Woke up 745 in shock with calltime just 30minutes away. The flesh thought up chains of excuses to excuse myself from serving.. (such as sick..) and sleep in a bit more *it was raining!!!* and just attend S3... but couldn't bring myself to do that..but thank God a Merz cab came up seconds i waited on curb.. was 5 min late.. BUT there were less than 20 peeps.. Woohoo...
Yikes, I was pulled to the front row last minute cuz 2nd row was too squeezy (cuz a sister from third row was pulled to second row last min).. Man.. I confess, I was semi-dressed down - compared to the ac standard... (no fakies - my eyes were not prep for the additional roofs being tired and kinda swollen... not much of bling, except the gold discs .. hair flat.. make-up not va va voom - did it within 10minutes after soundcheck..) and I've yet internalised the lyrics.. Tsk, cameramen did closeup lor.. :( prayed that I look as if I know the lyrics...
I like it when Pastor Tan preached.. Revelational... tsktsk.. was reminded of the Mary saga( see previous..)
Frankly, was sorta surprised that jia asked me to "nanny" the choir dramatists cuz she was unable to make it that early due to dialect church.. tsk tsk.. But did it anyway, with apprehension, afterall, i wasn't a helper or AH lor.. Was frankly kinda "stressed" when Sis Sandy asked for the choir i/c.. alrite la, she's actually approachable.. it's just me and my inadequacy acting up...
And i thank the wick-trimmer that helps me train my patience when conversing with her.. Cuz you being my senior (in age), it won't be good and appropriate to treat you like a youth. BUT since you have given your commitment to serve AND with the actual event happening in slightly more one week to go.. with not many rehearsals to go... And coupled with the fact that you aren't familiar with your parts, yet you see it alright to go for the pm/ and to be excused for the "My Hope" event cuz it's for the christmas... (which I agreed hands down, these two are equally important... esp in this season BUT... not all are involved in the production, but you are one of the privileged few..) and you deemed it ok to arrive late.. Sigh.. look at the big picture! I would love to give it to you, but I couldn't.. My reply is the political explanation ... and gently urged her to prioritise and suggested alternative solutions.. (and reiterate reason why IC/ helpers highlighted on the involvement/ commitment level) Sigh, told her if she really cannot commit, perhaps she would want to let her i/c know (but she seemed reluctant to not to participate...) And my personal take: you would want to deliver excellent piece of work, be it you are the mains or the background peeps...
Sigh, most people like to be in the limelight...(And I'm made of flesh & blood too.. so I'm not excluded..) But gotta know the season in you are in... Friends vs service, there is no need for compromise, but be sure not to jeopardize either.. ultimately, if there are no friends, it defeats the purpose of the whole event... as the saying goes "Good is the enemy of better.."
And I hate the d-nature in me that comes up so subtly when such situation arises...