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Thursday, 10 May 2007

posting... emailing... more posting...

wrote a looong email to r8ch... think i gave her a scare.. it's a counselling letter to myself...

Contemplated whether or not to rush down to practice after BS... decided not to initially... (cuz it will be cab to to jw) and i like pst ming's lesson.. BUT.. somehow felt i should attend tonite's prac.. mandy's sms sealed my decision to fly down aft bs...

glad i did.. i like wed's pract.. cuz there is ample time for us to be ministered to.. :) i was brought back to time 6 years ago @ mt alvernia ... where i first encountered God.. and His unconditional love.. And..the unexpected . i saw a glimpse of a sweetie pie of age ard 1-2..sOoo kawaii... hmmm wonder why... there is time lapse btw seed time and harvest time .... flowers are blooming... And yes.. there are things not yet to come and things yet to come.. :p

did my daily quota of sending again...

bs insights another time...

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