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Monday, 9 January 2006

nOise vs Voice

a voice within.. is it a noise or the Voice? listening to the right voice comes with practice and discernment.. the noise may speak in a manner similar to the Voice.. except with the element of negativity.. Yes.. the Voice does chasten at times but with the intention of getting one in shape.. the noise, on the other hand, usually urges you to slip into the mode of R&R (rest and relax) OR discouraging you with all the reproaches that cause you to sink deeper into the slums..

certainly.. it's much easier to listen to the noise cuz it doesn't require much effort... (people like nOise anyway.. some seek solace from the cares of the worlds by blasting their eardrums with loud music.. ). Listening & acting on what the Voice directs would most often requires one to have absolute trust and faith.

Reprogramming.. yes.. certainly.. our grey matter gotta be reprogrammed to ignore the advances of the nOise and be receptive to the Voice..

It's a matter of chOice.. just make the right one..

stop wavering... believe.. and act.. and He will do the rest..

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