click me!!
Thursday, 31 August 2006
the edge
hmmm finally uploaded the CD sermon I bought at very low price during taiwan emerge... (hey.. double CD sermon @ 400NT and buy one get one free...) no doubt it was recorded looooong time ago.. (i reckon maybe a decade ago possibly... ) yet.. it was ever relevant.. cuz it was titled.. " Daily Encounters With God".. it was wow.. (I could literally felt His presence in the train while i was listening to my iPod - (still the mini which has since outlasted the humble 3.8G capacity.... ) to and fro work...
hmm... oh ya.. gave my 1st makeup cg sermon (in bs style) on Monday.. hmmm it was a good experience... well.. at least I get to fellowship with cynthia... and ya.. though I was tired by the end of the day... ya.. it was worth it.. :)
hmm... it's been a rollercoaster ride since Apr? May? And yeah... something's really brewing.. in which I don't know what... a blurry image... it seemed big.. and yes.. daunting..
while i was walking home tonight, walking thru' the pasir ris park... once again... The most precious sentence I've heard .. "I've created you for worship.. ... "
Memories of as a child come to mind.. why I feel so envious of kids going to church.. why I feel the way I feel... the experiences that some or most would rather not go thru.. Yet ... all these shaped the "yee/mione" that u see and know...
yet.. there's much more work to be done in me.. like the clay back to into the Potter's hand. on the turntable, to be pinched and reshaped... Frankly... the path that lies ahead... is truly faith up another level.. and .. it coincide with the arise and build weekend soon... Not to mention the expectations to be met.. the no of pple to be in contact with.. principle of sowing and reaping..
This fri.. think I'm supposed to do all except word and guitar and food tmw.. hmm what abt testimonies? hmm.. gotta check with steven.. HA.. yeah... afterall... Interaction polishing tine!
Am tired... let me rest for a while.. ciaos..
Oh,, lein, jadyn, glenn.. enjoy ur bk trip.. though I wish i could go to... :)
Rejoice in the Lord always.. Again I say, rejoice!
Monday, 28 August 2006
Squeezed.. Practical.. The Real World
this morning.. my manager gave me a list of "things to do" before my departure. Ya.. I understand she's doing her job.. Somehow... still feel like an orange in a juicer... Squeezed to the max...
Once again.. postponed my meeting up with my friend tonight.. cuz gonna give my 1st make-up cg (in bible study style..) cuz the attendence is toooo low.. hOpefully can give 2 but the other have not replied... if not I will hop on to national library 1st then... to tampines..
now.. back to the role of an orange.. to be squeezed... :)
Sunday, 27 August 2006
someone once said this to me.. a person's mindset is more or less set once he reaches 30... is it true?
defensive... why is it that when u know u ought to be doing that and you aren't... u get defensive? why?? hmm...
love.. ah.. am trying to develop that to the less loved... ha..ah.. not easy...
love in the other aspect... hmmm... finding...waiting..? hmm.. yet.. this is not the time... I feel.. cuz there are sooo many NEW things going on... a few months later? hmmm everything according to His timing.. :)
still have loads in my mind.. waiting for moment to unload... when i have time.. maybe tmw..
yay! M:phosis having sale.. bought a pair of wedgie... I figured that I need another pair of heeled shoe cuz haha.. :) not that tall u see..
Friday, 25 August 2006
my best palie..
hmmm wonder why my members (and some of the n320 gals) mentioned that I looked good today... ? .. all i was wearing was my 2 year old mng halter & black pants... and lite make-up.. (phew.. I didn't wear pink today, cuz turned out many decided to wear my color today.. haha.. )
hmmm God really hears my prayer.. cuz was lamenting that I can't find sisters for me to 倾诉.. suddnely.. suddenly after tonight I have another 2 sister fellow helpers of n320 to fellowship with.. hmm.. fun!
And after checking my yahoo mail, I saw a mail from 'Alexis' . Thought was somekind of spam... again.. BUt no.. it's my bestest palie.. gal... I missed U great deal.......... Ur email really end my day on a bright bright note!! And wow.. U almost make it to the dean's list last sem.. MAn.. I'm soooo proud of u! wow.. 7 more weeks to graduation.. man really.. u are gonna be back soon ya.. (remember the verse that God gave u before u left...) I really look forward to that.. ya.. the other one is more informative.. and yes.. gonna reply to ur enail.. RAch.. I miss u!!!
saw ivory at make-up cg.. Wow seth & 50 are going to be proud parents! (or are they already? If so.. what are the names of the kittens?) I want to go see them leh.. vory.. u said u are gonna send me pic of mr and mrs seth.. but never got the mail though...
procrastinate.. i have yet told my parents on my career switch.. and yes.. i've just informed steven oso ( though i think carmen dear has oredi told him.. but gotta inform him still.. though i have a hunch he oredi know.. cuz i saw him walked past last thurs at the office.. haha...) took a loong time cuz found it weird leh.. but it's better that i told him rather than he ask me abt it...
okie.. gotta go tidy my note book before they taking away the lesson 4.
the irritating ... sMAShed!
Then.. it occured to me that the irritant might have slipped off while i smash.. so armed with BYGON.. i sprayed .. and sprayed.. and sprayed... no movement.. Sprayed more... ah ha... the shuffling of the 6 legged creature across the floor to my OH no.. bean bag (cuz my bean bag is BLack in color.. so that will give the 6 legged creature good camouflage!) yet.. was undeterred .. sprayed more... haha.. it decied to crawl up my table.. so guess how it ended its stay on planet earth? by bygon.. YEt.. not the spray. but i smashed it with the metalic cylinder... literally kill it with the CAN of insecticide..

Here it is...
I guess I must have some kind of 恩怨 with the roach.. cuz i tend to give them a 格杀不论 verdict..
I know it's kinda gross... but hey.. one can potentially reproduce into 16!
hmmm I hate cockroach!
Thursday, 24 August 2006
wonder ... is this the kairOs moment
dislike the fact that even before commencement.. there are sooo many "encouraging" remarks on the industry i'll be heading... YET bearing in mindsets some of the mindset that these friends/colleagues have.. yes... I'm not of the world.. I'm just in the world... [reminded me of Job & his well-intention friends... not all of these friends/colleagues.. but some of them....]
If you have doubts in what God has called you to do.. it just show that you're on the right track... else.. why would the devil bother to sow these thoughts into your mind if you are doing what he wants u to do...
at times i need someone to talk to... really.. i don't know what no. to dial ... 3 3 3?
hmm.. brace myself up... in a way, it's to point of no return... if God has called... He will empower... gonna be a faith walk from sept 11 onwards.... :) And yes... it is THE time... ( how else would i be able to uplift the roots that are sooo deeply entrenched into the comfort zone and finally go sot next year? I believe if i still stay at this job.. I will surely shrink back again and not tender come march 07, when sch term gonna start...)
Is 43:18 - 19
"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in desert."
Wednesday, 23 August 2006
I'm touched by an sms that I received today... it was a pleasant surprise.. it was nothing spectacular.. yet I was touched... to me.. it just God's way of telling me.. it's not exactly true that people don't care...
and yes.. I was once again touched by what one of my colleague said when she learnt of my moving on.. "to her.. it seemed like a "lucky" opportunity that I get to get into this new line.. And yes.. it seemd good.. And speaking to Andrea do really encouraged me of my decision (haha.. to late to do much now...) . :)
oh ya.. and the little pinch that the devil tried to give me didn't really bother me that much.. yet.. i did what I could.. perhaps...
oh ya.. next time.. when u ask a question... don't ask when you are rushing off.. and yes.. when u ask for a reply... when the respondent wish to speak and hesistate.. can u just give him/her some time? Else.. it may seem like you are asking for the sake of asking.... and ya.. does the answer matter at all? [maybe I'm oversensitive.. not using the cyclic thingy as an excuse but that does affect how the grey matter and sensory nerves as a result of hormonal actions at time... i reckon.. yet not in the adverse manner to others.. but confine within.. and take it without when alone... haha.. such a long para to explain a common scenario..]
giving.. ya.. Indeed.. it's something u do.. yet from within.. else.. it will be a meaningless action... In essence.. it's the Spirit of Giving.. Why do u give? Cuz u have to? OR do u want to.. Things that matters to u will leave a lasting impression... I asked a simple question to someone I know earlier.. "what was the very last thing did you recall abt S2 that just passed?" I was expecting he/she to recall.. ( if u'd attended S2, you would know what I was talking about).. I asked that cuz it was not the norm.. and yes.. it was a celebratory occasion that comes by once a year and yes... it should mean A LOT to everyone who prides himself/herself as a harvester... cUz without this important Man of God.. you won't be able to call yourself that...
I was rather disappointed.. cuz I expected not this response.. and ha.. shouldn't have ask more.. cuz greater disappointment...
began to query .. what's the cause?
revelation.. open heavens come when you bless what God wants and tells you to bless... droughts are often self-inflicted.. if you don't listen to Him..
to transform within so that the change can be reflected without.. so that what flows from above.. will flow thru..
REally.. poverty is a state of not your bank balances.. but a state of your mind!
ha.. yet another dose of parables.. Those who have ears, let him hear!
hence.. yesterday.. being home again on Monday.. suddenly occured to me that I won't have much time to actually catch a show ... and... decided to pop over to PS to watch the show.. pay my bill... and get my pill (haha.. it actually rhymed! haha... no pun intended by really i need to pay my bill and buy my daily medication from my GP @ bedok)
well.. don't think that I've shed tears (liken to river stream??)like I did in the cinema as in other movies before ( like perhaps just a scene or two.. just a tear or stream a bitsy ..) . but this time round.. i actually gotta suppress and ya.. else.. yet... I'm touched not just by the scene.. or by the story... BUT also how the Holy Spirit was using the movie to pierce thru' some areas in my own life that I've seemed to neglect... yes... the movie is Fun.. humorous... YET it provoke thoughts... Question: have you been trying to fastforward your life simply just to get to where you want to go, avoiding what you don't wish to face, and in the progress of attaining the destination, neglect all that's around you... In short, what's the priority in your life? What has been dominating your life? Have you been living in the fast lane for the past many years and zooming by the rest around you..?
Matter of fact :: despite how significant (like graduation) or insignificant (the small gesture of appreciation to the recipient who might not even remember)... everything counts.. What matters in life is not the destination.. but the "-".. yes.. the dash... what have you been doing with the time that you have in your hands... Truly, each second can only be used once... hence.. treasure what's in your hand... and make the best out of it.. and cherish& relish every moment... be it the good or the bad... and really treasure those ard you.. cuz once they are gone (and not saved).. you will not get to see them ever again...
Monday, 21 August 2006
new... the layout
It had been a mind revolution from the Fri conference to the biz breakthru' dinner.. what really stuck in me (without me go back to the pages... of pages... i've taken down.. ahha..) was the S2 sermon.. on God's pattern.. it just throw light to why certain actions resulted in certain consequences.. yay.. excited.. i think w110 would experience the next level of breakthru soon.. very soon!! :)
oh mi gosh.. just duant upon me that Sat is xinlian's water baptism... and whoop.. it's team b serving.. tsk.. gotta be there la.. hope can be excused from sound check... and ya.. gotta go fri prac le...
tsk.. wonder how things are gonna be at work later... surely and definitely.. there will be the overly-concerned on where would i be heading... ya.. the overly skeptical would have this typical response " HUH? really.. It'll be very challenging considering that it VERY saturated le.. " tsk.. typical response... well well... i like what DR AR Benard said.. when you are faced with doubts over a particular decision.. guess what.. it just further prove that you're heading the correct direction.. ( the direction that devil don't want you to head...)
revelation :: Used to wonder why almost every time i enter an empty shop.. when i leave.. the shop will have at least a few more customers... always made this remark to my friends (if someone is with me..) haha.. I'm a customers' magnet.. Cuz this afternoon while spending time before heading to Ritz Carlton for the bbt dinner.. went to ed hardy@ heeren cuz sis zhoumin looking for tOps.... it was empty save for eugene.. guess what by the time we left the shop.. it has 2-3 different groups of customers!! what zhoumin said shed light.. cuz being Christians.. we are the light.. and hence very often, people are just drawn to the shops cuz of the christians (i.e the Christ in us) in the shop.. they're drawn cuz of Christ who is in us.. hmm.. now i understand why... :)
Sunday, 20 August 2006
the final straw...
Yet, it took me at least half a day.. I like the way shuan says it.. "to throw the letter" haha.. after the half an hour talk with the director (after getting the form from personnel...) i would love to throw the letter & form at her... tsk tsk... why? cuz it soooooo fake.... yeps.. however.. fake as she may be....I decided to play along ... gotta keep it amicable right? Hmmmm the way she put it, there can be only like 10 -20 best of the best... ( most of which the scholars that they have heavily invested....) hence... gotta be appreciative of this fact that not all get to do the glam/ best of the best tasks... hence... do be contented to stay status quo while the management would try to match the perceived strengths and maximise each and every individual potential.. the management sees that you are performing rather well at the current assigned portfolio ( harlow... did you ask me whether I like it or whether am i happy? No... and ya.. am performing cuz to display the spirit of excellence whether I like the task or not mah.. ) so let me tell you the plans of the branch/ div... [ HAHA... as if I would be thrilled...] after indicating to her that I really don't like the current workscope.. she re-emphasized the fact that.. not everyone can be at the Tops.. ( meaning.. stay mediocre and ya... be contented that you are being well paid for staying status quo... don't worry you will be given special assisted scheme for the upgrading programme...)
after the talk that led to no-where... I told her nicely.. (if given the chance to snub on her tactless-mean-talk... tsktsk... would give her the suanest response i could..) since I'm not able to OUTperform here... perhaps this is not my forte [and since u think so too...] and ya.. while I'm still young.. I would like to find my area of specialty else where...
glad that I did made that choice... and yep.. I'm FREE!!
yet... moments later... thoughts strike me... that spells... it's too late now... what if it's the wrong move...
ha... yet.. I hit these thoughts with the verses that i'd based the decision on...
haha... tooo late to look back now..
the yikey headache is back... tsk tsk tsk...
Later tonight is the biz breakthru dinner... excited.. hope the dreadful headache goes away asap... the spot light was very glaring this evening... was sitted high up @ the mountain top cuz i decided for once not to be early and despite of getting a member to reach at 350 to 4 (latest)... (or earlier if possible... ) I arrived at 3:55 cuz Vance reaching at 4.. guess what I saw the assigneee trying to rush with a hop and jog... passed me (i was indoor so he can't see me anyway...") tsk tsk tsk
Attitude... determines your altitude...
perculiar habits... doesn't mean it's bad... but it's the attitude...
I'm tired... good nite!!!
u0p again sooooon...
Friday, 18 August 2006
i hope september 11 would mark the new beginning..
was still deliberating should I wait till Oct.. yet I know the longer I drag... the more I would tend to procrastinate... and ya.. may entertain the thoughts of backtracking... felt like Abraham... to depart from Haran to Canaan...
hmm.. carmen dear.. thanks 4 ya encouraging tag... ;) Amen to what you said... Yup.. it's indeed a special season... didn't get the chance to see you today.. will definitely get the chance to see more of u more often.. :)
now in the process of climbing the flight of steps to the next level.. yet not really there yet... have to start assuming the requirements of the next level... and be ever ready that the last step to this level would soon be reached..
when others have used up your fuel.... the only energy kiosk to pump up the tank again is... the solace moment you have with your Creator..
sometimes it's really tiring... and truly.. won't be able to go thru' these couple of weeks without my first Love.. which reminded me of something I seemed to have stuff @ the back of my mind... to seek HIM and not man in times of consultation... of important issues... in ALL things..
I love, because You first loved me
I live, because of What You gave
You died, showed me how to live
Your mercy taught me to forgive
You came and poured Yourself so free
Your blood washed away my shame
And now, I can live again
I'm more of You and less of me
My first love, forever You will be
My first breath, You're the life in me
My first joy, the world can never take from me
My covenant with You
Wednesday, 16 August 2006
yes... He speaks
yet.. haha.. I realised I'd not been serving much in the choir recently.. (cUz of my cg, can't really help out in other teams... and gotta forgo chance to sing for the aniversary... suddenly... i seemed to be rather distant from some of the choir members... ) so.. glad to be able to serve today.. (and yeah.. on fri... but i really forsee not for long....)
hmmm.. i guessed some just thot it's glam... yet there are things that you can't see and won't know... unless you are there yourself.. and go thru it... and yet... if you know why you are there... in spite of it all.. you will find the strength to perserve on.... and nope.. don't think it's possible for me to elaborate here.... else.. tsk.. I don't want to bear the consequences... Am beginning to get use to this new pace of life... and yes.. the people who faces I used to shy away from.. as friends... they aren't so scary actually...
yup.. it's a phase of new things.. though yet again.. it took me loooong to contact shuan.. but finally i did... and i suppose yeah.. carmen. like what u say.. haha.. I'm the new girl... see ya on thurs.. hope ur headache is gone by nOw...
cheeriOs... embracing all these new things.....
Monday, 14 August 2006
last night.. my very busy cgl called me.. it turned out that he was recalled back to taipei hours after he touched down last monday... really really bUsy (from what he described..).. Had thought of pouring my woes to him but decided against it.. cuz don't want to burden him... Well.. he was rather supportive of my decision of what I wanted to consult him..
it has been rather fast paced recently.... things are just moving at an accelerating speed... and really.. I need to raise my ceilings... hmm God must have revealed my frastration ... and my thoughts on sat nite to bro steven.. cuz the things that he spoken to me after meeting @ suntec office on sunday, addressed most of the unnecessary worries... and yet.. another gentle nudge to perserve and move on ....
think I will contact shuan later to arrange for a meet up to what needs to be done..... Was rather surprised that she tapped me on the shoulder in the hall yesterday before service.. (thanks to max... he got us seats at 4th row charlie, right behind the cgls and staff).. . i almost didn't recognise her.. whoops...
... the joy of the Lord is my strength...
Friday, 11 August 2006
the sms that took the longest time to be sent out
loved talking to ivory... and gal.. can i have pix of 50 & seth.. they looked soooo cutesy together!!

The story...
hmmm... just as I was about to enter my room (it was pitch dark.. everyone was in lala land...) when i returned home from cg.. I was alerted to this extra thingy on the wooden frame to my kitchen... yikes... it's a cockroach abt 5 cm in length... the initial thought that came to me.. was scream.. then exterminate it at all cost (cuz despite that I do am afraid of the roaches.. only the flying ones can froze me longer... but the thought of the multipler effect that a cockroach can bring.. u see one egg can reproduce another 16...).. My strategy was to switch on the light In living room.. take the slipper and whack!! (by the time I take the insecticide would be too late.. cuz that thingy might had been gone..and the kill was not swift enuff... )
Thank God it's not a flying one.. and haha.. with a hit.. it's a gonner...
Back in my room, I was wondering how could i have been able to spot the roach when it's abt the same colour as the wooden frame and without the light... Ah ha.. guess what The Helper told me? cuz I was sharp enough to spot it... Sharp in the sense to be sensitive to the surroundings... [hmmm which incidentally was the topic of discussion I'd with xinlian on our way back from cg due to certain things that ought to be done.. yet.. taken for granted.. ]
Guess what Holy Spirit told me regarding this... The point to be "sharp".. If i'd not been sharp enough.. to glance at the surroundings.. I would have miss the roach.. and yeah... imagine the consequences... Similarly... we have to sharp at all times... especially with things and people that God has place in our lives, our midst... Nothing should be taken lightly... taken for granted... Sharp in appearance is insufficient.. gotta be sharp in the Spirit too...else... who will bear the consequences? inevitably.. the "dull" one..
AH ha, so much insight from a cockroach...
hmmm really like the way steven take the cg last nite.. it's out of the box ( and it really address some of the root issue some members have towards why attend cg and svc...) hmmm haha.. reminded me of what adrian said abt sot.. it's really not abt the knowledge.... but what you do after acquiring the knowledge.. AND truly... if you know God.. you need not to be armed with a whole collection of excellent outlines as a library of resources to cut and paste and preach.. what u preach should be from direct inspiration from God.. The rehema Word from God.. ELse.. won't it just be giving of information instead of impartation? It's the mindset how you deal with this..
And.. haha.. steven challenged the members on this (something that's rather irritating to me..).. scribbling a couple of verses.. main points (ha.. some pple don't even take notes...) on the back of the song sheets/ bulletins... Unless you're the merticulous to transfer them back to ur note book subsequently... [I know vicky does...:) and I will do that if there'll be lotsa teachings and haha.. i will have to take the notes very fast.... so very messy.. so.. i can't stand it.. - Yep.. I'm very "C" and yes.. that's still my domineering traits.. ] tendency you will just dumped them away as time passed... Or.. some just take down the verses.. and listen.. question.. how much can u remember & apply by sheer memory... hmm.. anyway.. it's how much u want to draw... I can't force u.. :)
hmm.... it phantoms me why the bf is more concerned of the gf to attend his company luncheon than is her gf is getting the priorties right.. (as in work vs God, tiredness vs God). Thank God she has the wisdom to call... and has the fear of the Lord still... hmm i hope the bf is not like the big bad wolf...
yikes.. the medication taking its effects... can i don't escort them to make up tonight? zzzz ya.. i know I can't. cuz there's a new sheep... haha...
Thursday, 10 August 2006
throat inflammed..
hmmm... rested.. not really slept. but rested still.. :)
tsk.. someone just flew my plane ...
tsk.. i feel feverish again... need more fluids.. (nah.. body temp is normal..) yikes... feeling drowsy.. the effects of the medication ...
happy national day.. the evening..
The throngs of people outside the stadium.. U can see foreigner.. families.. or simply by themselves.. just to catch a glimpse of the action.. and obv the fireworks @ the end.. [btw 90% of the pple are dressed in REd/ White.. very :nationaldayish".. I stood out.. I was in black... head to toe.. :) ]
The helicopter ( or whatever u call it) with the State Flag.. this signifies the commencement of the NDP event!
Hmmm the cloud trails reminded me of hwachong's badge... :)
This is where the "cannon" were fired.. It's really deafening!
Dinner time @ taiwan porridge resturant.. Rather empty.. but nevertheless.. the food is yummilicious! I like the sinful (gasp!)but flavorful "kong bak"..
Taken from inside the resturant.. pretty sight to watch the backdrop changes from sunset mode.. to darkness.. (Me sat by the window..)
the fireworks display.... :) (ha.. was caught unaware cuz bro alvin called me a couple minutes before it started...)
Sanpped this pic this morning.. haha.. i love the Mooo advertisement concept... :)
Wednesday, 9 August 2006
For example.. "tons" of bulletins that I'd thrashed away.. (for memory sake.. i'd initially thought of keeping ALL the bulletins from day 1 .. though I'd throwed some away.. i still found another huge stack.. and yep.. the bulletin that marked my 1st day in CHC
here's the 1st I'd received and the latest...
a closer look .. see the date!!
in the wee hours of Aug 8, I've the clearer , CRYSTAL clear picture of the impending move.. early in the wee hours of August 8 .. after waking up in the middle of night (to off my pc cuz was transferring files to sis Karen.. fell zzz while waiting... ) started fixing my flickr.. (yep.. deleted some pix.. so ya.. the old pix are back!)... started praying at ard 5 .. and Is 48-49 came to me.. suddenly things just became clearer... and clearer..
i love His Word.. though i may not phamton the way He works at time...
last night meeting was an eventful night.. discovered many things... shall not and can't elaborate... I should say, if He thinks I can handle all these things. the huge array of events, I can.. :)
people have the habit of chunking things into places that they think it's out of sight.. and thought that they could just put them into place when they have the time.. yet often.. the knick knacks just build up.. and one of these days, when too much rubbish is accumulated ... the cupboard can't contain.. and yep.. the trash just poured out.. yet.. u can choose to pack the things back neatly.. BUT if you choose not to deal with the ROOT issue.. (which in this case is the lack of discipline to tidy up), the rubbish accumulation problem arises... hmmm funny how u can draw parallel to the common reaction some people has towards problem.. they run away from dealing with it. They chunked it aside... internally.. hoping it will go away.. yet, the reality is that.. that's what the evil one would use to exploit an use that as a foundation to build up the negativity...
That's why Rom12:2 says " And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
Truly, the renewal of your mind is not just a one time thingy.. but DAILY .. i pray for my friends that they will do the same.. Yes.. you may be bound by circumstances.. circumstances that doesn't seem to go your way.. yet.. plough on.. the light at the end of tunnel would soon be visible.. if and only if you move on..
Circumstances may seemed to be against your odds.. yet, press on.. if that's where God wants u to head.. For example.. I used to think.. never will i be able to attend the tues meeting.. cuz tue is my mom's offday.. and i need to be home early, else upheaval... major.. YET, this not the case now..
I can find thousand and one reasons not to do what I'm doing now.. yet.. I can't bring myself to do that... cuz i cannot deny the call..
Vicky dear, thanks for the ecard.. it was a pleasant surprise to me.. and really touches my heart.. we run the race together ok? :)
haPpy bIrthday sIngApore
Tuesday, 8 August 2006
PhotOs at FOP!
Here's the pic..
the very talented & pretty Nikkie Fletcher!
Joe Pringle.. think my flash alerted him when i snapped this pix.. [whoops!]
Jieyin& me... happily sitting @ 2nd row!!
Pictures with the CCC band! (Joe got my name the way my choir friends called me.. Pst Jeff called me the way it was pronounced in harry potter)
With the bassist Brad Fuller and drummer Josh Bedoukian ... they remembered me! :) cuz of my unqiue name.... :)
waiting.. & the new day
hmmm was listening to a podcast from Pastor Phil Pringle's Podcast.. titled New Day.. at the right moment.. haven't it always seemed so difficult to make that step.. Yet everytime u decided to lift that foot to cross over.. the inertia to stay affix seemed so great? yes.. the array of "what ifs" came across and yep.. these are rather creative "what ifs"... yet.. they are not of God, cuz not based on the Logos..
God is a God of new things.. New mean new.. not old.. just like food.. eating stale food will result in food poisoning cuz of the decomposition reaction taking place in the food despite that naked eyes couldn't see. similarly.. staying put and refusing to embrace the new plan God has for us will just make us not progressive but regressive...
To get into the new day, you will have to get rid of the old day... I will do what I can do, and God will do what I can't do...
Monday, 7 August 2006
Happy 17th Birthday City Harvest Church
Very very thankful to have become part of this huge family... and to have the bestest (i know there isn't such a word) senior pastor one could ever have.. :)
it was sucha warm and cosy service... and yep.. I love u guys in w110 (inspite of the nitty gritties and the tears and heartaches...) and ya.. the lovely guys in w80,n79 & n181 that I've know..
For the first time.. attended all three sessions of the FOP.. and yay.. CCC band rocks.. :) am rather touched that ahha..a couple of them actually remembered me.. :) cuz of my unusal name.. :)
thanks to eugene's mom and ivory.. gotta sit@ the second row floor, middle section! haha.. roped in jieyin to sit with me.. else will feel kinda out of place.. hmm it's a wow experience to sit there cuz some of the guests at 1st row left earlier while ccc was still playing.. it was like a first row feel.. (though i think elvis took a shot of me i think after deciding to turn his focus from the stage front to the congregation.. haha.. it's ok though.. heehee.. aiya.. forgot to ask him for the pix @ taipei)
And divinely.. was once again deliberating about the imminent decision to step out.. when Don Moen quoted a verse in the second last sound that he sang last night to encourage s'pore.. Is 43 .. (the exact same verse that came to me last sat..)...
back to work cuz ya, gotta meet someone for lunch.. haha..sowing seed now.. so hopefully when i cross over.. heehee..
oh.. ya.. me no access to msn while at my current job.. cuz it's a barred application.. (for protection against virus/malice attacks.. )
lamentation :: why isn't it him instead.. na..
Sunday, 6 August 2006
memory overloaded..
Frustrated.. why is it just me? Why can't anyone share the load? Why can't they care a bit more? Is it just me alone only.. is this a one man show? It's not my business but my Father's biz..
People don't care how much you know until you know how much they care..
Question : do u care? Sometimes.. i feel more loved by my "distant relatives" than my own "family". wonder.. do they care?
make the difference...
Demanding a demand..
yet.. I don't want to hold it against you.. I let it go...
Saturday, 5 August 2006
my taipei photos!
Hermione has shared photos with you.
U're invited to view pix taken during my taipei trip!- Hermione Taipei Trip/ Taiwan Emerge 2006(1 album)
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"The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation" Ps 118:14
a very different Saturday
hmmm really thank God that I took history as my humanity subj.. else howelse would i be able to answer to Gina's question on Singapore.. (ooo she was a friend of a walk-in who bro kenneth brought.. ) haha... felt good to be able to ministered to her... :) haha.. Flippino Revival? hmm.. keke!
hmm was kinda surprised that Carmen called me.. haha.. gal.. didn't know that you walked passed me a couple of times last thurs (actually wanted to sms u that I'm @ ur office but don't want to disrupt ur work... wa.. I'm kinda flattered by what you told me how sister lilian spotted me on stage.. whoops.. [haha maybe cuz I know I won't have much chance to serve le ba?]
hmmm... have told my choir helper that I couldn't sing for svc tmw ( though i really wanted to... but then again.. ya..) 1st time since being in choir not serving for anniversary... but hmm.. ya.. gotta do what I gotta do.. :)
realised that my pants are almost dropping.. haha.. now I can fit into size 5 pant! cuz was rather free after departing from ICA.. went to PS.. got some craft supplies.. and G2000 was having sale.. hmm got a balck jacket at a steal of $49 (used to be $129) and 2 pairs of pants at $23 (each) .. after all.. can't dress that causal soon..
hope the baby dedication briefing would be short.. (nope not mine, but my member's cuz too late for her to bring her baby along to the briefing..) wanna sign autograph with ccc band, taking my no longer i there.. :) heehee if not.. sunday then..
yay! hmmm at least one of the delinquent has responded to my sms.. even though not cfmed yet.. there is response! Hope in the Lord!
my name...

never fail to amaze others with my name.. :)
went to autograph my "Great is Our God" CD.. wa.. the whole band was there.. should have used my phone to take the pics instead.. but nevertheless.. captured the memories with Rob's SE700i.
Hmmm was rather surprised that Ps. Jeff Crabtree passed me a copy of the SCA phamphet.. (hmmm really wanted to go SCA in 2002 when i was a couple of months old in church... ) and invited me to go to the website to take a look.. ( though going SCA in Aussie had crossed my mind before... But.. haha another school first ba..)
Was brought back to reality earlier this evening when I "divinely" met Adrian.. when queuing to go into the SIS at the east entrance escalator.. Tsk... tsk.. tsk.. What he pointed out straight into my face really set me this question... you're called to be a cgl or choir member.. frankly.. i committed to serve this sun.. cuz (a) yeps.. am privileged to be asked to.. (b) this might be the last time to serve in choir in SIS.. BUT the bigger picture came to me... ya.. not I wanted to do will come first... At least I get to hold the mike during the combined ladies meeting on Thurs.. :)
thanks vicky for talking to gina while i was in discussion with eugene and long.. and buttercup ziv for flying cab down... and I'm sure the rest.. rob, eugene and long were greatly ministered.. :) I admit that I'm more the R& R person.. and yep.. I enjoyed CCC tremendously... :)
hmmm back to the question... need to speak to my cgl first.. then ya.. heehee
It's a new move of God!! gonna wale up @ 630 to morning call pple.. and it's gonan be a long day ahead... so cya!