Vocal lesson was supposedly cancelled and so I decided to ask if my friend would wanna run since he is training for his IPPT gold.. Arrangements were made and ops this afternoon I found that I'd vocal 'remedial' . Fortunately, it was at 2130..
Friend & I was rather dismayed at the rain at around 4.. And I was praying for the rain to cease.. And haha friend whatsapp me!

Well, God must have heard our prayers and indeed by 7.. No rain at the CBD area! ;)
To side track, the rain locations page at the NEA website is very helpful!

I've did exactly the same route (just few hundred metres longer ) last night - and though it was more speedy & less distracting last night, I guess the company (though not much convo cuz conserving energy) made the difference ;)
Cuz of the vocal remedial with Yvonne, I couldn't stay too long for dinner after the run (though i could foresee it may be a long evening should there are no additional plans.. But I'm not complaining!), had a good convo still ;) and yeah, in line with get ministry weekend. ;)(
Vocal lesson was good and least I know my silly Bad habit.. ;) happy that my cg mate is there too and I guess singing to Yvonne is less mind boggling ;)
Hence that's my wed in nutshell!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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