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Tuesday, 29 January 2008


I know I've been behaving like a true spoiled princess these two weeks... And seeking solace by singing at every available opportunity - and have been helping out at cc after svc so I could be excused from debrief - [but it is true that there aren't enough strength for both eng & cc svc. And not many who are willing to.. choosing their preferred most convenient timing. Taking ownership - hello? Oh well.. ]

Services these two weeks have been the most apt for moi.. Especially the sat's . God's love is >.< And yes.. those fictitious facts filtered.. the forgotten words came back... :)

Anyways... i finally decided to face up to reality... time to stop playing hide and seek. So I crucified my flesh to ok to meet up with long. *Seriously, i know he would not throw me out.. but the "mel" side paint a realistic picture too.. Anyway..... it was awkward initially.. but i was back to pre-spoiled-brat days after a while.. Actually, I'd sorta figured out he knew why i was doing these stunts and yet he still let me do it cuz he knows i won't go mia ... and ... etc.
Still... thanks for having faith in me still and yes.. for your love and concern and yes.. your "harsh but hard " truth that hit me.. flat.. yes.. thanks for the sweet encouragement that you said this evening (*U nearly made me blush lo... * never expect that! but ha ha I'm not as imaginative as b4.. thank goodness!) thanks for being there for me in good and bad times...

And VORY .... thank U my dear vOry who took time to entertain my over-imaginative thoughts.. yay lunch with u tmw.... :) *muaks*

and vicky... thanks for your sweet message.. {hugs}

rach.. {hugs}

and many others who are sorta shocked by the princess' missing antics these two weeks... (oh please, princess is also a human... she ain't superhero... )

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