly, think i can do another round still..
Good.. I'm on track for my 1st half marathon this year.. (full marathon.. nah..) :)
Cooling down now... On one day leave tomorrow.. attending Kelly's ROM. :) *happy for her!!*
For the record, I don't have a crush on him but .. he's sure a good catch.. (and he has a cute grin!! :) ] and he just walked past me again.. haha i sound like I'm 17 all over again...
leaving office soon.. YAy! going for my pt session before attending the rom. (cuz I'll miss my sat session cuz it's jolene's matrimony, so rescheduled.. )It's gonna be a great Tuesday! .. :)
oh well... Not too sure why I still have excess energy after one round around mt faber.. I guessed cuz it's the cheesecake I ate this afternoon... and the cuppa i had ( Read on one website that drinking coffee (or caffeinated drink an hour or so before working out is an energy booster...) Haha... so I was still game for a round around Keppel Island @ the cross -junction of Keppel Bay & Harbourfront Avenue. My colleague, wy, is cute lor.. try to just let me and the cute guy to run - cuz oh well, both of us are single.. T_T" and no need to spell out the obvious.. (but he is still game for a run, think the speed we were running was kinda too easy for him, cuz he's the jock typesy... not hunk, but well built, nice height too... ) but haha in the end.. all four of us went for another round... Frankly, think i can do another round still..
Good.. I'm on track for my 1st half marathon this year.. (full marathon.. nah..) :)
Cooling down now... On one day leave tomorrow.. attending Kelly's ROM. :) *happy for her!!*
For the record, I don't have a crush on him but .. he's sure a good catch.. (and he has a cute grin!! :) ] and he just walked past me again.. haha i sound like I'm 17 all over again...
leaving office soon.. YAy! going for my pt session before attending the rom. (cuz I'll miss my sat session cuz it's jolene's matrimony, so rescheduled.. )It's gonna be a great Tuesday! .. :)
Personal space
I dislike being squashed up in the train, I dislike the person sitting next to me in the train having any physical contact with me. And it certainly peeved me off when the person standing behind me (be it male of female) rubbed their butt against mine in the sardine packed train.. Yep, I dislike being cooped up in small spaces with throngs of people.. I think my requirement for personal space increase with age....yep, I value my personal space.
Googled on this topic. According to Wikipedia, those who live in a densely populated environment tend to have smaller personal space requirement. (Ops, and I thought SG is grossly densely-populated? It's ranked #2 in human population density in the world with 6,336 people /square km " and "personal space can be heavily affected by a person's position in society, with the more affluent a person being the larger personal space they demand".. (okie, so i suppose I've got the same mindset of the affluent since realistically, I ain't affluent now..)
Yesterday, joined my cg after service. And I felt very intruded ("molest" is too strong a word to use, but I really don't welcome the idea of my personal space being infringed by strangers/acquaintance) by one of the chinese gal who joined us recently. I am really not used to over-friendliness and certainly not at the expense of me being intimidated. I guessed she was pretty much "impressed" by my outfit/ make-up that she was like fluttering around me. Thanks for your compliment, but I'm not a mannequin in the departmental store, must you TUG at my top??? And finger with my necklace?? I am certainly VERY uncomfortable with the distance in between us when we converse (for the record, she was standing so close to me that my focal point was out!). So, yep, the personal space is regardless of gender.. I think it's the relationship thingy.. cuz according to the psychwiki "an encroachment on one’s personal space often leads to aversive effects. Because it serves a protective function, one may develop a dislike for the intruder, perform poorly on a given task, or experience negative emotions, such as aggression, hostility, or feelings of being violated".
Strange enough, one of my love language is physical touch. BUT applicable only to love ones and close friends. And perhaps, it's their in their culture to be that up close and personal (see link ) but sorry, I ain't from that land!
Googled on this topic. According to Wikipedia, those who live in a densely populated environment tend to have smaller personal space requirement. (Ops, and I thought SG is grossly densely-populated? It's ranked #2 in human population density in the world with 6,336 people /square km " and "personal space can be heavily affected by a person's position in society, with the more affluent a person being the larger personal space they demand".. (okie, so i suppose I've got the same mindset of the affluent since realistically, I ain't affluent now..)
Yesterday, joined my cg after service. And I felt very intruded ("molest" is too strong a word to use, but I really don't welcome the idea of my personal space being infringed by strangers/acquaintance) by one of the chinese gal who joined us recently. I am really not used to over-friendliness and certainly not at the expense of me being intimidated. I guessed she was pretty much "impressed" by my outfit/ make-up that she was like fluttering around me. Thanks for your compliment, but I'm not a mannequin in the departmental store, must you TUG at my top??? And finger with my necklace?? I am certainly VERY uncomfortable with the distance in between us when we converse (for the record, she was standing so close to me that my focal point was out!). So, yep, the personal space is regardless of gender.. I think it's the relationship thingy.. cuz according to the psychwiki "an encroachment on one’s personal space often leads to aversive effects. Because it serves a protective function, one may develop a dislike for the intruder, perform poorly on a given task, or experience negative emotions, such as aggression, hostility, or feelings of being violated".
Strange enough, one of my love language is physical touch. BUT applicable only to love ones and close friends. And perhaps, it's their in their culture to be that up close and personal (see link ) but sorry, I ain't from that land!
Friday, 13 March 2009
It's all about eYes...
Yep, it was the first "life-style" theme meeting we had last evening @ feli & augustine's, and I was part of the organizing team with elim & summer... Glad that the attendees enjoyed themselves and yep i guessed most took away something practical & useful.. Oh yep, the theme for was "Fashion & Make-up".
Gotta admit that it was a rather last minute thingy since we didn't really get the chance to meet up .. but thank God it went well (just that insufficient time to let them try the skills out...)
Decided to focus on DRAMAtic eye make-up since I don't reckon that the gals (unless they party a lot or have to perform on stage) are that well acquainted with this.. AS my make-up skills are mostly self-taught/caught (cuz I get to be Catherine's & Yvonne's "guinea pig" while they were in make-up minstry class.. so yep, picked up some tips from the best of the best...) and yup, with God's given inspiration ... I couldn't possibly teach them anyhow.. so decided to googled on easy to comprehend articles on makeup tips... and adapted two of the articles from some of the "how-to" sites.. :)
Was inspired to do a powerpoint too.. cuz.. look more pro ma, and I am using the comp more than 50% of awake-time... And the slides doubled up as notes.. so thoughtful of me rite? haha.. but cuz I did the slides within an hourr @ the eleventh hour... during lunch break on cg day ... YIKES henceforth there is no opportunity for rehearsal .. Still it went relatively well.. Was glad that I've a wonderful supermodel.. Used the glittery fakies I bought in HK sasa during last trip (didn't dare to put in on cuz tooo voom voom.) but it looks great on summer and will come in handy when she's singing for dialect.. so...transfer of ownership to her.. :)
Some snapshots of my "呕心之作"
Gotta admit that it was a rather last minute thingy since we didn't really get the chance to meet up .. but thank God it went well (just that insufficient time to let them try the skills out...)
Decided to focus on DRAMAtic eye make-up since I don't reckon that the gals (unless they party a lot or have to perform on stage) are that well acquainted with this.. AS my make-up skills are mostly self-taught/caught (cuz I get to be Catherine's & Yvonne's "guinea pig" while they were in make-up minstry class.. so yep, picked up some tips from the best of the best...) and yup, with God's given inspiration ... I couldn't possibly teach them anyhow.. so decided to googled on easy to comprehend articles on makeup tips... and adapted two of the articles from some of the "how-to" sites.. :)
Was inspired to do a powerpoint too.. cuz.. look more pro ma, and I am using the comp more than 50% of awake-time... And the slides doubled up as notes.. so thoughtful of me rite? haha.. but cuz I did the slides within an hourr @ the eleventh hour... during lunch break on cg day ... YIKES henceforth there is no opportunity for rehearsal .. Still it went relatively well.. Was glad that I've a wonderful supermodel.. Used the glittery fakies I bought in HK sasa during last trip (didn't dare to put in on cuz tooo voom voom.) but it looks great on summer and will come in handy when she's singing for dialect.. so...transfer of ownership to her.. :)
Some snapshots of my "呕心之作"
the coverpage of the slides...
and the notes for the attendees.. :)

And my make-up collection (the "spares") i.e. not those that I always use. but no worries, haven't pass their shelf-life yet. (Think mostly are stuff for the eyes.... ) And yup, some thought it was our combined collection (HAHA.. nope, think this is like 55%, another 30% my personal fave, the reminder, still in their packaging waiting to be used...)
And my make-up collection (the "spares") i.e. not those that I always use. but no worries, haven't pass their shelf-life yet. (Think mostly are stuff for the eyes.... ) And yup, some thought it was our combined collection (HAHA.. nope, think this is like 55%, another 30% my personal fave, the reminder, still in their packaging waiting to be used...)
Was packing my make-up stuff on wed nite before cg to sieve out the "okie to share" and my personal faves (Eh.. some stuff not hygienic to share - eg lip stuff... and brushes (but that can be washed...) and foundation - i only have my own shade.. (cuz me not make-up artiste , so i guessed can only help those of my skin tone to do a full make-up) . I figured I'd spent quite a lot of moolah on these glob you layered on your face ... cuz haha... no drugstore brand there.. oh except for one cybercolor eyeliner... cuz I believe that if I gotta apply foreign stuff on my face, gotta be quality stuff..
Hmmm, realised that I kinda enjoyed dolling up others...
Was caught by surprise of a question raised by one ... "Why do we need to wear make-up? When we are younger, our complexion was good. Is it due to fact that our skin has matured? But God has given us natural beauty... (and seriously, i can't remember what else she commented. .. but to the opinion that one should not put on make-up)
Aiyo... I know God has created each of us individually and wonderfully BUT we live in a broken down world whereby nothing last forever and yep, things degenerate... Frankly, it's up to the individual whether you want to look good.. or look good in your own opinion.. (but that will be hard to win others over... if you look totally out of place... for eg. During prospective interviews, you will dress to impress the interviewers that you are the MAN/WOMAN for the job rite? Imagine u are sloppily dressed ??) Even the non-living-physical church building will be corroded by the natural elements (wind/rain/etc), what makes the living temple (i.e. us) not subject to the "wear & tear" with time... Hence, gotta upkeep & maintain .. (Like what the town council is doing to my block now.. Painting.. HAHA)
And I thank God for the patience for... not giving her my 5 cents worth on this.. hence I blogged ... (actually there are more "challenging" stuff that I get to talk to her while walking to the Kembagan but don't think it's that convenient to share... but I'm glad I've His wisdom to understand stuff. Maturity & understanding is not co-related to age.
Haiz, when I need personal me time, He always make me talk to peeps..
So hence, I self-declared today as my me-time day... Taking a day of leave.
Was caught by surprise of a question raised by one ... "Why do we need to wear make-up? When we are younger, our complexion was good. Is it due to fact that our skin has matured? But God has given us natural beauty... (and seriously, i can't remember what else she commented. .. but to the opinion that one should not put on make-up)
Aiyo... I know God has created each of us individually and wonderfully BUT we live in a broken down world whereby nothing last forever and yep, things degenerate... Frankly, it's up to the individual whether you want to look good.. or look good in your own opinion.. (but that will be hard to win others over... if you look totally out of place... for eg. During prospective interviews, you will dress to impress the interviewers that you are the MAN/WOMAN for the job rite? Imagine u are sloppily dressed ??) Even the non-living-physical church building will be corroded by the natural elements (wind/rain/etc), what makes the living temple (i.e. us) not subject to the "wear & tear" with time... Hence, gotta upkeep & maintain .. (Like what the town council is doing to my block now.. Painting.. HAHA)
And I thank God for the patience for... not giving her my 5 cents worth on this.. hence I blogged ... (actually there are more "challenging" stuff that I get to talk to her while walking to the Kembagan but don't think it's that convenient to share... but I'm glad I've His wisdom to understand stuff. Maturity & understanding is not co-related to age.
Haiz, when I need personal me time, He always make me talk to peeps..
So hence, I self-declared today as my me-time day... Taking a day of leave.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
2 hours of snooze time
Sleeping two hours daily ain't enough but I can't seemed to be able to get to sleep ... mind is spinning...
Rushing out rose-carpet for fish's angpow box.. oh yes, I'm recreating ming's ang pow box cover for fish.. cuz she likes it. :) The carpet is 75% completed now.. pretty amazed that I could actually knit in the dark..Alright, in not well lit place - cuz I only had the night lights on (the pretty red hearts from iKea) :)
Was pretty amazed that I "convinced" my flesh to things that I don't want to.. like using my larynx to create conversations when I don't wish to. and prying my tired body from the bed every morning.... and smiling when I don't feel like it...
And I wonder how to convince myself that it's gonna be worth it. Cuz that's the LAST thing I want to do now. but I don't have much of an alternative.. drats.
Rushing out rose-carpet for fish's angpow box.. oh yes, I'm recreating ming's ang pow box cover for fish.. cuz she likes it. :) The carpet is 75% completed now.. pretty amazed that I could actually knit in the dark..Alright, in not well lit place - cuz I only had the night lights on (the pretty red hearts from iKea) :)
Was pretty amazed that I "convinced" my flesh to things that I don't want to.. like using my larynx to create conversations when I don't wish to. and prying my tired body from the bed every morning.... and smiling when I don't feel like it...
And I wonder how to convince myself that it's gonna be worth it. Cuz that's the LAST thing I want to do now. but I don't have much of an alternative.. drats.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
A quote from the wisest book ever written - "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
perhaps this is the onset of a mid-life crisis. I wonder why am i doing things for whatsoever? It just don't matter anymore..Maybe I should just waste time away.... or live just for the temporal?
yep, the human usually disappoint... and this brings me to a sad truth i learnt on sunday...
I realized that one of the peeps that I thought was a friend was merely professed to be . i.e. he/she is sadly JUST A pseudo acquaintance. Yep, pseudo. (Yep, it has relegated to "pseudo".). Respect needs to be earned, not given.. Attending the weekly meetings meant for the "elites who went the extra mile as lay ministers (or soon-to-be) " is not the passport to judge or pass nasty remarks behind others' back. (If you have guts, tell me upfront, rather than through the grapevines.)
Oh well.. as a common saying goes.. "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" Certainly, I can't control your feelings but rest assured, the past association is HISTORY. Though the details of the nasty stuff said was not revealed (i guessed it is really mean and nasty to the extent it was not "revealable"? ), I guess our future conversations (if there has to be any) will be purely operational/ functional basis?
So much so for the "honoring" prefix you have addressed me by in the initial few of years whereby I known you... thanks so much for the harsh revelation..
Seriously, I would think TWICE and discern quadruple the next time he speaks. And perhaps, him and the likes of "him" are the reason why I choose to the "shun" option. Or simply just eat the meat and throw away the bone... I seriously doubt I could ever see him in the same light again...
Oh yes, pure emo. I doubt the subject of this post will read this... but that doesn't matter... :)
perhaps this is the onset of a mid-life crisis. I wonder why am i doing things for whatsoever? It just don't matter anymore..Maybe I should just waste time away.... or live just for the temporal?
yep, the human usually disappoint... and this brings me to a sad truth i learnt on sunday...
I realized that one of the peeps that I thought was a friend was merely professed to be . i.e. he/she is sadly JUST A pseudo acquaintance. Yep, pseudo. (Yep, it has relegated to "pseudo".). Respect needs to be earned, not given.. Attending the weekly meetings meant for the "elites who went the extra mile as lay ministers (or soon-to-be) " is not the passport to judge or pass nasty remarks behind others' back. (If you have guts, tell me upfront, rather than through the grapevines.)
Oh well.. as a common saying goes.. "with friends like these, who needs enemies?" Certainly, I can't control your feelings but rest assured, the past association is HISTORY. Though the details of the nasty stuff said was not revealed (i guessed it is really mean and nasty to the extent it was not "revealable"? ), I guess our future conversations (if there has to be any) will be purely operational/ functional basis?
So much so for the "honoring" prefix you have addressed me by in the initial few of years whereby I known you... thanks so much for the harsh revelation..
Seriously, I would think TWICE and discern quadruple the next time he speaks. And perhaps, him and the likes of "him" are the reason why I choose to the "shun" option. Or simply just eat the meat and throw away the bone... I seriously doubt I could ever see him in the same light again...
Oh yes, pure emo. I doubt the subject of this post will read this... but that doesn't matter... :)
Friday, 6 March 2009
Walking in the Rain...
Nah, was not feeling moody... the sudden downpour came while the bus moved towards TPE from Punggol after cg. There was no sign of the imment rain while I was at the busstop waiting for the bus.. Suddenly realised that the bus windshields were moving.. Drats, I was caught without a brolly again.. Good thing that I've the Hello Kitty Straw shopping bag with me.. so i stuffed my lovely agnes b into the bag after pouring the bag's content into it...
Since it was still pouring when I reached my busstop and it was already late - eleven o'clock. and couldn't possibly wait for the rain to stop - not sure when it would... decided to walk in the torrential rain, cross the road, and walk the 200m stretch to my block.. * used to love walking in the rain in my sch uni during jc days when i was feeling emo.. haha...* but I was certainly not feeling emo tonight.. just wanna get home asap.
Sure enough, I was drenched through and my hello kitty bag waterproofed all my stuff! :) Thank God I didn't catch a cold. :) but it was surely kinda scary to walk that stretch of road cuz i couldn't really see with the rain in my eyes and I can see the lightning bolt striking not very far from me...Thank God I made it back to my block safe and sound. :)
Attempting to wake up @ 5 later.. I wanna run... :)
Since it was still pouring when I reached my busstop and it was already late - eleven o'clock. and couldn't possibly wait for the rain to stop - not sure when it would... decided to walk in the torrential rain, cross the road, and walk the 200m stretch to my block.. * used to love walking in the rain in my sch uni during jc days when i was feeling emo.. haha...* but I was certainly not feeling emo tonight.. just wanna get home asap.
Sure enough, I was drenched through and my hello kitty bag waterproofed all my stuff! :) Thank God I didn't catch a cold. :) but it was surely kinda scary to walk that stretch of road cuz i couldn't really see with the rain in my eyes and I can see the lightning bolt striking not very far from me...Thank God I made it back to my block safe and sound. :)
Attempting to wake up @ 5 later.. I wanna run... :)
Thursday, 5 March 2009
5 Reasons why I spurgled today...
- It's Tangs' members private sale today! 12% rebate for every $10 spent! (instead of 6% for every $10.)
- Tangs will discontinue their in-house credit card (currently managed by Citibank) wef 1 April 2009. Hence my Tangs card will cease to be of use. Pointless to switch to the Citibank Visa cuz it'll be craved out of my current credit limit.. So applying for the Tangs Lifestyle card sounds more logical. (requirement = single purchase of $150) - Not exactly main draw
- $10 voucher for every $100 spent in the beauty hall - Didn't know about this until i paid for the items.
- MAC just launched the Hello Kitty Series. As much as i like cats, not exactly a huge kitty fan. (Was when i was in Primary School.. )
- With purchase of $120 of Mac Products (inclusive of the kitty items..) you get this cutesy shopping bag free!! (This I'm aware and I do need to replenish my mineral foundation and my blusher.. so won't hurt if you get some cutesy freebie too...)
So I popped into the M.A.C corner and.. :) happily bought some items... This is my favorite - the kitty mirror!
(beats using the "lok-kok" mirror I'm using now. it's actually a bare mirror!) oh well.. it's a darn silly price to pay for a thing to look @ ur reflection but ... it's very adorable! Even has a chain that make it resembles a mini handbag!
And this is how I spent my lunch hour.. and got my new Tangs Lifestyle card (just a points accumulation card, no credit.. good!, and a $15 MAC voucher. :) ] And retail therapy works!
It's the unexpected that brings a smile...
Certainly, it's the unexpected that became reality that brings a smile.
Nothing out of this world, just that when what you thought of as a wishful thinking became a reality.. one can't help but smile...
How apt. KD Lang's constant craving is on air now.. (on class 95)
Nothing out of this world, just that when what you thought of as a wishful thinking became a reality.. one can't help but smile...
How apt. KD Lang's constant craving is on air now.. (on class 95)
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
should i... or should i not....
nope, it's not the spiritual question...
haha... it's more related to the soul...
but seriously, there's nothing much wo....
but definitely out of comfort zone...
to be continued....
haha... it's more related to the soul...
but seriously, there's nothing much wo....
but definitely out of comfort zone...
to be continued....
What makes you different
Since my dear iPoddie is at times in the shuffle mode.. shall try this silly time-waster that peeps like to facebook. Dun wanna left a note there.. will post in this instead...
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button (ONLY ONCE!!!) to get your answer.
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS - even if it is incredibly embarrassing.
The Tabernacle - Track 12 Rev Kong Hee [gee so Holy]
The Birthday Song - Corrine May (yep.. bday 24/7!!)
Supernatural Rain - CCC (Eh??)
Save Me - Corrine May (Maybe.. cuz.. haha!)
Sing (Your Love) - Hillsong (I like this!)
Making doing good part of doing well - Rev Tan Yee Peng (gee so holy!)
More than words - C3
King for a day - Green day (Oh well, maybe i'm really thinking of the King.. or the king... haha... )
9) WHAT IS 2+2?
Hold me together - C3 (Eh.. ?)
Did you feel the mountains tremble.. - Hillsong United & Derlious (Wa.. my Best Friend is surely strong & mighty!)
Remember us - chc [us? that's a nice thought... :)]
魔力-潘嘉丽 (eh.. translate to supernatural ba.. sounds better than devilish power)
Lost Highway - Bon Jovi ( Eh, i dun mind the highway part, i dun want to be lost... or haha.. maybe just wander ard... and do nothing... hahaha)
Soldiers - Track 08 Rev Phil Pringle (Hmmm I can imagine that... )
Higher with I believe in You - Hillsong (wow! that's encouraging.. i hope so too.. )
Turn your eyes upon Jesus - Hillsong Live (hmm...)
Angel in Disguise - Brandy (definitely.. i'm.. at least i played this role - twice-)
Loyalty-Track 5 - Rev Phil Pringle (I think that's more like one of my character traits..)
Whenever you call - Mariah Carey & Brain McKnight (oooh does that mean i like to talk?)
Love of my life - June Ong (If finding the Love of my life is the worst thing, don't think that there could be anything worst...)
For Your glory - C3 (Wa.. that is so... surreal... recalled a dream... T_T" )
I'll be there - S Club 7 (so meaning that I oughta grasp every moment now?)
Almost doesn't count - Brandy (Eh, meaning i laugh @ everything.. haha, ya, i'm rather ticklish!)
One life, One love - CHC (Oh yeah, definitely)
美丽的笨女人-潘嘉丽 ( I guess so then... )
Releasing the glory of God in You - Track 9 - Rev Kong Hee (oh yeah... i guess so too.. cuz that involves loads of....)
Love in disguise - Debbie Gibson (meaning that the person don't dare to tell?)
慢慢来 - 孙燕姿 ( I guess nothing since it translate to take things slowly)
Follow - Derlious? ( I think so... so maybe that's why i didn't... )
What makes you different - Backstreet Boys ( Different but not unique.. and l love this song... and like how the groupies will say it.. bsb rules! haha!)
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button (ONLY ONCE!!!) to get your answer.
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS - even if it is incredibly embarrassing.
The Tabernacle - Track 12 Rev Kong Hee [gee so Holy]
The Birthday Song - Corrine May (yep.. bday 24/7!!)
Supernatural Rain - CCC (Eh??)
Save Me - Corrine May (Maybe.. cuz.. haha!)
Sing (Your Love) - Hillsong (I like this!)
Making doing good part of doing well - Rev Tan Yee Peng (gee so holy!)
More than words - C3
King for a day - Green day (Oh well, maybe i'm really thinking of the King.. or the king... haha... )
9) WHAT IS 2+2?
Hold me together - C3 (Eh.. ?)
Did you feel the mountains tremble.. - Hillsong United & Derlious (Wa.. my Best Friend is surely strong & mighty!)
Remember us - chc [us? that's a nice thought... :)]
魔力-潘嘉丽 (eh.. translate to supernatural ba.. sounds better than devilish power)
Lost Highway - Bon Jovi ( Eh, i dun mind the highway part, i dun want to be lost... or haha.. maybe just wander ard... and do nothing... hahaha)
Soldiers - Track 08 Rev Phil Pringle (Hmmm I can imagine that... )
Higher with I believe in You - Hillsong (wow! that's encouraging.. i hope so too.. )
Turn your eyes upon Jesus - Hillsong Live (hmm...)
Angel in Disguise - Brandy (definitely.. i'm.. at least i played this role - twice-)
Loyalty-Track 5 - Rev Phil Pringle (I think that's more like one of my character traits..)
Whenever you call - Mariah Carey & Brain McKnight (oooh does that mean i like to talk?)
Love of my life - June Ong (If finding the Love of my life is the worst thing, don't think that there could be anything worst...)
For Your glory - C3 (Wa.. that is so... surreal... recalled a dream... T_T" )
I'll be there - S Club 7 (so meaning that I oughta grasp every moment now?)
Almost doesn't count - Brandy (Eh, meaning i laugh @ everything.. haha, ya, i'm rather ticklish!)
One life, One love - CHC (Oh yeah, definitely)
美丽的笨女人-潘嘉丽 ( I guess so then... )
Releasing the glory of God in You - Track 9 - Rev Kong Hee (oh yeah... i guess so too.. cuz that involves loads of....)
Love in disguise - Debbie Gibson (meaning that the person don't dare to tell?)
慢慢来 - 孙燕姿 ( I guess nothing since it translate to take things slowly)
Follow - Derlious? ( I think so... so maybe that's why i didn't... )
What makes you different - Backstreet Boys ( Different but not unique.. and l love this song... and like how the groupies will say it.. bsb rules! haha!)
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
What that saves the day ...
This is what sustained me throughout the day...
Well, it soothes the pain and brings warm.. Plus it contains cocoa... happy food.. Didn't know that there's even a wiki-page on milo..
Horrendous day today - to sum it all.. chocolate sundae with raspberry sauce... * if it sounds yummy to you.. good for you!* else, hope I didn't spoil your appetite!
Milo" kosong"!!
Well, it soothes the pain and brings warm.. Plus it contains cocoa... happy food.. Didn't know that there's even a wiki-page on milo..
Horrendous day today - to sum it all.. chocolate sundae with raspberry sauce... * if it sounds yummy to you.. good for you!* else, hope I didn't spoil your appetite!
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