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Saturday 19 September 2009

Witty status updates

E commented that I will always update on fb after session with him, and haha he really like some of them - partly b'cos its complimenting on his efforts - and my appreciation for it. And for some, he found it funny.. haha.

I think so too.. Blogging helped me to fine-tune my thoughts, instead of being ultra direct and curt. I try to package what i wanna say and make it a parable should I wanna let steam and still dun want to get into trouble like a libel suit.

Seeing loads of very mundane fb status updates such as "eating my breakfast now"..
so I've decided to be creative & "parablatic" in my fb status should I update - I am witty ma.. *reminds me of the song learnt in dhs choir - I am pretty, oh so pretty, I am pretty and witty, witty and bright* - but oni in the alto part.. cuz i was an alto. haha..

For example, I had a bad tummy ache last evening before cg cuz I drank the fresh milk that I'd brought from home and left @ office temp (i.e. 20+ degree Celsius) since 8am. So resulting, mild food poisioning rite - gassy stomach and diarrhoea. I guessed a typical s'porean would prolly updated as " drank milk that turned bad, ls-ed". - so boring rite? so I tried to dress up that while I was on my way to cg in the train *after doing 6km run* ( I arrived slightly before 8pm so still wasn't late.)  and came up with this:-

mione says it's a bad idea to drink diy fermented milk- milk left unrefridgerated. Induce unnecessary excessive bowel movement! ~ September 17, 2009 at 7:55pm
(I shortened my full name to just mione for this blog purpose.. cuz else it seemd so formal!) A friend commented that I gave so much details.. Doh. details? there wasn't much details.. bowel movements sounds better than ls-ed rite? or the plain - i got diarrohea..

Here's some of the interesting quotes in month of September (mostly regarding my training) - its my way of lamenting to e, though I know, he's doing his job, and haha, it's for my own good too..:
mione found that it's inhumane to compensate é distance missed via 'height' è weights moved! ): evil tricks 4 evil food. Thk u mr e! ;o ~ September 18, 2009 at 10:55pm
mione  havg abs discomfort. Wondr if its due to è cocktail of sinful rich stuff consumd durg è day or è 'excessive crunches earlier? Ouch! ~ September 12, 2009 at  1:33am
mione wonders should it be 12 or 8 or none.. stomach just groaned.. rest for the day? *tempted* ~ September 9, 2009 at 7:22pm
mione aching limbs and v. famishd, all for 2 pieces of digestd chicken parts, not worth it. ): Evil, arigato! ~ September 4, 2009 at 10:14pm
I guessed this might stemmed from positive influence from Confusions. :)

And seriously, it's time to sleep. It's a quarter to 4am!

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