No visiting this year.. cuz was down with bad stomach cramps and haha indigestion.. oh well.. it's okie la.. at least i cleared my sleep debt.. and fellowship with my bed.. :)
Caught the love matters show on cny's eve.. I guess I am definitely NOT the targeted audience.. I was not the least tickled by the jokes (not to mentioned I don't comprehend hokkien... and yep, I'm born and bred in Singapore.. just happen I'm not a hokkien and the only dialect I understand is Cantonese.. :) i love HK! - out of flow..haha). Though the story was set in Malaysia, some of the sensational affairs were used as storyline in the story.. like the poly's girl sex video that was posted on you tube.. And sad to say.. I found the last part of the show.. extremely silly... Oh well.. the crowd at the cinema were laughing happily away.. BUT for me.. not amused.. But then again, was there to accompany my parents to the show.. (though, they too found it boring.. I was surprised.. cuz my mom rather like the local prdtn.. like the i not stupid? (though i can't really identify with the struggles la..but at least, there's plot..) or the money no enuff? (similarly.. I don't really like it to.. hard to identify.. but I'm certainly not the "higher mortal" typesy - neither am i lesser mortal.. )
Guess Day 2 of CNY was the best... save for the "o-kim" encountered for a couple of hours later in the day.. but that was compensated by the nite out @ city space with a few of my cg gals.. My first time there.. but heard abt it from e. (e mentioned that he might pop over that night, but didn't see him.. but nope, not the reason why i'm rather supportive of the idea of adjourning there after dinner @ mof.. ) Hmmm it's really a great place if you wanna talk.. and the singer there is good!! :) Though the "lian" in me won't mind the new asia bar too. I like loud music (but no techno. haha)
some pictures... here we go!

my first drink.. White forest.. I like this.. Vodka! hehe. :) I like the way the cherry sinks to the bottom of the glass.. :)

blur shot

Slightly better... :)

Snapshot of city! I like the vibrancy of the lights from the buildings.. :)
Back to work on wed.. and slogged hard.. sorta.. Found that I could clique rather well with my new colleague, wy (a year younger than me.. but haha she is my reviewer @ work.. sigh why i itchy finger switch line? gotta start from scratch again..).. Think she's more real than the nice but kinda flaky colleagues ard.. sad to say, but feel that my sm-es rate the PR-one much higher than the PR-shy us. Oh well..not learning a lot actually... perhaps, i should consider wy' suggestion to the big 4.. dunno la.. pray..
Attended the zone meeting last nite.. thought it was meant for the working adults but there were more youths than the adults.. (quite the norm rite, since this is like EXTRA since no cg this week... no obligations to turn up for some..) I was dead beat (since I only slept 2 hours that day.. self-inflicted cuz was touching pix taken.. and playing with pet @ pet society and hunting mouse. haha) BUT once pastor started sharing.. aiyah, conscience pricked.. cuz it's just like a reinforcement of what God has impressed upon me since the start of the year.. NOPE, it's not like only in weekend sermons that I got motivated.. *(contrary to what one ex-leader presumed me to sense.. I don't wish to dwell on that but aiya, that really hurts loh,when he presumed without even following up on me.. and ya, i saw him on fri after the meeting and flash him a-PR-hi-smile. cuz I have nothing to say to him. And ya, he's someone that I need to get over .. cuz aiya, seeing him is liken to seeing the crumpled &crippled of the past.. (one of the barriers to breakthru' that pastor shared..).. And ya, I believe the breakthru is near... else i don't know how long else I will have to wait.. Now too late to regret to take ryan's word seriously then.. i hope i won't miss this boat this time...
To summarise: Key to breakthru = Desperation.. (having the other 3 D (dream, diligence & dreams) ain't sufficient. gotta mix those with desperation.
And the barriers that a desperate man faces in midst of seeking his breakthru'-
- Paralytic. He gotta break through from being a paralytic. i.e. face what's crumpled and crippled in life.
- Crowd. He need to break through from the crowd. i.e. stop adopting the consumers' mentality. *i.e you just consume and consume but don't put what you consume into action.
- Scribes. He needs to break through from the scribes, i.e. stop being a contemplator!
- Roof Top. He needs to break through from the root top, i.e. Think big, don't be contained.. Don't place a psuedo ceiling when God hasn't.!!
Frankly, I know why pastor suddenly pop the verse that "the joy of the Lord is our strength" while sharing with the working adults on the up & coming plans. All looked dull and tired. Seriously, i only mouth the verse... though i knew I oughta echo.. Aiyah, so hence the short "sweet" word that was shared by steven to all those in his subzone lo.. Had a good fellowship with summer after the session at bk..cuz we were both famished.. :)
And that resulted me in waking late..and the problematic wheeze again.. went doc, got my 3rd mc of the year for the irritating cough.. doc suspect it may be asthma cuz my lungs were apparently VERY congested.. (i couldn't breathe deeply even with my mouth..) very tight breathing.. hence he linked me up to a machine to inhale some medi via a mask over my nose/mouth area.. apparently to clear up some of the congestion.. It clears partially hence i gotta go for a re-assessment tmw am.. after taking the chunks of medi he has prescribed me with.. hopefully no need to do an x-ray..
Since I felt better.. after two hours, went for my resistance training in the afternoon.. oh well.. was bombed by e for the totally unhealthy and irrelevant food I'd consumed.. tsktsk.. funny way to put it across that I'd ate not very healthily... haha he said I was disobedient.. tsktsk. at least he didn't whack me (maybe he has compassion on me since i went for workout despite on "mc" -which i admit.. i keng abit.. it's a naggin prob, but i will live just sleeplessness at nite due to difficulty in breathing.. ) Think he was pleasantly shocked when i reappear in gym while he was training his next client after i left.. played the good samitarian and bought him some carbon cuz he was ls-ing.. should be quite bad cuz he took off a few minutes during our session.. and shops in the raffles area close rather early.. think pharmacy will be closed by the time he knocked off.. so.. played the good gal lo.. 将功赎罪 for the binge eating during cny.. (cuz i made lame excuses to explain why i ate trashy food..)
Hmm nightfall again.. am experiencing the tight chest feeling again.. Tsktsk. hope it's not asthma.. haha
Shock revelation when I was counting no of years I'm in choir.. cuz jimmy asked.. weet-u-weet.. since july 03. That's really long.. and i'm still nua-ing ard.. haha... on a separate note, I need to stop procrastinate and do something to improve my vocals...