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Saturday, 19 May 2007

the resignation ONCE more.. and yes.. with Extreme JOY...


Backtrack a bitsy.. finally am off the status of "2nd class" citizen... :) *thanks my lovelies palies who prayed for me.. and most importantly.. God!*

Frankly, woke up yesterday (thurs) generally with a GREAT feeling that I know I will be offered on spot..
well.. it's really by Grace of God cuz
  1. I don't have the necessary experience and they are willing to invest and develop my technical skills
  2. I need not suffer a pay reduction while acquiring the exp despite mthly gross is slightly higher but over package * including bonus receipt of typical employee * amounts to ~ 40% up the scale..
  3. They usually don't recruit inexperienced personnel.. this was rare oppty that they have the extra headcount to spend time and develop candidate with keen interest (me!) but without adequate experience..
well.. this will translate to fact that I'm expected to perform cuz of the "investment" in me... well.. don't think that's too tough though.. :)

decided to start earlier .. reckon a day of rest is more than sufficient.. (afterall there's still AL available..) so.. will get to see merliOn & the cable cars on an almost daily basis.. from next month onwards.. (the countdown to the final days of "concubine" has begun...) hmmm vivo city will be my new fave haunt.. :)

Incidentally, a few weeks ago while trying to be positive abt the frastration of being a "second-class citizen", i changed my user password to annotate "out of the orgn in 50 days" ( well was prompted 30 days initially, but figured that will not likely come to pass cuz i need to give a month's notice...). Cuz power of confession ma.. keying that daily will reinforce and claim that by faith..
This morning, i did my maths and lo and behold, the no of days from which i changed my password - 30 April to my last day @ current job is exactly 50 days!

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