On one hand, you wanted it and wonder why it's not there yet...
On the other hand, when it's here, due to the many possible consequences, you wonder what ought to be done...
For the time being, I shall procrastinate for another day... :)
click me!!
Monday, 22 February 2010
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Acting cute helps!!
Due to the changes in the meeting timing, I gotta rescheduled my training from e's proposed thurs to Fri.. (thinking cg is on per normal).
Due to the festive celebration, it was inevitably rescheduled to Fri (which I'd kinda expected - since it was fellowship cg, but didn't listen to the hunch.. ). Hence, @ the first instance of getting confirmation of the change in cg timing, texted e on the change - hoping he won't get mad (cuz he has a very tight schedule -yeah.. he's a workaholic and high in demand !). I think he was kinda peeved that I changed from thurs to fri and confirmed on Fri and asked to shift back to Thurs again... cuz his reply was 'wow lao eh!!!!!!! Final ans! Which day?????' [I would be darn peeved if I was in his shoes..] texted him a simple sms to confirm final changes to thurs, and extending my apologies and explanation.. but didn't hear from him - not surprising cuz he's probably @ work...
So after my run earlier this evening, reported to him and.. started with apology (i felt bad of changing so last min again cuz of the same prob.. ;( ) (was thinking if really can't I dun mind not training this week..afterall, its cny!! hahaha!) i guess it was acting cute that aided in pacifying e's peeveness, i ended with this : "Dun be mad ok? *pulled her ears, ask 4 forgiveness*" :p cuz got this reply "i will pull your ears! tmw ;)"
oh yeah, being cute helps!!
speaking of cute - i adopted another bunny (the one in black) from the night safari - my folks wanted to visit, so went there again on monday .. it was madness crowed with loads of tourists.. all we did was queued for the show, and the tram ride.. but saw more animals this time round on the ride.. ;) there were so many deers!! :) (incidentally, one of my childhood fave was 'Bambi')
soon, it will be the year of bunnies.. :)
the 888th
out of sheer boredom.. i joined this challenge in nike+ to run 210 miles in 2010.. and i was surprised that i am currently in the 888th position out of 25,512 challengers.. (and i haven't really been running that consistently ...) being in CNY mood.. seeing that I'm now momentarily at the 888th is liken to a prosperous sign...
Nope, i'm not the superstitious sort.. else, i won't have attended Damien's grandpa's wake yesterday.. :)
Anyway, that should keep me running.. the indulgence on pineapple tarts recently had proven its weight on the scales... :( gained 0.4 woah .. BAD or maybe it's water retention?? No worries, I ain't going neurotic .. I wanna weigh lesser so i can go faster.. * but i'm still within the acceptable bmi range* ;)
anyway.. it's Huat Huat Huat Ah!!
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
all in a wink
the long cny weekend has passed and gone... gosh.. it's over in a wink...
Didn't do any cny visitation as parents either lost contact with existing relatives or uhm..some has moved on in life..
feasted on pineapple tarts thru'out these few days... - but e has instilled the 'fear' of over-indulgence that motivated me to do a hr run (despite his green light of festive break of the 2hr run...)
in response to a question that wl asked me last thurs while i accompanied her to do her cny shopping.. 'oh yes, i am' - and that got my imagination spinning during this period.... :O envisioned.. soon. i hope...
back to reality, it's back to work in 8 hrs!!!!!
Didn't do any cny visitation as parents either lost contact with existing relatives or uhm..some has moved on in life..
feasted on pineapple tarts thru'out these few days... - but e has instilled the 'fear' of over-indulgence that motivated me to do a hr run (despite his green light of festive break of the 2hr run...)
in response to a question that wl asked me last thurs while i accompanied her to do her cny shopping.. 'oh yes, i am' - and that got my imagination spinning during this period.... :O envisioned.. soon. i hope...
back to reality, it's back to work in 8 hrs!!!!!
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Pinky acquistion!

A trip to è nike store to get a pair of socks 4 my gym session- i forgot to pack- turn out to be new gym gear!
Spotted a pair of black running shorts with bright pink trimmings. And a pale pink dri-fit top. And another pink top - in tis bright hue that matches my shorts! Needless to say, i bought all!
Cny mah, so gotta wear new clothes to workout too! My lame excuse 4 the pink purchases! ;p
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
A couple of saturdays ago, while waiting for the lift at the lift lobby, saw these 4 pieces of A4 size paper plastered on the wall. Out of curiosity, think that it was notice of renvoation, went to peek at which units were those.. To my aghast and horror, it was a notice from the housing authority that they are going to proceed with the contruction of 220 units of rental flats in between the small plot of land in between my block and the other in Feb. In the notice (printed in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil), it briefly highlighted the country's shortage of rental units and hence, the small plot of land is earmarked for this project. And it has also highlighted that it has informed the construction contractors to minimise disturbance and noise during the construction duration of two years...
Aghasted? Yes. Frankly, I am getting kinda panariod of the increased no. of foreign talents residing in my block. They talked rather loudly (despite it being late at night and along corridors..) And I read in the news that a china national female who was found missing was last seen at the foot of my neighbouring block in nov 09. And some of the men hanged around the void deck surfing the net (cuz of the WIFI coverage from Wireless SG - from ehub i supposed..)
And it used to be a rather safe & peaceful neighbourhood.. until ehub was re-developed and the 小混混s (of all races) who split over to the void deck after their midnight shows or ktv sessions at ehub started to increase.. It's become NOT SAFE to return home late. (So thought of late runs never cross my mind!)
And with this new block of rental flats, i reckon it will definitely be less peaceful, dirtier, and possibly less safe. I am not sterotyping that those of the lower-income bracket are crooks BUT societal view that poverty drives people to crime has been proven by statistics.. A ST report on 8 Feb reported that :-
Googled and found this link. Frankly, I was rather put off by some of those who commented. Face it, one can say that it's for the good of the public, but given a choice, won't you prefer to purchase a residence property in a nice prime area? And one should not be 'atas' and look down on those who stay in rental units. I know, it's due to the shortage of rental housing, but hey, there are so many empty pockets of land in the neighbour which are bigger, then why not all the empty plots, but just that sole piece? I reckon, most of them are just expressing their views, from the politically right point of view, but trust me, if they are the ones affected, at least 50% of them will change camp. Some were even gleeful that the valuation of these block will dipped. Hello, who in the world buy their assets to want their assets to DEPRECIATE in value?
With that said and done, like what my bro said, we will start apartment viewing should the construction works commence.. Pointless to haggle anyway... I am not trying to be an elitist and shun away from the potential new neighbours who might earn lesser moolah... I just prefer to come home a peaceful and clean environment. Isn't this a social norm?
Aghasted? Yes. Frankly, I am getting kinda panariod of the increased no. of foreign talents residing in my block. They talked rather loudly (despite it being late at night and along corridors..) And I read in the news that a china national female who was found missing was last seen at the foot of my neighbouring block in nov 09. And some of the men hanged around the void deck surfing the net (cuz of the WIFI coverage from Wireless SG - from ehub i supposed..)
And it used to be a rather safe & peaceful neighbourhood.. until ehub was re-developed and the 小混混s (of all races) who split over to the void deck after their midnight shows or ktv sessions at ehub started to increase.. It's become NOT SAFE to return home late. (So thought of late runs never cross my mind!)
And with this new block of rental flats, i reckon it will definitely be less peaceful, dirtier, and possibly less safe. I am not sterotyping that those of the lower-income bracket are crooks BUT societal view that poverty drives people to crime has been proven by statistics.. A ST report on 8 Feb reported that :-
"Two classes of crimes went up. Housebreaking and related crimes rose to 1,026 cases in 2009 from a record low of 898 cases a year ago. The rise in cases is largely attributed to break-ins of HDB flats, where many units were secured with poor quality locks that could be easily cut opened and at education/care centres, where some were not secured with security alarm systems. In all, 25 serial offenders responsible for at least 261 cases of housebreaking were caught.
Theft and related Crimes also rose to 20,402 cases from 19,918 cases in 2008. The main sub-categories which saw increases were bicycle theft, shop theft and theft in public areas."I don't look down on those who stay in a one-roomer, but I don't relish the fact of a noisy place to return to which i call home. [And i do know that a good portion of the tenants are elderly folks.. but its the minority that who usually resulted in the vices and the splashes of 0$P$ on the walls that are uhm not so desirable.. ] And I don't appreciate the fact that the authority's short notice of their project and their 'prompt' remedy actions to the complaints by the residents (who voiced their unhappiness to the media like wan bao, ST, TNP) - a flyer was stuffed into my unit in the evening (when no one's home) requesting those who oppose to this decision to appear at the voiddeck that very evening (who will be home by 7pm on a weeknight? ) And soon after, another notice was sent - allowing two occupants per unit to the nearby CC on yet another weeknight 730pm (this time they gave like 3-4days of prior notice) to listen to the explanation by the MP. Needless to say, none from my household went cuz the timing was off and really, is there any use of attending the session? Afterall, the land belongs to the authority and sure, they have the legal rights to utilise it as it deems fit. Perhaps if they have some kind of consultation with the residents prior to making the decision and informing in such a bo-chup manner, I won't be that pissed off.
Googled and found this link. Frankly, I was rather put off by some of those who commented. Face it, one can say that it's for the good of the public, but given a choice, won't you prefer to purchase a residence property in a nice prime area? And one should not be 'atas' and look down on those who stay in rental units. I know, it's due to the shortage of rental housing, but hey, there are so many empty pockets of land in the neighbour which are bigger, then why not all the empty plots, but just that sole piece? I reckon, most of them are just expressing their views, from the politically right point of view, but trust me, if they are the ones affected, at least 50% of them will change camp. Some were even gleeful that the valuation of these block will dipped. Hello, who in the world buy their assets to want their assets to DEPRECIATE in value?
With that said and done, like what my bro said, we will start apartment viewing should the construction works commence.. Pointless to haggle anyway... I am not trying to be an elitist and shun away from the potential new neighbours who might earn lesser moolah... I just prefer to come home a peaceful and clean environment. Isn't this a social norm?
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Yippie!! I am going to the land of Kawaii!!!
Finally, booked my tix !! After the ECI filing peak... I'll be viewing what that bring forth cherries ..
Yippie... I'm going to cherry blossom viewing in end March!! :) Uhm, no doubt it's one of those packaged tours.. but uhm, it's alright, cuz am going with my mom .. so safe the trouble of any unhappiness should anything unplanned cropped up... Paying for her tix too so.. basically fat bonus one chunk gone, and soon another chunk to the a&b. :) still ... yippie.. cuz i'm going to Disneyland too.. *no sanrioland though.. even though i'm not a great kitty fan.. but uhm I used to like kitty-chan & her friends when I was in kindergarten.. :) * I was very proud of my small original sanrio kitty then.. one of my prized prosession - which was very worn and hence discarded @ the first shifting of house..
Went to one of the tour agency @ people's park.. (gosh.. i simply dislike going that area cuz of the lusty roaming eyes of the ah cheks.. if u are yellow-skinned and female - they will glare at u and uhm.. think u are one of those paid service providers.. One of my gf was approached by these digusting ah cheks while queuing for noodles at one of the kopitiams - even when she was donned in officewear... ?? uhm, btw she's local.. so.. wt..??) Anyway, chose SA cuz.. (a) it's gonna the SQ flight.. :) And the timing was alright.. And I won't miss easter weekend... :) (b) service staff was more keen.. (c) tour in mandarin.. so i need not translate to mom.. (d) i dun intend to go into different agencies to hunt for deals..(so troublesome) (e) cheapo deal of $50 off for dbs card..
Anyway.. yippie.. counting down to my break in March... And another expensive thought came to mind.. to fly to visit my long-time buddy sandi & her hubby in switerzland .... *perhaps..* after a&b.. :)
no more shopping till end March.. :)
i.e. the flowers...
Yippie... I'm going to cherry blossom viewing in end March!! :) Uhm, no doubt it's one of those packaged tours.. but uhm, it's alright, cuz am going with my mom .. so safe the trouble of any unhappiness should anything unplanned cropped up... Paying for her tix too so.. basically fat bonus one chunk gone, and soon another chunk to the a&b. :) still ... yippie.. cuz i'm going to Disneyland too.. *no sanrioland though.. even though i'm not a great kitty fan.. but uhm I used to like kitty-chan & her friends when I was in kindergarten.. :) * I was very proud of my small original sanrio kitty then.. one of my prized prosession - which was very worn and hence discarded @ the first shifting of house..
Went to one of the tour agency @ people's park.. (gosh.. i simply dislike going that area cuz of the lusty roaming eyes of the ah cheks.. if u are yellow-skinned and female - they will glare at u and uhm.. think u are one of those paid service providers.. One of my gf was approached by these digusting ah cheks while queuing for noodles at one of the kopitiams - even when she was donned in officewear... ?? uhm, btw she's local.. so.. wt..??) Anyway, chose SA cuz.. (a) it's gonna the SQ flight.. :) And the timing was alright.. And I won't miss easter weekend... :) (b) service staff was more keen.. (c) tour in mandarin.. so i need not translate to mom.. (d) i dun intend to go into different agencies to hunt for deals..(so troublesome) (e) cheapo deal of $50 off for dbs card..
Anyway.. yippie.. counting down to my break in March... And another expensive thought came to mind.. to fly to visit my long-time buddy sandi & her hubby in switerzland .... *perhaps..* after a&b.. :)
no more shopping till end March.. :)
Monday, 8 February 2010
Passion run..
since i can't do the addidas sundown - cuz it coincides with Asian Conference.. I thought of signing up for the 25km segment for the 2010 passion run, which was a week before AC. cuz a member signed up for the 5km one and asked if i wanna join her.. *frankly, i prefer longer distance - cuz i ain't exactly fast @ short distance - i think i'm higher on endurance level.. and hence.. longer distance works for me..
early bird disc is till end of feb. sounds tempting.. at least a slightly longer run as a prelude to my attempt at the full mara this year end.. :) *
cheap thrill
Gee.... i can't resist to cheap frocks and hence, bought another 4 pieces from bonito again.. But being back order, it will arrive end March or early April.. I guess by then, the wardrobe would have space again...
@ least, I've not started expensive habit of designer togs..
And.. yay! time of bloating is over.. Now i know why i feel bloated during that time of the month.. Out of curosity of weight difference before and after a run... I did a test last sat.. The weighing scales actually dip by 800g after a 2hr run.. *which was relatively easy pace - cuz i only grabbed a few hours of zz the nite before and the yakun brekkie is awaiting digestion... - nonetheless earned me another 2hours today...*
Was supposed to go am p365 this morning again..but i woke up at 7.. hence..went for my run instead... couldn't find my cap.. sobs.. and it was getting hot after 9.. :(
Anyway.. back to cheap thrill.. looking forward to the pretty stuff i bought.. haha.. oh well.. at least it's not another trip to one of the malls in town.. suddenly remember the cute checked skirt i spotted @ esprit yesterday.. i'm not at the atas-label level yet.. which is good.. uhm.. anyway flattered that a few commented on the bonito dress i wore today looks good and thot i was going for wedding dinner.. lol* and it's so easy on the wallet.. *
@ least, I've not started expensive habit of designer togs..
And.. yay! time of bloating is over.. Now i know why i feel bloated during that time of the month.. Out of curosity of weight difference before and after a run... I did a test last sat.. The weighing scales actually dip by 800g after a 2hr run.. *which was relatively easy pace - cuz i only grabbed a few hours of zz the nite before and the yakun brekkie is awaiting digestion... - nonetheless earned me another 2hours today...*
Was supposed to go am p365 this morning again..but i woke up at 7.. hence..went for my run instead... couldn't find my cap.. sobs.. and it was getting hot after 9.. :(
Anyway.. back to cheap thrill.. looking forward to the pretty stuff i bought.. haha.. oh well.. at least it's not another trip to one of the malls in town.. suddenly remember the cute checked skirt i spotted @ esprit yesterday.. i'm not at the atas-label level yet.. which is good.. uhm.. anyway flattered that a few commented on the bonito dress i wore today looks good and thot i was going for wedding dinner.. lol* and it's so easy on the wallet.. *
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Early morning syndrome

That was how i was feeling at 05:10 when phone alarm rang.. Headache è nite b4 (due to monthly blood renewal), slept at 1plus.
Flesh didn't wantd to go p365 at rw.
Aftr an hour of snoozing, cabbed dwn to place i left 9hours earlier for p365. Rw was empty!
Reachd rw 6:59! Phew on time!
Önly 3 of us were there: steven, eugene and i. Still presence was there. Ü Had a revelatn on vessel. Ü
Headed to yakun 4 brekkie. Ü felt bad eatg such full brekkie. So headg to gym 4 my 2hr run aftr collectg my $10 voucher frm nets! Ü
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Silly Marketing Gimmick
A lady from the cable tv (not the green one) just called and offered me three months of viewing of an additional TV (a demand channel for US variety programmes) FOC cuz of the current ‘package’ I was on – the cheena and angmo package @ $29+ a month. (Which I am bound by this for another year or so cuz of the first 6 months free promo.. but at least i do watch some of the not as the Korean channels.. and haha.. Taiwan entertainment channels and the mobtv and the angmo HD channels.. ) The caveat for the free extra channel for three months – I have to stay subscribed for the subsequent 9 months after the 'free three months trial'. But I get to enjoy 25% off this demand channel. (uhm, I am so bought over by it. NOPE!!)
The lady (aunty) sounded surprise that I rejected her ‘exclusive’ offer (cuz she highlighted that this offer was only available via this phone call..). Oh really.. but it's so not attractive at all..
Perhaps if I'm an airhead , I would have fall for it. But seriously, it's more costly than cost savings.. And I don’t watch that much TV anyway, just a couple of hour a nite and my folks are not interested in these channels.. . (And finally bro decide to hub.. cuz of the corporate rate and he just bought the hdtv..)
A simple cost-benefits analysis:
The lady (aunty) sounded surprise that I rejected her ‘exclusive’ offer (cuz she highlighted that this offer was only available via this phone call..). Oh really.. but it's so not attractive at all..
Perhaps if I'm an airhead , I would have fall for it. But seriously, it's more costly than cost savings.. And I don’t watch that much TV anyway, just a couple of hour a nite and my folks are not interested in these channels.. . (And finally bro decide to hub.. cuz of the corporate rate and he just bought the hdtv..)
A simple cost-benefits analysis:
- Three months of free viewing of this channel costing $19.95 per month = ($59.85)
- Being bound contractually for another 9 months at the discounted rate = $134.66
- So called savings = Additional cost = $134.66 (because I wasn't subscribed to that new channel initially and I have no intention to subscribe to it!)
- Intangible cost = being bound by the contract for another 9 months for a channel I won’t be viewing that often.
- Total cost savings = Addtional cost + Intangible cost = $134.66 & 9 months contractually bound. :(
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
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