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Friday, 31 March 2006
I can do all things through Christ!
Thursday, 30 March 2006
Lamentation from VenUs..
wishy washy.. some just can't make up their mind. both did it through their spokepersons. one gave an just in time RSVP .. the other RSVP after the deadline ... ( There is a purpose why deadline is set. Not responding in time usually cause some inconvenience to others.) If you really want it, why can't you be frank abt it? SHouldn't martians' decisions be a clear cut?
s-l-o-w .. some spieces are just not as nimble to text.. even for simple info i.e. his name. It take the martian 15 minutes to text his name over.. even after the 1st msg to request for name and another phone call to request for the piece of info that will be crucial to luanch for their next phase in life. all in all.. it took at least 45 min for martian to transmit his name over... and it's less than 20 alphabets with gaps to spare....... what a feat...
myopia.. (thinks his vision is 6/6.. but it's not.. i.e. I'm not short-sighted, i don't need glasses! ) need not share your piece... no chance for the infor to be internalise.. the spieces that helps to develop the fruit of patience..
perfect 10.. just less than 24 hours in the task of fill the gap is certianly no easy feat.. yet truly fulfilling though..
Wednesday, 29 March 2006
tic tac toe - reprise..
was rather apprehensive when i entered 4th floor of ymca cuz don't really know where the meeting was held and did not meet up with anyone.. so was really to happy to see my two fave dotters ~ claire and well as xueling (at least I was not like lOst.. ).. and it was very different from what I expected cuz we actually has a surprise birthday celebration for pastor!
had a gOOd chat with gwen... :) missed talking to her...
However, really need to pray cuz i guessed most tues would be occupied and Hallelujah that my mom's off day falls on this day... hmmm...
an another thingy... am i really slimmer? cuz that's what some of my friends been telling me.. and yet.. I've not been really going to the gym... hmmm...
Tuesday, 28 March 2006
Psalm 42
So pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
My tears have been my food day and night,
While they continually say to me,
"Where is your God?"
When I remember these things,
I pour out my soul within me.
For I used to go with the multitude;
I went with them to the house of God,
With the voice of joy and praise,
With a multitude that kept a pilgrim feast.
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him
For the help of His countenance.
O my God, my soul is cast down within me;
Therefore I will remember You from the land of the Jordan,
And from the heights of Hermon,
From the Hill Mizar.
Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.
The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime,
And in the night His song shall be with me =
A prayer to the God of my life.
I will say to God my Rock,
"Why have You forgotten me?
Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?"
Aswith a breaking of my bones,
My enemies reproach me,
While they say to me all day long,
"Where is your God?"
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God;
For I shall yet praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God.
In Order For You To Succeed, You Must Continually Point Your Life In The Direction Of Your Desired Destination.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish:but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
Where do you want your life to go? Which direction are you pointing your life? Are you moving toward God or away from God? Make the choice today to point your life in the direction you desire to go. Remember, you cannot control the winds, but you can govern the sails. God has given us the power to choose the outcome of our lives. The question is, will you point your life in the right direction? I believe you will!
"Father, I thank You for the vision that You have given to me. I keep that vision before my eyes and I make the decision to point my life in the right direction."
Proverbs 27
Monday, 27 March 2006
... ...
1st line crossed ~ giving kedy bible study in english and self-translating in rather broken chinese... (sad to say.. I'm a product of higher chinese in sec school.) but glad that am able to solve some of her interesting questions.. (the amoral issue stuff... ) [ Ok, i admitted that I almost tried to shove this task to another person who haha.. cleverly dodged!]
there are more lines... dun think i will go in depth here....
just caught the lastest mr brown's podcast... hilarious! .. his podcast never failed to make me giggle or laugh out loud.. :)
Monday, 20 March 2006
coincidence.. more than that..
after His reminder on Thursday nite (which I did not really do much abt it after recalling my experience of nearly success in walking on 'water' 2 years ago ~ reason for failure: i looked ard.. and fear cripped in and waivered..).
Like what carmen said.. I need to pray.. MORE!
Friday, 17 March 2006
my "five-year plan" 4 years ago : it's time to leave when i'm promoted to TL level.. Gee.. come this June, I would receive my "long-service award".. cuz it will mark my fifth year @ the revenue house... and nope.. I've yet left despite reaching my pre-defined exit point last year...
And recently.. another task has been added to my portfolio.. Well, indeed, praise the Lord that I was given more opportunities... and yes.. i need to manage my time better... cuz frankly.. leaving work OTD (on the dot) would be more of a luxury...
Think @ a higher level.. I need to.. and have to! and this doesn't just apply to workwise but spiritually as well...
feel kinda bad not being able to help out in sister linying's wedding but thank U huiling.. for replacing me for tmw! Excited that I can be part of the chinese church live recording (henceforth unable to attend the wedding..)hmmm speaking of which.. I would certainly need to brush up on my chinese.. ( have yet the chance to embark on the challenging task of giving bs in chinese... it's time to use my first Bible (yup.. it was a Chinese Bible, courtesy of my longtime friend, sandi's mom.. who passed me the Bible after learning I'd responded to the altar call..) shouldn't pose a problem.. by faith!
stretched.. yes... yet.. I gladly take up the challenges.. else.. life won't be progressive rite?
Cg last night was great. somehow.. this year just felt different.. yet I need to do more than just that.. walking on water ... failed in attempt no. one.. though it seemed like acheivable.. yet i look at the wind.. i waivered.. i sank.. Yet.. Holy Spirit reminded me that He wants me to do it again.. What was spoken would not returned to Him void....
Thursday, 16 March 2006
Tuesday, 14 March 2006
@ break of the dawn..
seemed to be in the pre-dawn hours last week.. glad that dawn is approaching... :)
straight again.. not for long..
Thursday, 9 March 2006
Realised last night that I was supposed to take the meaning of "cc" (which stands for carbon copy) as being addressed to the cc list recipient ONLY.
a lil' backgrd of the story: I received a sms that sorta sounds like a genric message to send well wishes to someone, with 2 names being "cc"-ed below. Having use to the common understanding that "cc" in the email world means, "for your information only".. i didn't forward that message to all ~ cuz i served as a "birthday reminder"~ so I thought that the kind soul actually relief me of that task for that particular event. (did remember when i received smses regarding prac & etc from my choir ic, the cc list only listed the other ic's names, so i thought the same logic applies too..) Little do i realise that it meant that I was supposed to forward the message. until last night, when i talked to him.
Well, so did a search on google, and at least my assumption is not groundless or based on own personal preference.. according to " Definitions " (,,sid1_gci211745,00.html) definition of cc is as followed..
"...In e-mail, a carbon copy (abbreviated "cc," and sometimes "fcc" for "first carbon copy") is a copy of a note sent to an addressee other than the main addressee. A blind carbon copy is a copy sent to an addressee that is not visible to the main and carbon copy addressees. For example, you may have a work colleague that acts as a back-up when you're on vacation or not at work. You don't necessarily want the people you correspond with to know that you have a back-up. So, to keep your back-up informed, you always send the back-up a blind carbon copy. The fact that a blind carbon copy was sent is not apparent to the main and carbon copy recipients.
The term is borrowed from the days of the mechanical and later the electronic typewriter (circa 1879-1979) when copies of typed sheets of paper were made by inserting a special sheet of inked paper called carbon paper into the typewriter. For two copies, you would insert carbon paper (sometimes just called a "carbon") between the original being typed and each of the two sheets that would become the carbon copies. Today, the term courtesy copy is sometimes used instead. "
well.. well.. lesson learnt.. don't assume.. what seemed to be good not necessarily good..
stop focusing on what I can't do. Cuz with me, it will be impossible, with God, all things are possible. In the Maker's Hand, what's little would be multiplied.
Wednesday, 8 March 2006
The many wonders of ginger!! (extracted from,1525,787,00.html)
Ginger's Health Benefit
Ginger's effectiveness as a digestive aid is due largely to its active ingredients: gingerols and shogaols. These substances help to neutralize stomach acids, enhance the secretion of digestive juices (stimulating the appetite), and tone the muscles of the digestive tract. Research confirms the presence of anti-inflammatory properties in ginger as well.
Specifically, ginger may help to:
back to the wOrk...!! I hope i need not return to novena after bs tOday.. yes.. cuz workschedule is tight.
Monday, 6 March 2006
had a conversation with X. Doesn't seemd to end on a happy note.. Seemed that we are not seeing eye to eye.. X's point ~ "prominent". Do you have to be prominent to make a change? with the flow of things happening.. am i overreacting? lesson learnt.. don't speak rashly. I thought we were on the same wavelength... I can't do this alone and I shouldn't.. what I need ain't the human guidance.. but the help from my Creator. Too used to spoon-feeding, yet situation doesn't allow this anymore.. (is this why the change happened in the first place>)
situation seemed impossible.. but with God, my Miracle Maker, all things are possible.. incidentally, this is the title of the music in background.
Sunday, 5 March 2006
a short pOst before sleeping..
Fuse nearly broke this afternoon.. Nah, don't want to rehearse it again..
thank God for creating the facial expression ~ Smile ~
Perhaps i have yet understand the behaviour/flow of thoughts of people "more matured" than me but then again.. no of years = X = maturity.
Well, at least i did not score a E for this module, "fruitpatience03", today.. I let the "matured" decide for themselves, smile at interesting comments passed, smile at the challenge that comes in the form that tested my patience.. Ha.. fruit of patience.. gotta sit for the practical test, before you can attain it! Next time, I want to score an "A" for "fruitpatience04".
when the clock striked five, my flesh was unwilling to be move against the gravitational pull (i.e to stand). But, praise is sacrificial.. And yes.. the more the carnal side didn't want to move.. the more i did.. (who says extravagant & exuberant praise is reserved only when seen.. at least not me!)
guess that I better rest now..else i might not wake up in time for expo later.. ( PTL that it is less than 30min away by bus!) And it's gonna be a long day ahead.
Stress.. pressurised.. yes.. I see and sense that the guys heading in a direction that resembled a y=mx graph.. but their graph is more like a y=mx+a (cuz I certainly don't have the experiences they have.. ) while the gals.. a y=x would be a faith statement..
well, since we've already started.. we will proceed ahead, and yes.. though right now the gradient by faith is only "1".. its course will change soon.. gradient will increase to make up for the lack of constant a in the equation... it will happen!
"...for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:20-21
Ha.. I know, a game that I love to play in my "uniformed" days to kill time, to keep awake from dry lectures (ops..)
A game that keep ur brain active, to think.. and the difficulty level is increased if you add on more grids.. [the 3D-type!]
Hmm.. haven't played the game for a long time though.. funny that someone actually suggested that perhaps it time for me to play this game.. do i need to? do i want to? ??
Friday, 3 March 2006
You Change Your Life By Changing Your Choices
"Do not be deceived, God is not
mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."~~~~~~~~~~~~
It doesn't matter if other people see you as a success; the question is, "How do you see yourself?" You will never obtain God's will in your life until you see yourself as God sees you.
Proverbs 2 Psalm 62-63
The Leadership Files ~ Elimination
"Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by
traffic from both sides." - Margaret Thatcher
If you can't decide what you want, decide what you don't want.
If you can't decide what to do, decide what to not do.
If you can't decide whom you want, decide whom you don't want.
Methodical, systematic elimination can leave you with best choices in a decision vacuum.
Make a list of the options.
Put a line through the ones that don't work.
Then measure the short list candidates against your top criteria.
Wednesday, 1 March 2006
late in office..
ha.. now.. the office is virtual empty.. except for me.. :)
didn't really finished all the 30+ cases.. but at least "polished" off 1/3 of it..
hmm... abt to leave now... :)