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Wednesday 21 July 2010

Despicable Me

Monday nite, caught this hilarious movie with ms i & her hubby (i.e. my cgl), estelle & amy.. Hilarious cuz I simply adore the yellow almost balded minions. :) Very tickled by their minion-tongue... Alright, it's mostly gibberish, with the occasional injection of a few English words. But I like the gibberish. Apparently, the minion-language was coined up & voiced over by one of the directors, Pierre Coffin. Brilliant.
the army of Gru's minions..
And not forgetting the big teary-eyed Agnes who likes anything fluffy  - her fave phrase..  "It is so fluffly!" – ohmigosh, she is so likeable.  

Agnes with her bedtime story book.. *I like that finger puppet book, you put your fingers in and they became the three kittens! :) *
Simple story, need not much of a processing power to enjoy the wholesome kiddy fun.. Though there are certain pokes in the movie which i guess kids won't understand.. Like the name of the bank that Gru deals with - Bank of Evil formerly known as the Lehman Bros. LOL.
Looking forward to catch Eclipse with maybelline next week.. Haven't really catch up with her for like AGES...  hopefully there are normal screening time next week.. :)

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