Received the two songs for the audi for tues..which I did not attend - cuz I MC-ed. Frankly, I've second thoughts about it especially after Sunday... was lamenting to xj that if this was a year ago.. i would have flew to the stage front when the altar call was given.. Strangely, jy and i was just having this lil convo revolving ard this topic in the staircase during the pre-svc prac.
It was very overwhelming cuz ya.. the tear ducts seemed to never stop working. I was reminded of the various incidents that to me was not that significant, but to the recipent of the act of serivice.. it's the contrary. all members work for the good of the body right. it doesn't matter if you are seen or not, frankly, the organ that is most vital to the functioning of the body is invisible - cuz it's encased by the skull and what's is seen by all is the largest organ of all - skin. Hence, what's not seen =x= not important.
Something rather thought- provoking that one of the ic shared- that there's an invisible gulf in between the stage and the congregation. Unless God has chosen you, you will not be able to be serving on the stage. (i.e. those on stage are hand-picked by God).
Anyway, since I don't know how not to say no, perfect timing that I fell sick and cannot attend prac and the audi.. so.. I guessed the door has closed! - (anyway, even if I went, I may not get thru' and not my calling...)
What's next? time to sleep..
click me!!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Saccharine Sweet
I guess I have a love and hate relationship with sugary stuff. I dislike food that are excessively sweet - i.e. I don't have a sweet tooth ( but I like dark chocs.. but then again, its bittersweet.. not cloyingly sweet).
I think I can't stand over-mush as well.. Bbq-ed marshmallows are yummy - for the initial few.. the more you popped into your mouth, the less satisfaction you derived from it. What I recall from economics 101 - the marginal utility decrease.. hence.. demand decrease.. lalala
After few mintues of reading of some webpages, I'd an overdosage of sugar-intake.. I wonder if it is necessary to be transparent in the intimate details of life on the web. Or perhaps, some have the mentality that one oughta share their good tidings?
But this marshy-ness is no-way in comparison with the occasional sweet-nothings exchange over fb that buttercup like to share with me over msn - which is on quite a regulary basis, (sad.. with the migration of the IT dept to kom (NOT king of majesty... lalala..ALL social networking site is BLOCKED and so are all the meebos and ebuddy... but I can still twitter.. )
For me, marshmallows are meant to be savoured in the private, not the open. - Figuratively and literally. (Not forgetting that everything I consumed have to be reported.. and subjected to scrutiny. ). Perhaps once in awhile, openly but not all the time..cuz we live in a big big world.. Reminds me of this song, "I am big big girl, in a big big world.. "
For the record, I am not a fan of marshmallows.. though i like the fanciful colours.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Witty status updates
E commented that I will always update on fb after session with him, and haha he really like some of them - partly b'cos its complimenting on his efforts - and my appreciation for it. And for some, he found it funny.. haha.
I think so too.. Blogging helped me to fine-tune my thoughts, instead of being ultra direct and curt. I try to package what i wanna say and make it a parable should I wanna let steam and still dun want to get into trouble like a libel suit.
Seeing loads of very mundane fb status updates such as "eating my breakfast now"..
so I've decided to be creative & "parablatic" in my fb status should I update - I am witty ma.. *reminds me of the song learnt in dhs choir - I am pretty, oh so pretty, I am pretty and witty, witty and bright* - but oni in the alto part.. cuz i was an alto. haha..
For example, I had a bad tummy ache last evening before cg cuz I drank the fresh milk that I'd brought from home and left @ office temp (i.e. 20+ degree Celsius) since 8am. So resulting, mild food poisioning rite - gassy stomach and diarrhoea. I guessed a typical s'porean would prolly updated as " drank milk that turned bad, ls-ed". - so boring rite? so I tried to dress up that while I was on my way to cg in the train *after doing 6km run* ( I arrived slightly before 8pm so still wasn't late.) and came up with this:-
Here's some of the interesting quotes in month of September (mostly regarding my training) - its my way of lamenting to e, though I know, he's doing his job, and haha, it's for my own good too..:
And seriously, it's time to sleep. It's a quarter to 4am!
I think so too.. Blogging helped me to fine-tune my thoughts, instead of being ultra direct and curt. I try to package what i wanna say and make it a parable should I wanna let steam and still dun want to get into trouble like a libel suit.
Seeing loads of very mundane fb status updates such as "eating my breakfast now"..
so I've decided to be creative & "parablatic" in my fb status should I update - I am witty ma.. *reminds me of the song learnt in dhs choir - I am pretty, oh so pretty, I am pretty and witty, witty and bright* - but oni in the alto part.. cuz i was an alto. haha..
For example, I had a bad tummy ache last evening before cg cuz I drank the fresh milk that I'd brought from home and left @ office temp (i.e. 20+ degree Celsius) since 8am. So resulting, mild food poisioning rite - gassy stomach and diarrhoea. I guessed a typical s'porean would prolly updated as " drank milk that turned bad, ls-ed". - so boring rite? so I tried to dress up that while I was on my way to cg in the train *after doing 6km run* ( I arrived slightly before 8pm so still wasn't late.) and came up with this:-
mione says it's a bad idea to drink diy fermented milk- milk left unrefridgerated. Induce unnecessary excessive bowel movement! ~ September 17, 2009 at 7:55pm(I shortened my full name to just mione for this blog purpose.. cuz else it seemd so formal!) A friend commented that I gave so much details.. Doh. details? there wasn't much details.. bowel movements sounds better than ls-ed rite? or the plain - i got diarrohea..
Here's some of the interesting quotes in month of September (mostly regarding my training) - its my way of lamenting to e, though I know, he's doing his job, and haha, it's for my own good too..:
mione found that it's inhumane to compensate é distance missed via 'height' è weights moved! ): evil tricks 4 evil food. Thk u mr e! ;o ~ September 18, 2009 at 10:55pm
mione havg abs discomfort. Wondr if its due to è cocktail of sinful rich stuff consumd durg è day or è 'excessive crunches earlier? Ouch! ~ September 12, 2009 at 1:33am
mione wonders should it be 12 or 8 or none.. stomach just groaned.. rest for the day? *tempted* ~ September 9, 2009 at 7:22pm
mione aching limbs and v. famishd, all for 2 pieces of digestd chicken parts, not worth it. ): Evil, arigato! ~ September 4, 2009 at 10:14pmI guessed this might stemmed from positive influence from Confusions. :)
And seriously, it's time to sleep. It's a quarter to 4am!
Next tues there is an audi ... (not the mains though) part of me wanna go but wonder if what could go wrong (the the few previous counts) could go wrong. part of me is half-hearted cuz not too sure if it should be this or that..
On thurs, i was approached by my cgl ... bascially to prep me for what's to come... i.e. cuz she'll be rather tied up in her wedding preps and yeah, it's high time for the well-rested to move up the scale. (again?) It's indeed a priveilge to serve in the house of God.. in the little ways .. Nah, I can't play the guitar (except for just ONE song and I think the genetic makeup of my fingers/ nails don't allow me to - short fingers, short nail bed.. okie. bunch of excuses... ).. and i can play one handed slowly on a keyboard.. (eh, but I don't possess one though.. and there will be a day i will learn....haha my long-time pal is too far away - and too brilliant to teach me.. )
Got this feeling - that this seemed like the second go at what I'd missed out two years ago.. .. Or would it be this or c'est tout?
And this seemed like a failed module that needs to be repeated till I cleared...
Come to think of it.. there aren't many exams that I didn't clear @ first attempt.. even the "tough" entry level exams for those who aspired to be financial advsiors.. as well as the entry/confirmation exams taken in my previous organisation.. (and by then I've oredi attended chc and haha never miss own svc/ cg even if paper was on the next day.. ) just the ab212 - silly management accounting which I think I got a marginal fail - E - which was the sole subject that was re-took.. and seriously my grades in ntu was marginal - cuz it was certainly not what I was called to do.. *which many of my colleagues -former and current - felt that I ought to be doing something like events / marketing.. cuz it's not my characater to be cooped up in office, but more like to interact with people and I don't look "accountant"? Oh well.. I think so too.. Waiting for this figures-crunching life to expire...
Ego felt good after the above paragraph. Okie, not to brag, but more to illustrate that what's within my control, I can see, I usually be able to do it. Cuz if 先天不足,就靠勤奋努力吧。Yet, things in the spiritual realm requires more than ur brains (which was created by God) but frankly, those who can't process thoughts that well would prolly find it easier to believe... *so for once, it's good to be too-pid* but sigh, i don't think I am .. ;p
Oh well, let's just take things as it comes.. well, if you tell me two years ago that i'll grow to like running and haha get hooked onto it and will go on & complete long distance races. - my response will be T_T". Doh. Negative. But, never says never.. Oh well as for now, I've done a few runs.. and i only started last July.
In short, I am trying to psycho myself that if I put myself to it, i can achieve it. *Else my aching body would have call it quits halfway thru the 10 "clicks" that was "ordered" by e after the hr long torture..
It's not as if I'd not done it before.. just that it was flipflopflip then..
Now... next tues.. since I've given my word , will give it a go still. I guess this is like the last try. I wonder if the christmas big day will yet be another exclusion again?? okie.. one step @ a time.
Time to zzz . I need to work (again) later. I think I'll be working every sat until Nov end. Sobs. And no, no ot, no time off in lieu. Cuz small fry doing what big fry should be doing and simply trying to cope. With Him, all things are possible. :) *like typing this post with aching shoulders, aching arms.*
On thurs, i was approached by my cgl ... bascially to prep me for what's to come... i.e. cuz she'll be rather tied up in her wedding preps and yeah, it's high time for the well-rested to move up the scale. (again?) It's indeed a priveilge to serve in the house of God.. in the little ways .. Nah, I can't play the guitar (except for just ONE song and I think the genetic makeup of my fingers/ nails don't allow me to - short fingers, short nail bed.. okie. bunch of excuses... ).. and i can play one handed slowly on a keyboard.. (eh, but I don't possess one though.. and there will be a day i will learn....haha my long-time pal is too far away - and too brilliant to teach me.. )
Got this feeling - that this seemed like the second go at what I'd missed out two years ago.. .. Or would it be this or c'est tout?
And this seemed like a failed module that needs to be repeated till I cleared...
Come to think of it.. there aren't many exams that I didn't clear @ first attempt.. even the "tough" entry level exams for those who aspired to be financial advsiors.. as well as the entry/confirmation exams taken in my previous organisation.. (and by then I've oredi attended chc and haha never miss own svc/ cg even if paper was on the next day.. ) just the ab212 - silly management accounting which I think I got a marginal fail - E - which was the sole subject that was re-took.. and seriously my grades in ntu was marginal - cuz it was certainly not what I was called to do.. *which many of my colleagues -former and current - felt that I ought to be doing something like events / marketing.. cuz it's not my characater to be cooped up in office, but more like to interact with people and I don't look "accountant"? Oh well.. I think so too.. Waiting for this figures-crunching life to expire...
Ego felt good after the above paragraph. Okie, not to brag, but more to illustrate that what's within my control, I can see, I usually be able to do it. Cuz if 先天不足,就靠勤奋努力吧。Yet, things in the spiritual realm requires more than ur brains (which was created by God) but frankly, those who can't process thoughts that well would prolly find it easier to believe... *so for once, it's good to be too-pid* but sigh, i don't think I am .. ;p
Oh well, let's just take things as it comes.. well, if you tell me two years ago that i'll grow to like running and haha get hooked onto it and will go on & complete long distance races. - my response will be T_T". Doh. Negative. But, never says never.. Oh well as for now, I've done a few runs.. and i only started last July.
In short, I am trying to psycho myself that if I put myself to it, i can achieve it. *Else my aching body would have call it quits halfway thru the 10 "clicks" that was "ordered" by e after the hr long torture..
It's not as if I'd not done it before.. just that it was flipflopflip then..
Now... next tues.. since I've given my word , will give it a go still. I guess this is like the last try. I wonder if the christmas big day will yet be another exclusion again?? okie.. one step @ a time.
Time to zzz . I need to work (again) later. I think I'll be working every sat until Nov end. Sobs. And no, no ot, no time off in lieu. Cuz small fry doing what big fry should be doing and simply trying to cope. With Him, all things are possible. :) *like typing this post with aching shoulders, aching arms.*
Thursday, 17 September 2009
i can feel my bones...
Original plan after the trip to mobile phone hospital was to do chopchop get a new pair of running shoes (cuz with two more runs to go and the pending one - wonder should i participate in the company's 5km end Oct it's finale event of the the inter-biz-units games- but pastor ulf is coming that weekend... and my running kaki left the company le.. )
Met a helpful assistant from nike @ wisma, who recommended the new lunarglide [can't find the lunaracer here - no pink soles.. :( ] which was my second choice should I can't get the lunaracer.. bought the orange base instead cuz the blue is too blue.. and the purple is a bit too off for me... saw a pair of hotpink running shorts.. VERY tempted to buy.. but didn't...
so.. tested out my new shoes @ the treadmill today.. And the gym @ three plus in the afternoon is rather empty.. @ certain point in time.. I was the only xx species (except for the receptionist).. Heard noIses from the kickbOxing area .. spotted a familiar figure in white.. wonder if it was e - cuz last week he was selected to attned a muay thai course.. [drats, if so, i cannot skive.. :( - i.e. cannot take mini 10+ seconds pauses during the run.. ] he coming over to check on me - cuz he was surprised to see me there when i should be working.. If not for him spotting me, I would have jUst stopped @ 8.. - it's much easier to do longer distance on road then on the boring treadmill, if not for the tv shows.. caught the tail end of "growing up" and a variety show - are you smarter than a 5th grader.. -rather interesting..
anyway.. happy to finish the 12km in a not very fast pace in 76min.. e is very onz in implementing the prep for my runs.. (haha... thank goodness it was not 42 this year, or else i think the intensity will be up very soon..) currently doing a 2hr non-stop during the weekend and another 8 & 12 in the week (cuz its weekday, not very possible for me to do the long run..)
Was amazed that I could feel my bones loh.. A year ago.. that will be only if I press hard enuff.. now.. i feel my ribs rather easily, not to mention the femur joint and guess the fatty deposit that stubbornly remained is the abs area.. :o I think by end of the year.. haha.. but i like the leaner me.. haha *just pray hard that the skin dun snag that fast too..
So.. one person to thank.. e.. :) if not for him.. the bsb hit will be a more appropriate hit to describe moi ( i.e. larger than life).. Oh yeah.. and buttercup who started the running bug in me.. haha :)
Some random pix taken in the changing cubicle.. :p
Met a helpful assistant from nike @ wisma, who recommended the new lunarglide [can't find the lunaracer here - no pink soles.. :( ] which was my second choice should I can't get the lunaracer.. bought the orange base instead cuz the blue is too blue.. and the purple is a bit too off for me... saw a pair of hotpink running shorts.. VERY tempted to buy.. but didn't...
so.. tested out my new shoes @ the treadmill today.. And the gym @ three plus in the afternoon is rather empty.. @ certain point in time.. I was the only xx species (except for the receptionist).. Heard noIses from the kickbOxing area .. spotted a familiar figure in white.. wonder if it was e - cuz last week he was selected to attned a muay thai course.. [drats, if so, i cannot skive.. :( - i.e. cannot take mini 10+ seconds pauses during the run.. ] he coming over to check on me - cuz he was surprised to see me there when i should be working.. If not for him spotting me, I would have jUst stopped @ 8.. - it's much easier to do longer distance on road then on the boring treadmill, if not for the tv shows.. caught the tail end of "growing up" and a variety show - are you smarter than a 5th grader.. -rather interesting..
anyway.. happy to finish the 12km in a not very fast pace in 76min.. e is very onz in implementing the prep for my runs.. (haha... thank goodness it was not 42 this year, or else i think the intensity will be up very soon..) currently doing a 2hr non-stop during the weekend and another 8 & 12 in the week (cuz its weekday, not very possible for me to do the long run..)
Was amazed that I could feel my bones loh.. A year ago.. that will be only if I press hard enuff.. now.. i feel my ribs rather easily, not to mention the femur joint and guess the fatty deposit that stubbornly remained is the abs area.. :o I think by end of the year.. haha.. but i like the leaner me.. haha *just pray hard that the skin dun snag that fast too..
So.. one person to thank.. e.. :) if not for him.. the bsb hit will be a more appropriate hit to describe moi ( i.e. larger than life).. Oh yeah.. and buttercup who started the running bug in me.. haha :)
Some random pix taken in the changing cubicle.. :p
:) ready to run
love them!! (cuz they love my feet!)
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Certified.. Time was 02:05

So, took the afternoon off to send the w705 to the service centre @ wisma. :) it seems that at the next counter, another user is also sending his w705 for service and overheard that it was less than a month old. Perhaps its problem with the phone model. sigh.. the lady @ the counter was sympathetic towards my ordeal with the phone since last Friday (when the first warning sign came.. ).. so w705 (aka appleberry) was warded, estimated date of discharge is on Sat evening... what a long wait indeed...
Meanwhile, I've to re-accustomed to my old phone.. :) @ least it's still functioning.. :)
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Loyalty. In a recent conversation with a friend, this was what that popped up. Loyalty. Last weekend, sermon touched on the issue commitment/ loyalty. Yet, I wonder how many pairs of attentive ears are there.
Frankly, if I was my friend, I would be stumbled and probably bs-ed by what was inflicted. It sounds like drama on tvb serial on demand tv, and it's not happening in the world, but within the four walls among your spiritual family. What was done would certianly make me question whether what one preaches correspond with what one does.
Imagine A is rallying B when B faced with a difficulty with an enemy, D, and says, "don't worry, C and me (i.e. A) is on your side." In less than a week, B has joined forces D and forged a very close and intimate relationship with D. Mind you, A was liken to B's mentor and B has trusted A when A gave the promise. Imagine the level of betrayal that B felt when B saw what A has done. Certaintly, A ain't a loyal friend. Like the saying goes, "Words are cheap. Actions speaks louder than words."
Alright, one may says that who in the right frame of mind will not act in his/her self-interest BUT hey, even a non-believer with a right conscience would act in a manner that his/ her action would be result in other's unhappiness - 别把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上。i.e. your actions should not stumble others right, especially if you position is somewhat of a leadership level, your actions will have a greater impact on others. Alright, one may argue, happiness lies in your hands and you need to fight for it. But is the temporal bliss of one equivalent to the loss of one soul to the wilderness?
Fortunately, my friend, though not a very matured believer , have simple faith in God. Hence, in spite of the disappointment and betrayal... still did not shun away from God. *maybe that's why my friend was prompted to text me when faced with the temptation to run away from the situation.. *
You may be able to preach up a storm, you may be able to pray so fluently that your prayers are akin to music on the flute. You may have paper qualifications to certify that you have went through rigorous theological studies/ training. You may even say that you will do your utmost best to help. But when the time come, to act either in your own interest or in other's interest at the expense of suppressing your own desires, all that you have acquired - the qualifications, the title in your ministry ...etc become worthless when your actions is not reflective of Christ.
Is this worth the temporal bliss??
Oh yeah, parable..
What I can do is not bitch about them (else I won't be bothered to change the identity and scenario) but pray for them. Would I be that noble if I am in their shoes? I think I will . 因我还没被颁获任何红星大奖嘛,过不了我自己那关。
Frankly, if I was my friend, I would be stumbled and probably bs-ed by what was inflicted. It sounds like drama on tvb serial on demand tv, and it's not happening in the world, but within the four walls among your spiritual family. What was done would certianly make me question whether what one preaches correspond with what one does.
Imagine A is rallying B when B faced with a difficulty with an enemy, D, and says, "don't worry, C and me (i.e. A) is on your side." In less than a week, B has joined forces D and forged a very close and intimate relationship with D. Mind you, A was liken to B's mentor and B has trusted A when A gave the promise. Imagine the level of betrayal that B felt when B saw what A has done. Certaintly, A ain't a loyal friend. Like the saying goes, "Words are cheap. Actions speaks louder than words."
Alright, one may says that who in the right frame of mind will not act in his/her self-interest BUT hey, even a non-believer with a right conscience would act in a manner that his/ her action would be result in other's unhappiness - 别把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上。i.e. your actions should not stumble others right, especially if you position is somewhat of a leadership level, your actions will have a greater impact on others. Alright, one may argue, happiness lies in your hands and you need to fight for it. But is the temporal bliss of one equivalent to the loss of one soul to the wilderness?
Fortunately, my friend, though not a very matured believer , have simple faith in God. Hence, in spite of the disappointment and betrayal... still did not shun away from God. *maybe that's why my friend was prompted to text me when faced with the temptation to run away from the situation.. *
You may be able to preach up a storm, you may be able to pray so fluently that your prayers are akin to music on the flute. You may have paper qualifications to certify that you have went through rigorous theological studies/ training. You may even say that you will do your utmost best to help. But when the time come, to act either in your own interest or in other's interest at the expense of suppressing your own desires, all that you have acquired - the qualifications, the title in your ministry ...etc become worthless when your actions is not reflective of Christ.
Is this worth the temporal bliss??
Oh yeah, parable..
What I can do is not bitch about them (else I won't be bothered to change the identity and scenario) but pray for them. Would I be that noble if I am in their shoes? I think I will . 因我还没被颁获任何红星大奖嘛,过不了我自己那关。
Monday, 14 September 2009
phone suffers from cardiac arrest..
the last thing that my phone did was to wake me up this morning. Vaguely saw an unread text from jy but was too groggy to view it. The next thing I knew, phone battery is dead. No big deal i thought, @ most, I'll recharge it @ the office.
Yikes, it DID not respond to the charging... and multiple attempts to power on FAILED. Checked the online manual - it seemed that either the battery is certified dead OR battery connection loose.. Recalled last sat that I saw an error message while charging the phone battery - a warning message that the phone battery is being overcharged and to STOP charging immediately.. Helpdesk @ SE is not very helpful. Ask me to bring the phone down to service centre ... after deciding that its either a faulty software OR a faulty battery.. T_T" very helpful. ( Didn't want to take it down to the service centre again. It'll be the second time in less than 3 months.. )
Unsatisfied with the fact that the phone is dead without trying to revive it, i whipped out the spare usb cable and tried to revive it using the laptop.. Guess what, there is response! Wooot! At least I know that my phone os is functioning, so it maybe just the battery. After two hours of charging via the laptop (like how you will charge ur iPods/ iPhones), I managed to revive the DEAD battery and it is now on "life support" from the phone charger, charing directly from the mains for the remaining 40+%.
Prior to that, I laid lands on the phone. So, maybe it is a combination of both means that revive the dead battery. woo hoo!
Yikes, it DID not respond to the charging... and multiple attempts to power on FAILED. Checked the online manual - it seemed that either the battery is certified dead OR battery connection loose.. Recalled last sat that I saw an error message while charging the phone battery - a warning message that the phone battery is being overcharged and to STOP charging immediately.. Helpdesk @ SE is not very helpful. Ask me to bring the phone down to service centre ... after deciding that its either a faulty software OR a faulty battery.. T_T" very helpful. ( Didn't want to take it down to the service centre again. It'll be the second time in less than 3 months.. )
Unsatisfied with the fact that the phone is dead without trying to revive it, i whipped out the spare usb cable and tried to revive it using the laptop.. Guess what, there is response! Wooot! At least I know that my phone os is functioning, so it maybe just the battery. After two hours of charging via the laptop (like how you will charge ur iPods/ iPhones), I managed to revive the DEAD battery and it is now on "life support" from the phone charger, charing directly from the mains for the remaining 40+%.
Prior to that, I laid lands on the phone. So, maybe it is a combination of both means that revive the dead battery. woo hoo!
Saturday, 12 September 2009
With the BURSTING capacity of my iPod.. (oh yeah, i load sermons into my dear iPod too... and many pending ones not in...) I would love to get a replacement.. (plus the fact that I'm using a 5th Gen 30G - with less than 1G free capacity - and no videos/photos in memory.. so.. haha.. loads of stuff in it..)
I like the new nano.. It has FM function too!! Plus I can use with my nike+ sensor while running..And i would love to get the RED one.. :)
The only con - memory capacity. The largest being @ 16G. Compared to the iPod Touch, which is cool with all the fun functions/ games... but comparing capacity - think it would be more worthwhile for me to get the nano... :)
speaking of running.. i think i need a new pair of shoes... i think i've worn out the old pair.. ;p i like this pair the nike lunaracer.. though i wonder if the pink base is available here..

The only con - memory capacity. The largest being @ 16G. Compared to the iPod Touch, which is cool with all the fun functions/ games... but comparing capacity - think it would be more worthwhile for me to get the nano... :)
speaking of running.. i think i need a new pair of shoes... i think i've worn out the old pair.. ;p i like this pair the nike lunaracer.. though i wonder if the pink base is available here..
Yesterday marked the last day @ work for one of my closer colleague. Sobs.. one "ally" lesser. And learnt that another of my colleague, the other chc member will be seconded to another sbu for 6 months wef next tues. Sobs. Come next tues, will be quieter @ work.
Had a sumptuous lunch @ Suishi Tei - farewell lunch for WY, but the poor lass who has just discharged on Wednesday, can't really dig in due to the extensive list of prohibited food. Nonetheless.. it was fun. :)
And she bought us this to "celebrate" her last day from this patisserie, Pat & Felcor @ Telok Blangah.. We sampled the following:
Had a sumptuous lunch @ Suishi Tei - farewell lunch for WY, but the poor lass who has just discharged on Wednesday, can't really dig in due to the extensive list of prohibited food. Nonetheless.. it was fun. :)
And she bought us this to "celebrate" her last day from this patisserie, Pat & Felcor @ Telok Blangah.. We sampled the following:
chocolicious party pack
mixed quiche
mixed cake
personal preference was : Brownie & Ganach Tart from the chocolicious party pack and the strawberry slice from the mixed cake pack. The quiches were not that fantastic - cuz there is more crust than filling.. :p
So after the scrumptious dessert faire.. went for my training.. :) with the self-comforting thought in mind that those yummy desserts are not staying in my body for long. :P
Someone I know ended a relationship with the gf a couple of months ago. A couple of weeks back, the fb status was updated to single. Today, the status was updated to "in a relationship". Speedy indeed!
I wonder if the new gf is whom i thought she was. If so, I wish it ain't a case of basketball game. Somehow, i have a strong feeling that my guess was right.
I wish for world peace. :)
I wonder if the new gf is whom i thought she was. If so, I wish it ain't a case of basketball game. Somehow, i have a strong feeling that my guess was right.
I wish for world peace. :)
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Just when I thought I won't see .. I saw ... Though I was startled, I was pleased.. and that fueled me on.. else.. I think I would have been a goner @ 8. (Afterthot.. think it was slightly after 9 when I saw.. oo.. maybe it's 0909 on 090909.. lalala... I think I really need sleep!!)
Oh yeah.. juvenile.. but :). And amazingly.. despite of the gibberish I twit regarding my reluctance to hit the treadmill this evening.. there's one who understand.. haha.. prolly cuz that was the originator who gave the task list. haha..
Oh yeah.. in order to improve my timing - my nice & yet evil trainer e decided to kill my limbs and power them up to run faster.. and ordered me to run longer and longer distances.. each week.. :( evil.
Task this week.. 2 hours non-stop on sun (checked).. and a 8km and a 12km this week befOre Fri.
Fortunately, I wasn't doing the full marathon this Dec.. ELSE.. I think I would have died and await to rise again.
but then again, I've the choice not to do it.. but I chose to do it.. haha.. Oh yeah, I like the challenge.. somehow, I think I like to push the limits...
now i need to apply this to another area that is rather limbo.. and He has been speaking.. and I've been feinting ear-block. And the dead sea scroll exhibition is amazing.. And I can even read the Old English.. And somehOw that exhibition re-ignite my passion towards the Word again. Oh yeah, I am a scribe, and i love the Word.. and somehow.. 2010 seems to be beckoning.. Needless to say.. what Pastor Tan shared on Tues further reinforced what seemed to be slowing fading..
I think I am blogging in another dimension now.. time to sleep and wake up again in 2.5 hrs? :) i must be crazy...
Oh yeah.. juvenile.. but :). And amazingly.. despite of the gibberish I twit regarding my reluctance to hit the treadmill this evening.. there's one who understand.. haha.. prolly cuz that was the originator who gave the task list. haha..
Oh yeah.. in order to improve my timing - my nice & yet evil trainer e decided to kill my limbs and power them up to run faster.. and ordered me to run longer and longer distances.. each week.. :( evil.
Task this week.. 2 hours non-stop on sun (checked).. and a 8km and a 12km this week befOre Fri.
Fortunately, I wasn't doing the full marathon this Dec.. ELSE.. I think I would have died and await to rise again.
but then again, I've the choice not to do it.. but I chose to do it.. haha.. Oh yeah, I like the challenge.. somehow, I think I like to push the limits...
now i need to apply this to another area that is rather limbo.. and He has been speaking.. and I've been feinting ear-block. And the dead sea scroll exhibition is amazing.. And I can even read the Old English.. And somehOw that exhibition re-ignite my passion towards the Word again. Oh yeah, I am a scribe, and i love the Word.. and somehow.. 2010 seems to be beckoning.. Needless to say.. what Pastor Tan shared on Tues further reinforced what seemed to be slowing fading..
I think I am blogging in another dimension now.. time to sleep and wake up again in 2.5 hrs? :) i must be crazy...
Pastor Tan preached about being fruitful over the weekend..
How do you know that you are bearing fruit? When what you do bring glory to Him. (i.e. people praise God cuz of you!)
Fruit One
I think I bore fruits today..
One of my closer colleague,W, soon to be ex-colleague, suffered from a bout of gastric related illness..for past few weeks.. and ended up being hospitalised on Monday. So just did the norm usual sms asking how she was.. offered to pray for her..and encouraged her.. (cuz despite initial scope could not find the cause, and she was frustrated cuz of the unknown cause.. )and proposed to pay her a visit on Tues.. so.. this was what we brought her.. At first they thought of sending a flower basket with bird nest.. but too last min to place order with florist and the nearest florist gave an exorbitant quotation for mere gebera and basket fshould we get our own bird nest (cuz they dun have it). I thank God for the creativity and this was what we gave her instead.
haPPy Patrick Starfish and Two flowers from Toys R us and 8 bottles of bird nest! Think Patrick & the two flowers really made her smile. And haha.. she sms-ed me a thank you message earlier evening.. *very sUrprised indeed - cuz I was just dOing the norm...*
I thank God for the ability to multi-task.
I was on the phone from 22:10 (while i was still @ the gym, just abt to blow dry my hair) to 01:45. (approximately). Cuz was talking to a friend who has recently broke up with her bf. And while talking to her, as well as catching up... I managed to assemble my newly acquired alphabet rubber stamp. Do up the flowers.. Think up of the design.. gather/find the existing materials from my huge drawer.. (suffer a paper cut under my nail via unplucking the non-sticky part of the double-sided tape).. and at the same time to counsel & offer my 2-cents worth..
And I love my new creation.. :) being simple... yet pretty..
think my friend was ministered.. though I never preached to her.. but I offered my listening ear.. :) and my advice and take on matters.. though.. haha i wonder why I get to counsel pple's bgr when hands-on-experience is definitely lacking.. Gee.. thank God for wisdom...
So.. continue to be a blessing to all.. :)
How do you know that you are bearing fruit? When what you do bring glory to Him. (i.e. people praise God cuz of you!)
Fruit One
I think I bore fruits today..
One of my closer colleague,W, soon to be ex-colleague, suffered from a bout of gastric related illness..for past few weeks.. and ended up being hospitalised on Monday. So just did the norm usual sms asking how she was.. offered to pray for her..and encouraged her.. (cuz despite initial scope could not find the cause, and she was frustrated cuz of the unknown cause.. )and proposed to pay her a visit on Tues.. so.. this was what we brought her.. At first they thought of sending a flower basket with bird nest.. but too last min to place order with florist and the nearest florist gave an exorbitant quotation for mere gebera and basket fshould we get our own bird nest (cuz they dun have it). I thank God for the creativity and this was what we gave her instead.
haPPy Patrick Starfish and Two flowers from Toys R us and 8 bottles of bird nest! Think Patrick & the two flowers really made her smile. And haha.. she sms-ed me a thank you message earlier evening.. *very sUrprised indeed - cuz I was just dOing the norm...*
I thank God for the ability to multi-task.
I was on the phone from 22:10 (while i was still @ the gym, just abt to blow dry my hair) to 01:45. (approximately). Cuz was talking to a friend who has recently broke up with her bf. And while talking to her, as well as catching up... I managed to assemble my newly acquired alphabet rubber stamp. Do up the flowers.. Think up of the design.. gather/find the existing materials from my huge drawer.. (suffer a paper cut under my nail via unplucking the non-sticky part of the double-sided tape).. and at the same time to counsel & offer my 2-cents worth..
And I love my new creation.. :) being simple... yet pretty..
think my friend was ministered.. though I never preached to her.. but I offered my listening ear.. :) and my advice and take on matters.. though.. haha i wonder why I get to counsel pple's bgr when hands-on-experience is definitely lacking.. Gee.. thank God for wisdom...
So.. continue to be a blessing to all.. :)
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Am rather irritated.. I've turned the msn status to appear offline.. Cuz I don't wish to reply to a msn convo. It's not whether I can but rather if I want to. Frankly, I don't want to. Can?
Saturday, 5 September 2009
A letter of complaint
This was what I sent to my service provider for over-charging and agreeing to waive off the incorrect data charges of close to $300 and payment was made. And after agreeing that no payment needs to be made in the light of the credit balance, I received a reminder letter. So much so for being with this red umbrella for at least 5 years. Peeved. ANd this is the SECOND time in the course of two years I've encountered wrong billing by the red brolly.
Here's what I wrote. (I used up every single letter available on the internet form!!)
I was served with a reminder letter dated 1 Sept 2009 despite calling to your billing hotline 1688 three times, due to incorrect charge on data usage (the new phone I bought comes with a free one month unlimited data usage).
Your officer informed that the amount overpaid has been credited back to my account and no late penalty charges will be levied should I opt to offset the August bill of $88.58.
Hence, I was surprised to receive this reminder letter since I'd overpaid and YET was served with an warning letter with potential penalty.
No other form of customer service recovery was offered and except to waive off the excess charge and credit the amount back to the account.
Please advise if I need to proceed with the payment since it's ridiculous that payment has to be made for the bill despite having credit balance in the account.
Here's what I wrote. (I used up every single letter available on the internet form!!)
I was served with a reminder letter dated 1 Sept 2009 despite calling to your billing hotline 1688 three times, due to incorrect charge on data usage (the new phone I bought comes with a free one month unlimited data usage).
Your officer informed that the amount overpaid has been credited back to my account and no late penalty charges will be levied should I opt to offset the August bill of $88.58.
Hence, I was surprised to receive this reminder letter since I'd overpaid and YET was served with an warning letter with potential penalty.
No other form of customer service recovery was offered and except to waive off the excess charge and credit the amount back to the account.
Please advise if I need to proceed with the payment since it's ridiculous that payment has to be made for the bill despite having credit balance in the account.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Information transfer
I guess with the change in time, the method of cascading down information changes.
Having the luxury to be connected to facebook allows me latest updates on friends' status.
Like.. what ivory's fb status - "FB is hot today, 'live telecast' of zoe's birth".
And I was instantly updated with the progress of the arrival.. with instant updates from the dad on the progress. :)
To the dilation to the actual arrival..
Welcome Zoe! :) * Another baby by the same name!*
Having the luxury to be connected to facebook allows me latest updates on friends' status.
Like.. what ivory's fb status - "FB is hot today, 'live telecast' of zoe's birth".
And I was instantly updated with the progress of the arrival.. with instant updates from the dad on the progress. :)
To the dilation to the actual arrival..
Welcome Zoe! :) * Another baby by the same name!*
"Abundantly.... Above what one can think of think or imagine of..."
Not in the usual context whereby one will associate with blessings... Afterall, no one in the right frame of mind will reject blessings right? Definitely not me.
Thankfully, cg was pushed back to Sat (we are going to the dead sea scroll exhibition!), I get some extra hours to do up the chunk of fixing up the missing pieces of my piling cases. Not to mention that ad-hoc stuff that started off as a innocent good-to-have self advisory that sort spun out to be complicated. And yes, this ad-hoc stuff is grossly time & brain consuming.. and amidst of this, any innocent queries on the local indirect taxes will be sorta passed on to my did. Thanks folks.
oh well, do it unto Him not him right? Else, this short lamentation won't even in readable language.. it'll be in gibberish...
I think i've ate exceeding well today, translate, bad food - the finger-licking food - ie the one with the colonel as the brand's mascot, hence, decided to hit the treadmill for 5km despite leaving office close to 9? *was actually tasked to do twice the distance today.. but.. oh well.. its' late and it's that time.. so .. lalala.. oh well, think i'll leave it to Saturday, perhaps... ;p unlikely will be able to work this sat, cuz think likely will be visiting another baby zoe that day.. :p
Not in the usual context whereby one will associate with blessings... Afterall, no one in the right frame of mind will reject blessings right? Definitely not me.
yeah this was what that was in abundance... (if only that was stuff to be deposited into the recycling box.. ) Nah..
Thankfully, cg was pushed back to Sat (we are going to the dead sea scroll exhibition!), I get some extra hours to do up the chunk of fixing up the missing pieces of my piling cases. Not to mention that ad-hoc stuff that started off as a innocent good-to-have self advisory that sort spun out to be complicated. And yes, this ad-hoc stuff is grossly time & brain consuming.. and amidst of this, any innocent queries on the local indirect taxes will be sorta passed on to my did. Thanks folks.
oh well, do it unto Him not him right? Else, this short lamentation won't even in readable language.. it'll be in gibberish...
I think i've ate exceeding well today, translate, bad food - the finger-licking food - ie the one with the colonel as the brand's mascot, hence, decided to hit the treadmill for 5km despite leaving office close to 9? *was actually tasked to do twice the distance today.. but.. oh well.. its' late and it's that time.. so .. lalala.. oh well, think i'll leave it to Saturday, perhaps... ;p unlikely will be able to work this sat, cuz think likely will be visiting another baby zoe that day.. :p
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Weary ...
Thus says the Word..
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9
"For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry." Habakkuk 2:3
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