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Tuesday, 2 January 2007

letting go...

wonder why one tend to hold on than to let go? It takes more effort to hang on than to let go, yet man usually choose to go against the law of gravity... to hold on than to let go... Why? Holding on relates to staying in the realm of "I know this situation.. I like this familiarity, it takes no extra effort to be re-accquainted with situation and stuff again..." AKA.. staying in the realm of comfort zone. ~ remind me of the familiar catch phrase I learnt in AB101- my OB module.. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

2006 has came by and gone... It has been a year of roller coaster ride for me... Up and down the valley... Many new experiences... New stretching experiences.. like filling in the gap out of a sudden, with support frm some... winning some over.. losing some cuz of some reasons or another that's known to "the some" but not to me.. (well.. i did what i could to salvage.. the ball is not in my court anymore...)... transistions after transitions.. rise and fall... (truly, the higher the level, the harder the fall, the more difficult to recover.... ).. in midst of this... He stills remain the same.. despite of the level of my faith, my attitude..

31 Dec 06.. was asked to help out @ the very last minute cUz of the "sabo". Woke up @ 9am and saw charlene's sms... Much to the disdain of my flesh.. I got up and changed... Frankly, i wanted to spend the last day of 2006 resting cuz it has been work and work non-stop.. (ya.. martha-spirit).. During the 3rd praise song.. truly... reflecting the meaning of praise.. praise is most sacrificial when you don't feel like praising... (can give you 101 reasons if i want to endulge in a pity party... ) Yet. chose not to... can't help the tears flow during the bridge of destiny when i was reminded of the flashback of 2006 and why was all these part of the journey.. Truly.. God is good.. all the time.. He wastes no experience - good or bad.. Man may fail you but God nevers...

hmm guessed i gave some a shock after i broke down when Kelly was praying for me.. well.. cuz the words spoke right to me.. hmm fear not...

hmmm it was a good fellowship that afternoon with Charlene, Cherie and Steven... many things that Steven shared were more than a reminder.. a confirmation of what I need to do...

to sum it all.. though it was a battles-filled 2006.. it ended well.. and really thankful for the leaders that God has placed over me: Ryan, Steven & Alvin..

There are much more for me to learn and grow.. and it's high time to stop circling in the wilderness...

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