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Tuesday, 15 May 2007

the season of reaping...

well.. after days of sowing upon sowing.. it's time to reap... Surprisingly the backup plan that I'd sent 2.5 months ago finally called to verify that I'm applying for that department.. *questioning their efficiency* well well bound by the red tapes? (guess it's easy to guess which sector I'm talking abt.. yup... despite my previous experience ain't that long a wait..with this organisation...)

subsequently.. the interview that I'd attended closed to 2 months ago called me back for the 2nd interview... whoo... this is great news... the one to two weeks period turned to one to two months cuz the GM was outstationed * frankly... i kinda like this job... cuz yeah.. I can see the merlion everyday! that's the superficial aspect * keeping my fingers crossed* but pleasantly glad cuz I thought I spoke in tongues during my interview though.. heavily questioned on my lack of practical experience... :) the catch: it's alternate Sat shift...

And I was rather surprised that the caas called me... wooo.. this i never expected.. thot it will not be easy.. cuz my friend applied a couple of times and was rejected... well.. :) by grace of God

so.. with this mind... I can expect a lot more calling.. And the BIG fix: I don't have VL or MC to cover for my apptms... if more are to come... AND... the wisdom to choose the right one..

Well.. thank God for the grace to press on.. Really dislike the period of waiting... YET.. it's when you develop to really trust His leading.. And being really picky - well.. rather picky abt the coys I'd applied to... * you wondered @ times whether you should lower your expectation... Well, i didn't though.. the stubborn streak in me preserved on..

well.. the headache will come after which... which offer to accept... good feeling abt THURs.. now i know why... hmm likely cuz of the morning apptm instead of the one @ lunch...

hmmm.. well... we shall see... And the caas one.. is really interesting too - cuz haha.. near home!

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