click me!!
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Last week of December
Believe it Or not.. I've not unwrapped most of my wrapped Christmas presents! ;I lazy yeah..
I'll do so before 31 Dec. ;)
Had been a hectic week at work since before christmas - the dreaded year-end provision vetting.. Not forgetting that silent herbivore .. Silence is golden .. And I kinda prefer diamond 💎.. And diamond is tougher than gold. And yeah thanks for helping me to develop the fruit of longsuffering ... "whatever!"
Ooo I managed to squeeze in to do one session of post service caroling & lo & behold spotted the groom & bride of the wedding of the year! And tris snapped a pix of me & fb-ed ...
And in spite of mad deadlines, evil e resumed training cuz he said 'the fats are growing' ;/ As I'd missed his weekly target thanks to the womanly issue... Was coerced to turn up three times this week and ;( left gym last night 45 minutes before the shutters were down..
But prefer walking along orchard at this timing instead cuz it's peaceful at 11ish compared to the packed 10ish ..
At mandarin galleries, the workers are replacing the bells with red flowers in preparation for CNY..
Byebye blue orchard!
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Thursday, 22 December 2011
If I'm still that huge (alright I was never that big in which my bum spills out of the seat in the mrt.. ), I will not certainly NOT attempt to squeeze into a seat that is narrower than the width of my body.
I'm not anti-plus .. But I mind my personal space being infringed and the side of your huge thighs fidgeting against mine is HIGHLY frown upon!
Not to mention sandwiched by another huge pear-shaped one (from the same family, apparent pear runs in the family!) on the other side! Felt like the silver of cheese in between two uber thick Brown toast!
The huge pear clan finally alighted 10 stops later!
I was shocked to see the amount of seat taken up by the huge pear next to me! ;(

Sigh! I should have just stand throughout the journey from outram to home. :(
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I'm not anti-plus .. But I mind my personal space being infringed and the side of your huge thighs fidgeting against mine is HIGHLY frown upon!
Not to mention sandwiched by another huge pear-shaped one (from the same family, apparent pear runs in the family!) on the other side! Felt like the silver of cheese in between two uber thick Brown toast!
The huge pear clan finally alighted 10 stops later!
I was shocked to see the amount of seat taken up by the huge pear next to me! ;(

Sigh! I should have just stand throughout the journey from outram to home. :(
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Thursday, 15 December 2011
Cheap thrill ;)
Happy that I was bigger a couple of months ago that the striped top from MNG looked tight n fat on me that I refrained from buying it.. Cuz it was cheaper by 20 moolah when I bought it on Tues when I dropped by MNG VIP sale after getting my split ends fixed n lighten the crown of glory which was über dark - ash blond just toned it down a bitsy so I need to make a second trip this Sunday ;)
I confessed, I'd purposefully head to the standalone stall at shaw center ;)
Ooo but I paired that top with the topshop grey bandage skirt and ooo elongated body! Nice! Even the tea lady at work commented that I look slim!
Camwhored in the handicap toilet ;)

Bought another two dresses ;) which was quite cheap too ;)one for work n the other for weekend? foreigner (edited.. Typo due to autocorrect?)

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I confessed, I'd purposefully head to the standalone stall at shaw center ;)
Ooo but I paired that top with the topshop grey bandage skirt and ooo elongated body! Nice! Even the tea lady at work commented that I look slim!
Camwhored in the handicap toilet ;)

Bought another two dresses ;) which was quite cheap too ;)one for work n the other for weekend?

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The last race of the year
Wanted to titled it the last paid race of the year.. Then recalled that my company reimbursed me the full $60 paid for the full mara.. ;) do rightfully it was a free run! (same for the newton 30km on 30.10.11 & the Nike 10k on 9.10.11)
Didn't do as well as I planned .. I was way on track on completing in 4:30 (was close behind the blue pacers balloons till the return leg at playground area which I decided to trail the 4:45..)
Was hovering around them until the 35km when I started walking n resting every water point ;(
Not to mention the heavy bottleneck part where the half Mara, 10km n the full mara merged.. Drats! All in all walked a couple of km.. Which I know I would definitely made it sub 4:45 at least or 4:30 if I had not slacked on the way.. ;)
Still happy to have done a personal best timing at 4:48:05 with barely 3 hours of snooze time n sore throat that itches a lot (which resulted from the nasal back drip).
Frankly the thought of me collapsing cross my mind cuz I was at some point feeling über light in the head (think low blood sugar) until I sip the gel n constantly hydrate every now & then.. Didn't know that actually a friend collapsed with just 5km more to go n it was might be one of his pb!. His thoughts on the incident.. Thank God he was alright though heard that he almost went Home earlier .. Though sadly one young chap passed away after completing the half. ;(
Anyway pics to commensurate the mini achievement on 4 Dec 2011..
Getting ready the night before

My new running flats! Barely broken in...

The fuel... (but I only brought along 5..) ;) rest reserved for training for sundown I supposed ;)

Brekkie before the 42.195: milo & bread from cedele ;)

In the train (which Smrt kindly extended the operation hours! Tq!).. Full of men! Ladies are minority but thankfully I can use the clean ladies @ orchard mrt without queuing unlike the snaking queue formed outside the gents! ;)

At the starting point.. Outside mandarin gallery.. ;) <3 the Christmas lights!

The official pacers forming a row in front of us behind the sub-4 runners n ahead of us sub-6..

Cheese! (thankfully my nano stays dry thru'out the 42!)

Happy that I'm starting the run with the friend that started me running - Ziv.. It's his maiden marathon! ;)

Completed the full course before 10am! ;) Walking towards the collect the finisher tee & medal & etc..

Thanks to lack of network coverage .. was unable to contact anyone.. Decided to go for the complimentary massage for the full marathon runners, cuz there was no queue! After which, I managed to bump into jac & jus by wandering around the non muddy area opposite padang..

Number supporter jac who went all the way to ecp/ barrage to support her hubby Ziv & me.. Sorry gal, didn't hear u calling me! ;p

Jus finished her first half Mara! Congrats! ;)

Breakfast @ cedele! Happy!! It was packed full house despite us reaching minutes after it opened at 11. ;)

The big brekkie which I didn't managed to finish.. Haha too much meat! ;(

Tummy filled .. Satisfied ;) we ran a good race guys! ;)

Applause To The best supporter of the day!! Thanks babe! ;)

Pookie trying to wear the finisher medal :)

The e-cert which got many people complaining that they didn't get their laminated cert despite paying for the run..

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Didn't do as well as I planned .. I was way on track on completing in 4:30 (was close behind the blue pacers balloons till the return leg at playground area which I decided to trail the 4:45..)
Was hovering around them until the 35km
Not to mention the heavy bottleneck part where the half Mara, 10km n the full mara merged.. Drats! All in all walked a couple of km.. Which I know I would definitely made it sub 4:45 at least or 4:30 if I had not slacked on the way.. ;)
Still happy to have done a personal best timing at 4:48:05 with barely 3 hours of snooze time n sore throat that itches a lot (which resulted from the nasal back drip).
Frankly the thought of me collapsing cross my mind cuz I was at some point feeling über light in the head (think low blood sugar) until I sip the gel n constantly hydrate every now & then.. Didn't know that actually a friend collapsed with just 5km more to go n it was might be one of his pb!. His thoughts on the incident.. Thank God he was alright though heard that he almost went Home earlier .. Though sadly one young chap passed away after completing the half. ;(
Anyway pics to commensurate the mini achievement on 4 Dec 2011..
Getting ready the night before

My new running flats! Barely broken in...

The fuel... (but I only brought along 5..) ;) rest reserved for training for sundown I supposed ;)

Brekkie before the 42.195: milo & bread from cedele ;)

In the train (which Smrt kindly extended the operation hours! Tq!).. Full of men! Ladies are minority but thankfully I can use the clean ladies @ orchard mrt without queuing unlike the snaking queue formed outside the gents! ;)

At the starting point.. Outside mandarin gallery.. ;) <3 the Christmas lights!

The official pacers forming a row in front of us behind the sub-4 runners n ahead of us sub-6..

Cheese! (thankfully my nano stays dry thru'out the 42!)

Happy that I'm starting the run with the friend that started me running - Ziv.. It's his maiden marathon! ;)

Completed the full course before 10am! ;) Walking towards the collect the finisher tee & medal & etc..

Thanks to lack of network coverage .. was unable to contact anyone.. Decided to go for the complimentary massage for the full marathon runners, cuz there was no queue! After which, I managed to bump into jac & jus by wandering around the non muddy area opposite padang..

Number supporter jac who went all the way to ecp/ barrage to support her hubby Ziv & me.. Sorry gal, didn't hear u calling me! ;p

Jus finished her first half Mara! Congrats! ;)

Breakfast @ cedele! Happy!! It was packed full house despite us reaching minutes after it opened at 11. ;)

The big brekkie which I didn't managed to finish.. Haha too much meat! ;(

Tummy filled .. Satisfied ;) we ran a good race guys! ;)

Applause To The best supporter of the day!! Thanks babe! ;)

Pookie trying to wear the finisher medal :)

The e-cert which got many people complaining that they didn't get their laminated cert despite paying for the run..

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Friday, 11 November 2011
Something sowed, something gained!
Thank God for the strength for getting by the Thursday with only 3 hours of sleep!
Brought work back on wednesday cuz can't work ot due to choir pract at jw... Ended up working till 04:30 after reaching home 23:20ish.. ( silly deadline ) woke up in shock at 8am and cabbed to work cuz needed the zzzz.
Was a long day cuz had to head to MBS after lunch to act as proxy for an egm..

Ended up back in office around 17:30 and worked for a couple more hours until 19:40 cuz of 'urgent stuff'.. And thank God I managed to grab a cab at harbourfront center at the drop off pt! Reached edb on time!! it cost only 6.50 with 35% surcharge ;) cheap cheap!
Happy to make it to edb cuz it was worth it.. And though tired, joined the gals to jalan Kayu for supper (dinner for me) and all 7 of us got into Liling's swift! Lol!!

Dinner: egg prata ;)
Simple food but great company.. ;) I'm glad I 'crucified my flesh' n went makan with the gals.. It takes both sides to build relationship ;) .. And it's not difficult for me to assimilate into a new environment - it's just whether I want to.. Else how would I survive my 2 years at jc when the bulk of my cohort either go to v or t.. Then again, made some of my closer pals there with this erratic choice made (erratic cuz it's silly for a easterner to travel 1hr+ bus journey to upper bukit timah rd when there are comparable schs less than 5km away.. ) lol
Anyway I am beginning to grasp how things may be going .. ;)
Time to sleep

Siri is implying that I oughta sleep .. Another long day ahead! Gotta head to Ngee Ann poly for training this evening ... ;)
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Brought work back on wednesday cuz can't work ot due to choir pract at jw... Ended up working till 04:30 after reaching home 23:20ish.. ( silly deadline ) woke up in shock at 8am and cabbed to work cuz needed the zzzz.
Was a long day cuz had to head to MBS after lunch to act as proxy for an egm..

Ended up back in office around 17:30 and worked for a couple more hours until 19:40 cuz of 'urgent stuff'.. And thank God I managed to grab a cab at harbourfront center at the drop off pt! Reached edb on time!! it cost only 6.50 with 35% surcharge ;) cheap cheap!
Happy to make it to edb cuz it was worth it.. And though tired, joined the gals to jalan Kayu for supper (dinner for me) and all 7 of us got into Liling's swift! Lol!!

Dinner: egg prata ;)
Simple food but great company.. ;) I'm glad I 'crucified my flesh' n went makan with the gals.. It takes both sides to build relationship ;) .. And it's not difficult for me to assimilate into a new environment - it's just whether I want to.. Else how would I survive my 2 years at jc when the bulk of my cohort either go to v or t.. Then again, made some of my closer pals there with this erratic choice made (erratic cuz it's silly for a easterner to travel 1hr+ bus journey to upper bukit timah rd when there are comparable schs less than 5km away.. ) lol
Anyway I am beginning to grasp how things may be going .. ;)
Time to sleep

Siri is implying that I oughta sleep .. Another long day ahead! Gotta head to Ngee Ann poly for training this evening ... ;)
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Sunday, 6 November 2011
One ball, 22 men
Haven't been watching soccer on tv since free to air stop airing and having no avid soccer fans among the males in my family, no subscription for the EPL.. D:
Not exactly a fan but in the game but in my secondary sch years when I was kinda mad abt the Brit stuff.. Naturally was drawn to watch the game (in the middle of night) to catch a glimpse of the cute hunks.. Lol. (genuine fans will roll their eyes for my bimbotic reasons for supporting the game.!) fave player then was gary neville .. Not the even popular cutie beck.. ( it's obv I root for the devils .. I like red. ;0) oh well he just retired .. At least giggs still playing! ;)
Watching the second half of the Sunderland vs man u on my MIO tv after returning from a jc pal's wedding dinner.
Yay final whistle! 1-0..
Ok.. Time to sleep n wake up at 5:30. Long weekend .. Cuz on duty for both days! Yay! ;)
Snapshot of pookie watching the match! ;)
Not exactly a fan but in the game but in my secondary sch years when I was kinda mad abt the Brit stuff.. Naturally was drawn to watch the game (in the middle of night) to catch a glimpse of the cute hunks.. Lol. (genuine fans will roll their eyes for my bimbotic reasons for supporting the game.!) fave player then was gary neville .. Not the even popular cutie beck.. ( it's obv I root for the devils .. I like red. ;0) oh well he just retired .. At least giggs still playing! ;)
Watching the second half of the Sunderland vs man u on my MIO tv after returning from a jc pal's wedding dinner.
Yay final whistle! 1-0..
Ok.. Time to sleep n wake up at 5:30. Long weekend .. Cuz on duty for both days! Yay! ;)
Snapshot of pookie watching the match! ;)
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Last minute
I know I ought to be more understanding but hey whatever you said seemed to be merely words.
A month ago, you said that you will not want me to simply vanish like what the other one did.. Yet, isn't this reenactment of what happened 3 years ago?
Then the label thingy. Hello.. You should have know about this at least two weeks ago. At least u can just text or whatsapp me to collect this from you. Yet you have to wait till the 11th hour today to call & assume that I'll be free to pick the call minutes before 5. (hello, I'm not 'unemployed' as you would have know)
Oh well.... Maybe it's just bad administration... Can't you poke the keypad on ur phone to text me? Or fb me?
Don't get me started on the theme whereby I don't even feel from the peeps that were supposedly like next of kin and yet don't lift an eyelid despite week of absence. Out of sight, out of mind? Or simply 自扫门前雪?
Sigh.. I totally understand why some of my friends pulling their pot elsewhere for friendlier soil though they still respect the uber top mgmt. it's just that the middle mgmt & lower mgmt that were placed in charge had misrepresented what oughta be carried out.
Oh well.. I'll leave and let live.
Glad to be out of that. And in a better place. Best decision made .. Which oughta be done like a year ago.
Oh well, despite of the crap.. The roots are still in the ground. Thanks for the friends from the good old days of Bain st? ;)
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A month ago, you said that you will not want me to simply vanish like what the other one did.. Yet, isn't this reenactment of what happened 3 years ago?
Then the label thingy. Hello.. You should have know about this at least two weeks ago. At least u can just text or whatsapp me to collect this from you. Yet you have to wait till the 11th hour today to call & assume that I'll be free to pick the call minutes before 5. (hello, I'm not 'unemployed' as you would have know)
Oh well.... Maybe it's just bad administration... Can't you poke the keypad on ur phone to text me? Or fb me?
Don't get me started on the theme whereby I don't even feel from the peeps that were supposedly like next of kin and yet don't lift an eyelid despite week of absence. Out of sight, out of mind? Or simply 自扫门前雪?
Sigh.. I totally understand why some of my friends pulling their pot elsewhere for friendlier soil though they still respect the uber top mgmt. it's just that the middle mgmt & lower mgmt that were placed in charge had misrepresented what oughta be carried out.
Oh well.. I'll leave and let live.
Glad to be out of that. And in a better place. Best decision made .. Which oughta be done like a year ago.
Oh well, despite of the crap.. The roots are still in the ground. Thanks for the friends from the good old days of Bain st? ;)
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Saturday, 29 October 2011
Siri silly
Friday, 28 October 2011
New toy is coming!
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
tea party for softie!
a day of fun, whimsical (sort of) with the softies that accompany us thru' thick & thin - sorta. inspired by eileen's dar dar ;)
Tainted lens
If there's an unlike button on fb like YouTube's thumbs up/ down rating, thumbs down big time.
Chinese has a saying '吃里扒外'.. English has a similar saying 'don't bite the hand that feed you'.
Saw this on fb.. Names are masked to conceal identity ..

Googled on similar tag and guess what. Brazil government actually had a similar tag too for their national housing plan.
So they too are pathetic? Na..
Mayne the 路人甲was too advert..
Oh okok crap!
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Chinese has a saying '吃里扒外'.. English has a similar saying 'don't bite the hand that feed you'.
Saw this on fb.. Names are masked to conceal identity ..

Googled on similar tag and guess what. Brazil government actually had a similar tag too for their national housing plan.
So they too are pathetic? Na..
Mayne the 路人甲was too advert..
Oh okok crap!
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Sunday, 2 October 2011
I supposed my writing skills ain't that bad.. I composed an email with the feeling that the recipient might be offended by the implied meaning of certain things mentioned but thanks to the compulsory biz com Module taken in uni, i seemed to have caught the art of 'complaining correspondence'.
Thank God for the concurrence of the recipient with my views though there are things that I didn't voiced out. Else 真的是撕破面子。anyway, just grit my teeth for a while thought sigh I think for that 5 minutes or so, the invisible shield seemed to have hit and oh well.. Totally not missed. Or that pretty summed up the last dinner (sorta).,
Whatever, that page I'd turned and shut. ;)
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Thank God for the concurrence of the recipient with my views though there are things that I didn't voiced out. Else 真的是撕破面子。anyway, just grit my teeth for a while thought sigh I think for that 5 minutes or so, the invisible shield seemed to have hit and oh well.. Totally not missed. Or that pretty summed up the last dinner (sorta).,
Whatever, that page I'd turned and shut. ;)
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Saturday, 1 October 2011
Like what happened between gen 1:1 to gen 1:2: the 'Tohu wa bohu', things finally took form ..
Had this feeling that things that He has spoken, impressed upon me is coming to pass..
Like my mom's salvation last Sunday.. Which God has answered my prayer that her mandarin speaking friends to reach out to her (cuz I'd tried but failed to share effectively in chinese.. But God did the miracle (despite it's after 10 years)..
Sooo with that hurdle gone.. I dun have much of an excuse now..
The going back to (non-main-stream) school has been 'bugging' me since beginning of this year (alright, never failed to leave the mind since that thought was implanted..)
Let see how things go from now till feb 2012.. ;) (at least after CNY)...
and Officially, got the go-ahead to bid adieos. ;)
Oh well, starting from scratch all over again but at least, the environment is very different but I like. Same wavelength?

Eggcited to see who was seated right in front of me this evening ! Waaa.. Need to get use to that ;)
Service was awesome.. And highly recommended
Shishedo's mascara n benefit's eyeliner. No smudges no panda eyes.. ;)
I <3 God and where He's planted me. Home and still home after a decade.
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Had this feeling that things that He has spoken, impressed upon me is coming to pass..
Like my mom's salvation last Sunday.. Which God has answered my prayer that her mandarin speaking friends to reach out to her (cuz I'd tried but failed to share effectively in chinese.. But God did the miracle (despite it's after 10 years)..
Sooo with that hurdle gone.. I dun have much of an excuse now..
The going back to (non-main-stream) school has been 'bugging' me since beginning of this year (alright, never failed to leave the mind since that thought was implanted..)
Let see how things go from now till feb 2012.. ;) (at least after CNY)...
and Officially, got the go-ahead to bid adieos. ;)
Oh well, starting from scratch all over again but at least, the environment is very different but I like. Same wavelength?

Eggcited to see who was seated right in front of me this evening ! Waaa.. Need to get use to that ;)
Service was awesome.. And highly recommended
Shishedo's mascara n benefit's eyeliner. No smudges no panda eyes.. ;)
I <3 God and where He's planted me. Home and still home after a decade.
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Location:Pasir Ris Drive 3,,Singapore
Thursday, 29 September 2011
反映了几次,但没转机。其实,要求并不高,只想是无肤浅/敷衍,这算苛刻吗? 既然只有此人对现状有言而发,或许问题在于这渺小的百分之一。Emotional tank 以到了赤字,脑海里播放着几首旧歌:。。 ‘我是不是该安静的走开 ’。。‘我真的要走了 ’。。 乐观些,一首在换词的贺岁歌‘大地回春 ’总结这抉择会贴切些 – ‘新年新使命’。哈哈。
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反映了几次,但没转机。其实,要求并不高,只想是无肤浅/敷衍,这算苛刻吗? 既然只有此人对现状有言而发,或许问题在于这渺小的百分之一。Emotional tank 以到了赤字,脑海里播放着几首旧歌:。。 ‘我是不是该安静的走开 ’。。‘我真的要走了 ’。。 乐观些,一首在换词的贺岁歌‘大地回春 ’总结这抉择会贴切些 – ‘新年新使命’。哈哈。
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Sunday, 25 September 2011
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Thursday, 22 September 2011
Seriously, I don't understand why some folks kick the molehill out of something of since 'being a co-owner, you aren't exactly the owner'. <3 what PK said on Tuesday evening - if that's the case, neither will the wife or husband will be the actual owner of the flat which they bought the unit together, since they are the co-owners. If by those folks terms that in order to be actual owner of some property, one has to own 100% of the property, then many properties out there will be owner-less?
Either is my way of thinking too complex or too simple, whatever that has be going on for the past 15-16 months does not have much of an uprooting effect on me.. For example, investment. Not an issue for me for investing the moolah too.. if invest wisely and in low risk commodities.. like bonds? Frankly, it's an silly idea to bolt your silver and gold in the form of dollars and cents in safe vault or at best in banks' saving acc that pays you interest rate of 0.1% (FD rates aren't that fantastic, but at least >1% depending on quantum you are looking at.) So, it is definitely in the interest of the stakeholders (i.e. whoever contributed the moolahs) to place the moolahs in places that will increases its value with time, rather than seeing it depreciate with time. Thanks to inflation, one dollar today is worth more than one dollar tomorrow. (Unless you have converted your moolah into goldbar!).
Or maybe this is not how the en mass think? I don't know.. Oh well, thankfully, I've invested the earlier part of my life in education that enable to understand things? :) Good foresight in choosing economics over chemistry in JC else.. haha I won't be able to digest these economics stuff?
Thankfully the sengkang/ punggol thingy did not come to pass else.. though haha it will be pretty near home and we will certainly help drive up the prices/ demand for the BTO there (i guess!?)
Found the permanent residency a decade ago.. Not gonna shift out though internal adjustments may be likely and necessary... :)
Alright, back to boring work.. t.a.x.. Q4 is coming.. brrr.. taxing time.. (PUN intended!)
Either is my way of thinking too complex or too simple, whatever that has be going on for the past 15-16 months does not have much of an uprooting effect on me.. For example, investment. Not an issue for me for investing the moolah too.. if invest wisely and in low risk commodities.. like bonds? Frankly, it's an silly idea to bolt your silver and gold in the form of dollars and cents in safe vault or at best in banks' saving acc that pays you interest rate of 0.1% (FD rates aren't that fantastic, but at least >1% depending on quantum you are looking at.) So, it is definitely in the interest of the stakeholders (i.e. whoever contributed the moolahs) to place the moolahs in places that will increases its value with time, rather than seeing it depreciate with time. Thanks to inflation, one dollar today is worth more than one dollar tomorrow. (Unless you have converted your moolah into goldbar!).
Or maybe this is not how the en mass think? I don't know.. Oh well, thankfully, I've invested the earlier part of my life in education that enable to understand things? :) Good foresight in choosing economics over chemistry in JC else.. haha I won't be able to digest these economics stuff?
Thankfully the sengkang/ punggol thingy did not come to pass else.. though haha it will be pretty near home and we will certainly help drive up the prices/ demand for the BTO there (i guess!?)
Found the permanent residency a decade ago.. Not gonna shift out though internal adjustments may be likely and necessary... :)
Alright, back to boring work.. t.a.x.. Q4 is coming.. brrr.. taxing time.. (PUN intended!)
"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." ~ Albert Einstein
Friday, 16 September 2011
Fake plastic smile
Yesterday's genuine .. Today's ?
Reminded me of the song.. Fake plastic tree..
I dun wish to divulge so I replied politically ...Pardon me..
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Reminded me of the song.. Fake plastic tree..
I dun wish to divulge so I replied politically ...Pardon me..
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Location:S Bridge Rd,,Singapore
Thursday, 1 September 2011
KOTR- Singapore leg..
Last sunday, ran the SG leg of the Adidas' King of the Road - (i.e. 20% of two full marathon should any of the runner did all 5 leg of the race across South east Asia. This explains why 16.8km per leg!) Didn't really purposefully trained for the run but went just for fun and enjoyed the group discount too, thanks to 'runnercare'!
Disliked the bottle-necked start which really made me zipped left & right to get pass the 'road blocks' for the first 1-2 km!
Doesn't help that I was in the 2nd wave since the faster runners will be ahead in wave 1!
And another booper was me wearing a pair of socks too small and a brand new pair of shoes that was not worn before- no time to go for a short run before that.. That resulted in sauna feet, which made me uttered silently 'ouch!' from the 5k mark! Which resulted in walking too cool the heated feet at the water points.. Even contemplated of going to the medic for help!
But had not dropped out of a race before and this will not be a precedent .. So mind over body.. And thank God for giving me the high endurance / tolerance threshold for pain!

Nonetheless finished the run in a timing that's not too far off from training time: 1:42:17.23... [miserable rank of 227... ;( ] shall attempt to achieve better results come Sunday.. ;) motivation to finish faster - have to reach jw fully made-up by 11.. ;) yay! Think won't be a problem since flag off is 515.. Aim to be done latest by 730 since that was my last timing for the marina 21.. Haha ample time to shower and maybe a quick bite too!
Pictures to document the memories last Sunday..

Getting ready for the race..

Jac & I waiting for Ziv @ the 'glorious dead'

Hungry Ziv with the banana & me..

My new Asics.. ;)

The medal! ;)
Headed to Food for Thought @ queens street after the run.. Lovely deco, yummy food!!

The jars chandelier .. Pretty..

My breakfast - basic works plus hash! Nom nom.. ;)
After the lovely brekkie & fellowship.. Headed to gym for shower & a quick steam bath prior to lunch with dear pal v!
Couldn't go on further without flipflop (which I'd packed & forgotten to bring along!) popped by havaianas to get my cutesy flip flop!

I <3 flip flops! Oh well, tees with shorts & flip flops are what a typical Singaporean don rite? ;)
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Disliked the bottle-necked start which really made me zipped left & right to get pass the 'road blocks' for the first 1-2 km!
Doesn't help that I was in the 2nd wave since the faster runners will be ahead in wave 1!
And another booper was me wearing a pair of socks too small and a brand new pair of shoes that was not worn before- no time to go for a short run before that.. That resulted in sauna feet, which made me uttered silently 'ouch!' from the 5k mark! Which resulted in walking too cool the heated feet at the water points.. Even contemplated of going to the medic for help!
But had not dropped out of a race before and this will not be a precedent .. So mind over body.. And thank God for giving me the high endurance / tolerance threshold for pain!

Nonetheless finished the run in a timing that's not too far off from training time: 1:42:17.23... [miserable rank of 227... ;( ] shall attempt to achieve better results come Sunday.. ;) motivation to finish faster - have to reach jw fully made-up by 11.. ;) yay! Think won't be a problem since flag off is 515.. Aim to be done latest by 730 since that was my last timing for the marina 21.. Haha ample time to shower and maybe a quick bite too!
Pictures to document the memories last Sunday..

Getting ready for the race..

Jac & I waiting for Ziv @ the 'glorious dead'

Hungry Ziv with the banana & me..

My new Asics.. ;)

The medal! ;)
Headed to Food for Thought @ queens street after the run.. Lovely deco, yummy food!!

The jars chandelier .. Pretty..

My breakfast - basic works plus hash! Nom nom.. ;)
After the lovely brekkie & fellowship.. Headed to gym for shower & a quick steam bath prior to lunch with dear pal v!
Couldn't go on further without flipflop (which I'd packed & forgotten to bring along!) popped by havaianas to get my cutesy flip flop!

I <3 flip flops! Oh well, tees with shorts & flip flops are what a typical Singaporean don rite? ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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