her stOry.. in His Perspective
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Monday, 6 June 2022
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Verbal marathon

And it continues

And please, I am not working for the church and uhm the church or my dear cg members never really did feed me with those case details.. But seriously, what's so different about accounting for not for profit org and profit making org? And please, I was appointed hon. treasurer for the iras recreational club for two years (a yr as assistant, a year as the treasurer) so I did accounting for such organization then (it's registered with ACRA as a society). And nope, the accounting is still the same as corporate world!
And yes, I do think that this chap is seriously warped in his thinking cuz this morning I was greeted with his super cynical updates.

Is he talking about himself??
And again his previous view on a director's opinion.

Hello! My company's directors don't even know of my existence! And they certainly has no part in getting me employed! And please, there are executive (on the monthly payroll n really work in the org) and non-executive director (those just receive director fees)..
And for goodness sake, SQ & MAL aren't related.. Why drawing mindless analogy again!
Sigh.. I will refrain from commenting on his pathetic status to avoid verbal diarrhea exchanges. :)
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Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Shells.. SPV..
Shell company..
Wikipedia explained that a
Shell Company"it is a company which serves as a vehicle for business transactions without itself having any significant assets or operations"..
Well, I can tell you that many big corporations set up SPVs (special purpose vehicle) for different projects. Is it legal?
Well SPV aren't vehicles you drive on the road. Citing Wikipedia again, SPV is "A special purpose entity (SPE; or, in Europe and India, special purpose vehicle/SPV, or, in some cases in each EU jurisdiction – FVC financial vehicle corporation) is a legal entity (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives. SPEs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. They are also commonly used to hide debt (inflating profits), hide ownership, and obscure relationships between different entities which are in fact related to each other (see Enron). Normally a company will transfer assets to the SPE for management or use the SPE to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. SPEs are also commonly used in complex financings to separate different layers of equity infusion. Commonly created and registered in tax havens, SPE's allow tax avoidance strategies unavailable in the home district. Round-tripping is one such strategy. In addition, they are commonly used to own a single asset and associated permits and contract rights (such as an apartment building or a power plant), to allow for easier transfer of that asset...."
See the familiar word? Round-tripping.. ;)
Ok, SPVs are commonly used in the corporate world, yeah, local MNCs too..
But though SPV is a form of 'creative accounting', - accounting practices that are controversial, it doesn't always equate to 'compliance failure' to the governing legislation'. Same applies to 'shell companies'.
So don't necessary jump into conclusions that companies falling into these structures are definitely part of a scam.. Though these structures may be subject to abuse..
Well, if all companies, organizations that have such companies are considered as highly likely of committing wrongful activities... Hmmm many of the big names out there will actually fall into this category!
Anyway, in my short stint in the local stock exchange as a sr financial exec, I keep the books of such entities but I'm under the payroll of the local stock exchange.. And nope, there is nothing wrong with that.. And some of these companies are investment holding companies.. Some are deriving trade income.. But accounting functions all in HQ, however management fees are charged in respect of these services..
And yes, even in my current org, a local well-established MNC, this applies too :) so is this a mal-accounting practice? U decide..
And yes, there are related party transactions.. Nothing to be wow about! Just make sure they are pegged to market rate..
Well the papers n social media commentators (whose credentials aren't verified) make it seems like a big deal on the SPV n related party transactions...
Oh well.. If God's money has been misappropriated, I'm sure they (the accused ones) would not have survived for so long.. :)
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Monday, 20 May 2013
Aunt agony
Was on the phone with a friend whereby I'd unknowingly knowing played a chaperon to this afternoon/evening.
Turned out my sixth sense is uhm right. Bad thing is that uhm my friend is not interested in this chap.. But she felt guilty not to reciprocate the sentiments, and wanted to break the news to him after like giving answer after trial period of 3-4 months (cuz my friend barely knew him until recently).
Personally, the chap is a nice guy, but matter of fact is that I asked more about him as in (during time spent today as the lightbulb) than her (she didn't even felt led to find out more after all these while!)
My friend is nice, she didn't wanted to bruise the ego or crush his heart to reject him outright. Cuz she felt guilty not giving him a shot (despite no mutual feeling n felt stressed n awkward in alone moments with him).
He so reminded me of the persistent random guy (yes from church) that uhm tried to befriend me over Friendster (oh yes, Friendster, many years ago) and so decided to ask me to be the gf after one day of chatting.. And I was so terrified of him that I've got the Cgl to uhm talk to him cuz he started to msg me every now and then called me cuz he wanna hear my voice.. (=.=)
Okay, the similarity is that declaration of interest after the short time of being acquainted.. Other than that, this chap is actually quite alright..
My take: it's not one's fault if he is interested in you n you aren't obligated to reciprocate the feelings. Hence no need to feel guilty about it if you tell him the big fat no!
But my friend being the nice gal, felt so troubled to reveal him the truth. Sometimes, being nice has a price..
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Sunday, 21 April 2013
Coincidence or ...
Incident 1- coincidence...
I bumped into one of my JC mates, my V&R ( ventures & rovers - oh yes, i was a sea scout in JC) captain, at ECP this morning while doing my weekly long run. He was running with his friends, while I decided to start earlier with my two other running friends instead of starting with the public who was joining the lead up run.. Pure coincidence that we bump into each other since i don't run at ECP that often and he only runs on Sat fortnightly there...
Thought that ran thru my mind after the chance encounter .. When I was in JC.. I must have been the most unfit among the troop.. Lol and needless to say running was my worst enemy.. And I was usually among the last... But then again, who in the right frame of mind will carry spars ( logs) to run?? Haunting yet fond memories of running around Bukit Timah area came to mind.. Truly never say never.. I never thought that I will ever run a race... Let alone a marathon.. ( To date, it's 5 done & still counting ...)
Well with God, nothing is impossible..
Then it's evening coincidental event...
Not sure if this is merely a coincidence or His way of unfolding what is to come... Well if it's the latter, this is not how I would expect to be .. But it may be my creative mind at work... Whatever, see how He leads... :p
Watch and see. :0
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Friday, 4 January 2013
Received a surprise whatsapp covo from another friend whose wedding I've attended before the food-poisoning-incident on my way home..
She sounded eggcited and was full of thanks cuz she was touched by what i gave when she went thru the list (I think the list was the gifts that friends/ relatives gave for their wedding). Not that I gave a huge amount but it was certainly covered more than what my dinner cost. And i sowed back the the Ang pow $ the couple gave for helping them out in the lil deco that I've did for them - Foc cuz felt led to ;) well more blessed to give than receive right? Anyway I've fun doing the gift box n flower baskets ;) and a cheap thrill to see the flower girls to continue carrying my DIY Daiso creations ard the shoppe area after the matrimony ;)
Sad to hear that they were slightly short of breaking even for the wedding but at least it was not a huge figure.
Oh well, from the look of the invited guests, I would have presumed that it will at least breakeven, since I guess as friends, let alone relatives, you would want to bless the wedding couple right. So if u can't give extra, at least cover your share of dinner? Cuz I don't believe in free lunches (alright, unless you qualify to be considered needy)
Happy to be a blessing!
Hopefully no shortfall when it comes to my turn (if it comes) since the principle of sowing n reaping should apply!
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Thought it was my bad habit of irregular meal that trigger my gastric pains on new year day (which paved another day of rest for me on 2nd Jan). Realized that 14 of my colleagues who attended the wedding luncheon, as my friend - the bride herself, suffered from symptoms of food poisoning (with varying severity)..

Nice wedding favor though .. No snapshots of the food.. No particular reason perhaps had an inkling that pictures will render some unpleasant memories? ;(
Oh well at least I got a day of beauty sleep of more than 12 hours on Wednesday! ;)
Hmmm the hotel actually reported to MOH voluntarily after my friend feedback to the hotel on the incident .. And now MOH is investigating the matter. I guess the proactive approach brings more pros than cons.. Imagine the negative press that may arise should they simply ignore the feedback..
Oh well.. I seriously don't mind the extra day of rest minus the nausea, bloated feeling, fever, body aches, headache, dizziness.. Which i had dismissed as pms - perhaps it was a mixture ..
Too bad, I won't be able to assist in the stool test cuz the sample will certainly be tainted as my personal diagnosis of one the probable cause of my symptoms is proven correct. Sigh.
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Thursday, 18 October 2012
Vocal lesson was supposedly cancelled and so I decided to ask if my friend would wanna run since he is training for his IPPT gold.. Arrangements were made and ops this afternoon I found that I'd vocal 'remedial' . Fortunately, it was at 2130..
Friend & I was rather dismayed at the rain at around 4.. And I was praying for the rain to cease.. And haha friend whatsapp me!

Well, God must have heard our prayers and indeed by 7.. No rain at the CBD area! ;)
To side track, the rain locations page at the NEA website is very helpful!

I've did exactly the same route (just few hundred metres longer ) last night - and though it was more speedy & less distracting last night, I guess the company (though not much convo cuz conserving energy) made the difference ;)
Cuz of the vocal remedial with Yvonne, I couldn't stay too long for dinner after the run (though i could foresee it may be a long evening should there are no additional plans.. But I'm not complaining!), had a good convo still ;) and yeah, in line with get ministry weekend. ;)(
Vocal lesson was good and least I know my silly Bad habit.. ;) happy that my cg mate is there too and I guess singing to Yvonne is less mind boggling ;)
Hence that's my wed in nutshell!
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Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Detoured-by choice
But friend's appointment overran so I decided to head home instead after a short workout at the gym ( cuz the new team that took over iRun was disorganized that I didn't even know the route!) since friend didn't respond to my messaging.. just so happened that phone rang when the east bound train reached the platform...As a result, i loitered 20+ minutes on the platform cuz was chatting with friend..
Perhaps the past couple of weeks in Japan had inculcate the habit of not talking in train.. But I don't like talking on the phone in the train cuz (a) your conversation is audible to all, intentionally or unintentionally (b) call might be cut off while travelling underground..
Anyway friend didn't see my Whatapps/ text and called me the moment stepped into office (mobile in office) after the work appointment..
Randomly talked about the fri PM too - cuz it's the season of prayer ;) Rain check taken so perhaps next week? ;)
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Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Seriously, I ought to be putting in more hours to finish my work on Tuesday night instead of closing the lid of my laptop @ 18:14. The legally right reason is that I need to run.. But seriously, I too wanted to.. Hmm it didn't to exactly how I would like it to turn out.. Cuz the speed we were doing were kinda too comfy for me.. And Oooo I didn't get to do the route with the team Fb peeps but ya, he kinda wanted to do the Gardens route.. Just left the both of us.. :o
The run was not too bad, considering my tummy was giving me the runs for the afternoon and even right before I left office and oo i'd PT the day before.. The route was scenic though despite the humid weather..
We had dinner ( ok he ate, I had milo) and uhmm it was a 3 hour long dinner @ the coffee shop..my butt was hurting for sitting on the hard plastic chair for so long... Haha.. As usual, he was doing the talking most of the time., and I really admire his passion towards his job..
Oh well, there will be a second 'run' after my Japan trip. ;) well, it's always good to have another friend rite?
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Thursday, 13 September 2012
Me, an inspiration?
Took a raincheck again..
But that 30+ minutes conversation sure chirped my day.. ;)
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Wednesday, 12 September 2012
The safra bay run.. 9 Sep 2012
Or that I nearly tripped over the kerb near 7km mark at tanjong rhu. Or my stomach cramp struck at 8-9km..Or that my calves was too tight at 17km that I slowed considerably to find the salon pas station..
Or I didn't get to sleep until 11pm (& woke up at 2-ish cuz my friend was picking me up at 320).
Or i went for PT on friday night.
Or i had not rested on Sat cuz Dad got into accident on Friday night that i spent whole of sat am at CGH A&E and rushed down to expo thereafter cuz i was on duty for service..
Or simply, I have never ran consistently at pace faster than 6min/km for > 12 km.. Throughout the training..
I guessed I was not that disciplined ( which my PT, E, will translate as KS and I am continuing growing my fats). Like what E would say - your greatest enemy is yourself.. Which is true to a certain extent ...
Still I am happy to go through the process and finish the course amid the chain of explanation listed above and shaved a couple of minutes off the previous
timing at the 2011 Singapore Bay Run..
Before the run..

My tee!

Trusty Adidas adios

After the race...

Friend I gotta know from the two team fatbird op I participated ;)

My timing!

Yippie! Mission accomplished!

Amazingly, the ranking in the open category will be better with the same timing but I guess most locals (SG & PR) signed up for the closed category.. Nonetheless it's still within the 100..
Well, without God, this won't be possible.. Cuz with all the cited reasons above, I might have give up half way due to sheer tiredness .. Well I guess there lies a similar spiritual parallel too. ;)