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Thursday 30 August 2007

facade... does it matters?

fa·cade /fəˈsɑd, fæ-/ –noun
1. Architecture.
a. the front of a building, esp. an imposing or decorative one.
b.any side of a building facing a public way or space and finished accordingly.
2. a superficial appearance or illusion of something: They managed somehow to maintain a facade of wealth.

the mere existence of this little site in the virtual world - does it falls within this definition? I like the sound of this word - rather atas - as it has this french element in it...

Three words... powerful words that will either result in action or nothing... "Does it matter?"

Conversation I had with someone this evening triggered this thought.. If something really does not matter to a person, would it be the sole reason why one will pick up the phone and harp about it? Your verbal response may be "It doesn't matter..." But really? facade in making..

strange thought that why i bother to update the blog... does it matters? to some.. a blog tells the whole wide world - family/friends/foes/strangers your day to day encounters - AKA a 2D virtual reality show in play. some "Decorated" their lil dot on the virtual map with pictures of themselves, some used it as a mean to vent their frustrations, their two-cent worth on issues that irk them : be it the horde of well dressed execs that choked up the escalator (despite the conspicuous "please keep left" sign) when you are late, the cab driver that took you a "tour" round that industrial estate at the expense of your time & money.. to some government policies/ views that you just can't see eye to eye to. Some used it as a mean to update their friends how things were. .. and so on...*non-exhaustive list* (though bear in mind.. be responsible in your words...)

sounds like a GP topic...

me? i find this rather "ego" feeding at times... well.. i miss the good old journal.. the PAPER kind.. yet.. felt encouraged when some are encouraged by what i wrote... naked & vulnerable if too much are revealed... does it matters if this continue or simply terminated? I don't know...

does it matter at all? actually, you have the answer within... Question: are you passionate about it?

gee... paradoxical.

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